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Boring Wintersday and low gifts


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Would it be as difficult to create a map or place to farm wintersday gifts as it was at in the labyrinth of the Halloween Event?

I know you added more achievements, but very annoying and boring achievements. This embodies the festival. My expectations about Wintersday have fallen so low that I didn't even want to play anymore.

Just giving my opinion, respect that will be respected. Hug!

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It would take up time and resources better that could be spent elsewhere or would take away from elsewhere would be more fitting. We do have a pretty well rounded and sizable festival content compared to a lot of MMOs. And we do have some new rewards - skins, minis. Given they are struggling to put out content right now in the main areas, I;m not sure focus on adding content lasting 3 weeks in 52 is a good plan.


I'm not saying it couldn't be better because I'd always be in favour of more, but I've never really got the "low expectations" thing either for what is a once a year festival which is designed as fluff to keep people going for a couple of weeks in small doses in between real life holiday activities.


They didn't really add new achievements either. Well they kinda did, but they are just there to highlight that each activity has finite bonus karma rewards per day. This hasn't changed year on year, it's just tracked this time.


For me it's the best festival of the year

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OP's attitude towards wintersday pretty much mirrors my attitude towards halloween. Ppl are different, enjoy different things. I love the wintersday jp and hate the lab, so I get a lot more gifts from wintersday than I do tot bags from halloween. I am bummed about the jp gift nerf tho :(

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I like both, the Labyrinth is ok when I'm not farming it until I'm sick of the place, and I like the variety of mini games with Wintersday.


If you just want to farm gifts then I think the jumping puzzle is the fastest way. It does get repetative after a while, but so does going round and round the labyrinth. I'm not sure how the numbers of ToT bags over time compares to Wintersday gifts, but I do know several people are happy with both farms. (And in previous Wintersday festivals I've made several hundred gold, even missing almost 2 weeks in the middle of the festival.)


> @"Whisperer.1584" said:

> If they only added xp to activity it would be much better.....at least we could level alts while doing event.


That would be nice. A few years ago I decided to use an alt to do Wintersday, hoping to level them up in the process and it came as a nasty surprise that nothing involved gave XP.

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Personally I'm in the camp of people that love the wintersday activities (Bell Choir <3 ) and much prefer this festival over Halloween. People are different, and so are festivals in this game. Not every one appeals to every player, but the variety offered ensures that most players will enjoy at least some of the festivals. Personally I prefer having a few I'm not so wild about if this means the festivals are unique and not just a boring mash-up of the same kinds of activities in each of them.

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A lot of the reason why I don't like this festival is that it's literally all contained within one district of the entire city. Sure, race and the orphans will get you around but it's rather boring. Would be way cooler if for example toys broke out and attacked different parts of DR occasionally.

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I enjoy the variety of the festivals and indeed halloween for gold, wintersday for karma (can make some gold as well if you're not after lengthy achievements), lunar for luck, etc... I would get bored with 2x labyrinth in a row to be honest. Can only take that much of it in a row... I also like the bell choir ^^.

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> @"lummuss.6850" said:

> Would it be as difficult to create a map or place to farm wintersday gifts as it was at in the labyrinth of the Halloween Event?

> I know you added more achievements, but very annoying and boring achievements. This embodies the festival. My expectations about Wintersday have fallen so low that I didn't even want to play anymore.

> Just giving my opinion, respect that will be respected. Hug!


I'm here for the free hug! <3


Also, Halloween is by far my favorite event. Mad King Thorn makes me laugh. ~~and people call him pumpkin daddy~~ XD

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After playing the game for 6+ years, all these festivals are really boring. Nowadays I just do the Annuals in the first few days and then I'm done. There's no replayability after you have completed every single achievement in every event, so there's no point on doing them. Wintersday used to be my favorite, but there's nothing new and is all bland.

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Unfortunately I feel the same way. I was getting myself pumped for Wintersday because I was bored and thinking, well wintersday is coming! That'll tide me over until the next episode :)


Yeah... no. Me and GF logged in. Played 2 strike missions with mr. Freezie and tried the other rides and logged back out after the Bjora Marches meta.


