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My Main Acct vs. Alt Acct Ratings Played - What's Going On Here?

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Alright, I've had enough of this blatant rigged match making.

> >

> > Peace boys, I'm out for good this time.


> Don't forget to send your gold and materials to apharma.3741, see you in 2 months.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Alright, I've had enough of this blatant rigged match making.

> > >

> > > Peace boys, I'm out for good this time.

> >

> > Don't forget to send your gold and materials to apharma.3741, see you in 2 months.


> no send it to me.


> see you tomorrow.


Eh maybe. I'll look back into it around March, see if people say the 2v2 or 3v3 is good. A game mode where I can't be match manipulated.


But I'm serious this time around, this has gotten to be too much.


If Arenanet is aware of exactly what's happening and knows who or why, they ought to consider telling them to stop.


It's driving off veteran player base. The ones with credit cards that were looking for long term investment into this game.

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Matchmaking system is a joke.

-Either you win 500-100 or you lose 500-100

-You win 7-8 games,you get nice players,you get your rating,then suddenly BOOM,you lose 10 games to people who camp you infront of your base.

-Player skill from game to game is tremendously noticeable.Either you get really good players or you get bad players.There's no middle.


There are accounts that get carried by MMR by being matched with only good players vs bad players.


Legendary players don't get matched vs their buddies,other legendary players.That's why they have 95% win ratio.


They get matched vs people like me,who played 100 games in total and who's sitting at 53% win ratio.


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I can say without a doubt this matchmaking is an actual joke and is in no way indicative of skill. Only the other day i was placed in a full random match-up on my team no duo's against NA's number 3 and 4 leaderboard positions in a duo while being in lower gold bracket. The warrior on my team just straight up afk'ed the match, this was pointed out by one of the enemies team members. Of course any report goes completely ignored by the developers and even if you report these players you are more likely to get suspend than they will be. Anet want to firmly put the blame onto the players under the grounds of unacceptable behaviour due to heated tempers, when its them that have caused all the toxic behaviour by neglecting the game mode and trying to cover up any form of match manipulation.

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Maybe it is possible to get more loss/win streaks if you play without taking break. Directly queuing after a match ended ... I noticed a few times that I had gotten at least 1 member in my team again that played with me the previous match. (He must have went in the queue directly after previous match ended.) Of course if that guy was someone that was ranked too low (we won a lot) it could have been possible that I profited from him helping most towards the win of my team. We both winning and gaining rating could make it possible to see him more often in the same team - if both go independently directly in solo queue again.


Similar for loss streaks. Now if the alt is played less frequently ... might be more accurate. Better distribution of those people that are ranked too low/high - instead of having them with you for several matches.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.


> 90% winrate is impossible!

> My alt wins more than my main!

> 50% forced w/r!


> Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through


Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.


> 90% winrate is impossible!

> My alt wins more than my main!

> 50% forced w/r!


> Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through


Legendary players live in a alternative reality with rainbows and unicorns BECAUSE due to low people playing in PvP Anet matches them with bronze players and they always win. Yes this way 90% winrate is possible.

The thing is Anet is allowing the abusers crush noobs WHY? to lower the waiting queues times, to make possible matches because there isnt enough people.


The million question is what determines a legedary player?Skilled+hack users+Old players that started in beta with strong premade teams?

It has to be some reputation/karma system that puts losers/quiters in a negative strike list forever. Thats why old accounts will never win.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.


> 90% winrate is impossible!

> My alt wins more than my main!

> 50% forced w/r!


> Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through


90% winrate is possible because those players never face other 90% winrate players.


MMR system is made that way to put high rated players on same team,and lowest rated people on another team.


Instead of Legendary players fighting each other,they are fighting low gold.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> If you can't carry gold 2 games, you're probably not as great as you think you are.


> maybe ranger is just a bad class. :)


from what he's described even when he's gold 2 he still gets matched against vallun, naru, etc. Then suddenly he's on a real gold 2 game and will have 90% winrate till he reaches 1550 again

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> @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.

