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Why do you like the Mesmer / Why are you a Mesmer main?


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I like mesmer because its fairly unique concept. Not many games that have well defined classes have a mage that focuses so on subversion and psychological manipulation.


Mesmer isn't my main. I'd probably say Guardian here, and Ranger in GW1, but I dabble in everything. 27 characters, 3 of each profession, supports the claim.

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Because I wanted to play a Gish, some kind of Battlemage, proefficient both with scholar magic and warrior weapons, and Mesmer was the only class that really gave that fibe at launch. Now, you could argue that Weaver does it too, but to me it doesn't feel the same, complex illusions and time-manipulation versus wielding the raw power of the elements.


Also, I love JPs, but also understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, so Portal is an awesome utility for both my friends and me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mesmer is the class that got me into this game (that and sylvari); I always play bards and illusionist types in any fantasy game. I basically stuck by my first character ever except for a short period of time during early PoF/late LS3 after frustration with melee and realizing I hated most of the ranged options besides like pistol and shield.

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  • 7 months later...

I really didn't know what I was getting when I picked Mesmer for GW2 more than five years ago. Initially, I just played PVE, and I really didn't use the shatter mechanics much. Then I found my way into WvW, and got slaughtered... lol. Thieves especially just laid waste to me.


But I kept plugging away, and the Mesmer profession kept getting better (both before HoT and PoF, and certainly afterwards). I played a condi trapper thief for a while which was pretty cool, but 90% of my play time is on my Mesmer.


For most of the last four years, I've been a solo roamer in WvW. I find Mesmer to be just amazing in that game mode. With the right build and practice, you can take on some amazing challenges. The mobility skills are just amazing. Being able to blink around a fight is fantastic.


I love theorycrafting. For Mesmer, there seem to be a lot of interesting and viable builds. I think I'm one of the only players that plays with mainhand scepter on both weapon sets, but I find it really fun and effective for how I play. It took me a long time to find a Mirage build that I like, but now I really love this specialization.


Have fun!

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I hated PvP and WvW as a mesmer and mine was created for 2 things...JP's and portal bombs (I rarely fought, i was more used for utility). When P Bombs phased out my mesmer had only jp's (this went that way for years).


When Chrono happened, still didnt care. hated fighting them and hated being it aside from JP's


Then came mirage. Didnt care at first as it was just a mesmer (I mained Daredevil for 2 years prior) however after daredevil went through certain changes, I looked toward other classes (scourge, spellbreaker...etc). On eof the last I tried was Mirage. Played it like a thief (mobile/fast and crappy condi cleanses and squish). After tweaking the build a few times and tested it vs other META builds (scourge/mirage/holo...etc) I fell in love with condi (at first).


When condi was nerfed I was lost (loved Axe as a MH weapon). I tried to make condi work, alas not so much. After rouletting through the classes again, I kept thinking about how cool the axe was and ran some tests (math and thoerycrafting) and was able to make a DPS build work with the axe instead of sword (hate sword).


I also dont run EM to make my build a bit more unique. Bought an outfit (Elonian elementist, which looks good on an asura) and now its what I main in WvW. I will go back to condi in rare circumstances (sword condi thieves), however my little axe mirage saved my GW2 playtime as I was about to give up on WvW (Other classes have mechanics I dont like).


Also used a makeover kit and my new asura mesmer finally had a more solid use. I hate not having reliable condi cleanses, however I was used to it on DrD and the clones + mobility (dont have much stealth as im used to) make it easier to adjust.


Essentially, if it wasnt for Mirage, I prob wouldnt be WvWing nearly as much as I do.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> It's a cool and unique class with a lot of interesting skills, but for me what finally made mesmer my thing was the introduction of Mirage. I really enjoy the feel of this class in combat.


This for me but I started with Guardian and played it exclusively. Then I hit a wall and was getting bored so I went with Mesmer and it's a class type I never played in any game before.

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I’m gonna be honest here. When I first made my Mesmer and mind you it was my first character in gw2, way back in Dec 2012. I hated it so much I quit the game around lvl 15-20 cuz I was so mad at dying to Kessex Hills Bandits. Mind you I tried to level with sword/pistol and back in vanilla there was only one way to level a mesmer and sword/torch power build wasn’t it. In fact I hated it so much, I didn’t play for almost a year and made a guardian on my 2nd get go. Months later I finally leveled my Mess to 80 and that’s when I really got to experience the class for what it was meant to be. A dueling beast.


