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What would happen to Weaver if....


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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> what would happen if ppl stopped writing clickbait headlines with meaningless suggestions?


Well no one responded to my last topic so I figured what the hell. Also it's not a meaningless suggestion since the evades on sword and invulns on focus are 100% the reason that players are even able to use weaver at all competitively.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > what would happen if ppl stopped writing clickbait headlines with meaningless suggestions?


> Well no one responded to my last topic so I figured what the hell. Also it's not a meaningless suggestion since the evades on sword and invulns on focus are 100% the reason that players are even able to use weaver at all competitively.


I guess 80% would swap the fresh ait the other 20% to lightning rod.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> Also it's not a meaningless suggestion since the evades on sword and invulns on focus are 100% the reason that players are even able to use weaver at all competitively.


The same can be said about other classes with a lot of blocks/evades/invulnerabilties and even CC, too. Like Mirage, Spellbreaker or Condi Daredevil, to name a few.



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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Why does it alway have to be: “quick kill it.” Why can’t we just increase the CD of sword 2 by 3-5 secs, and lower primordial stance damage slightly in sPvP?


because this will change nothing, to balance weaver they need:

1- remove evades/ lower the duration


2- lower the damage from fire


because all they need to do is hit you one time and you are almost killed after they evaded all your hits

riptide have 2s evade time what is like 2 dodge rolls

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > Why does it alway have to be: “quick kill it.” Why can’t we just increase the CD of sword 2 by 3-5 secs, and lower primordial stance damage slightly in sPvP?


> because this will change nothing, to balance weaver they need:

> 1- remove evades/ lower the duration

> or

> 2- lower the damage from fire


> because all they need to do is hit you one time and you are almost killed after they evaded all your hits


Man, this is not G1 okay? Most of weaver evades are under 1 sec duration. “All they need is to hit you one time you are almost killed.” The only possible response to this is learn 2 play.

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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> what would happen if ppl stopped writing clickbait headlines with meaningless suggestions?


Meaningless suggestion indeed.

Ele was already nerfed to hell previously, and now when it is playable (with like only 1.5 builds), the cries come back.

Please pass them the salt, it goes better with their tears.

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D/F is getting there. I'm trying a Fire/Air/Weaver build with some success. The main weapon needs a few buffs, or every other class needs a few nerfs... whichever comes first ;)


Earth/Water skill 2 evades aren't the problem with Fire Weaver. Water weaver used the same traits and same weapons, but never competed nearly as well as it's counter part. Fire Weaver's strength comes from the fire traitline!


I understand that people are sick with condi and Fire Weaver's somehow perceived invincibility, but if you wanna nerf the build, then cry nerfs on the right things.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> D/F is getting there. I'm trying a Fire/Air/Weaver build with some success. The main weapon needs a few buffs, or every other class needs a few nerfs... whichever comes first ;)


> Earth/Water skill 2 evades aren't the problem with Fire Weaver. Water weaver used the same traits and same weapons, but never competed nearly as well as it's counter part. Fire Weaver's strength comes from the fire traitline!


> I understand that people are sick with condi and Fire Weaver's somehow perceived invincibility, but if you wanna nerf the build, then cry nerfs on the right things.


Try the D/F build on Metabattle, but replace the amulet with Zerker and the Weaver adept major trait to the vitality trait. Huge damage spikes, and does a dent in teamfights. Coupled with all the evasion you can even 1v2 with it with success.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> What would happen to Weaver if....They removed evade sword earth and water #2?


> The elementalist section will revert to being the whiniest self entitled section of the forums. On the plus side if anyone wanted to make a vial of salt it would become much easier.


It's all cool...once they take care of **might generation/impact and access to quickness** , once they take care of the huge dmg spike some professions are capable of plus their innate sustain...once of all that is take care of, the nerfs to weaver will be meaningless because ele will be more than able to compete with base d/d ele or FA build

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > Why does it alway have to be: “quick kill it.” Why can’t we just increase the CD of sword 2 by 3-5 secs, and lower primordial stance damage slightly in sPvP?


> because this will change nothing, to balance weaver they need:

> 1- remove evades/ lower the duration

> or

> 2- lower the damage from fire


> because all they need to do is hit you one time and you are almost killed after they evaded all your hits

> riptide have 2s evade time what is like 2 dodge rolls


There would be no problem for eles to nerf weaver evasion rate...once they nerf the rest of PoF specs and access to high dmg modifiers across the board, the high evasion rate is only neeed to support the class through this powercrept phase

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > Is that the squishy slow thing that needs to hug you to do damage? **Sure evades are annoying but at least it doesn't do damage while doing so.**


> Wat.


> Weaver can absolutely pulse damage on you while dodging with Primordial Stance.


Water 2 go backwards, Earth 2 is stationnary, so goodbye the condi farts. The rest is just a matter of positionning.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Think the most obvious way they'll go about weaver (if they do) is increasing the cooldown of some of the evade skills by a few seconds. Maybe increasing the Twist of Fate count recharge by 5-10 seconds.


> Doubt the damage is going to get touched. And it doesn't have to.


Just delete the class...it's basically worthless outside the fire weaver build that kills some silver hero.....

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