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[Strike Mission] Boneskinner after patch too hard (by bug) ?


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> @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > It’s not at the difficulty of a raid boss though. The issue is that players are choosing not to learn, and execute, mechanics. I’ve been in some fail groups where players who were assigned torches chose not to do them.

> Sadly you don't even need to do the mechanics. I was in a group about 30 minutes ago that completed the boss without doing a single mechanic, just because of how powerful our heals were.


Yep. That’s another way to do the strike. It’ll likely be that way for all of them until Anet makes it so that it’s possible to fail a strike if people don’t do the mechanics.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > It’s not at the difficulty of a raid boss though. The issue is that players are choosing not to learn, and execute, mechanics. I’ve been in some fail groups where players who were assigned torches chose not to do them.

> > Sadly you don't even need to do the mechanics. I was in a group about 30 minutes ago that completed the boss without doing a single mechanic, just because of how powerful our heals were.


> Yep. That’s another way to do the strike. It’ll likely be that way for all of them until Anet makes it so that it’s possible to fail a strike if people don’t do the mechanics.


I have to agree. I did not even know, that the boss got buffed by an update. So I joined a party with my Healbrand yesterday without knowing any of the "new" mechanics. We had 3 downsteads, mobody really died. And as far as I noticed, we did not play any mechanics, because each subgroup had his heal, his support. We did not manage to claim the Gold rewards, but it was a solid run.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> 1-2 healers are enough, however if you wanna really cheese it, add 3rd healer. Make every1 ALWAYS stack behind the boss AND inside his hitbox (red circle under the boss when you target him). Dont care about torch mechanics, just skip them. Stay middle always, even when boss jumps off.

> If you do this, boss wont spawn those AOEs and its really easy to rez if some1 goes down in a stack.

> When boss disappears every1 should share aegis or prepare to dodge when he jumps back.


This is exactly how my PUG and I managed to do this for gold last night. Went relatively smooth and fast.


The important thing is that people don't stand in any AoE and that they remain close to their healers.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> It’ll likely be that way for all of them until Anet makes it so that it’s possible to fail a strike if people don’t do the mechanics.


I really hope the previous Strike Missions get buffed, too. Even a toddler can do them with ease at their current state.

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I won’t say it’s not too hard for people who do regular raids and t4s. However it will be over whelming to new people trying it. It’s good for a goal for new people to try hard at. However if arenanet keeps the difficulty like that. I do believe they need to up the reward drop rate for completing gold.


At first I tried druid+ scourge. We got it done however we didn’t get gold because a lot of people kept getting down. So I switched it up and threw away Druid and brought boon heal temp + heal scourge.


Boon heal temp was straight harriers with monk runes. And heal scourge was magis with mercy runes and signet. When we did that we only had maybe 1-2 downs, but we picked them up. We did this without torches lit and we made gold. Only 1 person was doing good dps numbers. The rest were really low and we still managed to get gold. So you can still skip torches if you truly want to. There was also no alac or quickness just might + fury+ regen+ vigor and stab here and there from earth attunement

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> sad to hear about this. I've tried 2 of the other strikes and they were fun and everything. i really want to try this one since I think boneskinner is an awesome creature, but if things are like this I dont think I'll be able to get a group for it.


Its not too hard and you dont need an raid composition for it. Composition only matters when you wanna have gold chest. If you are after silver chest/kill its doable with random groups that has few healers in it.

Players really make it sound alot harder than it is ?


If you have trouple to get a group for it, feel free to message me ingame once boneskinner is weekly strike again and we can do it. :)

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> sad to hear about this. I've tried 2 of the other strikes and they were fun and everything. i really want to try this one since I think boneskinner is an awesome creature, but if things are like this I dont think I'll be able to get a group for it.


It is def very hard, but it is well worth a go. I have to say it is one of the more fun "hard" bosses n the game to figure out. I enjoyed the attempts a great deal


I haven't completed it since the buff as every group failed and only once did we manage to keep a consistent group for more than 2 tries, but if you can get a persistent group, I recommend giving it a go


It's not really one most players will prob repeat though, so I think it'll get a slight nerf on the return.

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It kinda seems like with the bjora SM 3 boss rotation week to week anet might of been going for an easy boss, medium boss and a hard boss, but i dunno if that was the intended idea. The first 2 weeks(bears and fraeni?) seem too close in difficulty level with boneskinner being a HUGE ramp up (maybe a lil too much). Left and right people were getting downed on boneskinner constantly. We finally completed boneskinner by giving 6/10 torch duty, but i'm sure there are other methods. Mechanics like most things are more important at first - learning the fight. Getting that down will only come from being able to practice & actually finding a pug group willing to take the journey with you and not rage bailing or elitists whining about proper gear for a training mission. All in all i like these strike missions so far even with the headaches boneskinner gave.

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I believe the best way is to ignore the mechanics and just go straight for outhealing this (2 supporters) while staying center and DPS'ing the boss. The mechanics still seemed to be bugged (definance bar?) and need to get fixed before implementing them into your gameplay becomes the no.1 solution to this strike mission.


In any case, it was doable even by non-raid and non t4 fractals players like myself, so the complaints are unwarranted. Just learn to play properly (i.e., don't stand in AoE, learn what your skills do and when to dodge etc).

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**No PGM players, just public squad**

Voice & Claw = Very Easy

High Shaman = Easy

Boneskinner = You will die, and we will kill your soul !


**Fractal/Raid/Player with good knowledge of the game**

Voice & Claw = Ok good veteran mob

High Shaman = Euh a boss ? Where ?

