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I just want to be able to stand up


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I am probably doing it wrong but I just recently started to try out pvp. I don’t understand why every core stunbreak on necro is 40s. There are fights i get ccd, use my stun break, get ccd and wait to die because i cant stand up. I could use my shroud to soak up some damage but then when i die I have no shroud again and start the next fight disadvantaged as well.


What am I supposed to do?

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I know the feeling man I was playing pvp more recently got so fed up posted a angry message decided to give up pvp due to frustration on core necro, its just not fun.


I ran into a firebrand and 2 other players and every time i tried to gank someone from afar they run up to me and when i tried to escape get cced can't escape get blown up.


If i use up my wurm im kittened, and doesn't matter. Even that mesmer who's feeling sorry for himself doesn't understand what its like to play core necro with so few escapes, because once you get caught your dead you might as well throw your arms up and give up, becuase you got crippled immob and stunned and you aren't going to survive, and enemies cut through you like butter, unless its a reaper, in which there is a good chance to kill reaper because once he's outside shroud he's kittened,


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Carrion amulet. Curses 231, Sr 331, Dm 322. Consume condi, Spectral walk, corrupt boons, wurm, plaguelands. Scepter warhorn, staff.


1. Pick your fights and your targets carefully. Think of yourself as a thief not a team fighter.


2. Use corrupt boons to fear enemies charging at you.


3. Use staff marks to put chill on foes so they cant chase you. Use unblockable marks when you get better at surviving. Learn to cast behind you. Also use shroud 2 to additionally maintain chill.


4. Learn non port spots and get high ground. Use plaguelands to deny melee push, play around it.


5. Never leave shroud preemptively when you are low hp. Look around if there is sign of enemy then leave shroud and get ooc.


These are all the general tips i can give you to survive more.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Carrion amulet. Curses 231, Sr 331, Dm 322. Consume condi, Spectral walk, corrupt boons, wurm, plaguelands. Scepter warhorn, staff.


> 1. Pick your fights and your targets carefully. Think of yourself as a thief not a team fighter.


> 2. Use corrupt boons to fear enemies charging at you.


> 3. Use staff marks to put chill on foes so they cant chase you. Use unblockable marks when you get better at surviving. Learn to cast behind you. Also use shroud 2 to additionally maintain chill.


> 4. Learn non port spots and get high ground. Use plaguelands to deny melee push, play around it.


> 5. Never leave shroud preemptively when you are low hp. Look around if there is sign of enemy then leave shroud and get ooc.


> These are all the general tips i can give you to survive more.


Thanks! I’ll try this out.

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As a necromancer you need to rely more than anyone else on good positioning, right now most necromancers are running Spectral Walk that will serve you well for repeated CCs. I prefer to use Foot in the Grave for the extra Stunbreak on a short CD depending if you don't blow your Life Force, and this because Dhuumfire is not worth using imo since Life Blast is just unreliable. So the proper manage of stunbreak on Shroud and Spectral Walk should keep you safe from stunlocks.

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> @"Kylar.2046" said:

> I am probably doing it wrong but I just recently started to try out pvp. I don’t understand why every core stunbreak on necro is 40s. There are fights i get ccd, use my stun break, get ccd and wait to die because i cant stand up. I could use my shroud to soak up some damage but then when i die I have no shroud again and start the next fight disadvantaged as well.


> What am I supposed to do?


you are only supposed to be a boon corrupt bot according to Anet, nothing else. so do your job and BE HAPPY ABOUT, NO COMPLAINING. Necro is a boon corrupt bot and nothing else

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Well. You can't play the game, as you would play pve - facetanking everything.


Necro in general is all about trying to kite and the usage of the terrain better than your opponent does.


But cc might be the biggest counter to core necro.


Always keep in mind, that anet designed necro to be the punching bag of other classes.

Necro can do something? Be 99% sure, that another class does it better.


While other classes have weaknesses as well, these weaknesses aren't that noticeable as they are on nec

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It's really time for a rework and especially a buff for necros. We are no the masters of condi, Death Magic is shit - so no minions, our power builds are mediocre at best and we only shine a bit at corrupting boons, which was nerfed recently.

Without more mobility and some def cds the class is dead in any pvp/wvw/roaming environment.

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The hilarity is there was a mesmer of all people complaining about necros with death magid carapaces calling them op.


I was like man do you know how weak necro is? we need to be babystat 24/7 because we cannot escape.


Our wurm has like 10 sec cd and its no good once you get caught with your pants down for placing because it just goes against the purpose.

Warhorn has like 20 sec.


Even if you place staff down and use it to try and chill people, its not going to help much keep people away to escape, because some of those classes have insane cc removals and mobility combined.


