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PvP rant, team wimps, pathetic attitudes, and absolute wusses

Viera X.8570

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I just posted this but it was in the wrong section. New to posting on the forum so forgive it.


This has been pissing me the hell off for a while now and I know I'm speaking everyone else's mind here. People are so negative and the way you're given your rank after the first initial 10 ranked games is in no way an accurate reflection of a player's skill. You go into a game with someone who's crying like a young cat and after 30 seconds decides to either A: start arguments and toxicity within the said team, B: Stand there completely inactive for the entire rest of the game, or C: Log out leaving us a man short.


Then at the end you're told this is how good you are and this is the division you belong in??? That's annoying. Players like me who are actively trying to get people to work together, who are researching their role as whatever class is being played, works hard to keep things positive...I KNOW I'm better than what the kitten computer says I am, because when I'm coming top scores and carrying whatever work IS done in a game, despite the negativity, and then someone young cats it up by being negative and toxic instead of trying to work together, I know something isn't quite adding up.


Like what am I supposed to do, carry the whole game EVERY game to get to plat? Are you young cats serious? No. Obviously that is not the case, or cannot be and my logic tells me it absolutely must not be, because I can't prevent kittens like I just described and it is a TEAM fight. I fight people that are plat and win in 1v1's, quite often and then I ask how they got plat and they're like "idk just happened." I'm OBVIOUSLY a better player than this kitten system says, and I know other people feel me because I hear from them.


I wanted to rant and cuss here because otherwise I risk being toxic in game, and tbh I'm the complete opposite.


Copy and paste your brain down below.

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Logically, you're as likely as anyone else to lose (or win!) a match due to these types of issues. Forget those matches. Wins or losses. They don't count. Winning the matches that are winnable. That counts. That's how you climb. Maybe you only make the difference in 2 out of every 10 games, but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.


Also, understand that conquest is not 1v1. I know exactly how you feel. When I played my first season in ranked, I did some dueling to make sure I felt comfortable and could handle myself without support. I figured based on those fairly positive results against gold and even some platinum rank players that I would have no trouble at least reaching upper gold and maybe even platinum. Unfortunately, I placed low gold 1 (1207) and after some effort found that I couldn't break into gold 2. Frustrated and out of ideas, I changed to the meta support/healer build for my class and adapted my strategy accordingly. I quickly rose to platinum and finished the season in low plat 1, a full 300 points above my placement ranking.


I knew I had the skills from dueling players of that rank. My personal skills weren't the issue. It's that I wasn't contributing enough in that role to win matches. When I changed to team healer, I used those skills to stay alive and more importantly keep my teammates alive so that we could win those team fights and ultimately control the map for the win. If you can hold your own against platinum rank players, it stands to reason that you can make platinum rank yourself. But you have to start thinking about winning conquest, not just winning fights.

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Alright, i'll bite the bait.


The PvP Ladder is actually very accurate for the most part, despite being frustrating.


However, it demands a certain minimum of games in order for the statistics to "work". Logically, if there are 10 players in a match, you only have absolute control of 10% of what is going on over there, if you're on the average rating of the match. This way, it is very hard to carry and climb as the odds are indeed against you. As you start to learn and improve and dominate team fights and duels and rotate properly and control the map, you'll notice your influence in the game will start to grow to lets say maybe 20 to 30%. If you have a duoq partner that syncs well with you and is also above average match rating this should go even higher. But lets say you're posetively influencing 20% of your wins that should bump you up pretty well to about 60% win ratio. If you maintain that, you'll climb until your actual, practical, skill rating is again average to your games average and winning becomes harder and harder.


The catch is, you need a good amount of games to see the effect of that statistical difference you're making. If you have enough games and you're around the average player's rating, which hovers around 1300 i believe (so lets say 1600 to 1000 rating), as long as you have enough games played, statistically the system will provide you with "quality", as in precise, rating. We don't keep track of the games in statistics though. We feel every defeat and they do take an emotional hit on us specially on specifically frustating scenarios such as trolls or afks, so we get frustrated. It is hard to see the very very high volatility (which in my opinion is the real culprit here) and remain stable. A few bad games will throw you off a whole division and it is hard to "trust" statistics to bring you back up, but it is what must be done.


