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Big Update News!


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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> To be fair. I now have ~120 hours on Dragon Hunter. That's almost 5% of Core Necro only. But really, I hate Guardian gameplay.


> and btw @Leonidrex.5649 Do you main Skritt based on your avatar?


Yes, I am a skritt illusionist. Taking over the world. Slowly. Steadly. Nobody sees it coming.

And my masterplan will soon come to fruition, I have manipulated the dragons, corrupted them all, soon will be me time.


All skritt will rise.

Soon we will rule all.

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First of im glad he took the time to say "numbers are not everything and that there is always going to be a problem" pretty much no matter how much you look at number.

Im extra tired of people trying to use numbers to justify how something is or is not a problem and that numbers should be the only factors of balance.


Also glad that he calls out buffing things into viability in some cases just makes game play boring and unfun sense some people seem to consider that fun is not a factor when we do know that now this is something they consider people can stop with that insane chanting that "fun is not a factor" to be considered in balance.



I look forward to changes that ideally tone down damage on cc so that i dont feel like i have to dodge every CC that comes at me especially on necro. The idea of necromancer soaking hits might be more viable and valid if they commit to a lot of these changes.


By all means alot of what they said sounds like it would be really good for the game right now. Cause the game right now is just a hot mess.

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He only mentioned a couple things that are definitely going to happen namely damage and healing numbers will be looked at and cc balance, they obviously weren't allowed to mention specifics yet and there's a long list of things that apparently will be changing, a lot nerfing at first, that may include boons and conditions, then some buffing depending on how things work out, not just damage and healing numbers.


Relax and wait for the balance post to go up. Be happy they finally understand that everything is overtuned and a game wide balance pass is needed, this is what we have been telling them for a long time, and they now acknowledge it and are working on it.

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thing is, combat is really the smallest problem of wvw after all. outside of big outnumbering everything is pushable. they would do better focusing on finally bringing that "Alliances" update on air, next making the rewards (rewards for winning matchups, leaderboard rewards would be dope) more attractive; after that, freshing up the world surely wouldn't hurt too.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Can you imagine Druid and Revenant healers nerfed more? Wouldn't even be worth playing.


only if you are not willing to look at how the game could be overall instead of just looking at 1 or 2 professions being nerfed and trying to fit them into what the game currently is. Cal did say its not about what the game is now and its more about where they want it to go directionally.


I think nerfs would be good for everyone so long as they nerf the things proportionally so that weak things dont see the same strenght of nerfs as thigns that are super oppressive ideally this means a druid should not be getting nerfed as hard as a firebrand in terms of supportive power.

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Honestly, I am optimistic. Cal seems to take his job seriously, which I really appreciate and think is necessary for a position like his. WvW balance is a dumpster fire and needs some hardcore changes to help bring down the power level. I expect some rocky roads in the future due to how big the changes are alluded to be, but as he said, you can't land everything perfectly at the first shot, even with internal testing.

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> @"Mogwai.4015" said:

> Honestly, I am optimistic. Cal seems to take his job seriously, which I really appreciate and think is necessary for a position like his. WvW balance is a dumpster fire and needs some hardcore changes to help bring down the power level. I expect some rocky roads in the future due to how big the changes are alluded to be, but as he said, you can't land everything perfectly at the first shot, even with internal testing.


I am neutral. Which is actually an improvement from pessimistic.


Cal is saying the right things. But until actual changes hit outside of balance patches, I remain hesitant.

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> just remove all elite spec from wvw ( and pvp ) and reset the balance pre hot.

> + remove bloodlust

> + remove def bonus

> + remove tactics

> + bring back port timers.


> yes i know

> i live in the year 2015


Well expac came out in Jan 2015 early enough in the year that you could be living in 2014 really ;)

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Reduce damage, Reduce healing, so nothing will change at all, it will just take longer to do stuff, watch how many Arrow carts get built now, i can see it now, hahaha i kill 50 people with 1 AC because they cant out heal this damage.


> Reducing damage and healing at the same time wont change WvW there are far greater issues, like i said previously, WvW in its current state is unsalvageable, every class needs every skill and trait stripped to the core and rebuilt for WvW only, anything that coverts over from PvE will make certain classes still over powered, are they going to be removing the perma invis instant kill classes/skills also???


> All i see here is all talk no action, they have had years to fix these issues, and many devs have come and gone from WvW, the harsh reality is, is it worth Anets time to try and fix a game mode that what less than 1% of the playerbase plays now, if you honestly believe real change is coming to WvW i feel you will be disappointed, for the record its 3 1/2 months since the announcement where they said, we cant talk about alliances right now, but will talk to you soon, same story different day.


While I do understand what you're saying here, you seem to have no understanding of how stats work in this game. The current meta has effectively rendered your base stats useless, I play half my classes on hybrid gear (half damage, half defense), and still do similar damage to Berserker's because the damage doesn't come from your gear anymore for the most part, it comes from the excessive scaling on things like traits.


You can wear full Nomad or Minstrel's armor, take the right setup and still do 1k autohits to people, similarly it doesn't matter how much Toughness or Vitality you take only that you take Healing Power and have your build set up to reset when needed.


It confuses me how everyone thinks Might stacks are the problem when some classes literally have +50-70% exponential damage modifiers, when when combined with high prevalence of Precision and Fury, the resulting critical hits, and critical hit damage, causes explosive damage output; some people don't even need Precision because their class can get high crits without any (e.g some Necro, Ranger and Revenant builds).


But this is something that's impossible to understand unless you play ever class and dissect the trait synergies.


The damage and self-healing, and possibly even some of the allied healing, has to come down if anything is to ever be done with the game mode. There need to be more viable builds than 1shot, burst+reset, full escape or full invulnerability.

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OP, you meant big nerf news? All i read is nerf cc, nerf dps, nerf this, weaken that, and now they even see a need to nerf healings.


OP please change the topic title to ' Big Nerf News ' which is much more appropriate. Don't dissappoint players who thought ANet has finally awakened.



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> OP, you meant big nerf news? All i read is nerf cc, nerf dps, nerf this, weaken that, and now they even see a need to nerf healings.


> OP please change the topic title to ' Big Nerf News ' which is much more appropriate. Don't dissappoint players who thought ANet has finally awakened.


Imagine living in a world in which balancing update isn't an update for some reason.

I'm seriously confused by your logic.

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