Now mind you, you’ll get a bunch of kids crying about how Mesmer is OP in dueling and what not. And that was true even back then. Mesmer is a class that is straight up useless in anything more than 5v5, but excells at dueling and small scale. And that made it the perfect small scale roamer. Back then we had the clone death build and the more you fought the Mesmer, the faster you died and walking away was how you won.


Then we got Hot and Chrono. I recall I was extremely reluctant to play the class and it took me months before i actually switched from core to e-spec, and in turn creating one of the most oppressive builds I’ve made to date. The shatter Condi chrono was everything the clone death core build wasn’t. It felt like relearning all the mechanics and twisting them in a new way, finding a new way to play.


Why I play a Mesmer?

I have both a Warr and an Engi alts that I play often (currently). Both are awesome and I get a lot of exceptional fights with. However, with both of them it feels like I’m following a well known and optimal skill/burst rotation that just goes as is. Whereas with the Mesmer I feel unrestricted, free of being courted into specific order or rotation and being allowed to adapt on the go.


I wish my other toons had this freedom, until they do, Mesmer is going to be my main just because I never get tired of the encounters I get with it.

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I recently switched to my mesmer because the illusion changes finally make the class mechanics feel fun. I like having an illusion build that actually uses shatter and the old mechanics just always felt off for me.


However, there’s plenty of other aspects of the class that I have always loved:

Heavy access to utility and support skills (reflects, boons, portals, etc.).

I also have always liked the aesthetic of the class.


I’ve wanted to really like the Mesmer class ever since GW2 release since it was one of my favorite GW1 classes, but it just never felt right until recently.

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Started with a thief which was the type of class I've always played in MMOs. Didn't enjoy the playstyle that much but continued playing it in a hope that it might start growing on me at higher levels.

Few days into playing, my roommates and I smoked some pot (what a naughty college students we were!). In my state of enhanced cognitive disability, I decided to roll a mesmer.. Needless to say, I was so fascinated by the beautiful purple butterflies that from that moment onwards, the mesmer class and I became one.

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I originally started the game as a Necromancer. I love the idea of overwhelming enemies via attrition. Especially when minions are involved. It may not be as fast, nor as efficient compared to other more "blitzkrieg-style" strategies, but it tends to grant you a sense of power and control as the tide of battle inevitably turns in your favor. Then I kept reading about how... problematic Necromancer and it's elite specs were to play at level 80+. It seemed like every other post was "Got nerfed" or "Not viable". I'm not normally the type to buy into hearsay and propaganda, but I'd also rather not end up wasting my time getting to endgame just to find out the crowd was right.


After experimenting with the other classes, Mesmer struck me as the Plan B, so to speak. I'm admittedly not quite fond of how "floaty" it feels. But this is mostly due to me coming from games such as Blade and Soul and Tera. Then again, it does fit the ephemeral nature of the class. It definitely takes the 'one-man army' concept to it's logical conclusion. Though I wish the clones and phantasms didn't dissipate immediately upon the target being neutralized (despite how broken that would be). However, I do appreciate how set-and-forget the illusions are because of this. Less time spent micromanaging, more time spent making a mockery of the opposition. And once I finally got a taste of Mirage? That was it. Now, the use of _axes_ seems to contradict with the nature of a mesmer, in my opinion. Daggers seem more thematically appropriate, but I digress. A hilariously destructive, highly-mobile, literal army-of-one that essentially flows from one target to the next... I never looked back.


Well, that's not entirely true. I have kept Necro on the backburner in case I feel like taking things slow - which I do on occasion. The class does have the advantage of being notoriously hard to kill in PvE, from what I see. The veritable zoo of undead they have at their beck and call to take punishment in their stead doesn't hurt either.

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I played mesmer in Guild Wars 1 and chose it then after playing a Red Mage in Final Fantasy XI. I always choose professions ("jobs" in FFXI) that are able to play through their game solo and are capable of being versatile/a jack-of-all-trades with a leaning toward crowd control, disruption, and combat that includes some element of surprise or confusion. Mesmer was a perfect fit.


![](https://i.imgur.com/DSbCPM3.jpg "")

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I have friends that moved from scourge mains to mirage mains when scourge got nerfed. When mesmer gets nerfed(and it will) they will move on to the next best thing. This will be either scourge again, firebrand, or spellbreaker. Then people will cry rivers when they are no longer playing the "community-decided best build in the game."