Boneskinner = A the good little champion gouzi gouzi gouzi

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> @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:


>If anet is waiting for more experienced players to help less experienced ones figure it out, kitten will freeze over first.


I think this is a bit unfair, as every group I've run this successfully with had a mix of experienced and new folks (both in terms of the mission itself, and the game as a whole). However, I also think I know why your experience and mine are so different.


From what it sounds like, most iterations of the group you tried to run this with had many more newer folks than experienced players. I got lucky so far - my groups have been a much better mix, with 6-7 experienced people being patient with 3-4 newer people. I don't blame the one or two experienced players seeing the writing on the wall and leaving - it's just not rewarding to lecture pugs through failures, only to have them get fed up and leave without a word. It's a total waste of time and effort.


On the other hand, I think most of the people in my first pug looked around, noticed a good mix of 295/303 mastery numbers, noticed a good class mix (and saw a few people relogging to balance it out better), and figured that the group had potential. Even if all of us were new to the revamped fight, I think there was generally a higher level of faith that we could eventually succeed in a reasonable number of tries, and it felt like much less of a waste to carry a few green players. Before the first pull we explained some general things to the people new to the game, gave build and gear advice, etc. After the first wipe, we figured out a few more things to do, talked about it, and pulled again. After the second wipe, we saw that we had the fight essentially figured out, but just had to execute better. Got it on the third try, missing gold reward by a few seconds.


I don't blame veterans for seeing the writing on the wall with a group full of people likely to fail (and unlikely to properly learn from those failures). I also don't blame new people for feeling disappointed and losing faith quickly when the few people who seem to know what's going on just cut and run. For objective reasons that I won't include here (for the sake of not creating another separate debate), I don't think Anet needs to be concerned about this outcome. Suffice it to say for now that I think the game itself provides every player plenty of information and tools to succeed (without the use of guides or being part of some elite raiding guild), and that I think the revamped boneskinner fight is in a good spot (clearable, but most groups have to respect mechanics).


Unfortunately, this does nothing to help the problems you had with your groups, @"XatraZaytrax.2601". I can only advise just keep trying, and hopefully you'll land a group that has a better mix of skilled and unskilled players.





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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> Is the Boneskinner event different than the strike mission? I have only done the event which was easy, but expected. I guess I need to try to do some strike missions.


Completely different yes. The only similarity is the use of stacking max tier 2 of mastery to break the bar. Otherwise the fights are totally different in mechanics and difficulty

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  • 3 months later...

I think they just need to nerf his CC bar, in a 10-man public group its impossible to break even with 8 beams. We were doing an approach where 1 ranged dps runs torches and the others pile on boss and it worked until the CC phase for spawning wisps, even splitting the boss zerg we wiped at 50% because we just couln't keep up with the wisps. Lower CC bar, Fewer Wisps (Maybe 1 wisp per 2 group members?) then its perfect.

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I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.


This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.

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I think the lack of signposting to the mechanics is a problem. Strikes are meant to be a step towards raids, but many raids have _much_ more clearly signposted mechanics, as do many meta events. If you're a mostly open world player giving it a try for the first few times, a message like "don't let the lights go out" and something indicating that you need to relight the torches would be a much better idea. Even having the boneskinner go invulnerable for the first time or something?


The mechanics are fine, but there's nothing really telling a new player that the mechanics even exist.

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> @"ARZK.8017" said:

> I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.


> This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.


You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.

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I've just done this for the first time since the update.. holy skritt!! I get now what all the fuss is about.


No joke, this guy is harder than some raid bosses, seriously we couldn't get him down past 85% despite knowing what to do.

The Wisps would wipe out the torches as soon as they spawn and before we could kill them and relight them we were wiped by the AoE every single time.


From my experience it doesn't even seem possible to do in the way it's supposed to be hence why people are straight up ignoring the mechanic and choosing to outheal the AoE instead.


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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"ARZK.8017" said:

> > I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.

> >

> > This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.


> You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.


The achievement is to complete the mission without letting any torches go out. How does dying over and over again alone get you that?

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"ARZK.8017" said:

> > I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.

> >

> > This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.


> You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.


@"zombyturtle.5980" You are talking about the achievment Flickering Light, which I already have. For the Hold onto the Light Whisps must not put out any light.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"ARZK.8017" said:

> > > I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.

> > >

> > > This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.

> >

> > You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.


> The achievement is to complete the mission without letting any torches go out. How does dying over and over again alone get you that?


He mixed it with other achievment where you need to light X amount of torches.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"ARZK.8017" said:

> > > I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.

> > >

> > > This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.

> >

> > You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.


> The achievement is to complete the mission without letting any torches go out. How does dying over and over again alone get you that?


Oh mb i misread and thought he was talking about the other achieve. If its hold the light its much easier to do that achievement with overhealing than in normal mechanics anyway.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"ARZK.8017" said:

> > > I think the whole fight needs a revamp. Almost nobody does this fight like it was designed. Everybody is doing it by staying in the mid, healing and ignoring the whisps. Did around 20 fights this week, and EVERYODY did it that way. I tried to ask if we could do it the normal way, but nobody wanted it.

> > >

> > > This currently leads to my personal problem, that I cannot finish the Hold onto the Light, because yet I did not find any group.

> >

> > You can enter the instance alone and start the fight. Wait till he puts out a torch and light it yourself. Keep going until you die then reset and do it again until you have the achievement. Its not the same as doing it 'properly' but you will get it done.


> The achievement is to complete the mission without letting any torches go out. How does dying over and over again alone get you that?


Actually, the achievement, as written, is to complete the mission without letting any wisps blow out the torches. That would seem to indicate it's ok for boneskinner itself to put out lights.

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