Which is why Reaper is a easy hard countered by necro, same utility same weaknesses, except once he's in shroud he's got that second health bar, so chill him run away and boon corrupt him and he's dead.


Its not going to work against firebrand or druid who has tons of cleanses,

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There is another balance patch coming, there always is, but Arenanet has made comments about more splits between PvE and PvP. I am guessing February but that is only a guess.


The changes they made the past year seem quite bad ruining profession mechanics and wasting their employer's time and money as they try to improve game balance.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Carrion amulet. Curses 231, Sr 331, Dm 322. Consume condi, Spectral walk, corrupt boons, wurm, plaguelands. Scepter warhorn, staff.


> 1. Pick your fights and your targets carefully. Think of yourself as a thief not a team fighter.


> 2. Use corrupt boons to fear enemies charging at you.


> 3. Use staff marks to put chill on foes so they cant chase you. Use unblockable marks when you get better at surviving. Learn to cast behind you. Also use shroud 2 to additionally maintain chill.


> 4. Learn non port spots and get high ground. Use plaguelands to deny melee push, play around it.


> 5. Never leave shroud preemptively when you are low hp. Look around if there is sign of enemy then leave shroud and get ooc.


> These are all the general tips i can give you to survive more.


Rather silly though that a Thief has so much evasion + Stealth they can survive acting like a warrior, but a Necromancer with 2x health bars can't

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> There is another balance patch coming, there always is, but Arenanet has made comments about more splits between PvE and PvP. I am guessing February but that is only a guess.


> The changes they made the past year seem quite bad ruining profession mechanics and wasting their employer's time and money as they try to improve game balance.


I don't think it will help Necro at all. They have to make so substantial changes to the system that it will take forever to achieve balance. I mean it's a no-go to have professions that can burst, stealth, be invulnerable and have high mobility in one build. You either give this option to everyone or you start cutting it from those who have that access. And i don't think that will happen


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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > There is another balance patch coming, there always is, but Arenanet has made comments about more splits between PvE and PvP. I am guessing February but that is only a guess.

> >

> > The changes they made the past year seem quite bad ruining profession mechanics and wasting their employer's time and money as they try to improve game balance.


> I don't think it will help Necro at all. They have to make so substantial changes to the system that it will take forever to achieve balance. I mean it's a no-go to have professions that can burst, stealth, be invulnerable and have high mobility in one build. You either give this option to everyone or you start cutting it from those who have that access. And i don't think that will happen



let's not forget the teleports. Classes that can teleport around like thief mesmers probably warriors and revenants is insane, and makes it nearly impossible to kill.



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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > There is another balance patch coming, there always is, but Arenanet has made comments about more splits between PvE and PvP. I am guessing February but that is only a guess.

> >

> > The changes they made the past year seem quite bad ruining profession mechanics and wasting their employer's time and money as they try to improve game balance.


> I don't think it will help Necro at all. They have to make so substantial changes to the system that it will take forever to achieve balance. I mean it's a no-go to have professions that can burst, stealth, be invulnerable and have high mobility in one build. You either give this option to everyone or you start cutting it from those who have that access. And i don't think that will happen



To be honest. I wouldnt care if balance was bad (and it is) but if the broken classes would rotate more.

For example we have like at least 9 months of Dragonhunter being the op dps class for pve.

And since raids launched there was always at least one warrior in every raid.


If this switched every 2 patches I'd be fine with it, as long as necro gets it's 2patches opness as well.


i think if this rotated more, it would be much more interesting for pve endgame players.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> To be honest. I wouldnt care if balance was bad (and it is) but if the broken classes would rotate more.

> For example we have like at least 9 months of Dragonhunter being the op dps class for pve.

> And since raids launched there was always at least one warrior in every raid.


> If this switched every 2 patches I'd be fine with it, as long as necro gets it's 2patches opness as well.


> i think if this rotated more, it would be much more interesting for pve endgame players.


I'm 99.9999999% sure that peoples would tell you that the necro had it's share of OPness in WvW with scourge for 3 years straigths.


The issue with the necromancer is a bit more complexe than a matter of whether it's OP or not. It's design favor him heavily in environments that you can mostly find in WvW large scale fight. In all other environments he will find himself lacking or barely viable thanks to a short lived gimmick. This design put ANet in a bind since any buff to make the necromancer overall good totally break the necromancer in it's WvW niche.


To make the necromancer "good" in PvE, ANet need to:

- make PvE more "necromancer friendly" by making boon corruption and condition transfer a thing in this gamemode (which is "difficult" since it goes at the expense of all other professions that do not rely on such mechanism).

