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Feedback: Whisper in the Dark


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Gen 3 legendaries? I think you are mixing up something. Weve only had Gen1 and Gen2.

In my mind, as a crafter, Gen 1 is the original legendaries; Gen 2 is the HoT legendaries (with collections) and Gen 3 is the collection-less HoT legendaries. I make my distictions around how you make them.

Not claiming I am right and others are wrong; this is just my interpretation.



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Overall I like the atmosphere of the new map. However the events feel repetitive really quickly. Kill this champ, clear that camp and the occasional collecting stuff event.


My biggest gripes however are with the final story mission.

1. Architecture: Why does the raven shrine have dwarven architecture? Did the Dwarves live there before the raven moved in? Were dwarven artisans hired to build it? Only questions and no answers. It looks like someone just re-used old textures without knowing what they were.

2. The trial: Why is it human-centric? The first trial is ok, but the second one contains a book about the time before humans came to Tyria. Why would the Asura care? Why would the Norn care? At this point it's just another old book that's obviously so bad no-one bothered making a copy of it. And the last trial about the queen and her son? The Norn don't have the concept of royalty. Neither do the Asura or Sylvari. The closest thing the Charr have to a king would be the khan-ur, however the title is not hereditary, so the comparison falls short. The trial being human-centric in this setting just makes no sense at all!

3. The passages between the trials: The dark passage where you are attacked by shadow figures is especially bad imo. You activate the raven statue and it guides the way up to a certain point. Then it just stops in the middle of nowhere while your protection buff runs out, letting you crawl to the trial alone. If you aren't completely confused during the first play-through and crawl back to the beginning where you at least know where you are. The poison passage is slightly better, but still feels kinda boring.

4. The boss fight: We got Tequatl-waves, jumping around, the rush attack that you have to use against the boss... I'm just surprised we didn't get the washing-machine mechanic as well, since that seems to be pretty high on the list of annoying mechanics ANet likes to use.

5. The achievement: A hide-and-seek achievement that you get by knowing where the opponent will hide or just being nearby accidentally instead of actually seeking? Really?

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> 2. The trial: Why is it human-centric? The first trial is ok, but the second one contains a book about the time before humans came to Tyria. Why would the Asura care? Why would the Norn care? At this point it's just another old book that's obviously so bad no-one bothered making a copy of it. And the last trial about the queen and her son? The Norn don't have the concept of royalty. Neither do the Asura or Sylvari. The closest thing the Charr have to a king would be the khan-ur, however the title is not hereditary, so the comparison falls short. The trial being human-centric in this setting just makes no sense at all!

> 3. The passages between the trials: The dark passage where you are attacked by shadow figures is especially bad imo. You activate the raven statue and it guides the way up to a certain point. Then it just stops in the middle of nowhere while your protection buff runs out, letting you crawl to the trial alone. If you aren't completely confused during the first play-through and crawl back to the beginning where you at least know where you are. The poison passage is slightly better, but still feels kinda boring.


I'm happy that someone brought this up. We are in a NORN area and the raven doesn't care of them? The trials are poorly made. And it has proven that Anet only care of humans again. In addition of making a raven trial human only and destroying their uniqueness by putting angry shaman spirit forms everywhere.

The maze and poison trials are useless, without value. Would have been better a puzzle àla Pr Layton or riddles, you just ruined it.


For the book choice trial, asura can have a book about eternal alchemy/their underground past, legends and spirits for norn, pale tree and the dream for sylvari, ascalon and other war facts of charrs, the legions.....


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As others have said, my primary reaction is just 'too short'. But I think that's a product of my preferences. I like substantial, polished product, and I accept that kind of product is necessarily released infrequently. The gw2 community tends to be looking for the next thing within a week of any new release -- which could perhaps be forgiven in this case :p -- and that necessitates a release schedule that makes meeting my expectations impossible . . .


I've nothing really negative to say about the content anet did deliver, but mostly I like that they fixed the merchandise cheeve from last ep and made the lance unblockable in wvw. If they'd given us something to do with the chilies it would have been a trifecta . . .


I don't like that the ep released buggy, as always, but it's nice that they jumped on a lot of the bugs right away, fixing them day one. The only big thing left that I know of is that you can't start the prologue anymore . . ?

