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I want to pick my team mates, all 5 of them (no excuses)

Crab Fear.1624

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I'm not against team queues. Since I play mainly for fun - not for rating and to push my ego. (Okay I'm more bad or average PvP player so this wouldn't even be possible. :D) I remember back then in 2012/13 there even happened in the lower rankings where I play some matches where the premade team failed against randoms. Or some nice groups of 3 players that did a lot of stuff and helped organizing where me and another random that were teamed up with them had an ice match against the other team.


Of course getting roflstomped by coordinated teams can happen - and is not unusual if it is a team of 5 vs 5 randoms at the same rating. But then again ... if you play for fun this is less of a problem than if you played for rating. (Then people rage. Well ... some still rage in unranked if you try new builds and play like a noob. Then again - where should I try/learn and experiment? Custom Arenas are dead.)


I'd love to see skywatch being more likely in unranked, team queues ... and maybe unranked mode that allows to hot switch between chars/classes within a running match - just for fun.


But on a side note: This morning (EU timezone before work time starts here) I played ranked on my main and I'm silver 3 only (close to gold 1) and had a "Dame of the Arena" in my team. Afaik this is a title for higher ranked. I know this doesn't mean anything. (That player could have had a bad start and just played his ranked 10 matches this season and gotten rankde lower.) Machmaker took about 3-4 mins I think and according to Ben only at 5 minutes in ranked it increases Threshold. But still. maybe it is possible that not many people were online and that person was of a higher rating. (We won and I also gained more ranking points than usual from that match.)


More/faster mixing of strong players with weaker players might be fun - as long as 4 strong players are distributed to 2 teams and the teams then filled with 3 lower ranked players each team. (Not stacking 4 strong ones in 1 team.)


Edit: Actually the tournament could need random queue. I'd like to play with the same team - when you can get used to them and improve - for a few matches. Would need a system that allows to play after a loss - and not elimination after each round.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Leonidrex.5649" @"Tharan.9085" @"Dante.1763" @"Moradorin.6217"


> I think you guys are just not aware of the extreme amount of alt play smurfing, throwing and organized match manipulation that controls these leaderboards.


> Everything you have said would be true, if everyone were playing legitimately. However, literally 50% of the top 100 as example, are alt accounts my dudes. Alt accounts that are used to throw against other player's mains who threaten positions, and to block leaderboard rankings. When this kind of stuff is going on, the solo/duo only system is doing nothing but enabling that activity. I notice that the people who advocate solo/duo que are the ones who believe that is not happening.


> And aside from that, if the top players whom you "believe are not using such tactics" are already achieving 90% win rates, then what's the difference between having them in a solo/duo match or a 5 man match? I mean you're going to lose to them anyway right? Might a well funnel them more together into one game as a 5 man, instead of having them distributed amongst many games as duos or solos. If they were all in a 5 man queue together, you have better chances of avoiding them or queue dodging that team. And upon that, 5 man queue enables your option to block yourself from potential alt throw PUG play. <- This stuff is real and it is happening all day long. Have none of you ever cared enough to notice when some random f2p account you've never seen before with 300 APs is performing at a Helios level? Come on guys wake up, start paying attention.


> I don't understand you guys who have played nearly as long as I have, who have somehow not noticed such things. Eh, I assume you must not be the discord type or watch streams often. If you were, you'd have stumbled across & witnessed plenty of blatant evidence to support what I'm saying here. And people don't even hide what they're doing anymore because most of it isn't even against the TOS.


Im just the type that doesnt give rats ass about all this wintrading buisness, unless you play against me and with me several times and I see you play well I consider you nobody. I dont care about anyones ranking, ranking doesnt matter in almost any game.

And you my man are blowing the issue over the top, nobody gives a crap about throwing matches in this dead game, they make smurfs becouse they feel like it, becouse they dont want to be seen, or mb they wanna learn new class and not have to start from 1700+ ranking.

If you make it 5v5 only it kills the game, pvp will go down to 0, same thing happened in NVO.

If you wanna play premade 5v5 so much then go to custom game and so, add all the "good" players and shuffle teams and play for fun, oh nobody does it? wonder why.

People that wanna have good matches will agree, thats what I used to do in nvo, private channel with goodplayers, and shuffling organised 5v5 matches, with or without voice coms, SUPER fun. I reccomend.

But nobody will do it here. Nobody cares. Nobody is good at this game.

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Sorry but if you are going to opt to 5 man premade match you should be forced to go against another 5 man premade or at least a 4 man premade other than that no exceptions. The game should always do its best to match premades with other premades.


Communication always makes a team stronger and you just dont have that level of communication and understanding with pug group vs a 5 man pre made.


Generally supported pvp needs more game modes than standard conquest why anet does not realize this i dont know.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Sorry but if you are going to opt to 5 man premade match you should be forced to go against another 5 man premade or at least a 4 man premade other than that no exceptions. The game should always do its best to match premades with other premades.


> Communication always makes a team stronger and you just dont have that level of communication and understanding with pug group vs a 5 man pre made.


