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pvp is plagued with rev/mes/thief


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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Rev with stealth = ???


> Mesmer from 1.2k range = ??


> PvP is plagued by DE since when again? Last I checked the only semi-viable thief builds were S/D (which sucks now, btw) and S/P (which isn't even that good).


you are a funny one, Haha!

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> pvp is plagued with power rev/mes/thief, who perma stealth/evade and insta gib some one from 1200 range away.

> really fun, thanks anet


TBH its way more fun the old scrapper TFU

scourge + fb meta TFU

and holo+weaver+warrior monkey spam TFU

People actually get punished for mistakes \o/

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> @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> I can't say much for other classes but DE has a huge tell on its stealth burst which is a bright orange laser pointing at you. If you don't react to this, then you need to pay more attention. Right now, I would say DE is pretty much food for other thieves (core s/d, drd d/p, etc) and revs.


respect to brothers DE, whenever enemy team has DE i 100% go 1shot core. Clown fiest ALWAYS ensures, its fun and exciting!

Keep at it DE bros

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> @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> I can't say much for other classes but DE has a huge tell on its stealth burst which is a bright orange laser pointing at you. If you don't react to this, then you need to pay more attention. Right now, I would say DE is pretty much food for other thieves (core s/d, drd d/p, etc) and revs.


Not just thieves and revs - any build with reflects (weaver, FA, FB) or faster burst.

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The whole entire game is plagued with nothing short of players who forgot what makes this game fun, trying to do anything different apparently is a meme now even if the latter is viable but only more difficult to play, skill ceiling is so long something that is mocked upon with meta slavery showing how brain washed MMO players can be to be successful at who has the easiest time playing the game while they so long complain about how easy it is or how there's no challenge to the game, it's almost as if you need to hold someone's hand to show them how vast and complicated the game is without losing their attention for 2 seconds of setting the difficulty option to easy again and complain about the same exact things again.


This goes to show how people enjoy to kill what they supposedly like, they don't like this game and it disgusts me.


Build Wars 2 is the irony of having the top players whining about anything that rekts them and redirecting all responsibility to anyone else they can even if they are guilty of commiting the same acts or worst that warrants them even more shame, along in the following you have those people who encourage those actions to keep going forward.


Turns out we have so many spoiled players because their opinion matters so much and nobody should tell them that having to adjust and get better is an option, everything is OP and never their fault, objectively that something can be OP truly but nobody ever does the science and math to prove that either, if they do it's so rushed and personal that others are just gonna complain as much and nothing (or by miracle Anet will do somthing) about it.


Does anyone know what "meme" really is btw? It's something easily shared among cultures and social queues, those so called different and probably different meme builds are nothing short of easy to share compared the metaslavery we face. Those are the real meme builds.


Also getting sick of those "this is this guy build" or "i made this build it's mine" mentality. People talking like it's real hard to come up with anything when the use and application is the real deal here. Like that S/P build, you're gonna tell me it's super hard to come up with? Don't label builds with people's name, give it a more original name and move on with it, there's enough Ego Wars going around here, let alone getting bullied for just trying to have fun lmao.

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> @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> I can't say much for other classes but DE has a huge tell on its stealth burst which is a bright orange laser pointing at you. If you don't react to this, then you need to pay more attention. Right now, I would say DE is pretty much food for other thieves (core s/d, drd d/p, etc) and revs.


Rev is hard countered by de though even jay savage one of the good revs admitted to this


Also @"Shao.7236" man ur like the only dude I see talk about other builds on rev. I saw a renegade do kind of wild damage and I’m like shao said that renegade can actually do damage ?

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> @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > Rev is hard countered by de though even jay savage one of the good revs admitted to this


> Did he explain why? I'd like to hear the reasoning.


He said it just spits out damage all from a range, so even if he wanted to burst them if they good they can just run. Though he did mention that a lot of people in ranked just kind of play de like sitting ducks so he can sometimes get them

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> He said it just spits out damage all from a range, so even if he wanted to burst them if they good they can just run. Though he did mention that a lot of people in ranked just kind of play de like sitting ducks so he can sometimes get them


Hmm I guess that makes sense. DE does put out pretty ridiculous damage if it's allowed to free cast. I don't know if I agree with him on this 100%, but I can see it on maps where DE has easy access to no port spots he can shoot from.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> pvp is plagued with power rev/mes/thief, who perma stealth/evade and insta gib some one from 1200 range away.