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Was thinking earlier, but the episode being this short on story, pointless masteries and relatively boring events aside, could potentially work if they changed up the format to include more story segments similar to current events in between them. Something like the Traeherne current event with a small instance and some transition. Then maybe they could also focus a little less of the actual episode's story on introductory instances and more on pushing the plot forward or tying it into the map a bit more.


I mean I know that won't happen, and it may be a bad model for people that only log in when episodes are released, but it's just a thought. I imagine they don't really have the team or resources to do that though. By the looks of this episode it would seem they've shrunk their living story team down more.


Even the camp events were kind of, meh. They tell you to check the camp but all you do is wait for the npc's to check it for you before some mob spawns. No interaction with any objects in the camp. Just kill. Wait. Kill. Wait. Kill. Not that big of a deal, just feels like a lot of copy paste events. Which is a bit surprising considering how unique a lot of the events in the prologue felt, but I guess the context was different and allowed for it.


I don't know. I'm not going to rag on it anymore. It is what it is. I like the tone they're getting at, and I really didn't mind the size of the map. It just felt like this is kind of a bad indication of what the content's going to look like moving forward and the emphasis on this useless mastery system and seeming abandonment of fractals... and the lackluster announcement of the saga itself with upcoming "features" just makes it seem even more like they're just tired of investing resources into this game and are producing tidbits here and there until people lose interest and stop requesting new content. It's sad, but I'm sure it's discouraging losing half of your coworkers and having a project you may have been excited about fail.


To give them the benefit of doubt, maybe things will seem a little more interesting once they've gotten the kinks worked out with restructuring. Really hope they listen to feedback about the mastery system though if this is what they're sticking with the rest of this "saga."

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The game is going down the drain. Never saw so few people on a new map and people aren't really content it seems. Compare it to some other games on the market which release constantly new xpacks and raids/dungeons. And GW2 just lacks sooooo much. It's really the only MMO I played (note it: I) with such thin content. I myself am completely unmotivated to play, it just bores the hell out of me. I feel really sorry as the GW universe was one of my most beloved ones and I loved the old games up until PoF. Now, I think there's nothing left without expansion and with such thin content overall.

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> @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

> This map is great.

> I dont understand what the deal is with some people.


> You can never please everyone I suppose.


> That being said, would have been nice for a full on expansion but I'm eagerly awaiting the next living world episode.


While I agree in general with your comments, it's also worrying that you one day after release of the current living world episode already have to eagerly await the next one. Doesn't bode well for this map's longevity if we're talking another 3-4 months until its release - given that we know the rehashed Wintersday is coming back where we'll ring another 1000 bells and jump through Winter Wonderland another 100 times or run the same karma gift course through DR for the Nth day running...


I love the north and I love winter, and as I've now taken a HUGE step back and only play GW2 casually, I'm sure the map will let me discover new things for at least another 2 weeks, but after that I'll probably be bored.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Im seeing a lot of complaints that the story (and overall content) are not enough content.


> In the past, I probably would have agreed with this, but since quite some time Ive embraced the way of GW2 and only play the game a few hours per week, on the side so to speak. I can agree, that if I played GW2 still "fulltime", this episode would have been rated quite a bit lower for me as well. The way too easy openworld part of the release would have more impact on my enjoyment.

> As well as the missing difficulty settings for strikemissions. Especially because this time we got a fully on its own developed strikemission, not "just" a re-used story bossevent. For me, that points towards raids and fractals being either neglected or completely given up on in favor of strikemissions, considering that Anet didnt hire extra devs for that kind of content. At least that I know of :)


> So, I can somewhat understand the negative responses. However, I want to point out, that we got a few new features this episode (love the self-opening doors and jormag's chilly whispers ;p), so overall I wouldnt call this episode an example of anets supposed decline. Its just a bit less flashy compared to Grothmar Valley, and it lacks a challenge for veterans.


Coming right after Grothmar just invites comparisons between the two maps. Yes, I know this will get expanded on and it is a different team but still.

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Overall for me it was meh so so at best

Very interesting and it does capture you for the moment but also a good deal disappointing

_**Warning tons of spoiler and personal opinions below read at your own risk and with a grain of salt**_




## The good.



I don't mind where the story is going (for the moment) and it captured me for the moment and i find the concept and mystery aspect to be very well done. Feeling what seems like just is purely Jormags power is more direct in this episode.

