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ELE - STILL completely OP and broken


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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > Lol what the hell... Nerf ele posts are a thing again?

> >

> > Yeah, Probably because no one knows how to play against one so they go full melee onto a fireweaver and wonder why they die to burning


> I suspect it might be becouse gamemode revolves around capturing small objectives, thus forcing us to walk into the weavers, there are too many ways to force people off node and weaver does by existing, not sure if anything should be done about it but since weaver is strong already, and its main competition for side noding gets nerfed( warrior,holo,cmirage) the least devs could do is to be ready to drop quick patch if they become too strong.

> I would personally keep an eye out on weaver and firebrand. wouldnt be suprised if we were to see 3-4 of them in each team every game after the patch drops.


almost sure he's talking about water weaver, if this thread was about fire weaver it'd be weaver killed 3 ppl


I think mesmer will just reroll to axe/torch and we'll keep having the weekly mesmer nerf threads, yeah, the other classes nerfs seem meaninful

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complaints about a class running an 1k healing power amulet and a traitline almost fully dedicated to healing healing too much is almost funny


the not funny part is that weaver HAS to run a healing power amulet to be able to engage in melee combats otherwise it would be melted straight away


while all meta builds are running almost full dps amulets with some vit or toughness having about 30-50% more dps and have almost the same survivability



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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Yeah, because spellbroken cannot do the same with stances, fc etc.

> For mender - > bring 2 big damage dealers (idk, rev+scourge), hit between dodges, try to land as many chills and immobilizes, and overall, yes its bunker, but if you know how to kite it shouldnt deal much damage to you.

> For fireweaver - > dodge fire, disengage when in earth 5, and just purge, compared to mender its healing potential is much lower, especially when 2v1.

> For FA - > just dodge and kill, loool




> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> complaints about a class running an 1k healing power amulet and a traitline almost fully dedicated to healing healing too much is almost funny


> the not funny part is that weaver HAS to run a healing power amulet to be able to engage in melee combats otherwise it would be melted straight away


> while all meta builds are running almost full dps amulets with some vit or toughness having about 30-50% more dps and have almost the same survivability




Equals /thread.


OP, Kindly take the L and go.



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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > If you cant kill someone 1v3 on a point then its not the class that is the issue.


> Well that would actually be a definition of a class issue if said class overperforms.


True, but current builds arent able to overperform that much unless there is a huge skill gap.

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If an ele is holding there own on a point. Then you are not knowledgeable/skilled enough to know to wait out there dodge rotations. Once you do, it's knowledge that will allow you to dodge there burst and that when they can be hurt. If u go about just spamming and rando dodgeing don't expect to make any head way. Let alone sympathy from the forums. I'll admit there are some moments against sword Weaver that can be trouble some but its certainly 100% not op

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Sympathy for Elementalist Profession



if anything its necros who get wrecked all the time eles is great in two modes PvE and SPVP and they are top-notch.


The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.


Reaper damage is mediocre overall in PVE and survivability is good, and we mostly go power over condi.

Scourge is sub-par in condi/power with less than 30k DPS in either one and possibly 20k or less DPS because of the most recent mechanical nerfs that killed them. The nerf to barrier hurt them a lot and is not enough a reason now to take necro unless its a training group as usual, so we get to be bench warmers which fellow necros get sick of and want to be desired as much as any other class.


Up until this point eles have always been desired i think, and while they did feel some nerfs to a poor old tempest, you guys used to have like 8 or 9k above reapers. Remember when reapers were 29k?


and worse yet necros have been on the low end since the beginning.


Look at all the nerfs in the last year or 2 to thief players for PVP man, where https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact_(trait_skill) impact was nerfed along with stealth P/P etc.


Thieves have taken quite a lot of noticeable nerfs that effected them in SPVP.


These nerfs were noticeable for thief players.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> >




> The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.


Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > >

> >


> >

> > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.


> Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage


Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?


Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.


Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.


At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.


The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.


Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.


There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.


Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.


Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.


Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.


I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.


Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > >

> > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> >

> > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage


> Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?


> Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.


> Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.


> At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.


> The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.


> Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.



Ele hasn't had to be nerfed so hard because it's not been necessary to do it since they gutted Staff.


only Mender Weavers and Tempest in PvP and Tempest in WvW will be using Water traitline anyway so the changes to water are nice but not really OP, and considering the OP is talking about Fireweaver then Water traitline isn't even used in that build so saying buffs to power in water are what makes ele good is not true.

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The changes is nice like you said because you can do it without sacrificing as much DPS while in water, which is really nice.


Being able to get a bit of DPS for having water traitline is helpfull.


Also, you forgot to mention the effects of nerfs hurt tempest in the past for SPVP.