Now there is a second scenario which is if you are at the extremes of the rating spectrum, which is at 1600+ or 1000- rating, then things start to get messy messy and matchmaking isn't reliable at all.


But as you say, though, if you're trying to hit plat, you should be in that sweet spot of around 1400 rating and my best advice to you is try to keep it cool, take a break, breathe and trust that the game will eventually bump you up, if you deserve it. Since the system is highly volatile though, expect for you to oscilate on that specific rating of yours. If you're plat 1, it is normal for you to sometimes get bumped up to plat 2 or down to gold 3. Don't worry, stay chill and keep playing.


Think of the games as a set of equations which have many many many variables. Every game you play will have different people, different comps, different maps, different situations. The only constant in those games is you. That is how the system evaluates you. With all those variables it needs a minimum number of equations in order to accuratelly be able to tell what you're "worth" and properly place you.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Lmao played two ranked games out of the 10 and one match player afk 1 minute in and second a player wrote in chat they wernt sure how capping works and one player was hoping around match all game so yeah that's my last ranked match, this game has become complete garbage for pvp.

> Good luck everyone lol.



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> @"Viera X.8570" said:

> I just posted this but it was in the wrong section. New to posting on the forum so forgive it.


> This has been pissing me the hell off for a while now and I know I'm speaking everyone else's mind here. People are so negative and the way you're given your rank after the first initial 10 ranked games is in no way an accurate reflection of a player's skill. You go into a game with someone who's crying like a young cat and after 30 seconds decides to either A: start arguments and toxicity within the said team, B: Stand there completely inactive for the entire rest of the game, or C: Log out leaving us a man short.


> Then at the end you're told this is how good you are and this is the division you belong in??? That's annoying. Players like me who are actively trying to get people to work together, who are researching their role as whatever class is being played, works hard to keep things positive


trying to coach your teammates is one of the best ways to make them afk



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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Lmao played two ranked games out of the 10 and one match player afk 1 minute in and second a player wrote in chat they wernt sure how capping works and one player was hoping around match all game so yeah that's my last ranked match, this game has become complete garbage for pvp.

> > Good luck everyone lol.


> Na?



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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> I am equal to 5 players


Cmon man, if were talking great players I'd say equal to 3. 5 is a stretch haha.

U still contemplating doing the whole streaming the climb thru ranked solo q only? I could just see the sind rage building now, 5 streams in asking viewers to help fund a new rig due to the untimely demise of ur current one lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > I am equal to 5 players


> Cmon man, if were talking great players I'd say equal to 3. 5 is a stretch haha.

> U still contemplating doing the whole streaming the climb thru ranked solo q only


if i manage to get energy to farm my 3rd acc up to r20

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > I am equal to 5 players

> >

> > Cmon man, if were talking great players I'd say equal to 3. 5 is a stretch haha.

> > U still contemplating doing the whole streaming the climb thru ranked solo q only


> if i manage to get energy to farm my 3rd acc up to r20



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Lmao played two ranked games out of the 10 and one match player afk 1 minute in and second a player wrote in chat they wernt sure how capping works and one player was hoping around match all game so yeah that's my last ranked match, this game has become complete garbage for pvp.

> > > Good luck everyone lol.

> >

> > Na?


> Yeah.


Last season I had around 300 games, and like 3-4 afkler in all games, not only in my team


When the world gets a decent ping from eu to na, anet should defenetly merge those 2 mega servers

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If you want to help your team you can either carry them or you can try to fix why they aren’t winning their fights. Carrying is often harder than the second option but it is a bit of a gamble to whether your team listens to you. You also have to be correct about what the problem actually is so it’s not like this is 100% guaranteed to work.