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I'm returning after a break from end 2013. (Returned June 2019.) First Wintersday in a long time ... and it seems less interesting than the other festivals so far. But that just means less "work" (most achievements should be done fast to be only left with the annuals that also don't seem too grindy). And I don't think a option to "farm" is needed. Since farming is boring. I'm going to to the dailies every day. When I have time then I'll work towards the 1-time achievements that I am still missing (since my long break and first time playing since those achievements got introduced). Lowest priority are the "annuals" but I guess I want to to all the stuff that gives special rewards ... if there are any. (The ones for completing a few sets of dailies are always nice to get. At least in the previous festivals, didn't check the Wiki here yet.)


Main focus should be on doing other stuff you like. (WvW, PvP ... or if you still have PvE content left - I have lots of stuff to do - that one.) Not feeling "forced" to play content only available for a short time. Which some players feel a bit forced to to if the time is limited to get rewards and stuff. Festival is just an addition to get players to login during that time and for "community" to play together seasonal themed stuff.

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I disagree with the original poster. I really hate Halloween because typically it isn't an official holiday and gives people an excuse to do rude or nasty things like egging people's house or throwing toilet paper at it. Also there's also higher rates of break-ins as well as encouraging children to consume absurd amounts of candy. In-game it is the same, people farm their heads off ; they get an excuse to use terrible food in endgame content such as fractal or WvW (it's frankly really in bad taste to use those halloween foods with magic find). Reaper's Rumble (the MOBA-type thing), Lunatic Inquisition, race events, Clock Tower, Ascent to Madness, etc are dwarfed by the labyrinth farming since people can just spam autos.


Wintersday however provides utility and foods that are usable (Fruitcake in particular but also Tuning Icicle) , gives newer players a decent shot at charged quartz crystals, lowers sigil of concentration prices so more people can play support builds, and isn't about mindless farming. Tixx's Infinarium rewards 50 gifts , the returning Snowman Lair gives 30 without diminishing returns, Toypocalypse around 30 or so, the snowball fight rewards 1 gift per gift your team returns to base and a few more for winning , the jump puzzle is now 12 per completion of the hardest route, the Bell Choir rewards around 3-8 depending on difficulty per song (not counting the ones from looping the achievement).

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But that is where the problem lies. The jump puzzle is very difficult for many people, not everyone can do that. I can't do it myself. And to make matters worse, my notebook can not stand the GW2, I play because I am addicted to the same game. In the jump puzzle map, my fps is around 8-10 and this is a rock in my shoe for me, so I look for other ways to enjoy the event. GW2 was always complicated for me because my notebook does not support the game, so I could never see the GW2 with its best qualities, I always played with the lowest qualities and even then the game gets very low fps. I play because it's the best game I've found to date and I don't want to stop anytime soon. But regarding Wintersday, I found the gift farm very poor, it has a minigame (Toyapocalipse) that takes a long time, I think over 30 minutes. The jump puzzle I already gave up. Tixx Infinirarium has a more acceptable weather, but it is still boring and boring. The dolyak escort happens all the time, but we only get around 3-5 gifts per escort. So far I just enjoyed the festival raid.

I will look for another game that has Christmas events to play because GW2 is too sad and discouraging for me...

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> @"lummuss.6850" said:

> Would it be as difficult to create a map or place to farm wintersday gifts as it was at in the labyrinth of the Halloween Event?

> I know you added more achievements, but very annoying and boring achievements.


Because running in circles for hours mindlessly killing the same stuff over and over again is the opposite of "boring"? :s

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As usual many different players, many different opinions. Personally, I do love JP and ringing bells. What I like less is that I'm forced to do Tixx and Toypo if I want to complete for annual and as I don't like much those two activities, it's no big fun. As for Halloween, I like it less than Wintersday. I get very rapidly bored running into lab and don't have the patience to wait between two runs at the JP. So over the years, by now, I do very little at Halloween.

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