> Generally supported pvp needs more game modes than standard conquest why anet does not realize this i dont know.



some teams, probably a lot are not even on comms.


some players just want to play with 4 others they can trust to have their best intentions.


of course some will be on comms, and they can be advantageous, but the data mentioned on the forums by the devs was that premades lost more often than not to a pug.


i am in a pvp guild and would like to play with 4 of my guildies at any given time, we often run teams in unranked, but not always are we on comms.


some games it may be 2/5 on comms and mostly just bs'ing about random shit.


as a solo player you can be placed into a great team, or you can be placed into a team with a person who has malicious intent.


that player is only there to ruin your fun.


league teams can filter these guys out.


if the best players can farm others at 90% on duos, does it really matter if they are on teams.


They will be the top regardless, season after season it is the same people.


But, over all games, according to the devs, premades lost more to pugs than they won.


So, would it truly make a difference if the games were all matched from just one pool?


What is the point if you are gonna lose anyways on a full team?


It doesnt feel as bad to lose when you are in a group of friends.


COaching players to better skills, and allowing better players to carry until they get their bros up to a satisfactory level.


I don't know what players are remembering outside of the trollish stronghold team farmers.


Teams in ranked was fine, and I think only absolute solo players would "imagine" something different, but you often find that "most" of them never really did well regardless of what the seasons allowed.


I honestly believe outside of the top 25 rated players, it will overall increase the enjoyment of the game mode for players.


If it is not so popular, then a few teams really won't make a difference.


I miss the days of when players were all the time looking for a pvp guild.


They wanted to play with others and play with good players of course.


What we have we continue to do because we are stuck in the wheel, but damn the wheel used to be more fun.


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@"Crab Fear.1624"

"But, over all games, according to the devs, premades lost more to pugs than they won."

I recall somewhere hearing that premade teams had an increase to their MMR when queueing to prevent stomping pugs?

Regardless, Im only against the notion that premades can queue into pugs. Most of the time hearing the argument of "I dont want randoms on my team, but my opponent can go ahead and be randoms". Sounds more to me that they actually dont care about the fairness of the match.

Maybe take away premades in unranked, make ranked 5man only. and have a 5man- leaderboards.

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> @"Markri.9475" said:

> @"Crab Fear.1624"

> "But, over all games, according to the devs, premades lost more to pugs than they won."

> I recall somewhere hearing that premade teams had an increase to their MMR when queueing to prevent stomping pugs?

> Regardless, Im only against the notion that premades can queue into pugs. Most of the time hearing the argument of "I dont want randoms on my team, but my opponent can go ahead and be randoms". Sounds more to me that they actually dont care about the fairness of the match.

> Maybe take away premades in unranked, make ranked 5man only. and have a 5man- leaderboards.


The LFG is used for everything else in the game:

* Dungeons

* Fractals

* Raids

* Ect Ect PvE

* Automated Tournaments


Everything else in the game is designed around **forming teams,** and people don't seem to have a problem figuring out how to do this, even in ATs or in WvW squad/guild formation. But for some reason in spvp, there began to develop this weird psychological conditioning, where players developed a strange stigma towards even the idea of playing in a team, even though every match they are playing in a team. Isn't that weird? Really stop and think about it for a minute. Consider if it even makes sense. But boy oh boy when those ATs arrived, everyone figured out how to form a 5 man team awfully fast.

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1-5 q would be so less a problem than solo/duo q, even with rating. People complained about it because "there are always the same winning" and it is still the same. Remove team q just did nothing than loosing a big population of players.

Games like counterstrike, Dota, lol etc.. Have all 1-5 random/team q and there is no one complaining, when you want to get rank 1 just get better and maybe look out for a team.

If you just play 4 fun because rating does not matter to you, you wouldn't even notice the difference between a random group and the full team or 3/2. 4/.


You would starting to see viable teams at p3/leg1 everything else, I would say it can get shreddet by randoms

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Allow groups but force those to have to find like matches even if it means extreme waits. If you queue 5 you will have to wait till another 5 is ready. If you group 2, you have to wait till at least one other 2 of close to level is queued. Queue solo, you get the quickest pop but potential more random team, queue group, you will have to wait but you have less randomness in your group.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I just wonder why people want soloQ for a team based game mode? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Like, imagine football/soccer/ect. but team are just randomly drawn.


I want the option because I can't reasonably take the time every night I want to play Ranked to find other people to play with. SoloQ is great for faster and overall closer matchmaking.


TeamQ still sounds like fun, because teams are most fun in any game where you're up against other teams at the same level of coordination. There's potential for teamplay that just doesn't exist in SoloQ, and ranking up the LB as a team rather than as an individual is a lot less frustrating and more gratifying.


I just hope SoloQ either gets its own separate queue or deleted entirely. The metagaming that comes out of merged queues is disgusting and ruined this game for me. Ideally i'd like to see SoloQ and 2, 3, or 5 man queue(TeamQ) as the two separate options to play Ranked since each offers a very different way to play.