Point is also other classes are feeling the effects, and some for a long time, and that ele isn't necessarily special in that way.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> The changes is nice like you said because you can do it without sacrificing as much DPS while in water, which is really nice.


> Being able to get a bit of DPS for having water traitline is helpfull.


> Also, you forgot to mention the effects of nerfs hurt tempest in the past for SPVP.


> Point is also other classes are feeling the effects, and some for a long time, and that ele isn't necessarily special in that way.


Well tempest has not really been nerfed, its just that other classes now are alot better in most situations which is why I agree with Anet on rather than just buffing classes, they should nerf the already overperforming ones.


again, Mender Weavers doesn't do damage and even the traits in water doesn't make them do a load of damage anyway, and Other builds are better without water if they want to do damage.


Weaver has been stuck with being a bunker class for 2 years, and now they have a build that can actually kill people if they are stupid enough to go full melee onto it and then wonder why they died to burning. so no Ele is not in anyway 'special'


going into water already sacrifices damage since you wont be having Air traitline or Fire traitline

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > >

> > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> >

> > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage


> Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?


> Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.


> Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.


> At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.


> The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.


> Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.


> There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.


> Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.


> Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.


> Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.


> I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.


> Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.



It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.


The only thing keeping ele playable in GW2 atm is **sword**, without it the class simply can't survive the immense powercreep the other professions have received since HoT launch, but selfish people ask to nerf the only build ele has to kill anything with the same amount of easymode as they enjoy.


Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> > >

> > > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

> >

> > Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?

> >

> > Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.

> >

> > Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.

> >

> > At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.

> >

> > The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.

> >

> > Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.

> >

> > There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.

> >

> > Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.

> >

> > Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.

> >

> > Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> > Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.

> >

> > I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.

> >

> > Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.

> >


> It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.wthe same amount of easymode as they enjoy.


> Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?


At least pulmonary impact is an active ability you gotta plan it, also AA still does little damage yeah the backstab hurts but it better hurt because you need to be behind someone for it to hurt. If all our attacks did no damage, we would be pathetic.


Also there is need for the ccs to keep on killing, to point out that without mentioning the loss of dps and need to cc and kite around longer is kinda biased too.


I like the skillful moving around planning to ambush enemies thief style stealing buffs


Also, I have played ele before in SPVP it wasn't great, but i did play as a healer. I tend to enjoy the mobility of thief in spvp more than say necros who are tied down and unable to escape. I hate being unable to escape my enemies due to lack of escapes and being forced to take hits, it just feels awful.


It doesn't discredit the loss of diversity in let's say PVP builds for thief and culling of lets say fun builds.


It did hurt viability a bit.


There is nothing wrong with mentioning you pvp with a class over any other everyone has their biases, We all do. I play multiple classes and have tried multiple in pvp even ranger just to see what it was like with druid. I am less biased than a lot of folks as i am willing to admit a class at least has some interesting bits and admit its weaknesses, such as openly speaking about what i noticed about mesmers being more vulnerable now in PVE.


I even visit warrior forum mentioned changed for rampage asked if it was out and if it was tested out of curiosity because I'm that sort of guy curious about other classes, and i regularly visit and scroll through mesmer forums and ele forum and necro forum for news.



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

> > >

> > > Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?

> > >

> > > Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.

> > >

> > > Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.

> > >

> > > At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.

> > >

> > > The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.

> > >

> > > Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.

> > >

> > > There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.

> > >

> > > Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.

> > >

> > > Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.

> > >

> > > Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> > > Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.

> > >

> > > I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.

> > >

> > > Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.

> > >

> >

> > It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.wthe same amount of easymode as they enjoy.

> >

> > Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?


> At least pulmonary impact is an active ability you gotta plan it, also AA still does little damage yeah the backstab hurts but it better hurt because you need to be behind someone for it to hurt. If all our attacks did no damage, we would be pathetic.


> I like the skillfull moving around planning to ambush enemies thief style stealing buffs


> Also, I have played ele before in SPVP it wasn't great, but i did play as a healer. I tend to enjoy the mobility of thief in spvp more than say necros who are tied down and unable to escape. I hate being unable to escape my enemies due to lack of escapes and being forced to take hits, it just feels awful.


> It doesn't discredit the loss of diversity in let's say PVP builds for thief and culling of lets say fun builds.


> It did hurt viability a bit.




It's not skillfull at all when you can fly off at will when things don't go your way! Shortbow 5 x2/3 and bye bye suckers or d/p 5-2 and let's try again...also an AA does not need to deal huge dmg to win the fight in the end, with 90% of healing skills having at least 1/2 cast time..the thief can simply sit on his ass at 900 range and spam headshot till get something, meanwhile steal/shadow step and AA spam away to keep pressure....I fail to see skillfull gameplay here...where is the risk here?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

> > > >

> > > > Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?

> > > >

> > > > Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.

> > > >

> > > > Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.

> > > >

> > > > At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.