> > > >

> > > > 90% winrate is impossible!

> > > > My alt wins more than my main!

> > > > 50% forced w/r!

> > > >

> > > > Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through

> > >

> > > Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.

> >

> > So is my main account so whats ur point again?

> >

> > I was r1 and 2 last season but decayed both my accounts on purpose.


> Stop feeding the self deluded trolls, i have 2 accounts also. My main sits comfortably within 50 rank points of my alt. The reason people have such bad match ups IMO, is because they queue at stupid hours when the population is low. Just my 2 cents.


Wait sec,doesn't this game has millions of players?Ingame time should not matter with big population ArenaNet and their fans keep promoting.Its not like there's 50 people play during night time and rest of 100 k are asleep.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.

> > > > >

> > > > > 90% winrate is impossible!

> > > > > My alt wins more than my main!

> > > > > 50% forced w/r!

> > > > >

> > > > > Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through

> > > >

> > > > Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.

> > >

> > > So is my main account so whats ur point again?

> > >

> > > I was r1 and 2 last season but decayed both my accounts on purpose.

> >

> > Stop feeding the self deluded trolls, i have 2 accounts also. My main sits comfortably within 50 rank points of my alt. The reason people have such bad match ups IMO, is because they queue at stupid hours when the population is low. Just my 2 cents.


> Wait sec,doesn't this game has millions of players?Ingame time should not matter with big population ArenaNet and their fans keep promoting.Its not like there's 50 people play during night time and rest of 100 k are asleep.


The game might have "millions of players" but pvp as a mode doesn't. If you queue at 9am in the morning when people are at work/school its only logical that the matchmaker has a smaller pool of players to draw from.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.

> > >

> > > My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.

> > >

> > > At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.

> > >

> > > My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.

> > >

> >

> > Hi, i have the same issue but with 5 accounts (3 EU and 2 US) and my main.

> >

> > I have a theory about it so i want to know if your Alt and main accounts are in the same server or not ?

> >

> >

> >


> Yes, both are NA


> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.

> > >

> > > My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.

> > >

> > > At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.

> > >

> > > My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.

> > >

> > > ?

> > >

> >

> > Still waiting for the video upload. I guess you edited the post though lol.


> Few things made me question if I should take the time:


> 1. The video is going to display nothing new outside of what I've already stated in this thread. I'd rather people "take my word for it" and discuss their own account patterns, rather than me spending half a day to a full day of editing several GW2 conquest matches, for the sake of making a video that ->

> 2. No one will have the patience to watch. At first I was going to just post 1 match on my main, and 1 match from my alt, both done in the same 30 minute time frame. But realistically that's not going to prove anything. So I'd have to do a substantial sample size of games from each account to form any documentation that was worth looking at all. Who wants to watch me run 10 games on my main and then 10 games on my alt? yeah... and I don't exactly want to edit up a 2 to 3 hour youtube either.


> I mean I could do all that, and no one is going to want to watch it, or I could just post screen shots of win/lose streaks? Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to document the difference in the visual difficulty of the matches, but for those reasons listed above, it would end up being a much bigger project that I had originally planned on it being. If I had a new rig and could stream without lag, it would be much easier to do.


just record your matches and throw at us the raw footage, with no editing, just rendering the video will be more than enough, cuz like you said, very few ppl will watch it

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> @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 90% winrate is impossible!

> > > > > > My alt wins more than my main!

> > > > > > 50% forced w/r!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through

> > > > >

> > > > > Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.

> > > >

> > > > So is my main account so whats ur point again?

> > > >

> > > > I was r1 and 2 last season but decayed both my accounts on purpose.

> > >

> > > Stop feeding the self deluded trolls, i have 2 accounts also. My main sits comfortably within 50 rank points of my alt. The reason people have such bad match ups IMO, is because they queue at stupid hours when the population is low. Just my 2 cents.

> >

> > Wait sec,doesn't this game has millions of players?Ingame time should not matter with big population ArenaNet and their fans keep promoting.Its not like there's 50 people play during night time and rest of 100 k are asleep.


