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Remove Tier 4


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As the active US WvW population trends downward, I believe it is time to remove another tier which in turn will hopefully generate a more robust population in the other three tiers. On reset only a handful of matches are seeing one or two maps queued at most. Outside of NA Prime, WvW can often feel like a wasteland with a dozen or less players running around on each server group.

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Chopping off 1 tier is one of the quickest and possibly the easiest way for them to breath temporary fresh air into this game mode. The players that still play in WvW do so because they enjoy it, and there's really nothing like it out there. But there's nothing worse than rallying a guild raid, then finding no content after 2 hours and have everybody log bored and disappointed. Or you see the opposing servers having multiple oj's on map while you've got no allies to play with to fight them.


The population is stretched too thin, there's no reason to have 4 tiers at this point in time.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"MELORD.5013" said:

> > the NA wvw population is actually better than it was the last few months

> > check this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84457/na-wvw-is-in-freefall#latest


> Theoretically.


> That is unless they lowered the ‘threshold’ of full to keep Blackgate closed.


Can't understand why ppl insist on thinking of those server population labels as fixed numbers . . .

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> No. Don't do anything that slows or diverts resources from alliances. Get that done. Then we'll see where we stand and if WvW can stay a viable game mode.


Well considering their PvE heavy mindset and what they delivered with the next saga and how short it was.. tells me Alliances aren't even being touched. If they can't even deliver properly on PvE then don't expect even a blip in WvW

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > No. Don't do anything that slows or diverts resources from alliances. Get that done. Then we'll see where we stand and if WvW can stay a viable game mode.


> That's a brave assumption that there's resources to divert from alliances.


'Hope' is not a strategy, but its about all I have left for my favorite game mode. I'll encourage them to stay focused on alliances at every opportunity.

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I don't know about other tiers but Tier 1 currently has lots of activity going on at most hours.

It has been fun to say the least.

Coincidentally Tier 1 is also currently made up of 3 full servers and rotated weekly with the other Very High pop server.

Perhaps reducing the number of tiers to compact the population might be a good option so the other tiers enjoy the same activity levels of a triple full server Tier 1.

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> @"Hyperballad.5693" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> >

> > Can't understand why ppl insist on thinking of those server population labels as fixed numbers . . .


> Yup, actual activity numbers tell a different story. Seems clear to me the bottom NA tiers have started transferring to BP/JQ/Mag.


> ![](https://imgur.com/LZIlAYe.jpg)




Where's that list from ?

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