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Fraenir of Jormag Strike mission (more spoilers?)


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It didn’t seem that bad. For the Fraenir, people just need to stay out of circles so they don’t get frozen, dodge towards the boss at the shockwaves, and stand away from the group if they get that attack with the arrow. Is there an audio cue or prompt for that last one?


For the ice construct portion, it’s really no different from the first strike mission other than having the circle spread mechanic from Sabir. It’s slightly different in that it goes off three times.


I have an idea on how the next boss will be and I’m worried that gold will probably not be probable in pug groups due to how terrible players are at using CC.

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I enjoyed the fight for what it was. I especially enjoyed the Fraenir standing inside the Icebrood's chest. That was a cool moment.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I have an idea on how the next boss will be and I’m worried that gold will probably not be probable in pug groups due to how terrible players are at using CC.


Possibly. As a pugger, I'm not too fussed about that. My expectations were for Gold to be foe the organised groups anyway

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> I hope these first strikes are just to "calibrate" future implementations, at the moment they are at level of fractal T1, ideally the level of difficulty should be like to fractal t2 or t3.


They are def higher than t1 fractal (except Grothmar one). 2 maybe 3, but absolutely not at T1 level. Espeically going for silver or gold.


Anyone breezing through it at those medals is simply well practised enough at raids and T4 that anything lower seems too easy. For the rest of us, it is more challenging or at least at a higher level than we are used to.

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Just did it 9 times and managed to get gold only 4 times. 5 times was silver by few percent/seconds.

We had pug squad but most boons covered. This one isnt that hard to do but it is harder dps check.

Main problem seams to be human faling ice since it is kinda quick.

With proper comp (with aegis and projectyle defense) it is very easy but strikes dont operate with propper comps.

Overall I am not dissapointed. Again much better then the first one.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Strike missions can also be easy or difficult depending on the team comp and skill level. They’re not anywhere near raid level but they’re certainly more difficult than T1 fractals.


Considering T1 fractals are literally a joke, that's not much to go on about.


1st try gold w/o anyone explaining the fight's mechanics (going in blind). Also @OP your DPS rotations are incorrect.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Strike missions can also be easy or difficult depending on the team comp and skill level. They’re not anywhere near raid level but they’re certainly more difficult than T1 fractals.


> Considering T1 fractals are literally a joke, that's not much to go on about.


> 1st try gold w/o anyone explaining the fight's mechanics (going in blind). Also @OP your DPS rotations are incorrect.


The post was in response to someone saying that the difficulty is no different than a T1 fractal.


The issue with their post is that the team comp and skill level of your team can greatly impact how smooth the strike goes but has no bearing on the actual difficulty set for the strike mission.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They are def higher than t1 fractal (except Grothmar one). 2 maybe 3, but absolutely not at T1 level. Espeically going for silver or gold.


Generally speaking strikes are higher difficulty than T1, but there are a lot of other considerations to take into account when comparing "difficulty", other than team composition and skill level.


Fractals don't have the concept of silver and gold because they have no enrage timer. Only way to compare the difficulty between fractals and strikes properly is success vs failure. I can already imagine how hard certain Fractals would be for "strike players" even on T1 if they had a timer. Like Underground last boss with a timer in an unorganized group where the one fixated runs like a headless chicken, or Volcanic boss healing itself because players don't bring proper skills for its defense barrier and so on.


Imagine a fight like Liadri without a timer. It wouldn't be as difficult as it is. So enrage timers and silver/gold rewards do artificially increase the difficulty of strike missions, the real question is how hard they are mechanic wise. Because if all we'll get in the future is difficulty through tight timers then I'd say it would be a sad reality for the game.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

Im not sure if that is necessarily a bad idea tbh. I mean the golden "checkpoint" only gives you a tiny bit of extra loot anyway. I can totally see it happen where this mechanic is getting used more often. The average player will just go for the kill, as where the more serious people will try reaching gold. I actually think raids would be great place for this mechanic


> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

>Also @OP your DPS rotations are incorrect.