- increase the base damage while reducing the ability to increase it's power overtime. (Parting with the thematic design of a character that get stronger as the fight goes on. In theory it's an interesting design but to implement it ANet made this design reliant on self might stacking which, in the end, created a lower base damage and overall damage potential for the profession as a whole.)

- I'd even add that life force gen throught death need to be looked at. In a lot of way this is one of the gw2's necromancer issues that need to be adressed.


In sPvP or small scale fight, the necromancer isn't bad per se but it is extremly limited by it's poor duelling tools. In a lot of ways, it's an "OK" situation. Frustrating for the player, sure, but still "OK" from a balance point of view. In this gamemode as well the self might generation is also an issue since it easily allow the necromancer to go full throttle even if he doesn't have the support of it's teammates. Improving the necromancer in this gamemode need to be done throught giving him more potent duelling tools via an e-spec ideally.


In large scale fight (WvW) there is a need to tune down the scourge. Well, it's been tuned down (I'd even say destroyed). But ideally ANet should have done it with a bit more wisdom that they used by targeting the proper issues of the scourge design instead of keeping these issues and shaving around the edge. In the end, the area denial powercreep introduced with scourge is still a point that need to be addressed in a wiser manner and barrier still need to be worked on.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> Isn't Core necro known now for good stalling and tanking while still being able to deal some Damage? or is that already been outdated?


vs most professions you die in the end. The condition cleanse and boon application is too good now after the nerfs to corruption skills over the years. Sometimes you don't even feel like having tons of toughness because you still take huge amounts of damage

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This is game wide in general.. the amount of condi cleanse per class and stun break per class compared ot the amount of incoming condis and CC from enemies is just outmatched.


Even in PvE it's far too easy to get yourself effectively stunlocked by a small group of enemies, specially in post core content.

It's one reason many have argued for stunbreaks granting a short immunity from CC after successfully breaking a stun.


Personally though i'd much rather have stability return to duration over stacks... this was one change in the game I really hated and to this day still do.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > There is another balance patch coming, there always is, but Arenanet has made comments about more splits between PvE and PvP. I am guessing February but that is only a guess.

> > >

> > > The changes they made the past year seem quite bad ruining profession mechanics and wasting their employer's time and money as they try to improve game balance.

> >

> > I don't think it will help Necro at all. They have to make so substantial changes to the system that it will take forever to achieve balance. I mean it's a no-go to have professions that can burst, stealth, be invulnerable and have high mobility in one build. You either give this option to everyone or you start cutting it from those who have that access. And i don't think that will happen

> >


> To be honest. I wouldnt care if balance was bad (and it is) but if the broken classes would rotate more.

> For example we have like at least 9 months of Dragonhunter being the op dps class for pve.

> And since raids launched there was always at least one warrior in every raid.


> If this switched every 2 patches I'd be fine with it, as long as necro gets it's 2patches opness as well.


> i think if this rotated more, it would be much more interesting for pve endgame players.

Exactly this!!


I really wish we had rotating "flavors of the month" or something. It also keeps the game interesting, for people that like to tweak builds, etc.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > To be honest. I wouldnt care if balance was bad (and it is) but if the broken classes would rotate more.

> > For example we have like at least 9 months of Dragonhunter being the op dps class for pve.

> > And since raids launched there was always at least one warrior in every raid.

> >

> > If this switched every 2 patches I'd be fine with it, as long as necro gets it's 2patches opness as well.

> >

> > i think if this rotated more, it would be much more interesting for pve endgame players.


> I'm 99.9999999% sure that peoples would tell you that the necro had it's share of OPness in WvW with scourge for 3 years straigths.

But that doesnt matter, because it can be balanced per gamemode. ANet is advocating it for years now, but still not really holding up to that design imo. I mean, let the Necro be mediocre for upcoming months (or more) in WvW zergs, they deserve it. But let the Necro be OP in the PvE endgame for those same months to come, they definitely deserve that as well!

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > Isn't Core necro known now for good stalling and tanking while still being able to deal some Damage? or is that already been outdated?


> vs most professions you die in the end. The condition cleanse and boon application is too good now after the nerfs to corruption skills over the years. Sometimes you don't even feel like having tons of toughness because you still take huge amounts of damage


I played in SPVP in necro and my god did i hate it. Never have i disliked SPVP more than on necro.


The amount of lacking stab and ways to escape felt terrible. You either feel like a god(enemies ignore you, and you are getting carried by classes with good mobility and sustain) or you are absolute trash(when you get focused down and die instantly making you completely irrelevant and useless in battles except a punching bag).


This is generally why its preferred to play WVW as necro because you had an actual chance to be useful instead of being immediately focused down before you can even make a dent.


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