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Bunker Scrapper


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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> One shot them from stealth :-p


> A more serious response:


> They aren’t that tanky if you can use a couple of DPS oriented builds to focus them down.


I'm usually playing guardian(DH or FB) and even if I get them to like 25% then can just heal up really quick and by that point I don't have any interrupts because I had to blow them to get any damage in. It might just be a bad matchup? I think it's just more a l2p issue on my part.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > One shot them from stealth :-p

> >

> > A more serious response:

> >

> > They aren’t that tanky if you can use a couple of DPS oriented builds to focus them down.


> I'm usually playing guardian(DH or FB) and even if I get them to like 25% then can just heal up really quick and by that point I don't have any interrupts because I had to blow them to get any damage in. It might just be a bad matchup? I think it's just more a l2p issue on my part.


Scrapper is a tank, you have to play vomit class like mirage to have a chance of killing 1v1.

Realistically you dunk them 1v2 if the 2 players are good.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > One shot them from stealth :-p

> >

> > A more serious response:

> >

> > They aren’t that tanky if you can use a couple of DPS oriented builds to focus them down.


> I'm usually playing guardian(DH or FB) and even if I get them to like 25% then can just heal up really quick and by that point I don't have any interrupts because I had to blow them to get any damage in. It might just be a bad matchup? I think it's just more a l2p issue on my part.


Most likely bad match up. High burst classes should be able to get scrappers low enough to either die or kite and escape.


As long as any class can die to +1, then they're not too tanky. And it's not a bunker Meta

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> kitten they are tanky. What's the best way to deal with them?



You interrupt a scrapper underneath half HP, and they will almost always panic. As long as you dont get thunderclap dropped on you while you're doing that.

Apart from Defense field, they struggle vs long range as well, but that isnt really relevant in conquest since the whole name of the game is about setting up shop on a zone and not moving until its capped.


Tl;DR bring a warrior.


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I play scrapper. Aoe stun with daze on skill 3 reflect,block, might stack on aa. Gyros, bulwark for reflect aoe shield, purge gyro with healing turet against condy. elixir for 3 secs invurnerability plus staelth on it and stealth gyro.lot of dps increase in build think its swiftness superspeed and one more thats 15% dsp increase.if u run elixirs trait than it gets even better caise passives. scrapper has all the tools to counter everinthing and disengage if needed.not to mention quick rez with stealth rez guro and elixir combo. gl with getting him down

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If it's a bull funker scrapper sitting on a node you don't own - leave it. They're only valuable defending a node against enemy players. If you fight them, you're turning a potential 5v4 elsewhere into a more even 4v4 while the enemy team gets points. If you just ditch 'em and make the scrapper run around, the rest of the map becomes a 5v4.


And if they're ever at a teamfight, just make sure to apply poison before cleaving downs or something.


Edit: Also yes. If it's on a node neither of you owns or you own it, either stall then leave, or if you can stall long enough and you know you won't be +1'd, stall until you get a +1 (check with your nearest roamer to see if they can get there in time) and then kill 'em.

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condi and melees can delete them easily, condi mirage and weavers are pretty much hard countering them still


right now i'm working on getting 200 wins for ranger on a sb, i just pew pew from mid range with Jacaranda to get them to use up all their cd, switch and fuse smokescale F2 immediately get into melee range and floor them with F1 or F3, axe 5 and defuse smokescale for instant pounce, F2 blind them... gg most of the time, might need a bit of help if against a more experienced scrapper in upper gold and plat


2 key things if you are against a scrapper, which is the same against a support fb

* if the scrapper is going mid with his group, focus target it since they can extremely tanky with Bulwark and other utilities to help his team

* if he's camping side node, unless you are comfortable taking him out alone, just ignore him and help your group taking and holding the other two points

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The condis doesnt really help because of purge gyro, elixir c which turns 13 condis into boons and toolblet skill is aoe condi cleanse. Than its a healing turret which is 2 condi clense. Hammer aoe gives the oportunity to down almost all clones, than you have reflect, block, leap combo with toolbelt skill from healing turret and stealth gyro. Necro, well condi necro is an easy prey with this build. Power necro is a different story but then you wont run condi clense but aoe gyros. All five of them.Necro doesnt stand a chance its just stealth when he is in shroud. In my experience warrior is the counter. txo

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