Reasons your team is losing (that you might be able to change):

1. Bad defense. Giving up caps unnecessarily and constantly being decapped. Assign someone to play defense.

2. Bad offense. Your team is feeding mid or rotating into far/home and over extending. Basically underestimating your opponents and trying to cap the entire map after winning the first mid fight. If the whole team pushes far make sure there is a defense at mid and tell your team to be ready to rotate back to mid. People get sucked into fighting at far and forget there are other points. A gentle reminder to rotate to the nearest point helps you hold onto at least two points (give up on holding home if most of the team is stacked on the far side of the map).

3. Bad target selection. You can’t let major DPS glass people free cast. A team that is losing team fights is often beating on the wrong target and not protecting the target the other team is going after.


And you may still lose. Like someone else said, winning the winnable games is what you should focus on.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

> >


> Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

> >


> Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further.


~57% winrate is enough for top 50, which is plat 3 in eu

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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> It actually is how good you are, cuz everyone has to face the same problems


Right cuz duo que doesnt have a advantage over people solo que and people that do the many match manipulating options don't either. Yeah every can use the same tactics but a lot rightfully don't cuz u kno the priority of doing so sits prertt low in most peoples life lol

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

> > >

> >

> > Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

> > >

> >

> > Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further.


> ~57% winrate is enough for top 50, which is plat 3 in eu


That doesn't add up at all since for every win you get +1 to +7 and -21 for loss regardless of prime time. _(majority of the time at least)_

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> @"Sorem.9157" said:

> Alright, i'll bite the bait.


> The PvP Ladder is actually very accurate for the most part, despite being frustrating.


> However, it demands a certain minimum of games in order for the statistics to "work". Logically, if there are 10 players in a match, you only have absolute control of 10% of what is going on over there, if you're on the average rating of the match. This way, it is very hard to carry and climb as the odds are indeed against you. As you start to learn and improve and dominate team fights and duels and rotate properly and control the map, you'll notice your influence in the game will start to grow to lets say maybe 20 to 30%. If you have a duoq partner that syncs well with you and is also above average match rating this should go even higher. But lets say you're posetively influencing 20% of your wins that should bump you up pretty well to about 60% win ratio. If you maintain that, you'll climb until your actual, practical, skill rating is again average to your games average and winning becomes harder and harder.


> The catch is, you need a good amount of games to see the effect of that statistical difference you're making. If you have enough games and you're around the average player's rating, which hovers around 1300 i believe (so lets say 1600 to 1000 rating), as long as you have enough games played, statistically the system will provide you with "quality", as in precise, rating. We don't keep track of the games in statistics though. We feel every defeat and they do take an emotional hit on us specially on specifically frustating scenarios such as trolls or afks, so we get frustrated. It is hard to see the very very high volatility (which in my opinion is the real culprit here) and remain stable. A few bad games will throw you off a whole division and it is hard to "trust" statistics to bring you back up, but it is what must be done.


> Now there is a second scenario which is if you are at the extremes of the rating spectrum, which is at 1600+ or 1000- rating, then things start to get messy messy and matchmaking isn't reliable at all.


> But as you say, though, if you're trying to hit plat, you should be in that sweet spot of around 1400 rating and my best advice to you is try to keep it cool, take a break, breathe and trust that the game will eventually bump you up, if you deserve it. Since the system is highly volatile though, expect for you to oscilate on that specific rating of yours. If you're plat 1, it is normal for you to sometimes get bumped up to plat 2 or down to gold 3. Don't worry, stay chill and keep playing.


> Think of the games as a set of equations which have many many many variables. Every game you play will have different people, different comps, different maps, different situations. The only constant in those games is you. That is how the system evaluates you. With all those variables it needs a minimum number of equations in order to accuratelly be able to tell what you're "worth" and properly place you.


This is well explained and I like this way of looking at it. However, this is one caveat about the whole "you need more games to see your real skill level" thing. The reason it takes so many games to see the actual results is because the underlying system isn't that great at what it does. A better system would be able to give the same results in fewer games. I do have to say in other competitive modes in video games I have not experienced the amount of afk, leavers, and throwers I do in gw2. Even if statistically you will still reach your appropriate placement eventually it will take much longer and the journey is wayyyy more frustrating to get there than it remotely should be.

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