> > > >

> > > > The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.

> > > >

> > > > Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.

> > > >

> > > > There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.

> > > >

> > > > Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.

> > > >

> > > > Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.

> > > >

> > > > Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> > > > Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.

> > > >

> > > > I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.

> > > >

> > > > Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.wthe same amount of easymode as they enjoy.

> > >

> > > Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?

> >

> > At least pulmonary impact is an active ability you gotta plan it, also AA still does little damage yeah the backstab hurts but it better hurt because you need to be behind someone for it to hurt. If all our attacks did no damage, we would be pathetic.

> >

> > I like the skillfull moving around planning to ambush enemies thief style stealing buffs

> >

> > Also, I have played ele before in SPVP it wasn't great, but i did play as a healer. I tend to enjoy the mobility of thief in spvp more than say necros who are tied down and unable to escape. I hate being unable to escape my enemies due to lack of escapes and being forced to take hits, it just feels awful.

> >

> > It doesn't discredit the loss of diversity in let's say PVP builds for thief and culling of lets say fun builds.

> >

> > It did hurt viability a bit.

> >

> >


> It's not skillfull at all when you can fly off at will when things don't go your way! Shortbow 5 x2/3 and bye bye suckers or d/p 5-2 and let's try again...also an AA does not need to deal huge dmg to win the fight in the end, with 90% of healing skills having at least 1/2 cast time..the thief can simply sit on his kitten at 900 range and spam headshot till get something, meanwhile steal/shadow step and AA spam away to keep pressure....I fail to see skillfull gameplay here...where is the risk here?


Gotta love DD shortbow does some dmg but its not that high man not with daredevil, at least not for me then again I was silver, also if you are smart you can kill a thief such as condis last through stealth.


Take it from me when i played daredevil a reaper shroud is scary when they start chasing you.


Also, thieves need that mobility to go in and out to not get blown up they are very squishy man.


our anti cc is tied to our mobility and stealth, so if you take that away we will flop over and die, another thing is each class works differently mechanically to have some strengths and weaknesses, for thief players they are vunlerable to condis outside of stealth if you are core and we need to use for instance the arrow tech to teleport away to get away as fast as possible because we cannot take hits. For us getting access to invuln and stuff like that is either very restricted or not available at least from what i've seen in Daredevil and core. Our ability to teleport in and out of battle is tied to our ability to ambush enemies jump in and surprise attack.



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

> > > > >

> > > > > Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.

> > > > >

> > > > > At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.

> > > > >

> > > > > The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.

> > > > >

> > > > > Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> > > > > Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.

> > > > >

> > > > > I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.wthe same amount of easymode as they enjoy.

> > > >

> > > > Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?

> > >

> > > At least pulmonary impact is an active ability you gotta plan it, also AA still does little damage yeah the backstab hurts but it better hurt because you need to be behind someone for it to hurt. If all our attacks did no damage, we would be pathetic.

> > >

> > > I like the skillfull moving around planning to ambush enemies thief style stealing buffs

> > >

> > > Also, I have played ele before in SPVP it wasn't great, but i did play as a healer. I tend to enjoy the mobility of thief in spvp more than say necros who are tied down and unable to escape. I hate being unable to escape my enemies due to lack of escapes and being forced to take hits, it just feels awful.

> > >

> > > It doesn't discredit the loss of diversity in let's say PVP builds for thief and culling of lets say fun builds.

> > >

> > > It did hurt viability a bit.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It's not skillfull at all when you can fly off at will when things don't go your way! Shortbow 5 x2/3 and bye bye suckers or d/p 5-2 and let's try again...also an AA does not need to deal huge dmg to win the fight in the end, with 90% of healing skills having at least 1/2 cast time..the thief can simply sit on his kitten at 900 range and spam headshot till get something, meanwhile steal/shadow step and AA spam away to keep pressure....I fail to see skillfull gameplay here...where is the risk here?


> Gotta love DD shortbow does some dmg but its not that high man not with daredevil, at least not for me then again I was silver, also if you are smart you can kill a thief such as condis last through stealth.


> Take it from me when i played daredevil a reaper shroud is scary when they start chasing you.