>! I personally dont think he/she is using much of the other dead dragons influences this just feels like him/her considering he could always speak to the norns minds and already reanimate those who joined him before Ziatans death, It just feels like this is 100% raw jormag power.

I love how we are discovering more about the ice dragon and how it seemed to go from a minor thing to looking like it might be the strongest dragon so far.

I love the bits referencing parts of other characters past

>! Rytlock x Cre roasting each other back and forth had me laughing pretty hard. While the bit with Jory had me feeling some kind of way D:


**Map Design**

Is very cool i do actually like it the design and lay out of it is very good the atmosphere is well executed. No big complaints here.

>! But can we have the other half of the map space.


## The Concerning / Questionable / Bad

**Its too short**

Yup like so many other people lets get this right out of the gate I feel like there was too much time between Bound by Blood and A whisper in the Dark for this to be all we really see. I hope episode 2 comes much faster if its gonna be the same length.


**Limited / Lesser Voice scripting?**

In content up till now when the game prompts you for additional dialog after completing a portion of a story as seen by the green star above a characters head (usually your allies rytlock, jory, etc.) You can press f and speak to them which leads to a voice acted conversation. In this story things seem to have gone back to just all text and it felt like a major downgrade from what ive gotten use to at this point.


**Too many plot holes and questionable decisions.**


What when? Why didnt we know.

>! Almorra went to scout with the vigil when and why were we not told, last time i checked the vigil is part of the pact and i feel like a move like this should have been given more attention to detail to the commander in general. I feel like if Almorra was left there at the end of this she could cleared up this plot hole. Because of all of this her departing.... was a bit pointless or watered down. This was made up for at the end when we find out that she was long gone even when the call came. Still its a bit of a plot hole in general that makes her death feel a bit uncalled for. (that said as a charr main i know her voice to a T and the first line in the opening radio call her voice lacked that rough tenacity i knew it either was not her or she was gonna bite it. )

Also why

>! Why did we have to take a chopper in the Black Citadel (nice metal legion posters by the way) to this map? Why not continue on the path we left off at the end of Bound by Blood or in the strike missionwhich was practically a hop skip away and could have achieved the same thing. IT really made no since to go back to the Black Citidel at all and fly out from there. GROTHMAR HAS CHARR COPTERS RIGHT THERE IN THE KEEP!


Story kept mentioning these quite a bit

>! Who has the communicators now and is a certain ice dragon going to just hear everything we do. Who gave Almorra back the communicator to make the initial call? But if she was already departed who brought it back for her to use and who has those now and will they be referenced in part 2 i expect it to be i mean we just gave an elder dragon our main lines of long distance communication.


>! Jhavi's introduction was way too short and sudden i would have honestly rather kept Almorra around over her i dont know who this woman is and i dont know why i should bother dealing with her. There is no attachment to her like at all. I personally dont care that she is a descendent of whats her face.


**Meta events**

are cool in concept but far far far too easy which makes them get old after the first few runs. Replay value is very low because of this. Unlike in the past the meta events also provide no additional meaty substance to the story itself. In the past some questions left unanswered where hinted/ suggested / or in some cases out right revealed with metas but in this case its just lacking it seems.

>! Boneskinner was a major let down, i hope he is much stronger in the strike mission. There was too much hype pumped around this thing that was seemingly going to be culling players without mercy or something. Also whats with the lack of direct information with it we get a mini meta that does not tell you much about it I dont know any more real information about it than before the story launched. While its design and horror fueled concept is awesome... his lack of difficulty or lethality make him hardly as scary as he was hyped up to be.


**Strike Mission** (so far) is pretty solid its a small step up from the previous mission but this first enemy encounter is still a bit too easy in my opinion. I guess slowly scaling things up is the right way to go though but in a weeks time people will be able to breeze through it.


Im very disappointed that there is no scripted dialog when entering this strike mission as opposed to the previous one the atmosphere of it seems like a major downgrade


Step 1 Enter map

Step 2 Start bashing on what appears without any care or reason


This makes for a very dull experiences as to really what is happening.

Dont get me wrong the bosses that are appearing this week have very cool attacking patters and i think this was done rather fine if anything its pretty neat seeing how that works.

A little something on entering the map would be nice even if its just a semi casual taunt or comment from the Raven spirit or some communication from Jhavi / Cre / Rytlock /Anyone????


