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Bring back d/p thief


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This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

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> @"Mathias.9657" said:

> This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


no sympathy for Thief Profession needed here


(i encourage you to have Anet move your thread to Thief Forum instead because us wolves pack here will tear you apart) sarcasm but yeah!

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> @"Mathias.9657" said:

> This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


aside from the steal change, what killed dp?

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> @"The Mechanic.3567" said:

> > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


> aside from the steal change, what killed dp?


Well condi aids for 1 being buffed to extreme, steal change hurt d/p by a ridiculous amount. It changes initiating fights a lot and requires you to be in someones face basically. (a hit and run spec, far more so than the condi aids which can just dodge while doing dmg for days with psn field etc.)

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> @"The Mechanic.3567" said:

> > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


> aside from the steal change, what killed dp?


BP was a utility pick for the build got a nerf to cast time making it clunky, dagger autos were nerfed so their damage is garbage, pulmonary impact damage was nerfed. These plus the fact the game got more power crept left the weapon set behind then u add swipe range reduction which buried it even further due to the fact the balance team can't comprehend the idea of how nerfs can carry over effecting multiple builds including ones already underperforming.

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> @"The Mechanic.3567" said:

> > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


> aside from the steal change, what killed dp?


Lead Attacks, Swipe, Pulmonary Impact trait, auto attack nerfs and not to mention making blinding powder a stunbreak with a incredible fast cast time (makes it clunky) cannot use it mid leaps for example or while stomping/ressing so its just dumbing it down for a stunbreak that we didn't need


If you want it more indepth:

Lead Attacks would stack out of combat so when you move around the map as a dp thief which is your main role you would have a 15% dmg modifier before your first spike which is the idea behind DP thief -> spike -> get out or in some scenarios stay until you kill but not longer than like 10-15 seconds after your initial spike. So obviously lacking 15% damage on your spike = you hit like a wet noodle. This nerf was due to Deadeye "damage" so instead they nerfed every single core/drd build of thief instead of just deadeye which was the problem.


Steal to swipe was a 600 range nerf on steal which means its harder for you to get to your target and you get kited pretty easily so ya its a clunky and dumb mechanic, we didnt need "unblockable" steal since we had basilisk venom that made our steal unblockable in +1s for example


Pulmonary impact (interrupt and you procc damage after 3 seconds) which cannot crit, since everyone and their mother has a million amounts of evades, stability, blocks the possibility of you even proccing PI is so little that its 99% of the time only proccable on your steal so you nerfing this to hit like someone just looking at you = massive nerf. Meanwhile rev f2 can crit 5k+ aoe 3 boonrip (shiro) ??? thief is squishy as hell, sure it has mobility so does rev but pumps 10 times the damage thief does.


Auto attack nerf for no reason either so you hit like a wet noodle

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> @"The Mechanic.3567" said:

> > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


> aside from the steal change, what killed dp?


Next to swipe ... noodle damage. Nerf AA nerf PI nerf lead attacks nerf this and that. Dp was closest to a teef style gameplay, hide, go in, burst and get out of if you can or die. All this next to the highest level of map control (w/o map control you were useless) It was a skilled base playstyle with a lot of mindgames, nothing to do with the overall Spam Fiesta we have with all classes

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Just kind of want to point out that d/p in many situations can actually be a decent condi thief counter. It has many dodges that can cause the burst to miss, it’s condition clear is good and given enough room it should win the 1v1.

So with that in mind I wouldn’t say condition thief killed d/p. There are definitely other factors and i think one reason condition is good rn is the versatility while d/p is straightforward as a some what unblockable backstab build that in many situations doesnt accomplish much even if it is one of the coolest thief builds

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> @"Mathias.9657" said:

> This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.


This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.


And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."


Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & shat on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.


No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.


~ Edit


This is exactly what I'm talking about here. Watch this video that Risen had just posted:


> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Let me preface this by saying yes, i understand it's a meme build. It's easy to kill when you have invuln for the initial burst. Just Dodge. Only bad players die against power mes. Bring a reveal. Watch the minimap. etc.


> GW2 pvp player population is at an all time low, imagine someone starting out in pvp running into this. Why on earth would they come back?




