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Your first time at pvp


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I remember my first time in pvp, I encountered a few thieves that could just shread me. I worked hard on building an engie build that could sustain their burst. The best moment during that time was starting to learn how to survive. Eventually heading more towards damage builds and learning how to use other defensives. Eventually I switched over to full zerker staff ele for pvp and had a great time. Too bad they nerfed it so hard, even though it was underperforming mostly.


But pvp went from cool, to ouch, to hmm, to grrr, to yea! and finally to fun. I really enjoyed early pvp as well as the first few seasons, minus a few hicups (chrono bunker)

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Back when life blast could 2-4 shot people depending on their armor rating

being a skilled warrior was using bull charge > frenzy > hundredblades.

Spirit weapons were not killable and did the work for you

Theif was heart seeker spam or unload spam

Mesmer was just mesmer (no one knew how to play it or do combos on it)

Ranger was just shoot everything that you could see and let cat 1 shot maul.

Ele was either a god or first to die every time


Also still had underwater combat which was super fun.


Man im thinking from litterally 7 years ago pvp was super simple lol its changed so much.

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WARNING! Long-winded first-time PvP learning experience story incoming! TLDR version provided below for the kids who don't read good.


I didn't really touch PvP until I had already played (mostly solo open world) for a year or more, which probably helped it feel less overwhelming. I only knew how to play tempest (and daredevil...but that sounded like a role that required more than a new player's knowledge of PvP to succeed with!) at the time, so the problem for me was adapting solo open world play into a useful role in PvP.


I learned pretty quickly that there's more to conquest than just surviving and winning fights. Initially, I tried to run solo by hitting side-nodes, but while tempest is very good at surviving, I lacked the punch to finish those 1v1s quickly and also lacked the mobility to rotate effectively. Things looked okay from the stats (k:d was good, I got a lot of top stats, etc.), but I was unable to climb from my placement rank (I just squeaked into gold 1!) after playing quite a few games.


Discouraged, I started to read up on builds and strategy. That's where I hit on the meta. Tempest auramancer. Instead of trying to shoehorn my build into a role that doesn't play to its strengths, I should be using every advantage available to my class to help my team win. Yeah, that's the ticket! And it worked! I quickly climbed from low gold, breezed through gold 2 and 3, right into platinum 1.


The advice I was given told me that going solo queue as a team healer was a bad idea, but I think in retrospect it was a good role for me. It wasn't as critical for me to understand point rotation. As a healer, it was simple: Be where the team fight is. If there were 2 or more players together, that was usually a good place for me to be. Now maybe that meant I went down with the ship if my teammates were terrible at rotation and/or fighting, but that would have been the case had I been trying to play side-node duelist as well.


All in all, it was a great season and I learned a lot. My only regret is that I refused to give up offhand dagger for focus, which I now know would have been a better choice. It's especially galling because I actually came within 2 wins of breaking into the top 250 a couple of days before the end. I feel like there's a chance using the focus could have made the difference with a little luck! Oh well! I finished my season in low platinum 1, up about 300 points from my placement which seemed impossible to climb out of at first. I can't complain about that!



If you're new, my advice is to at least try the meta build and try to understand why it is recommended. There are plenty of players who stay alive, get kills, get top stats and yet are more often than not a detriment to their team and can't climb rank as a result. Their personal skill level indicates that they should be higher rank, but a selfish build/strategy in a team game can keep you from achieving your potential. That's the biggest lesson I took away from my first season.

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> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> I remember my first time in pvp, I encountered a few thieves that could just shread me. I worked hard on building an engie build that could sustain their burst. The best moment during that time was starting to learn how to survive. Eventually heading more towards damage builds and learning how to use other defensives. Eventually I switched over to full zerker staff ele for pvp and had a great time. Too bad they nerfed it so hard, even though it was underperforming mostly.


> But pvp went from cool, to ouch, to hmm, to grrr, to yea! and finally to fun. I really enjoyed early pvp as well as the first few seasons, minus a few hicups (chrono bunker)


Bunker meta (either S1 or 2) was my fav meta as I built a scrapper (very unique build) that was able to take 2 bunker chronos (or 2 any bunkers) on 1 node, and be able to cap it. Only weakness was medium to heavy condi damage.