> really fun, thanks anet


Go play them, show everyone how op they are and you'll get them nerfed. Worst case you'll finally be able to climb. Easy :D

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Speaking to @"Shao.7236" and rev builds I can say his rev builds are legit and tough for a DE to fight compared to more meta builds.


I can’t speak to Jay’s rev but I have fought him before and don’t recall having a particularly hard time.


But on topic, if we are talking about pvp match balance I’d say I mostly end up with both teams having double Reaper. If mes/thief/rev are so OP I’m seeing fewer players trying to be OP than taking a profession hard countered by the supposedly OP professions.

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@"Dantheman.3589" Oh yeah man, tbh. If you play Renegade with Kalla skills you're forced to play like a symbol guardian which is fairly weak without an objective to guard. People just side step all your skills, it's not a flaw with the skills, just a playstyle that's not common. Can guaranteed you when people **NEED** that node, renegade is hell to fight.


@"saerni.2584" Planar Protection is pretty useful, Forced Engagement can hit people pre-stealthing (Like DE evading for stealth, you cast FE mid evade.) and those already in stealth if the target you aim for is 360 in a radius near, I've actually taunted Naru when he was in stealth and he wasn't happy about that. Lastly Call to Anguish is so freaking useful, it can pull anyone from anywhere in a 360 radius as well, which is like a bubble, so it's quite easy to blindly pull someone in stealth with that as well as those who try to run away by doing some weird parkour climbing up spots, I often pull people down from Skyhammer pillars when they try to kite, it's really funny.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> > I can't say much for other classes but DE has a huge tell on its stealth burst which is a bright orange laser pointing at you. If you don't react to this, then you need to pay more attention. Right now, I would say DE is pretty much food for other thieves (core s/d, drd d/p, etc) and revs.


> Rev is hard countered by de though even jay savage one of the good revs admitted to this


> Also @"Shao.7236" man ur like the only dude I see talk about other builds on rev. I saw a renegade do kind of wild damage and I’m like shao said that renegade can actually do damage ?


Jaysavage literally says rev is hard countered by every spec and it's impossible to not kill one unless massively outskilled.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"blarghhrrkblah.3412" said:

> > > I can't say much for other classes but DE has a huge tell on its stealth burst which is a bright orange laser pointing at you. If you don't react to this, then you need to pay more attention. Right now, I would say DE is pretty much food for other thieves (core s/d, drd d/p, etc) and revs.

> >

> > Rev is hard countered by de though even jay savage one of the good revs admitted to this

> >

> > Also @"Shao.7236" man ur like the only dude I see talk about other builds on rev. I saw a renegade do kind of wild damage and I’m like shao said that renegade can actually do damage ?


> Jaysavage literally says rev is hard countered by every spec and it's impossible to not kill one unless massively outskilled.


I doubt he actually said that come on. He’s a pretty decent rev mechanically some times I just wish he didn’t play aggressively being the first one to jump on any target with his zerker amulet build

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > pvp is plagued with power rev/mes/thief, who perma stealth/evade and insta gib some one from 1200 range away.

> > really fun, thanks anet


> Go play them, show everyone how op they are and you'll get them nerfed. Worst case you'll finally be able to climb. Easy :D


![](https://i.imgur.com/roT7eCl.png "")

Bro! that was super good idea! i finally climbed back to plat 1 playing power shatter today, also i main mesmer now, i've been trying to find a new main for icebrood for ages, thanks!

Ho my mesmer familly

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > Bro! that was super good idea! i finally climbed back to plat 1 playing power shatter today, also i main mesmer now, thanks!


> You call plat "climbing"?! These are rookie numbers!

> But you're welcome, keep it up, I believe in you!


man, time is the limit, i can't climb is far up within only one day because i'm still a 100 games mesmer who only solo, i'm sure you all like legendary already, i'm so jealous fam. #NewMes #onTheGrind #PowerShatterCore #highskillgamplay

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