I am aware. As i mentioned in my first post. This was literally my/our first entry. I was more focused on trying to pay attention on what Fraenir is doing then on my rotation. As i was expecting him to be different as oppose to when we encounter him in story.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Im not sure if that is necessarily a bad idea tbh. I mean the golden "checkpoint" only gives you a tiny bit of extra loot anyway. I can totally see it happen where this mechanic is getting used more often. The average player will just go for the kill, as where the more serious people will try reaching gold. I actually think raids would be great place for this mechanic


Don't think that would work for raids if the reward balance is like the one in the Strike Missions of Bjora Marches. The difference between gold and silver rewards is negligible or laughable at best. You just need to not hit the final enrage timer to get all the important chests. The additional loot of gold is just a rare, some blues and greens + Karma (probably exp as well but that's useless anyways).



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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> I mean the golden "checkpoint" only gives you a tiny bit of extra loot anyway.


Which is why I don't understand comments saying "getting gold in strikes is tougher than T1 fractals", there is little to no point in getting gold, or silver. So the entire difficulty comparison is between succeeding in T1 fractals and succeeding in strike missions (without getting silver or gold)


> The average player will just go for the kill, as where the more serious people will try reaching gold


In other words let's simplify all mechanics and add a few timers for "difficulty", that's just terrible design.

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I found the bonus chests to not even be worth going for. There are no special drops and the only loot worth going for only requires the boss to be defeated. Technically you don’t even need to beat the boss if you join a squad that just beat it and enter the instance within the 1.5 min before it closes.

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These strike missions desperately need difficulty tiers that add mechanics and tighten enrage timers (and offer decent reward).


What we have now should be easy - medium should be on par with what we see in raids - and hard should be truly challenging and only for those that master the game.


That way, we see true difficult content on a decent release schedule that actually fits with the rest of the game.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> These strike missions desperately need difficulty tiers that add mechanics and tighten enrage timers (and offer decent reward).


> What we have now should be easy - medium should be on par with what we see in raids - and hard should be truly challenging and only for those that master the game.


> That way, we see true difficult content on a decent release schedule that actually fits with the rest of the game.


Which isn't the purpose of strike missions though.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> > These strike missions desperately need difficulty tiers that add mechanics and tighten enrage timers (and offer decent reward).

> >

> > What we have now should be easy - medium should be on par with what we see in raids - and hard should be truly challenging and only for those that master the game.

> >

> > That way, we see true difficult content on a decent release schedule that actually fits with the rest of the game.


> Which isn't the purpose of strike missions though.


Exactly. These are meant to be pre-raid level 10 man instances. Bridging the gap/giving a taster to get people more used to coordination (which is required for gold medal).


They aren't designed to be master level. That's a place raids and CM's in particular should be aiming to fill (whether they do or not is a conversation for elsewhere of course)


The only real adjustments that I can see are needed include ensuring rewards adequately reflect the medals and perhaps a waypoint outside.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Bridging the gap/giving a taster to get people more used to coordination (which is required for gold medal).


The vast majority of Raid encounters don't reach the enrage timer, and even when you reach it, generally you can still beat the encounter, there are very few hard enrages. Adding "medals" and time thresholds is a very lazy way of creating "challenge", combined with the non-existent rewards for getting that silver/gold medal making it completely pointless. It's more complex mechanics, especially group mechanics, that create challenge in group content, not the addition of time thresholds.


> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> These strike missions desperately need difficulty tiers that add mechanics and tighten enrage timers (and offer decent reward).


Exactly. At first just a single CM mode would work (baby steps). I can understand why they don't do it right away, afraid it will split the community, but at some point Strike Missions need both better rewards and more mechanics/challenge. On one hand they can keep the current difficulty for when you go in with a group of randoms, but there should be a more intense (not only with lazy tighter timers) version for when going with an organized group.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> > These strike missions desperately need difficulty tiers that add mechanics and tighten enrage timers (and offer decent reward).


> Exactly. At first just a single CM mode would work (baby steps). I can understand why they don't do it right away, afraid it will split the community, but at some point Strike Missions need both better rewards and more mechanics/challenge. On one hand they can keep the current difficulty for when you go in with a group of randoms, but there should be a more intense (not only with lazy tighter timers) version for when going with an organized group.


I don't like the splitting the community argument because there is a very easy way to avoid this situation. Strike CMs would basically be raid level encounters, maybe even being harder than certain raids. Just like raids the devs can make them give out their rewards only once per week. That way, you can still do the normal mode daily as well for lesser rewards. The same concept can be applied to raid CMs. They should make those have repeatable rewards on a monthly basis. As it is right now, they are wasting resources on raid CMs that are only played once by most raiders.



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