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PvP rant, team wimps, pathetic attitudes, and absolute wusses

Viera X.8570

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Here is a basic and simple reflection of this games rank system. Ur a great player but the rest of ur team is a mix of good and mediocre players, ur opponent team is 4 great players and 1 unskilled or new player. Chances are very high ur team is going to lose and as far as the games concerned even potatoe player that just got carried is more deserving of a higher rank points than u regardless of ur performance on ur end.

This game if keeping same rank system needs to be solo queue only but a better remedy would to find a way to rank a player on they're actual performance and not on that afk player sitting in ur home base.

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> @"Viera X.8570" said:

> Copy and paste your brain down below.


![](https://i.imgur.com/WElBqny.jpg "")


Welcome. The first thing I personally recommend doing is avoiding Ranked like a plague.


Placements are completely volatile, especially your first placements. Don't judge it too harshly there. It's after you get your rank, and you get fully exposed to the botters, afkers, top player smurfs, and metagamers where things really take a dive for the worse.


If you want to play for fun, play Unranked. If you want to play to farm rewards, play Ranked. If you want an actual arena to compete, but you're too new or just can't be bothered to find 4 other players, kind of kitten out of luck.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Viera X.8570" said:

> > Copy and paste your brain down below.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/WElBqny.jpg "")


> Welcome. The first thing I personally recommend doing is avoiding Ranked like a plague.


> Placements are completely volatile, especially your first placements. Don't judge it too harshly there. It's after you get your rank, and you get fully exposed to the botters, afkers, top player smurfs, and metagamers where things really take a dive for the worse.


> If you want to play for fun, play Unranked. If you want to play to farm rewards, play Ranked. If you want an actual arena to compete, but you're too new or just can't be bothered to find 4 other players, kind of kitten out of luck.


He forgot to mention duoq ??


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If you play ranked to get good or think you are playing in a high skill environment, you are doing it wrong. I only play ranked for the bonus reward track, and I only play unranked during off season for the normal reward tracks and daily potions which I save up so I can instantly fill out new reward tracks when they are dropped into the game. It has been a very long time since I got any enjoyment out of PVP in this game. I only play it for the rewards and that's it, if I could get the rewards from some alternative means then I would simply never PVP.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:


> This is well explained and I like this way of looking at it. However, this is one caveat about the whole "you need more games to see your real skill level" thing. The reason it takes so many games to see the actual results is because the underlying system isn't that great at what it does. A better system would be able to give the same results in fewer games. I do have to say in other competitive modes in video games I have not experienced the amount of afk, leavers, and throwers I do in gw2. Even if statistically you will still reach your appropriate placement eventually it will take much longer and the journey is wayyyy more frustrating to get there than it remotely should be.


First of all, thank you for the compliment :)


Yes, I do agree the current system is problematic. This is not due to how the matchmaking algorithm works though, but due to how we are practically evaluated per game. As I said, there are many variables in each and every game and only a couple things are taken into consideration: everyone's rating and wether you won or lost. More should be taken into account. How did you play? Did you fullfill your role? Were you communicative? Did you cap points? This raises more nuanced questions, such as what is your role? what defines good gameplay? was communication necessary? was capping the points the best call?


I understand ArenaNet's reluctancy in doing this as it might make people "biased" to play a specific way in order to gain points for ranking up. This happened, for example, when damage against Downed players counted towards the "Top Damage" stat. People weren't stomping and were dpsing people down instead. Sometimes that is appropriate but sometimes it is better to go for a full cast stomp. This happened with top stats, which provide no reward whatsoever other than "boasting rights".


So it is difficult to find a way to evaluate a players behavior when everything is situsional. I can't imagine a proper way to do so. It is hard to evaluate a single player's performance in a game with so many variables and be able to accuratly tell how good he is. Conquest would need to be different or specific roles would need to be assigned before the game started, in my opinion.


There is also the problem of the extremes of the rating spectrum, it is a real problem, shouldn't be overlooked. For example, just now i lost a solo queue match in high plat which resulted in -42 rating. This is an absurd scenario that should never happen. Sure it is early on the season and volatility is high but still it is very frustrating. It is not uncommon to lose over 20 points on defeats and gain less than 10 for every win. Also queueing gimmicks are more relevant than disparities between personal skill. DuoQ only with proper comp, dodge specific people, queue only outside of prime time, even matchmanipulation with friends or payment. This disencourages high tier players to take the ladder seriously, and butchers any kind of competitive scene that Guild Wars 2 could potentially have in terms of Solo player rating.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > Placements are completely volatile, especially your first placements. Don't judge it too harshly there. It's after you get your rank, and you get fully exposed to the botters, afkers, top player smurfs, and metagamers where things really take a dive for the worse.

> >


> He forgot to mention duoq ??



Wym? I mentioned top playing smurfing and metagamers. That's all DuoQ.


It's in my signature anyway. It goes without saying even if I don't.

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