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PvP Unbalance


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PvP is very unbalanced, most games I play my team wins by huge points advantage or loses, PvP should be balanced by player level, should be applied as much in PvP Ranked and Unranked, so the match will be fairer, because a beginner reaches level 20 and will play Ranked and fall against experienced players with the much higher level. With this balance the PvP will improve, I hope this balance will occur. :'(

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> @"clayton.8453" said:


> PvP is very unbalanced, most games I play my team wins by huge points advantage or loses, PvP should be balanced by player level, should be applied as much in PvP Ranked and Unranked, so the match will be fairer, because a beginner reaches level 20 and will play Ranked and fall against experienced players with the much higher level. With this balance the PvP will improve, I hope this balance will occur. :'(


How exactly would you measure player level?

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There aren't enough players for matches to be super balanced, the system does what it can with the amount of players there are. Also with the way conquest is you can have two teams of similar skill players in gold for example, and the score is still 500-100 because gold players don't know how to recover from being triple capped.

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> @"clayton.8453" said:


> PvP is very unbalanced, most games I play my team wins by huge points advantage or loses, PvP should be balanced by player level, should be applied as much in PvP Ranked and Unranked, so the match will be fairer, because a beginner reaches level 20 and will play Ranked and fall against experienced players with the much higher level. With this balance the PvP will improve, I hope this balance will occur. :'(


There is not enough players in ranked or in unranked for match making to work.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"clayton.8453" said:

> >

> > PvP is very unbalanced, most games I play my team wins by huge points advantage or loses, PvP should be balanced by player level, should be applied as much in PvP Ranked and Unranked, so the match will be fairer, because a beginner reaches level 20 and will play Ranked and fall against experienced players with the much higher level. With this balance the PvP will improve, I hope this balance will occur. :'(


> There is not enough players in ranked or in ranked for match making to work.


Sounds like a excuse for failure to do the standard.


If 5 v 5 matchmaking is truly impossible in this game. Than the solution would be to make Ranked PvP be with teams of 4 v 4 or 3 v 3 if the matchmaker can only handle that.


But since ANet, ZOS, and all the other MMO companies, have completely giving up on their PvP scenes. We can hope for no adjustment for population. Therefor, it's not that they can't. It's simply that they refuse to do what is necessary. Two completely different things.

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> @"Fearless.3569" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"clayton.8453" said:

> > >

> > > PvP is very unbalanced, most games I play my team wins by huge points advantage or loses, PvP should be balanced by player level, should be applied as much in PvP Ranked and Unranked, so the match will be fairer, because a beginner reaches level 20 and will play Ranked and fall against experienced players with the much higher level. With this balance the PvP will improve, I hope this balance will occur. :'(

> >

> > There is not enough players in ranked or in ranked for match making to work.


> Sounds like a excuse for failure to do the standard.


> If 5 v 5 matchmaking is truly impossible in this game. Than the solution would be to make Ranked PvP be with teams of 4 v 4 or 3 v 3 if the matchmaker can only handle that.


> But since ANet, ZOS, and all the other MMO companies, have completely giving up on their PvP scenes. We can hope for no adjustment for population. Therefor, it's not that they can't. It's simply that they refuse to do what is necessary. Two completely different things.


Someone gets it. It's just not where the money is at. They keep it around and maintain it with minimal effort only because the systems are already there. If given the market knowledge they have now they would have never included PvP in the first place.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > There aren't enough players for matches to be super balanced.


> This.


> What you're seeing isn't the cause of the imbalance. Its a symptom.




Most refuse to acknowledge that fact. I bet we wouldn't have a population issue if

- PvP was actively managed and developed.

- PvP had more class diversity in the META

- META wasn't absolute

- Broken builds was fixed more often

- F2P accounts wasn't allowed to participate in Ranked games.

- AFKers was properly punished

- Ranked Trolls was properly punished

- Match Manipulated was either tracked and punished, or became non viable due to being able to have no randoms on your team.

- Ranking actually go by how well **YOU PERFORMED** in your matches and not how your team performed.


All of those together make PvP worthless in my eyes. Which is why I don't populate it much these days. I bet I'm not alone in these feelings. Why would I bother playing something that don't get developers attention. No I'm better off PvPing in games like MOBAs Shooters, and BRs where developers fully support fun healthy and competitive PvP.


MMO genre-wide PvP these days are bottom tiered at best. Aggravating at it's worst. It's really sad that the companies of the genre as a collective. Completely stopped supporting PvP within this genre.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fail to see the point of my being murdered thousands of times before I can inch my way to level 20 so I can play ranked matches. I need to be playing other zero level folks, not people with years of experience, who I can't even hit. There is no sense or reason for this and it is the most brainless requirement I've ever seen in a video game. Why make it impossible to play against people of your skill level?

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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> I fail to see the point of my being murdered thousands of times before I can inch my way to level 20 so I can play ranked matches. I need to be playing other zero level folks, not people with years of experience, who I can't even hit. There is no sense or reason for this and it is the most brainless requirement I've ever seen in a video game. Why make it impossible to play against people of your skill level?


It's probably meant to protect new player but when they removed team q, they probably not thought that teams gonna train in unranked.


What a surprise

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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> I fail to see the point of my being murdered thousands of times before I can inch my way to level 20 so I can play ranked matches. I need to be playing other zero level folks, not people with years of experience, who I can't even hit. There is no sense or reason for this and it is the most brainless requirement I've ever seen in a video game. Why make it impossible to play against people of your skill level?


You likely wouldn't even play only with people of your own skill level.

When I was a Gold 1 player I got hard stomped back to silver by high platinum (or even higher) players I was pitted against, while my team clearly was below the average of what I usually see in PvP.

