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What makes a great team great?


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I dont follow any teams or ATs but i can guess...

1. They play together a lot (probably a lot more than other teams)

2. There is no gw2 pro scene so they have barely any competition from other organized "pro level" teams. The competitive high skill players that are left probably all flocked together so they could win all the ATs. Any comparison of skill is made against casual teams or pugs.


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Coordination if I had to guess.

During clash ( league of legends )

my full dia team clapped full grandmaster team.

its like top 0,2% fighting against top 0,02%.

We knew eachother, knew eachothers playstyles and understood our win conditions. 1v1 they were much better and it showed, but as a team we clapped them so hard it was funny.

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When it comes to Ranked; it's DuoQ, and it's not just team USA being propped up by it. It's the ultimate crutch for good players trying to appear as actual gods among mere mortals. Just before Season 13 when this wasn't possible, the leaderboards still had the same people and a lot of them were from Team USA. The only difference was they didn't have so many different alt accounts there, and their winrates were a lot closer to everyone else's. Like 50-70% games won. Now it's like 80 up to 90% wins.


When it comes to ATs and them taking every MAT... People like to point fingers and say "wintraders" but I think that's an exaggeration nowadays. They're all fairly good players, and it's not like there's a whole lot of competition.

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Also just want to throw an interesting article I read a few months ago out to anyone who is interested.




There is similarity with the problems described there and what gw2 pvp has. In short, there are casual players, and ex esl/ag players. There is a wide gap between these groups and no structural process to cross it. ATs should have been that, but fail through poor design.


The real answer why these teams are good is this: they're the only 5 stacks of players left who used to participate in real tournaments back in the day. They crossed the gap before the bridge burned, and if you are on the other side of the gap now, you don't have the faintest chance.

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Most important thing to do when one play with friends is to have fun.


When you have fun,you don't rage,when you don't rage,you preform well.


I remember back in the days when i used to play wow arenas,i had so much fun because i played with friends.Not ingame friends,but irl friends.


PvP is mostly psychological warfare.When you play with people you don't know,you always think about them and what they are thinking about you when you make mistakes.That a lot impact gameplay because then you focus on what they think instead what you should do to contribute to your team.


When you play with people you know,its whole different story.


When you play with same people for years,you develop synergy,you reach that point,you don't even have to communicate to each other,because you know what they are going to do.Everything becomes routine,and you stick to it.That's why those teams always have same members.You rarely see any change in composition.


Teamwork is really amazing thing,and it can get you really far in anything you do,even games.


Its amazing when 5 people get together,and adapt builds to complement each other.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> Most important thing to do when one play with friends is to have fun.


> When you have fun,you don't rage,when you don't rage,you preform well.


> I remember back in the days when i used to play wow arenas,i had so much fun because i played with friends.Not ingame friends,but irl friends.


> PvP is mostly psychological warfare.When you play with people you don't know,you always think about them and what they are thinking about you when you make mistakes.That a lot impact gameplay because then you focus on what they think instead what you should do to contribute to your team.


> When you play with people you know,its whole different story.


> When you play with same people for years,you develop synergy,you reach that point,you don't even have to communicate to each other,because you know what they are going to do.Everything becomes routine,and you stick to it.That's why those teams always have same members.You rarely see any change in composition.


> Teamwork is really amazing thing,and it can get you really far in anything you do,even games.


> Its amazing when 5 people get together,and adapt builds to complement each other.


I remember those good old times when you could join 5 friends together..... but Anet though 5 man party yould be harmfull to the game :(

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > A fb does as any team with a good one will be hard carried cuz its completely broken. A good firebrand can jump on a node with three opponents on it and push them off it.

> >

> > Have you tried using your abilities?


> Yeah and it's almost pointless on a fb so.....


Is fb strong? Most definitely

Is fb OP? Kinda


But nowhere near the godlevel you're putting it on. Dh and core guard are both absolute trash right now.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > A fb does as any team with a good one will be hard carried cuz its completely broken. A good firebrand can jump on a node with three opponents on it and push them off it.

> > >

> > > Have you tried using your abilities?

> >

> > Yeah and it's almost pointless on a fb so.....


> Is fb strong? Most definitely

> Is fb OP? Kinda


> But nowhere near the godlevel you're putting it on. Dh and core guard are both absolute trash right now.

I have something interesting for you to read, so you know with who you are dealing with


So far as I heard from Tiny double FB/double revs are common and both classes are disgustingly strong at the moment.

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So much salt in the forum...lol


For a majority of the games existence, people didn’t even know what to do in spvp. People like sindrener put into perspective how pro players approach a game, and that this perspective wasn’t even quantified until he came along.


So on an individual level, that perspective alone is part of the equation. The other part is less obvious, but it has to do with connection.


As it’s said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” When 5 good players play, they might be an okay team...but when 5 good players play together and know each other like the back of their hands, then they are as a whole, greater than they would be without each other. This is why r55 and USA were such a force to contend with.



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> @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

> Team USA, Rank 55 Dragons. What makes these people so good? Discuss.


You never see them coming to the forums asking for ridiculous nerfs/buffs to classes. They actually spend time in game learning mechanics and getting better.


If the vast majority of players on this subforum did that then maybe ranked wouldn't be filled with RP builds and just bad play.

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