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> @"Zaviel.1245" said:

> I have friends that moved from scourge mains to mirage mains when scourge got nerfed. When mesmer gets nerfed(and it will) they will move on to the next best thing. This will be either scourge again, firebrand, or spellbreaker. Then people will cry rivers when they are no longer playing the "community-decided best build in the game."

fotm players get what fotm players deserve.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Since I mostly roam in wvw, I appreciate the anti-player style this character has with stealth, distraction targets, confusion application, access to invulnerability, disables, and port utility that no other class does nearly as well.


Thief might have more stealth, but Mesmer uses it more offensively. Necromancers have more minions and rangers have a single pet, but they don't look like the player. Confusion is the best button-masher killer. Other classes have invuln, but theirs have longer cooldowns. Who else can permastun or take down a full defiance bar in an instant solo? And of course, the reason entire zergs will scramble around a tower/keep/castle looking for one person; that person is the Mesmer because of the portal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> The mesmer offers a lot of cool stuff and some people have really fallen in love with this class.

> Also, everyone has their **own reasons** they like the mesmer and its theme.


> That's why I ask **you**: *What makes you like the mesmer?* Or *what made you decide to be a mesmer main?*


> ---------------


> **EDIT**: Why I am a mesmer main:


> When I started to play GW2 some weeks after launch, people told me that every class is good on its own, so you don't have to choose the "best class" but rather the class that describes and interests you the most. I watched YT videos about all the classes and read their descriptions and the one that struck to me the most was the **mesmer**.


> I always liked mages the most in MMOs and the mesmer was so unique and special to me when I first heard about them. I really like the concept of having **multiple versions of you** on the battlefield, **deceiving** and **playing with the enemy's mind**. Being able to cast **chaos storms** and **time warps** to harm your enemies, making them weak, while buffing yourself and your team really excited me.


> Furthermore, **pink** is my favourite colour and the **butterflies** theme really fits well with the mesmer in my opinion :)


> Gameplay-wise I really really like to have the **portal ability**. I always like to help people out with it in jumping puzzles or things like that. When exploring new areas and having to drop down and look for a vista or stuff, it also comes really handy as a back-up :D


> The only thing I **don't like** about the mesmer are the shatter abilities. I always want to keep my clones up and trick my enemies so shattering my illusions is not logical to me. That's why I was hoping that the mirage changed the shatter skills to work differently but well...


> However, the Mesmer is absolutely my favourite class. I just love everything about its theme and its style. I am looking forward to have a spec without shatter skills in the next expansion tho :)





omg such a good question! you see my display name right? I'm was actually fan of morbid things(still today) so any mmorpg I play it would have to have a necro class or I wouldn't play it at all so when I found out about gw2 I decided to play it cause it has necro, I was kinda obsessed with necro as a class in mmorpgs on a whole so I attached "maniac" to necro, after playing gw2 for a good while now, I moved from necro to thief then mes. I realized that in this game deceptive playstyles fit me the most so I alternated between mes and thief for a while both were so similar to me also...but any ways.. Thief was just so cool badass and sneaky and mes was just so amazingly beautiful tricky sexy deceptive and out of this world!(especially the fact that you could have clones!) I play it way more than thief now nevertheless necro...because theyre goddess-like to me. Basically why I main Mesmer: 1. I think they have the most beautiful animations and amazing theme 2. Clones! 3. Portals!



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> @"Yuyuske.7182" said:

> Because it's **fun.**


> There's something very fast and dynamic about mesmers, particularly the Mirage. I'm here, I'm there, there's one of me, there's four of me, there's one of me again, now I'm over here and there's four of me again...it's very active and mobile.


> Compare that to my other main, a Scourge...I have fun with my Scourge too, but it's a slower playstyle.


yesssssss mirages theyre just so flattering :3

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I honestly do not care what state mesmer is in gameplay wise - it is the sole reason I play GW2 and for as long as I continue to play GW2 I will play mesmer.


> The visual effects, the theme, some sound effects, the (unique compared to majority of other games with generic "mages"/"rogues"/"warriors" and other boring overdone concepts) mechanics of misdirection deception and unconventional techniques, the butterflies, the magenta/pink/purple colour scheme, the skill names (eg "Magic Bullet"... so awesome name for a skill), and a touch of vanity with all the illusions.


> It's a beautiful experience and a privilege to have the opportunity to enjoy and indulge in the mental, visual and aural feast that comes with playing mesmer.



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