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Tomorrow's Guild Chat: We want your questions!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> **Question:** Will the map be expanded with future releases, like the Darkrime Delves, for instance?

If so, how will it work with the first part of the map being locked behind first chapter of the Saga? Will the access to the second part still come from core tyria maps, and not from the current part of Bjora's Marches?


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What is the intended gameplay of the essence masteries? How did you expect/plan for them to be used here?


What is the intended fun value of the essence masteries? How is having/using them supposed to make the game more fun?


Norn shrine with dwarven stonework, norn buildings with nothing norn-ish to them, the abuse/exploitation of spirit essence, and a near complete lack of anything lore related for the norn or charr. The story is human-centric at best, and anti-norn at points. Is this really your idea of getting more exposure/knowledge of norn culture, and was the prologue the extent of our chance to learn about the charr?

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In the map you see blue ghosts next to trees that disappear when you get close to them. What's the story behind them?


Will the raven barrier shrines serve more purpose in the next episode?


Why in the episode does it say Braham abandoned his people when the story before that gave no indication that he did such a thing?

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Loved the patch even tho I expected a bigger map this time around (I know it will be expanded, but still, Icebrood Saga maps right now are smaller then Season 4.)


QUESTION: What was the most difficult thing you struggled with in Whisper in the Dark?


QUESTION 2: Will the boneskinner be developed and continue to haunt us? Because I felt that was a bit less then I expected from all the hype around her/him.

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Q: This release was smaller than previous LW episodes. What cadence are you aiming for in Icebrood Saga?


Q: Do you intend to make Icebrood Saga's maps more dangerous to account for Essence Manipulation?


Q: During the presentation, we were told that Strikes are designed as an introduction to raid content. Are there plans to release raids in Icebrood Saga?

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Even though this was a short episode (but I felt the cadence was right to set up for the next section) at the end where our character says, " We still need a way through the mountains. You (Cresia) and Rytlock scout for a path." I see us going south instead of west as I look at the map. Since Aurene was not with us in this story, I am wondering if we are trying to figure out if Jormag is wanting to truly ally with Aurene or if he is trying to lure her to corrupt her and we must figure out what to do to prepare her to make a good decision. I suspect he does not realize she ate Joko and cannot really be killed but do think he knows she potentially could be corrupted. Is Aurene in more danger in the next episode and are we going to have to figure a way to help her realize Jormag may be or not be what she may think he is?

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The essence masteries seem to be connected to the lost spirits of the wild (Dolyak, Wolverine, Eagle) through the essence icons and the fact that some of the enemy types gather around shrines to these lost spirits. Is this explained anywhere in the map, or is the fate of these spirits and their connection to these mob types a mystery we're going to unravel in the future?


Edit: Got caught up in thinking of my question and forgot to make it short:


Are the essence types and their mobs connected to the lost spirits of the wild or other lore? If so, will we learn more about what's going on with that?

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Will there ever be any new pets introduced? You have said expansion level content, does this included elite specs, pets, and new weapons? Or just story and maps(the same as every living world season).


Will we be getting any new hairs, horns, face styles/types, fur patterns etc? Its been a long time.

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Did anybody at Anet use (or even try for R&D purposes) Arc Templates before the design process began on your own version? Or was the entire design philosophy about creating something diametrically opposed to most people's expectation (even experience) of a successful solution to templates, coupled with a revolting monetisation goal?

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They answered some of the stuff asked in this thread, so here's what I caught:


> Was this being probably the shortest LW story a deliberate design decision? Is this how short all stories will be going forward?


Future stories have a chance to be short so that they can put things out faster, but it's not for sure that all of them will be as short as this.


> Though the frost looks great, it makes the action difficult to see; was this considered with the mechanic and intentional?


Yes, it was considered and intentional. Devs also stated that the entire screen was clouded in addition to the frosty border, and that what we have now is the "toned down" version.


They seemed to hesitate before answering, so it's possible the frost effect is under review or not final.


> Can we expect more Boneskinner stuff later in the Saga?


Yes. The Boneskinner will be back in a strike mission. They say that it will have a phased fight where not following the mechanic will punish you, but not become unbeatable.


> Will the map be expanded with future releases?


Yes. They are doing exactly what they did with Dry Top.


> Does Jormag minions conserve free will?


Yes and no. Jormag tries to persuade people to "want what it wants", so some of the minions are willing and some don't realize they're being influenced.


> Why can you not use mounts in Darkrime Delves?


Finding a certain character in this area happens in the open world, and they didn't want Raptor mounts jumping all over it.


> Did the guy doing the ending cutscene (convo with Jormag) get a raise?


There were two voice actors working together on the cutscene as well as a number of cinematic artists who received glowing praise from the devs in the guild chat. Evidently, they also received waffles at the office to celebrate the release.


> How Svanir got their raptors? Have they purchased PoF?


The devs laughed at this one and then said the Svanir stole PoF because they're bad guys. Then they added that 'it looks cool'. Finally, they posited that people lured by Jormag also happened to own mounts.


> In the map you see blue ghosts next to trees that disappear when you get close to them. What's the story behind them?


It was not explained specifically what that is, but it was explained that they intend to have more things in the game like it that you can see, but not other players who haven't reached your progress in the story yet.


> Why in the episode does it say Braham abandoned his people when the story before that gave no indication that he did such a thing?


Devs didn't answer this, but Braham himself admits it to Ryland in the prologue when he's drunk. Ryland is shocked, telling Braham that his guild is his warband and shaming him for abandoning them.


> What was the most difficult thing you struggled with in Whisper in the Dark?


Horror elements in an MMO. They felt horror worked better in a weaponless situation or in a single-player where you can be made to feel alone. They were proud of the jumpscare Icebrood in the keep, however.


> How will expanding Bjora Marches interact with map completion, for those who have already mapped the current area?


If you complete the map now, you get the completion reward. If you wait for the map to expand, you'll need to find all the expanded places to get the reward. You do not lose the reward when the map expands if you complete it before it does.

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