**New Masteries**

I really dont have much to say here except that these are not well explained at all and could have been worked into the story to help do so.

>! Why an asura is supposedly discovering this and not a norn ill never quite understand either this would have been a good point to show that norn are not just always drunken fools and share other aspects of their spiritual culture in more depth. ITs a missed opportunity.

Also the raven locks are a bit over used. I guess in a few spots to help ward against dangerous areas they do make sense but there are quite a few areas where its just in the way to make you press f its one of those things that gets more annoying than interesting.


Overall there was a lack of Meat in the story itself a lot of choices were questionable, metas are cool but dont add to the story, masteries are ok i guess but dont add any to the story, just alot of missed opportunities etc.

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> @"BlackyWarsX.5384" said:

> Another thing I just don't get: they have the amazing technology to do in-engine cutscenes where they are also able to animate our character. Why wasn't this used for the after-trial-cutscene? Jormag addresses us and we are nowhere to be seen.


>! because our character heard a dead mans neck snap and start speaking and we were already half way back to Elona by the time he was able to stand up. ?

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

> > This map is great.

> > I dont understand what the deal is with some people.

> >

> > You can never please everyone I suppose.

> >

> > That being said, would have been nice for a full on expansion but I'm eagerly awaiting the next living world episode.


> While I agree in general with your comments, it's also worrying that you one day after release of the current living world episode already have to eagerly await the next one. Doesn't bode well for this map's longevity if we're talking another 3-4 months until its release - given that we know the rehashed Wintersday is coming back where we'll ring another 1000 bells and jump through Winter Wonderland another 100 times or run the same karma gift course through DR for the Nth day running...


> I love the north and I love winter, and as I've now taken a HUGE step back and only play GW2 casually, I'm sure the map will let me discover new things for at least another 2 weeks, but after that I'll probably be bored.


They’re releasing episodes every two months now based on the current trend and what they have indicated in their live-streams.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > > @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

> > > This map is great.

> > > I dont understand what the deal is with some people.

> > >

> > > You can never please everyone I suppose.

> > >

> > > That being said, would have been nice for a full on expansion but I'm eagerly awaiting the next living world episode.

> >

> > While I agree in general with your comments, it's also worrying that you one day after release of the current living world episode already have to eagerly await the next one. Doesn't bode well for this map's longevity if we're talking another 3-4 months until its release - given that we know the rehashed Wintersday is coming back where we'll ring another 1000 bells and jump through Winter Wonderland another 100 times or run the same karma gift course through DR for the Nth day running...

> >

> > I love the north and I love winter, and as I've now taken a HUGE step back and only play GW2 casually, I'm sure the map will let me discover new things for at least another 2 weeks, but after that I'll probably be bored.


> They’re releasing episodes every two months now based on the current trend and what they have indicated in their live-streams.


Let's hope they do in fact release them this often. A new map isn't necessary with each one, but at least a longer story.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Creepiest moment in GW2: Jormag taking control of the Fraenir's dead body and giving us that friendly smile, reaffirming her benevolent intensions...


> I didn't think it was any creepy at all.

> If anything, I probably chuckled.


I chuckled, too, while having a shiver running down my spine. Hence "creepy", not "frightening". ;) Although I don't trust Jormag's "benevolence" at all.

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I think people's expectations are too high, to be honest. It's clear they are not going to be able to maintain very long stories with maps that have lots of stuff to do if the gap between each episode is 2 months. Think of it as LWS3 vs LWS4... we now have mounts which make map designign much more complicated from dev perspective. People have also been complaining about too long story instances. This is the result.

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The overall approach to the story is definitely a plus on my personal viewpoint but in terms of how quick it went story wise, I gotta agree that it's far too short. Given how expanded the prologue was in terms of the story, the fact that it cuts us off at an important plot point is that moment where I went "Was that it?" Defo enjoyed the portrayal of Jormag and the Raven Spirit in this episode. Jormag being cunning and manipulative to the point of making use of Aurene as leverage to parley with the Commander was good touch, I'll give it that and the cutscene was top notch but the fact that they didn't do it as a real-time cutscene like they did the Aurene cutscene or Joko cutscene was a bit disappointing, still I enjoyed the Fraenir spooksfest. And I like the fact that the Raven Spirit is an absolute ***, gave me a good chuckle knowing the Raven Spirit is just there to say "lol anything you do is bad".