> The game might have "millions of players" but pvp as a mode doesn't. If you queue at 9am in the morning when people are at work/school its only logical that the matchmaker has a smaller pool of players to draw from.


Even if game has 5.000 players only,there's always going to be at least 100 people who play pvp,at all times.100 players is more than enough to keep queue alive at any given time at any Division.


There's no f way literally every single player is at work,shool or asleep.Its simply not possible by every mathematical and universal probability and possibility for everyone to be busy doing something else.


Not everyone has a job or goes to school,most people actually don't.

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to play devils advocate for a sec, the streaks aren't necessarily indicative of a failed system. maybe you're making the same mistakes over and over or getting matched against favorable class match ups over and over.


anyway, I would re q after 3 min since that's when the algorithm stops trying to find new rosters. also stop playing for like 5-10 min after a 2 loss streak, and have at least 2 classes you can play well and switch to this other class when you come back after your break. I usually find that fulfilling team roles based on what the team needs gets better results then playing what I want to play.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > > > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 90% winrate is impossible!

> > > > > > > My alt wins more than my main!

> > > > > > > 50% forced w/r!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.

> > > > >

> > > > > So is my main account so whats ur point again?

> > > > >

> > > > > I was r1 and 2 last season but decayed both my accounts on purpose.

> > > >

> > > > Stop feeding the self deluded trolls, i have 2 accounts also. My main sits comfortably within 50 rank points of my alt. The reason people have such bad match ups IMO, is because they queue at stupid hours when the population is low. Just my 2 cents.

> > >

> > > Wait sec,doesn't this game has millions of players?Ingame time should not matter with big population ArenaNet and their fans keep promoting.Its not like there's 50 people play during night time and rest of 100 k are asleep.

> >

> > The game might have "millions of players" but pvp as a mode doesn't. If you queue at 9am in the morning when people are at work/school its only logical that the matchmaker has a smaller pool of players to draw from.


> Even if game has 5.000 players only,there's always going to be at least 100 people who play pvp,at all times.100 players is more than enough to keep queue alive at any given time at any Division.


> There's no f way literally every single player is at work,shool or asleep.Its simply not possible by every mathematical and universal probability and possibility for everyone to be busy doing something else.


> Not everyone has a job or goes to school,most people actually don't.


the pvp player base have in the best case scenario 2k players


when i get home I'll explain better how i come to that conclusion


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If you lose twice in a row take an hour break. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> to play devils advocate for a sec, the streaks aren't necessarily indicative of a failed system. maybe you're making the same mistakes over and over or getting matched against favorable class match ups over and over.


> anyway, I would re q after 3 min since that's when the algorithm stops trying to find new rosters. also stop playing for like 5-10 min after a 2 loss streak, and have at least 2 classes you can play well and switch to this other class when you come back after your break. I usually find that fulfilling team roles based on what the team needs gets better results then playing what I want to play.


this.. switch class based on team roles.. and if you lose twice, go play wvw for a bit. seems to prevent the heavy loss streaks. I experienced these last season pretty badly..


So far, this season Ive avoided it.


Maybe swap accounts for a biy after a 2 losses.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.


> 90% winrate is impossible!


It shouldn’t be possible in a balanced match making system.


> My alt wins more than my main!


This...idk about. Only have one account.


> 50% forced w/r!


This is how it SHOULD work. The matchmaker should pair you with similarly rated people people and you’ll average close to 50%, a littler higher if your good. Go find me a main stream competitive ranked game where the best players average a 90% win rate. I’ll wait.



> Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through


It’s almost comical how many excuses you make for this being “just fine” then act like everyone else are idiots.


inb4 “just watch the stream”


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> to play devils advocate for a sec, the streaks aren't necessarily indicative of a failed system. maybe you're making the same mistakes over and over or getting matched against favorable class match ups over and over.