I mean like... you just can't see it. It's not even about "l2p or getting good" you seriously have no idea where the Mesmer is at all to be able to counter play it.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.


> Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.


> This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.


> And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."


> Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.


> No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.


Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

I thought it was my internet lol.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> >

> > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> >

> > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> >

> > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> >

> > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> >

> > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.


> Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> I thought it was my internet lol.


Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.


Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > >

> > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > >

> > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > >

> > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > >

> > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > >

> > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> >

> > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > I thought it was my internet lol.


> Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.


> Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.


never happened to me against mes, could be an issue with shadowsteps like backstab->steak from 1k range.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > >

> > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > >

> > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > >

> > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > >

> > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > >

> > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> >

> > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > I thought it was my internet lol.


> Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.


> Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.


Well I mostly play a crit strikes core thief d/p build with scholars and maurader amulet and most I've got on a back stab in last few months are 8000 but usually it's around 6 and that's with popping assassin signet. that's blowing a utility and ini for a set up and due to trading utility for damage taking CS instead of trickery there's not much fight potential after said backstab.

MBS full malice DE might get close to ur 20 000 back stab if everything is aligned but if ur seeing core do 20000 than somthing fishing is going on with their builds. Also even with CS and scholar/maurader with assassin signet my auto's hit less than any of the other classes I play often which is most but core engi and mesmer so yeah not sure how those players could be doing what ur saying.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > > >

> > > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > > >

> > > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > > >

> > > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > > >

> > > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > > >

> > > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> > >

> > > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > > I thought it was my internet lol.

> >

> > Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.

> >

> > Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.


> Well I mostly play a crit strikes core thief d/p build with scholars and maurader amulet and most I've got on a back stab in last few months are 8000 but usually it's around 6 and that's with popping assassin signet. that's blowing a utility and ini for a set up and due to trading utility for damage taking CS instead of trickery there's not much fight potential after said backstab.

> MBS full malice DE might get close to ur 20 000 back stab if everything is aligned but if ur seeing core do 20000 than somthing fishing is going on with their builds. Also even with CS and scholar/maurader with assassin signet my auto's hit less than any of the other classes I play often which is most but core engi and mesmer so yeah not sure how those players could be doing what ur saying.


It’s probably because your not going trickery. If I play normal dash dp with deadly arts 2-1-2 trickery 3-1-2 and DrD 2-2-2 pop assassins signet have maybe 2 dodges in the backstab is about 8k. I actually don’t think d/p damage is too insane but when they go full zerk and with stealth it can be annoying. That said I actually think mauraders staff is more annoying- I play with normal meta traits and pop assassins signet and staff2+ swipe (kind of the backstab if staff) for almost 18k against light armor targets, which is way more viable. The only thing that’s really frustrating about the d/p build is the stealth tbh because to get decent damage they need to be full zerk to get it off and can Ezily be farmed by any team with a clue but sadly not everyone has a clue these days

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > >

> > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > >

> > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > >

> > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > >

> > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > >

> > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> >

> > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > I thought it was my internet lol.


> Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.


> Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.


I've been running into this a lot recently, and I thought it was just my connection acting up. Good to have that cleared up.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > > > >

> > > > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > > > >

> > > > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > > > >

> > > > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > > > >

> > > > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> > > >

> > > > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > > > I thought it was my internet lol.

> > >

> > > Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.

> > >

> > > Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.

> >

> > Well I mostly play a crit strikes core thief d/p build with scholars and maurader amulet and most I've got on a back stab in last few months are 8000 but usually it's around 6 and that's with popping assassin signet. that's blowing a utility and ini for a set up and due to trading utility for damage taking CS instead of trickery there's not much fight potential after said backstab.

> > MBS full malice DE might get close to ur 20 000 back stab if everything is aligned but if ur seeing core do 20000 than somthing fishing is going on with their builds. Also even with CS and scholar/maurader with assassin signet my auto's hit less than any of the other classes I play often which is most but core engi and mesmer so yeah not sure how those players could be doing what ur saying.


