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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> He played Earth traitline, so with Diamond Skin and Stone Heart he had counters against both power and condi that he could switch between.


It was cute seeing you complain about weaver, a class that actually requires intelligent rotations, while you played braindead holosmith. You got rocked lmaoooo

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > He played Earth traitline, so with Diamond Skin and Stone Heart he had counters against both power and condi that he could switch between.


> It was cute seeing you complain about weaver, a class that actually requires intelligent rotations, while you played braindead holosmith. You got rocked lmaoooo


Hey! Why didn't u join and dominate this comp?


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > He played Earth traitline, so with Diamond Skin and Stone Heart he had counters against both power and condi that he could switch between.

> >

> > It was cute seeing you complain about weaver, a class that actually requires intelligent rotations, while you played braindead holosmith. You got rocked lmaoooo


> Hey! Why didn't u join and dominate this comp?

> :)

I play BDO nw's at this time and Im currently banned perm NA and temp banned for one more week EU, which I guess is because of my video footage? haven't used the account in over two months yet it shows me as banned for offensive language.

[i've beaten your main.](http://i.imgur.com/quKX7M6.jpg "I've beaten your main.")

[And I've beaten your alt](https://i.imgur.com/LJPodtT.png "And I've beaten your alt").

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > > He played Earth traitline, so with Diamond Skin and Stone Heart he had counters against both power and condi that he could switch between.

> > >

> > > It was cute seeing you complain about weaver, a class that actually requires intelligent rotations, while you played braindead holosmith. You got rocked lmaoooo

> >

> > Hey! Why didn't u join and dominate this comp?

> > :)

> I play BDO nw's at this time and Im currently banned perm NA and temp banned for one more week EU, which I guess is because of my video footage? haven't used the account in over two months yet it shows me as banned for offensive language.

> [i've beaten your main.](http://i.imgur.com/quKX7M6.jpg "I've beaten your main.")

> [And I've beaten your alt](https://i.imgur.com/LJPodtT.png "And I've beaten your alt").


Uve beaten my main and alt? I think u meant that for someone else cuz I dont compete so lol.

What do u play on bdo? I just started a musa.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> So is Weaver the strongest 1 vs 1 class now?

> Or is it just a matter of difference in skill level between the winner and the rest?


There were at least 2 Fire Weavers in the tournament who **lost their duel**: one lost to core necro, and the other lost to warrior.


The guy who won the tournament was **Sikieki**, member of the top team that regularly **wins EU monthly ATs**. He could've played any current meta class and still have a very high chance of winning that tournament.


So to answer your question: he won due to **difference in skill** between him and other less experienced players. The weaver is one of the better 1v1 classes right now but not the best, it's on the same level as other meta-builds like Warrior, Holo, Mirage, Symbolbrand, etc. etc. and can be easily countered, outplayed due to skill difference, or punished for mistakes.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> So is Weaver the strongest 1 vs 1 class now?

> Or is it just a matter of difference in skill level between the winner and the rest?


It is the hardest to kill simply, and the map forces an end after 2 minutes with gas mechanic. In an actual conquest map that build would just stall a lot of 1v1s. Also 1v1 is a lot about counters, I suspect a Core Warr could probably beat the build (at least until Tuesday when the anti barrier trait is nerfed), but he didn't face that. He faced a warr, but since traitline switching wasn't allowed the warr had to remain on SPB, which doesn't do great against that build.

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