> anyway, I would re q after 3 min since that's when the algorithm stops trying to find new rosters. also stop playing for like 5-10 min after a 2 loss streak, and have at least 2 classes you can play well and switch to this other class when you come back after your break. I usually find that fulfilling team roles based on what the team needs gets better results then playing what I want to play.


I hear ya, but here is the thing:


1. This has been going on for many seasons now. The same exact thing.

2. My alt account's name is no secret. I use the character Gank on my main, and then I completely copy/pasted everything about him onto the alt and also named him Gank, again. People immediately know it's me when I enter a game. Point being is, everything about the character and option configurations is exactly the same when I play both the main and the alt. Nothing is effecting the game play there.

3. Because of 2 ^ even if there were people queue sniping me, they clearly would have figured out my alt by now, and I assume would be doing the same thing to me when I was on my alt, but it doesn't happen. So.... leads me to ->

4. Something is going on within the algorithm, that is "punishing" to the main account for whatever reason. I mean you're talking several seasons the alt plays between 1550-1600 maybe drop as low as 1525 at times and the history always looks like: win win loss win loss win win win loss win win loss win win win, it makes sense and looks real. But then the main for several seasons now, hovers between 1600 and 1300? With the history always looking like: win win win win win win win win win win loss loss loss loss loss loss win loss loss loss loss loss loss, dude something is wrong with that. It's like the algorithm fails to update the main account's rating after EACH game or something. It's almost like when I go on the win streaks from a 1300 rating, it keeps placing me into games as if I were 1300 for 15+ games in a row, even though I'm like 1560, and then when it finally actually updates the real rating, then I go on a lose streak from 1600 and when I'm in bottom gold 3, I'm still getting placed into matches as if I were 1600, when I'm actually 1405 and about to dip into 1300 range. I mean it distinctly feels as if something like this were happening, which would explain this extremely volatile shifts in win and lose streaks.


I dunno man. You got me. But I really did uninstall and had to walk away for awhile. The game isn't fun when this is happening over and over. Lots of people were telling me "Just play your alt. Let's play. Let's do this." But I can't bring myself to start maining an alt, when I've dumped so much money into the actual main account. It's insulting that the system would encourage something like that, whatever it is that's going on here. I guess I'll just wait for a potential game mode where I can't be cheated in the match making. Boy I'd love me some 2v2 or 3v3 arena where I could always select the people I played with. I wouldn't even care if I lost to top players every game, so long as I wasn't losing every game because of a wood tier being forcibly placed with me vs. that top tier team. **<- And that right there sums up every single problem with this stupid solo/duo queue only ranked system.**

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.

> >

> > 90% winrate is impossible!


> It shouldn’t be possible in a balanced match making system.


This isn't exactly true. Balanced doesn't always mean 50/50. You can have a 50% chance to win every match you play and still lose every single one.


> > 50% forced w/r!


> This is how it SHOULD work. The matchmaker should pair you with similarly rated people people and you’ll average close to 50%, a littler higher if your good. Go find me a main stream competitive ranked game where the best players average a 90% win rate. I’ll wait.


And it does try to do exactly this with who is available. Its just the amount of people available isn't that great. It also means the game is less competitive , meaning less need to play games to remain at the top, resulting in fewer games played which in turn means you don't play enough games to average out your win-rate. Those at the top have such a high win-rate because they are very far above the skill curve and there is a lack of competition.


Also Anet has also said that they don't want it to be so punishing that the better you get the less you play because queue times are so high. They have tightened the rating variance a few times in the algorithm but there is still a range is searches in and even small changes in rating can be pretty big differences in skill and game knowledge. If they enforced a very strict skill range I can see the same people saying they are getting bad matches saying they are not getting enough matches since the queue times will become so much longer. There is also no guarantee the match quality would get significantly better.




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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > snips


> yeah I dunno. its def fishy. I wonder if people experience this who don't have alts? maybe anet is taking some backroom behind closed doors action against match manipulation that we don't know about. or its just the algo. welp about sums it up.


Yup, I was worried about that, and that's why I walked away. The frustration of it isn't worth it.


The main account most certainly feels "marked" in some way.

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