> It’s probably because your not going trickery. If I play normal dash dp with deadly arts 2-1-2 trickery 3-1-2 and DrD 2-2-2 pop assassins signet have maybe 2 dodges in the backstab is about 8k. I actually don’t think d/p damage is too insane but when they go full zerk and with stealth it can be annoying. That said I actually think mauraders staff is more annoying- I play with normal meta traits and pop assassins signet and staff2+ swipe (kind of the backstab if staff) for almost 18k against light armor targets, which is way more viable. The only thing that’s really frustrating about the d/p build is the stealth tbh because to get decent damage they need to be full zerk to get it off and can Ezily be farmed by any team with a clue but sadly not everyone has a clue these days


My regular d/p is SA 2-2-2 Trickery 2-2-2 CS 3-2-2 and usually get anywhere from 5000-7500 from backstab after popping ass signet while having plenty of stealth from stealth on heal every 14.5 secs, smoke screen/heart seeker and the odd black powder here and there to do decent in and out bursts but until the games sustain lv is lowered or dagger buffed any dagger heavy build will be outshined by sword at least with regards to power builds.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > > > > I thought it was my internet lol.

> > > >

> > > > Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.

> > > >

> > > > Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.

> > >

> > > Well I mostly play a crit strikes core thief d/p build with scholars and maurader amulet and most I've got on a back stab in last few months are 8000 but usually it's around 6 and that's with popping assassin signet. that's blowing a utility and ini for a set up and due to trading utility for damage taking CS instead of trickery there's not much fight potential after said backstab.

> > > MBS full malice DE might get close to ur 20 000 back stab if everything is aligned but if ur seeing core do 20000 than somthing fishing is going on with their builds. Also even with CS and scholar/maurader with assassin signet my auto's hit less than any of the other classes I play often which is most but core engi and mesmer so yeah not sure how those players could be doing what ur saying.

> >

> > It’s probably because your not going trickery. If I play normal dash dp with deadly arts 2-1-2 trickery 3-1-2 and DrD 2-2-2 pop assassins signet have maybe 2 dodges in the backstab is about 8k. I actually don’t think d/p damage is too insane but when they go full zerk and with stealth it can be annoying. That said I actually think mauraders staff is more annoying- I play with normal meta traits and pop assassins signet and staff2+ swipe (kind of the backstab if staff) for almost 18k against light armor targets, which is way more viable. The only thing that’s really frustrating about the d/p build is the stealth tbh because to get decent damage they need to be full zerk to get it off and can Ezily be farmed by any team with a clue but sadly not everyone has a clue these days


> My regular d/p is SA 2-2-2 Trickery 2-2-2 CS 3-2-2 and usually get anywhere from 5000-7500 from backstab after popping kitten signet while having plenty of stealth from stealth on heal every 14.5 secs, smoke screen/heart seeker and the odd black powder here and there to do decent in and out bursts but until the games sustain lv is lowered or dagger buffed any dagger heavy build will be outshined by sword at least with regards to power builds.


See your not even close to full zerker and nah I don’t think sword is great for 1 shotting tbh I’d rather play staff dagger or rifle

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Mathias.9657" said:

> > > > > > > > This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Funny you mention that. I've seen a couple good 1HKO or really "1Burst" D/P Thieves lately. They can kill you in about .75s regardless of the build you're on. It's another one of those sleeper builds that was always good but people just weren't playing it due to a particular counter or two that were in play for awhile, but now that the meta is shifting it's becoming viable.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is actually much more obnoxious than DE Rifle play. They are running Core Thief with it so it has full 1200 Steal and Shadowstep. They come in at you with a no-tells 20k burst that lands instantly right out of stealth from far range. The stupidest part about this is that lately something weird is going on and they aren't getting revealed after landing the burst. You'll be standing there taking 20k initial burst, then reaching up at a 30k combo in about 1.5s, as you hear dagger noises going "ting ting, ting ting, ting ting" but there is no Thief to target. The reveal is like 1.5s delayed or something. I don't know if Arenanet is aware of what's going on, but they need to look into it because that's just broken and has no counter play. Not sure if this is a hack or a common exploit or a bug, but it's full of $%^& regardless and it needs to be fixed. At least a DE Rifle makes a loud noise and draws a red line at me before the 1Burst hits, and actually reveals the DE.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And on that note I'd like to state now how absolutely tired I am of builds that can 1HKO or 1Burst directly out of stealth with no tells. It's really just starting to make for a bad game in all honestly. Yeah, Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmers, I'm looking at you. People complain about Deadeye and I don't understand why. At least the DE puts a mark on you which clearly indicates that you are a target, and then there are actually tells that provide counter play before he hits you. However, Core Thief - Soulbeast - Power Mesmer builds can literally "Front enough stealth to move across a map at you from like 3000 range or more if using portals, and 1HKO you with absolutely no tells whatsoever to provide counter play."