I miss my Bunker Buster

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I started not too long ago, ( before chrono got gutted )

made "condi " chrono that relied on p4+f5 into signet resets to spam pistol 4, worked alright, unlike my oponents I knew how to kite so it kinda carried me, when I reached gold I started getting clapped, then my friend told me you can use sigils and amulet ( dumb old me thought pve stats carried over kekW ) so my "condi build" was in fact power build all along, had fun in back then, there were no thiefs that hugged my ass entire 10min match. Being low rank has its perks ;p

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cant remember clearly... i played a bit of pvp when the game just came out, went on a 3 years hiatus initially cos pc was constantly overheating thanks to myself making bad choice of components with the miniATX form factor, then things happened in life that i did not feel like playing any games


but i do remember it felt it was a massive shift from GW1


after coming back to the game, mainly focus on getting PvE contents done, then last xmas break started ranked pvp, now days usually floating in gold, occasionally go into plat


i feel the power creep creates a massive learning curve for new players, you get killed way too fast to take anything useful from an engagement


getting smacked in the face with a rock and dead from warrior's rampage ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

runs into a mirage suddenly there's 4 of them, next second you are smack bang on the floor from 5-6 different condi with 25 stacks of invul ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Anet knows and admitted there's a huge gap in player skill in the recent interview, though i do question where they got the stats that the top tier PvE player was doing 10x more dmg than the average players, but seems like there is very little motivation to find a way to address the massive skill gap

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> @"Undertaker.4368" said:

> Hello all. I'm curious what was your first experience with pvp? Did you enjoyed?


I just started PvPing last night and I've played the game off and on since beta lol. The first couple games were alright, my team got rolled in the first and then we won the second and I got two ascended weapons out of two chests so that was cool especially since I never have good luck.


However I got to my 3rd match and I think I got grouped with people that have been PvPing for a while because they were pretty toxic about having "noobs" on their team. At one point they just stopped doing anything and sat in spawn while the other team tried to spawn camp us. Eventually one stopped afking and left the spawn and that's when I flanked the opposite way while the entire enemy team chase them. I capped a point but I couldn't leave in time before they came back to kill me. We lost after that.


Like I get it, playing with new players can be frustrating because they're still learning. However you're not helping at all by having a tantrum about it and sitting in spawn raging in Portuguese. Which they knew some English because at the start they were speaking in English.


I was having fun up until that match but I have A LOT to learn. It also made me wish I could move target frames because I hate having to look at the top but also watch CDs below and everything else going on. I would like to try out like a support druid and firebrand in PvP but I feel like that might be a mistake since I'm mostly playing by myself and I never trust anyone to peel in any PvP game as support lol.


Oh and last thing, deadeyes were wrecking me before I even had a chance to realize what was happening, where they were, and how to react lol. I thought I got away once and they just stealthed and I randomly died. So yeah, like I said, I have a lot to learn still.

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First match I ever fought was on Battle of Khylo. Back in 2012 I was pretty tragic at the game and MMO's in general. Had no clue what stats were, still had skill-clicking residue from GW1, and I was completely exhausted from spending 2 days trying to transition into the game. I kept getting farmed by everything - Frenzy/Bulls Charge/100B warriors primarily. Mostly because I was always looking to fight them : D Had no clue what capture points were. My dodges were always blown in the span of a few seconds (after I ate all of the hard hitting skills.) But I remember how pumped I got when I finally landed a semi-decent Rifle Butt and knocked someone off the upper ledge on Khylo. I was about as happy as an innocent noob could ever be. Kitten it felt good. Sometimes I miss being able to get happy over silly things like that. Good times!

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Yeah ....

Investing trait points in the 1st talent trees gave you permanent Strength - just like having permanent x10 might stacks ALL THE TIME (maxing out Deadly Arts on Thief for example gave you 300 Strength) .

+ a Rock Dog summon (that lasted for 30 sec) from the Runes that could crit 1700 damage per hit most of the times (50% physical damage reduction + 8k HP)

+ + 10% damage boost from the Runes

+ 150 strength from Runes of the Ogre

+ + Fire and Lightinging Sigils for 1300 crit each


Burn would do 1050 damage per sec , at max in constrast .


(i realy want to squezze them in my hairy slimy chest .....very very hard....)


The second tree in all profeessions was 300 Agility , regadles if you where caster on not

3rd Toughness or HP


Some classes , benefited more from these Stats + superior traits that was in that Talent tree .

Now they take the 3 more defensives ones , and whine about Subtain Wars , or they cant live without these defensive talent tree! :P


(put a visible ICD on ''Streamlined Kits'' and a mod to take a break ..and i ''will fix'' the ingame in NA+ EU offhours )

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January 2019.


After 2 months of playing PvE I gave PvP a chance. Got meta build, started a match got shredded by FB & Scourge, went away. Then I found out action camera exists.


Tried all classes, changed few keybinds and got to know people that knew what they were doing. Then the problem was with some people and usual PvP drama.


Then eventually I have grown a thicker skin.


I now play sPvP from time to time. I also tried WvW which is more to my liking.


The end.





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