Map overall is defo unique in atmosphere. The background music is on point with the whole deceptive and psychological vibe they wanted to have going on but the whole scenario regarding notifications on the map was rather annoying and broke the atmosphere. I get it, I don't have the mastery, I don't need to be reminded every 10 seconds that a monster drops the buff for said mastery. Other than that, the only other real issue is the fact that only half of the map gave you that chilling vibe, the other half of the map was bog standard Sons of Svanir map a la LS3 and didn't really feel any different from that. Would have been nice to actually keep that horror/psychological thriller vibe going. I enjoyed the Raven Maze as well with the whole fake giants cuz I kept thinking I was gonna get seen and would need to fight them.


I like the fact that some NPCs (outside of the main ones) actually have a bit more personality rather than just being meatshields. The fact that one NPC is just shouting herself into catharsis cuz of the misogyny behind the Sons of Svanir was definitely something I enjoyed cuz ya don't really get any that much in the game since most of the NPCs feel like they either don't care enough about what's going on or they just gave up on life and are just doing things cuz they got told to.


Meta event was fun but the actual meta boss was absolute trash. Map I was in for the meta nearly got demolished cuz we were so unprepared since everyone was doing story missions but when we finally got footing, we did well enough. One of the raven statues got destroyed but overall once we started actually getting together proper, we managed the Meta. The Meta boss though, again, absolute trash. It was just casually strolling and eating damage, didn't even try to fend for itself so that was disappointing.


I think for the most part, I enjoyed the new LS chapter albeit very briefly. It's defo not the best of the LS chapters and it's definitely too short but it does have its moments that I enjoyed. I still think the Meta was absolute trash, cuz all of that defending and mob rush just for the boss to go down without a fight.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Overall for me it was meh so so at best

> Very interesting and it does capture you for the moment but also a good deal disappointing

> _**Warning tons of spoiler and personal opinions below read at your own risk and with a grain of salt**_


> ---


> ## The good.


> **Storytelling**

> I don't mind where the story is going (for the moment) and it captured me for the moment and i find the concept and mystery aspect to be very well done. Feeling what seems like just is purely Jormags power is more direct in this episode.

> >! I personally dont think he/she is using much of the other dead dragons influences this just feels like him/her considering he could always speak to the norns minds and already reanimate those who joined him before Ziatans death, It just feels like this is 100% raw jormag power.

> I love how we are discovering more about the ice dragon and how it seemed to go from a minor thing to looking like it might be the strongest dragon so far.

> I love the bits referencing parts of other characters past

> >! Rytlock x Cre roasting each other back and forth had me laughing pretty hard. While the bit with Jory had me feeling some kind of way D:


> **Map Design**

> Is very cool i do actually like it the design and lay out of it is very good the atmosphere is well executed. No big complaints here.

> >! But can we have the other half of the map space.


> ## The Concerning / Questionable / Bad

> **Its too short**

> Yup like so many other people lets get this right out of the gate I feel like there was too much time between Bound by Blood and A whisper in the Dark for this to be all we really see. I hope episode 2 comes much faster if its gonna be the same length.


> **Limited / Lesser Voice scripting?**

> In content up till now when the game prompts you for additional dialog after completing a portion of a story as seen by the green star above a characters head (usually your allies rytlock, jory, etc.) You can press f and speak to them which leads to a voice acted conversation. In this story things seem to have gone back to just all text and it felt like a major downgrade from what ive gotten use to at this point.


> **Too many plot holes and questionable decisions.**


> What when? Why didnt we know.

> >! Almorra went to scout with the vigil when and why were we not told, last time i checked the vigil is part of the pact and i feel like a move like this should have been given more attention to detail to the commander in general. I feel like if Almorra was left there at the end of this she could cleared up this plot hole. Because of all of this her departing.... was a bit pointless or watered down. This was made up for at the end when we find out that she was long gone even when the call came. Still its a bit of a plot hole in general that makes her death feel a bit uncalled for. (that said as a charr main i know her voice to a T and the first line in the opening radio call her voice lacked that rough tenacity i knew it either was not her or she was gonna bite it. )

> Also why

> >! Why did we have to take a chopper in the Black Citadel (nice metal legion posters by the way) to this map? Why not continue on the path we left off at the end of Bound by Blood or in the strike missionwhich was practically a hop skip away and could have achieved the same thing. IT really made no since to go back to the Black Citidel at all and fly out from there. GROTHMAR HAS CHARR COPTERS RIGHT THERE IN THE KEEP!


