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What would each profession smell like?


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I saw something like this asked on the GW2 Reddit ages ago and it has stuck in my mind since. There are a lot of things you can imagine to make fantasy a more tangible reality but for some reason, combining the idea of scent and magic really paints a picture for me.


Here are a few of mine;


Embalming fluid, rotting wood, worn leather



Steel, gasoline, grease



Pine, sweat, camp fire

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It would also be play mode sensitive. For instance in WvW necros would smell like cheese. So would rangers for that matter and I can't say in polite company what thief would smell like (but you don't want it on your shoe!).


When VR gets common and different companies are competing for your VR dollars, smell may be one of the things that gets added. So in addition to a soundscape (music, ambient noises, etc...) there would be a smell-scape. I bet that as Tequatl nears that the smell of death and decay would become overpowering.

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Warror smell like truck.

I got hit by some crazy people jump in smash like a truck when you not looking around carefuly.



Necro smell like a fearrrrr.

Come and woob wooop.

Reaper smell like a bloodydeath mantle rag in rag out splash my blood everywhere and when my eye focus am already dead.

And last one smell like rotton sand.


Mesmer smell ANOYYING why we still breating same air!!!


Thife smell like TEEF.. i know da sneaking bastardishideinginathinairnext2mee.


Gardian smell like...hmm no idea to put an answer.


Engi smell like a rocket~boom fawsuuuu fooow kaboom!!


Ele smell like phycho who like to swap change personal emotion rapidly.


Ranger smell like a nasty dog

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Soldier professions should smell like sweaty chunks of meat, because they're running in full plated armor which is super HEAVY (it can be even 60kg of steel). + or worse if they're running across desert in the same equipment, but I think they wouldn't survive for long.


Traveller professions... I don't know, maybe like old leather.


Scholar professions should smell like everything, because their cloth "armors" would probably catch every smell.

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Guess it depends on what they're wearing and themed on I guess.


Race would play a part too.. I expect Sylvari would naturally smell like trees/nature maybe flowers.


Necro i'm playing on atm I would think smells of metal.. iron and perfume, probably a mostly sweet smell with a hint of iron/blood to it.


Likewise another of My Necros I expect smells like charred cloth and fire.


Really does depend on many things I guess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What an interesting question.


My Charr Ranger probably smells like wood oil and saddle soap.


My Asuran Elementalist has the acrid smell of burning wires mixed with a faint hint of dirt. She is more Golemancer than Ele. ?


My Norn Warrior smells of sweat and mead.


My Human Engineer has the salty smell of the ocean.


My Sylvari Thief has a woody oak and tobacco smell.


My Asuran Guardian smells of ice and cold granite.


My Human Mesmer has a deep smell of chocolate and bourbon.


My Norn Necromancer smells of vellum and lanolin.


My Human Revenant smells of charcoal, sand, and salt.



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Basically all of my characters prob smell like charr to some extent (take that as a good or bad..... thing i guess idk) one or two of them having a more burnt scent than the others from time to time.... (FLAME LE...)

My main necro (charr reaper) smells like what ever shampoo you can get from the general stores in Tyria. Necromancy is dirty work but I would hope he still prefers not to smell like rotting flesh or blood when he didn't have to.


oh and my one Sylvari prob... southern pine needles :D (cant get enough of that in the fall even better when they are burned must admit)

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