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I think they need to have more utilities or traits that have some sort of boon removal because there's not enough counterplay against boon spammers and they are usually the top rated players I think it can give newer players to have a fighting chance against some of these cheesy meta builds

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> @"Sovari.7246" said:

> I think they need to have more utilities or traits that have some sort of boon removal because there's not enough counterplay against boon spammers and they are usually the top rated players I think it can give newer players to have a fighting chance against some of these cheesy meta builds


There is not enough counterplay against condition spam or CC spam either.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Sovari.7246" said:

> > I think they need to have more utilities or traits that have some sort of boon removal because there's not enough counterplay against boon spammers and they are usually the top rated players I think it can give newer players to have a fighting chance against some of these cheesy meta builds


> There is not enough counterplay against condition spam or CC spam either.


Against CC :








+ some abilities can be canst when stunned.

Against Condi









Against boons




aaaand thats it :D

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PvP in this game is the worst pvp in any of the games i ever played.


From mesmers 100-0 from stealth to thieves teleporting all over the place,disengaging/engaging 24/7,while u literally cant escape either its really sad.


In other games,everyone has at least equal chance of killing each other,this here is saddest piece of crap i ever witnessed.


If you are new to game,don't just please don't play pvp,for the sake of staying sane.You are never,literally never achieve nothing if you don't wintrade or play meta professions/specs. Which leads to NOT having fun if you are not into meta.


Expect to face mesmers and thieves 90% of games played.Most of games have 2 mesmers,and that right there says a lot about state of this game.

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> @"Fearless.3569" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > There aren't enough players for matches to be super balanced.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > What you're seeing isn't the cause of the imbalance. Its a symptom.

> >

> >


> Most refuse to acknowledge that fact. I bet we wouldn't have a population issue if

> - PvP was actively managed and developed.

> - PvP had more class diversity in the META

> - META wasn't absolute

> - Broken builds was fixed more often

> - F2P accounts wasn't allowed to participate in Ranked games.

> - AFKers was properly punished

> - Ranked Trolls was properly punished

> - Match Manipulated was either tracked and punished, or became non viable due to being able to have no randoms on your team.

> - Ranking actually go by how well **YOU PERFORMED** in your matches and not how your team performed.


> All of those together make PvP worthless in my eyes. Which is why I don't populate it much these days. I bet I'm not alone in these feelings. Why would I bother playing something that don't get developers attention. No I'm better off PvPing in games like MOBAs Shooters, and BRs where developers fully support fun healthy and competitive PvP.


> MMO genre-wide PvP these days are bottom tiered at best. Aggravating at it's worst. It's really sad that the companies of the genre as a collective. Completely stopped supporting PvP within this genre.


personally, i don't mind F2P players doing ranked, as long as they know what they are doing, but the other stuff plus cc spamming cheese builds, those plus the game doesn't properly teach you stuff like how to break the break bar or what cc as daze do, and the difference between hard cc and soft cc in this game.






> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> PvP in this game is the worst pvp in any of the games i ever played.


> From mesmers 100-0 from stealth to thieves teleporting all over the place,disengaging/engaging 24/7,while u literally cant escape either its really sad.


> In other games,everyone has at least equal chance of killing each other,this here is saddest piece of kitten i ever witnessed.


> If you are new to game,don't just please don't play pvp,for the sake of staying sane.You are never,literally never achieve nothing if you don't wintrade or play meta professions/specs. Which leads to NOT having fun if you are not into meta.


> Expect to face mesmers and thieves 90% of games played.Most of games have 2 mesmers,and that right there says a lot about state of this game.


It would help if the game didn't have builds which can do 100% of your hp or more in a single hit, killing even before you can get downed (warrior rifle)


personally, you should never exceed 50% health of a person with a shot (around 6k min shot 5.5 maybe) Even if a skill takes the setup to prepare and all, it's still very bad for the game, and unfun to fight against.


On the other hand, we have to address why these builds exist too. If the problem for mesmers is its the only way to deal with a certain specific class is having high burst, then we cannot leave the other side unaddressed, or we get a bunker meta. I think this is telling that the whole rock scissors paper is really messed up.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

If Arena Net doesn't "care" about PvP, because it doesn't eliminate this game mode in Guild Wars, Ranked PvP is balanced by the rank that the player is in, bronze, gold ... If a player who started the game in less than 1 month, get lvl 20 in PvP and fall on your team you know that this player will do almost nothing, and do you think that is just? A player new to the game with no experience falls on your team and you lose because of that player. I get angry when it happens, if Arena Net doesn't fix it, it destroys it soon, eliminates the PvP mode of Guild Wars 2. PvP is shit in the balance, makes you want to stop playing because of that shit.


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A-net balances classes around bads who cannot deal with complexity or depth in hopes of getting and retaining new players.

To bad majority of people don't want to play conquest/territories when they PvP, and stronghold is a-net attempting to do lanes without understanding what makes lanes fun.

And newbs are gonna get stomped by people outside their tier anyways because we don't even have enough players to support. Then they get chewed out by their team, and mocked by the enemy.


Ultimetly ppl leave, no one left to pay the bills. All that's left are the people way to invested to abandon a sinking ship, and the rotating door of fresh meat quickly chewed up and spit out.


Balance has been a clown fest since release.

Devs either don't know or don't have the authority to do what needs to be done despite the community telling them.

The only feedback listened too is crying for nerfs.


and that's not even getting the other myriad of issues that you can find just searching the forums. Including issues within ranked, or how events don't really pull views, and how half the people who show up are mostly looking for handouts.


Yes Pvp is unbalnced, but that's literally not even the half of it.


Healthiest thing is to play a better PvP game.

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