It doesn't matter how much dmg you do...it's the dmg I do, there seemingly nothing I can do to catch you when things go my way, soon or later all skills will be on CD, let's just say that I would consider **Headshot spam** skillfull if they'd increase the cast time from 0 to 3/4s and increase ini to 5 from 4

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > > > Sympathy for Elementalist Profession

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The next big nerf to Scourge that nerfs the boon corrupts will kick scourge out of WVW making it bad overall everywhere.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scourge ain't going to go anytime soon from WvW after the nerfs lol still have strips, Barriers and A load of damage

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nerfs will hurt necros in WVW still and force for even more stacking and if you nerf enough the disappearance. Perhaps I am a bit fearmongering, but I don't trust ANET anymore, not after how much nerfs hit scourge and how badly they messed up scourge in PvE for the sake of changes I WVW due to stacking, and I'm not even sure that will work because the issue is stacking in itself, in which: What can you do?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also, necros are hit so broadly and ANET cannot decide what necros are supposed to do. Are we supposed to be good at condi? power? support? well tough, you get to be mediocre at all those and at the bottom. It's not like we can trust ANET to not nerf the wrong thing and nerf it too hard, or to actually investigate what's going on and what is wrong. People hate scourge with a passion and dislike necros because of boon corrupt and no matter how easy to kill they might be in spvp with scourge, they won't stop until scourge stops existing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just look at barriers which got nerfed and the ICDS which got hit because of WVW which hurt scourge so much, when it is WVW. It's because of stacking in wvw, which isn't even an issue in wvw.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > At most, you can complain about squishyness in SPVP.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The point is Ele hasn't been hit nearly as hard as say thief or necros or mesmers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just look at the changes to pulmonary impact for instance for thief and the damage nerf to auto attacks and the person asking for nerfs by making concentration lower, or putting extreme costs for using concentrated strikes and the like.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is a active element in the act of doing pulmonary impact, so shouldn't some folks like that? i mean you have to time disrupting a cast to get the passive effect.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thieves have been nerfed repeatedly for instance since like last year was it for stealth? Yeah, I know deadeye is annoying but seriously some of you guys want thief to be unable to even stealth which isn't going to happen.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thieves also are using cheesy tactics of stealth stun and all those because they need to last long enough to get a kill because their regular attacks do very little damage, and they have less 1v1 potential than they used to, and it really is noticeable. In fact, when I was pvping as thief, i had to do jump in and out of battle to get the jump on people with S/D, because some classes had insane mobility and sustain combined, and i had to bring an unblockable attack just in case.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Look at the power creep caused by mesmers rangers and guardians, as memsers especially used to have ridiculous mobility and sustain combined, making fighting them as a thief tough, or what about holosmiths? So thiefs most definitely feel the pressure too.

> > > > > > Look at all the massive broad sweeping strokes to Mesmer recently, and it's never-ending. People are still asking for infinite horizon to be nerfed into the ground and their condi.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I already feel the effects of chronomancer nerfs in sustain in PVE.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also, eles have been getting better and better, such as the buffs to power in water.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > It's unwise to directly point that you are a thief main....**the bias was already noticeable** you mentioned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact as it's too UP..when in truth **the cheese build D/P** simply spam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot over and over while using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Double_Strike to basically keep pressure on the enemy , with the occasional Backstab......an **instant CC spamming gameplay**...they can literally spamm headshot till they get something worth interrupting.wthe same amount of easymode as they enjoy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why don't you drop your core necro , mesmer or thief and go play core ele in pvp/wvw and see how fun it is atm?

> > > >

> > > > At least pulmonary impact is an active ability you gotta plan it, also AA still does little damage yeah the backstab hurts but it better hurt because you need to be behind someone for it to hurt. If all our attacks did no damage, we would be pathetic.

> > > >

> > > > I like the skillfull moving around planning to ambush enemies thief style stealing buffs

> > > >

> > > > Also, I have played ele before in SPVP it wasn't great, but i did play as a healer. I tend to enjoy the mobility of thief in spvp more than say necros who are tied down and unable to escape. I hate being unable to escape my enemies due to lack of escapes and being forced to take hits, it just feels awful.

> > > >

> > > > It doesn't discredit the loss of diversity in let's say PVP builds for thief and culling of lets say fun builds.

> > > >

> > > > It did hurt viability a bit.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's not skillfull at all when you can fly off at will when things don't go your way! Shortbow 5 x2/3 and bye bye suckers or d/p 5-2 and let's try again...also an AA does not need to deal huge dmg to win the fight in the end, with 90% of healing skills having at least 1/2 cast time..the thief can simply sit on his kitten at 900 range and spam headshot till get something, meanwhile steal/shadow step and AA spam away to keep pressure....I fail to see skillfull gameplay here...where is the risk here?

> >

> > Gotta love DD shortbow does some dmg but its not that high man not with daredevil, at least not for me then again I was silver, also if you are smart you can kill a thief such as condis last through stealth.

> >

> > Take it from me when i played daredevil a reaper shroud is scary when they start chasing you.

> >

> >


> It doesn't matter how much dmg you do...it's the dmg I do, there seemingly nothing I can do to catch you when things go my way, soon or later all skills will be on CD, let's just say that I would consider **Headshot spam** skillfull if they'd increase the cast time from 0 to 3/4s and increase ini to 5 from 4


You can have that if we can get some extra damage on auto attack please?

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