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Lately I've been quite disinterested in playing GW2 pvp, really for the first time. I'm not even mad or needing to a take break, I'm actually uninterested. This is because of janky dynamic going on, such as the "Stealth Wars 1Shot Combat System" along with being tired of seeing some classes just stay OP for ridiculously elongated amounts of time, whilst others are garbage canned & kitten on, and then of course the allowance & encourage of match manipulations.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No idea what Arenanet is doing. You'd think they didn't care at all that most players at this point have completely lost trust in them, and would never again buy a game produced by Arenanet. I mean for the sake of future projects, you'd think they'd AT LEAST want to redeem their trust with the player base that had formed in GW2.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Oh yea, definitely, you just start losing HP to nothing, look at the log and its 10k backstab, 2k steam and 5 auto hits before thief even appears.

> > > > > > I thought it was my internet lol.

> > > > >

> > > > > Definitely not just you. I've spoken with a couple other people who were having this same thing happen vs. a couple thieves in particular who have been rolling around. I don't think it's a hack program. I think it's probably tied to the same server desynch errors we've always seen in the past. Like how a person can go into downstate, you cleave the body but they aren't actually there. Also for the same reasons why speed hackers desynch all over the place.

> > > > >

> > > > > Either way it's stupid broken OP and it needs to be fixed.

> > > >

> > > > Well I mostly play a crit strikes core thief d/p build with scholars and maurader amulet and most I've got on a back stab in last few months are 8000 but usually it's around 6 and that's with popping assassin signet. that's blowing a utility and ini for a set up and due to trading utility for damage taking CS instead of trickery there's not much fight potential after said backstab.

> > > > MBS full malice DE might get close to ur 20 000 back stab if everything is aligned but if ur seeing core do 20000 than somthing fishing is going on with their builds. Also even with CS and scholar/maurader with assassin signet my auto's hit less than any of the other classes I play often which is most but core engi and mesmer so yeah not sure how those players could be doing what ur saying.

> > >

> > > It’s probably because your not going trickery. If I play normal dash dp with deadly arts 2-1-2 trickery 3-1-2 and DrD 2-2-2 pop assassins signet have maybe 2 dodges in the backstab is about 8k. I actually don’t think d/p damage is too insane but when they go full zerk and with stealth it can be annoying. That said I actually think mauraders staff is more annoying- I play with normal meta traits and pop assassins signet and staff2+ swipe (kind of the backstab if staff) for almost 18k against light armor targets, which is way more viable. The only thing that’s really frustrating about the d/p build is the stealth tbh because to get decent damage they need to be full zerk to get it off and can Ezily be farmed by any team with a clue but sadly not everyone has a clue these days

> >

> > My regular d/p is SA 2-2-2 Trickery 2-2-2 CS 3-2-2 and usually get anywhere from 5000-7500 from backstab after popping kitten signet while having plenty of stealth from stealth on heal every 14.5 secs, smoke screen/heart seeker and the odd black powder here and there to do decent in and out bursts but until the games sustain lv is lowered or dagger buffed any dagger heavy build will be outshined by sword at least with regards to power builds.


> See your not even close to full zerker and nah I don’t think sword is great for 1 shotting tbh I’d rather play staff dagger or rifle


No I use scholar and maurader for bit more hp. I've tried d/p builds without SA but I find the damage loss is worth losing for DA stealth on heal and condo cleanse while stealth'd. A full zero d/p would get tapped to easy by any skill for my liking

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  • 4 weeks later...

The swipe change was overdone by anet. The change made it so thieves can't safely stomp opponents using shortbow 5 + steal anymore, whereas every other class has multiple ways to safely stomp opponents. The swipe range should have been reduced to 900 at the very least to match the shortbow.