> Story kept mentioning these quite a bit

> >! Who has the communicators now and is a certain ice dragon going to just hear everything we do. Who gave Almorra back the communicator to make the initial call? But if she was already departed who brought it back for her to use and who has those now and will they be referenced in part 2 i expect it to be i mean we just gave an elder dragon our main lines of long distance communication.

> Ummmm

> >! Jhavi's introduction was way too short and sudden i would have honestly rather kept Almorra around over her i dont know who this woman is and i dont know why i should bother dealing with her. There is no attachment to her like at all. I personally dont care that she is a descendent of whats her face.


> **Meta events**

> are cool in concept but far far far too easy which makes them get old after the first few runs. Replay value is very low because of this. Unlike in the past the meta events also provide no additional meaty substance to the story itself. In the past some questions left unanswered where hinted/ suggested / or in some cases out right revealed with metas but in this case its just lacking it seems.

> >! Boneskinner was a major let down, i hope he is much stronger in the strike mission. There was too much hype pumped around this thing that was seemingly going to be culling players without mercy or something. Also whats with the lack of direct information with it we get a mini meta that does not tell you much about it I dont know any more real information about it than before the story launched. While its design and horror fueled concept is awesome... his lack of difficulty or lethality make him hardly as scary as he was hyped up to be.


> **Strike Mission** (so far) is pretty solid its a small step up from the previous mission but this first enemy encounter is still a bit too easy in my opinion. I guess slowly scaling things up is the right way to go though but in a weeks time people will be able to breeze through it.


> Im very disappointed that there is no scripted dialog when entering this strike mission as opposed to the previous one the atmosphere of it seems like a major downgrade


> Step 1 Enter map

> Step 2 Start bashing on what appears without any care or reason


> This makes for a very dull experiences as to really what is happening.

> Dont get me wrong the bosses that are appearing this week have very cool attacking patters and i think this was done rather fine if anything its pretty neat seeing how that works.

> A little something on entering the map would be nice even if its just a semi casual taunt or comment from the Raven spirit or some communication from Jhavi / Cre / Rytlock /Anyone????


> **New Masteries**

> I really dont have much to say here except that these are not well explained at all and could have been worked into the story to help do so.

> >! Why an asura is supposedly discovering this and not a norn ill never quite understand either this would have been a good point to show that norn are not just always drunken fools and share other aspects of their spiritual culture in more depth. ITs a missed opportunity.

> Also the raven locks are a bit over used. I guess in a few spots to help ward against dangerous areas they do make sense but there are quite a few areas where its just in the way to make you press f its one of those things that gets more annoying than interesting.


> Overall there was a lack of Meat in the story itself a lot of choices were questionable, metas are cool but dont add to the story, masteries are ok i guess but dont add any to the story, just alot of missed opportunities etc.


Only got a answer for your first one but its an easy one, The commander aint in the pact anymore hence why we dident know, Logan got our position. ( the commander title is a honorific)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Only got a answer for your first one but its an easy one, The commander aint in the pact anymore hence why we dident know, Logan got our position. ( the commander title is a honorific)


Isn't he the new Marshal, since the Commander refused THAT position?


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Only got a answer for your first one but its an easy one, The commander aint in the pact anymore hence why we dident know, Logan got our position. ( the commander title is a honorific)


> Isn't he the new Marshal, since the Commander refused THAT position?



Correct. I dont think our actual position was replaced like for like.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Correct. I dont think our actual position was replaced like for like.


> In Season 2 it was revealed that Trahearne had appointed at least one other commander though.



Our position wasn't replaced when we left is what I mean regardless of other commanders and ranks existing prior

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Overall I enjoy the concept of the meta but for its length it has an odd amount of downtime. The pacing of the defenses is just a bit too slow, and I'm starting to notice that the bombs are not actually a threat to the shrines. Would it be possible to either adjust the time of the first third of the meta to be a bit shorter or to increase the active defense time by adding more enemies? Maybe have a champion show up every now and then? Overall the vibe I get is that this meta is intended to be a frantic defense against the elements but I think it's tuned a little too low to match that feel. Just some thoughts, hopefully this was helpful.

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