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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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1. (again) Build Templates.

2. Named Weapons with unique skins and stats that you could only get by killing the boss who carried it (sometimes took FOREVER for the boss to drop it)

3. Second professions (along with the ability to switch them at will for a fee)

4. The mini black moa chick quest

5. Actual guild wars

6. Random Arenas and Team Arenas

7. Some of the Elite armor skins (I would kill Rytlock for the Mesmer outfit from Marhan's Grotto)


I am sure there are other things, but I wouldn't give up GW2 to go back to GW1. Just a few things I miss.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @sorudo.9054 said:

> > * a well written and voiced story

> I... don't think you remember GW1's story very well, to say the least.


then you have not played GW1 at all, GW2 is a boring talk fest compared to the deep lore and epic story GW1 has.


anyway, i know another GW1 feature i want in GW2

* armor/weapon power value equality, make higher rank matter in a different way then armor/damage stat.

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A couple comments:


Skill/pet capturing: They tried to bring this back in GW2 via the post-release/pre-HoT trait system, where you had to unlock each trait by doing certain things in the world. It's the kind of thing you have to introduce at from the begining, or never at all, because otherwise you're taking away ease of access. People hate it when you take things away from them.


Mesmer/interrupts: It was fun, but only if you had good ping. The old interrupt mechanic just doesn't work well for people with slow connections, so the devs decided GW2 should make less use of it. Especially considering the slow attack rate of PvE enemies in GW2, I think this was the right call.


One thing I miss that hasn't been mentioned, and has actually recently come back via PoF, is enemy patrols. The behavior of having to watch enemy movements before planning your own is just part of what GW feel like GW to me.

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The styles of the two games are pretty different, one being a cooperative, multi-player version of, say, Planescape Torment or Baldur's Gate and the other mostly aligned as a true MMO. I find this makes it a little more difficult to be sure I'd want things I miss from one in the other or vice versa. Plenty I miss from GW1, though, to be sure. I really enjoyed the years in that game.


I suppose more generally, there are some notables, some touched upon already by others in the thread.

- I am both happy and sad that I've already experienced that initial wonder and excitement at exploring the world of Tyria. As enjoyable as GW2 is, the setting and many design choices leave me feeling like it's more an official fan-fiction at times, which can be a bummer. (very subjective, of course)

- UI elements that could all be moved and/or resized to a player's content.

- build templates for eas(ier) swapping

- enemies as dots on the minimap (really threw me for the first few weeks)

- having the option to set up a character appropriately and solo bosses for unique drops (or in some folks' cases solo dungeon content); reaching way back AoE farming with specific builds (griffons, trolls, UW, etc.)

- more nuanced differences across classes; perhaps it's just me, but while I definitely enjoy the GW2 classes and how each brings their own take on, say, greatsword or axe, etc., they can at times feel like different flavours added to the same sandwhich instead of different meals. (poor analogy, but the idea...) <--- this is super subjective, so I could be all wrong to most of you, I am sure!

- hexes

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> @haventr.1630 said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > The thing I really miss is Cantha.

> >

> > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > 3. **Having new starter areas with each expansion** (plus having a lot more maps per expansion).

> > Both those things were because the three GW1 campaigns were full standalone games in and of themselves. HoT and PoF are more like GW1's only _actual_ expansion (EotN).

> >


> GW1 had incredible lore, but to say the story was well written and voiced is your nostalgia speaking.



Are you saying I cannot have my opinion? :o

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> @JMaarse.7086 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @Panda.1967 said:

> > > 9. **Elite Skills that were actually ELITE** - GW2 elite skills are a joke... most of them are hardly even worth using... massive cooldowns for such little benefit... most of the elites in GW2 are, in all honesty, weaker than utility skills of the same effect/use. Elite skills in GW1 were powerful, many of them had short or no CD, they were the cornerstone of builds. In GW2 they feel more like afterthoughts.

> >

> > First off, I 1000% agree with you here. Overall, elite skills in GW2 are underwhelming due to their massive CDs. Elite specs have more or less fixed this, but core and racial elite skills are still awful for their CDs, and need to be looked at. However, since GW2 doesn't have an energy mechanic, the only thing they can do to a skill to keep its use in check is to tweak its CD. As much as I love not having mana/energy as a core mechanic for each class, this is a huge downside of this decision. It means that some skills that are supposed to only be used "rarely" (ie at the cost of all of your other skills, since it used all of your mana at once) end up with massive CDs that don't justify their intended effects


> If EVERY player has one skill that's completely bonkers OP (their elite), wouldn't that be balanced in itself?


Pretty much, yes... The long CDs of Elites in GW2 wouldn't be so big of an issue if their effects were actually worth the CD. As I stated already, most of the elites in GW2 are actually WEAKER versions of normal utility skills. Every elite skill in the game needs some serious buffs. Some of them are legitimately useful, but usefulness alone doesn't justify their CD cost. If you look at the Mesmer class, mesmers actually have quite a few normal Utility skills that are more Elite than their actual Elite skills, take [Mimic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mimic "Mimic") for example... next utility skill used has 1s CD, a very situational skill but EXTREMELY powerful and absolutely worthy of Elite status, however it's a normal Utility skill...

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I miss the time, when only my grandpa said:"Everything was better before" and not the guys in computer games.


And it is nowhere that extreme like in GW1. Every bigger change in the past: Oh, Jez.... it was so much better before! Sunglasses as skin? Killed the feeling. Heros? Now they killed groupplay! As much as I love GW1 and definatly GW2, as much I am confused with this behavior in forums:"Let's mention all the time, what we liked earlier."


GW1 was nice at time I played it, I had a lot of fun. But to be honest it was technical outdated even in its prime. One disconnect could kill your 3 hour run in "the deep". No chance to call friends to help you (or help someone) if you where not in the instance from the beginning. No crafting, no tradepost so ppl made a lot of frauds, and so on.


As much as I liked GW1, I miss nothing that I would like to have in GW2. Exept Build templates.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> We were talking about it with guildies yesterday and here is our top 5:

> 1. Heroes & Henchies.

> 2. The Menagerie.

> 3. A Guild Hall available to everybody (With GW2 concept, little guilds can't have one. There should be a "poor" version of GH allowed to All).

> 5. Seeing foes as red dots on compass.

> 6. Following professions: Ritualist, Assassin (with the great skill chain concept) and Dervish.


> How is it for you? What do you miss from old times? :)


How about meaningful pvp...pvp in gw2 is like the red headed step child that didn't get unique rewards or exclusives....arenanet likes the pve community better because that's where the money is.

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> @tenryuta.2014 said:

> henchman/heroes, for bandit leaders and executioners, til i finish the side story :3 , make em run off the minis rule and disband when too many players are around, come back when everyone is gone, similar join/disband function as minis.


That could lead to some interesting situations where your heroes all disappear, leaving you alone to face the boss because a guild group passed by looking for a bounty or something of the sort.

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> @mulzi.8273 said:

> kinda silly, but i miss the ability to see what my opponent was casting (when you have they targetted), so i could time my interupts according to what i see them casting, instead of the instant aoe crap we have now in gw2, where you have to spray cc's and hope they stick to something.


They removed casting bars because they wanted the player to react to the world instead of the UI. But now we're in a situation where visual noise defeats that entire purpose.


To answer OP, I'd say about everything, really. I love GW2, but it doesn't hold a candle to the original in my opinion.

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