I'd also like to add that trying to save shadowstep for an entire fight just for a safe stomp when trying to use d/d thief (rip) is literally inting in the current meta

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> @"Zynk.9015" said:

> The swipe change was overdone by anet. The change made it so thieves can't safely stomp opponents using shortbow 5 + steal anymore, whereas every other class has multiple ways to safely stomp opponents. The swipe range should have been reduced to 900 at the very least to match the shortbow.


> I'd also like to add that trying to save shadowstep for an entire fight just for a safe stomp when trying to use d/d thief (rip) is literally inting in the current meta


you dont have to use SB 5 and max range, you know that right?

also shadowstep

also stealth

also blind

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Zynk.9015" said:

> > The swipe change was overdone by anet. The change made it so thieves can't safely stomp opponents using shortbow 5 + steal anymore, whereas every other class has multiple ways to safely stomp opponents. The swipe range should have been reduced to 900 at the very least to match the shortbow.

> >

> > I'd also like to add that trying to save shadowstep for an entire fight just for a safe stomp when trying to use d/d thief (rip) is literally inting in the current meta


> you dont have to use SB 5 and max range, you know that right?

> also shadowstep

> also stealth

> also blind


Forceful Displacement: range 900

Hammer toss: range 900

grappling line: range 900

thunderclap: range 900

fear: range 900


Just to name a few reasons.


It's entirely dependent on what's happening in the area, and it was most important when roaming with a little havoc. Also, you just answered your own question. Each class has multiple tools to use for a safe stomp, and thieves core skill is using sb5 because you're better off building that gap and only having a 20 second cooldown on steal instead of wasting a massive condi clear and a 40 second cooldown just to get someone out of a fight. Removing these tools from any classes toolkit is not how anet should be 'balancing' the game.


Also, as per my last message, with the amount of condi fights in the current meta you will never have your shadowstep up for a spike. I know for a fact you don't play thief because you think using 6 initiative to build a sub-600 unit gap is somehow acceptable.


The nerf was completely unnecessary and only made the game worse by killing skilled gameplay and bringing in LoL's 2012 brawler meta. Punishing good players to make the game more open to casual play than it already was never the right decision. This goes for camera leap-cancels as well. Removing entire game mechanics after they have already been established by the community as an integral fighting mechanic is a rushed decision, and one of the worst a game dev could make.

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> @"Zynk.9015" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Zynk.9015" said:

> > > The swipe change was overdone by anet. The change made it so thieves can't safely stomp opponents using shortbow 5 + steal anymore, whereas every other class has multiple ways to safely stomp opponents. The swipe range should have been reduced to 900 at the very least to match the shortbow.

> > >

> > > I'd also like to add that trying to save shadowstep for an entire fight just for a safe stomp when trying to use d/d thief (rip) is literally inting in the current meta

> >

> > you dont have to use SB 5 and max range, you know that right?

> > also shadowstep

> > also stealth

> > also blind


> Forceful Displacement: range 900

> Hammer toss: range 900

> grappling line: range 900

> thunderclap: range 900

> fear: range 900


> Just to name a few reasons.


> It's entirely dependent on what's happening in the area, and it was most important when roaming with a little havoc. Also, you just answered your own question. Each class has multiple tools to use for a safe stomp, and thieves core skill is using sb5 because you're better off building that gap and only having a 20 second cooldown on steal instead of wasting a massive condi clear and a 40 second cooldown just to get someone out of a fight. Removing these tools from any classes toolkit is not how anet should be 'balancing' the game.


> Also, as per my last message, with the amount of condi fights in the current meta you will never have your shadowstep up for a spike. I know for a fact you don't play thief because you think using 6 initiative to build a sub-600 unit gap is somehow acceptable.


> The nerf was completely unnecessary and only made the game worse by killing skilled gameplay and bringing in LoL's 2012 brawler meta. Punishing good players to make the game more open to casual play than it already was never the right decision. This goes for camera leap-cancels as well. Removing entire game mechanics after they have already been established by the community as an integral fighting mechanic is a rushed decision, and one of the worst a game dev could make.


how entitled can you be lol. most classes struggle to stomp in the same way.

you can stealth to 100% safe stomp.

you can shadowstep to 100% safe stomp

you can blind to 100% safe stomp ( on dp,sp )

you can poison to deny rez like no other.

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