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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> I just hope SoloQ either gets its own separate queue or deleted entirely. The metagaming that comes out of merged queues is disgusting and ruined this game for me. Ideally i'd like to see SoloQ and 2, 3, or 5 man queue(TeamQ) as the two separate options to play Ranked since each offers a **very different way to play. **


Exactly, different way to play = different Q.


> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> Games like **counterstrike, Dota, lol** etc.. Have all 1-5 random/team q and there is no one complaining, when you want to get rank 1 just get better and maybe look out for a team.


Counter strike, DOTA, Lol don't have the same population than GW2 nether the same gameplay and popularity, compare the comparable.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> And, no separate queues, 1-5 for everyone.

...... Take your drug...

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Gw2 is not know to be a good pvp game, it’s a pure pve gameplay with poor rotation base game, easy dodge aoe from bosses, but game it’s pretty to look at.


> People test laught and leave.


> The way classes are played and the lamer popish combat gameplay helped pvp being in this state.


> If they made gw2 skill designs based on gw1 system game could flourish once again.



> When classes do a lot to easy gameplay, due Anet believes they should help players, game looses its value and teams loose their team gameplay structure cause all u see is gimmicks back n forth cap and decal with poor communication, when classes conflict with each other roles while some keep overperformance due damage output and sustain, players over time loose interest cause it’s a redundancy spam and damage to win moments while players keep thinking its their personal skill, when something appears that is even effortless to play and kills even faster they QQ while not looking at the mirror...


> This gw2 pvp... 2012-2014, even back in time game never had much team work even half compared with gw1.


> It is obvious the many reasons why gw2 pvp failed from start.


This right here.


gw2 2012-2014 was a golden age to the burnt-out husk we have now! Even _then_....gw2 was never that good compared to gw1. gw1 had a much better pvp combat dynamic and teamwork involved.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> 5 man teamplay is not allowed, [people voted for SoloQ in huge percentage](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-poll-soloduo-queue/). Vox populi, vox dei!


^ That's a deception. God I'm sick of people posting this as a sword.


1. They said it would be a beta season. They didn't say this would be permanent. And this poll was presented before ANYONE knew how badly players were going to exploit this system with match manipulation. Back then, I even voted YES for the beta season for this system. On paper, it sounded good.

2. They said they'd do a 2nd poll after the beta, to see if people still wanted it.

3. They never did the 2nd poll.

4. If they did do the 2nd poll, I highly doubt solo/duo would win the election vs. 5 man, after veteran players have seen what it has done to the community and match making over the course of time. The only thing that solo/duo queue did, was **greatly** enable match manipulation and block players from being able to protect themselves against it.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Alin.2468" said:

> > 5 man teamplay is not allowed, [people voted for SoloQ in huge percentage](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-poll-soloduo-queue/). Vox populi, vox dei!


> ^ That's a deception. God I'm sick of people posting this as a sword.


> 1. They said it would be a beta season. They didn't say this would be permanent. And this poll was presented before ANYONE knew how badly players were going to exploit this system with match manipulation. Back then, I even voted YES for the beta season for this system. On paper, it sounded good.

> 2. They said they'd do a 2nd poll after the beta, to see if people still wanted it.

> 3. They never did the 2nd poll.

> 4. If they did do the 2nd poll, I highly doubt solo/duo would win the election vs. 5 man, after veteran players have seen what it has done to the community and match making over the course of time. The only thing that solo/duo queue did, was **greatly** enable match manipulation and block players from being able to protect themselves against it.


If I remember correctly, people voted in huge majority for SoloQ, in like 80% (answer is in the old deleted forum). A second vote would have been redundant considering the polemics were settled and community was no longer screaming on forum regarding this subject. Even though since that vote ESL and Battlefy removed GW2 from all e-sports scenes, community was never screaming to bring back TeamQ,. In fact, even top players like Helseth publicly congratulated Anet for implementing and leaving it as SoloQ.


For the sake of discussion, I voted NO. The best moments I had in this game were after winning multiple matches with my team using real-time voice coordination. I will never forget those wonderful nights filled with PvP adrenaline rush while demolishing SoloQ players. However, the large PvE community has voted, and their vote needs to be respected. Majority always decides through voting, and this is the beautiful aspect about democracy. Vox populi, vox dei!

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> I think bringing 5 man Que back to ranked is a HORRIBLE idea. **I think it would be much better to stop allowing duo que and make everyone solo que in ranked.** that would make it the MOST balanced on average.


> Or just get rid of the rating system because the idea of the same rating applying to people who 5 man vs solo que makes the entire idea of rating a HUGE JOKE.


Solo-only queue past a certain rating has been tried before and what it leads into is everyone running tryhard side node builds. People running the most broken "carry" builds to try 3v1ing enemies. This is NOT a fun playstyle.


The teammates are also at peak fluctuation here. It'll be impossible to climb unless you invest in some cheese bunker build that is very boring and not indicative of how AT's play out.


Ranked is and always has been just this joke, but the same can be said for every MMO's PVP.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> If I remember correctly, people voted in huge majority for SoloQ, in like 80% (answer is in the old deleted forum). A second vote would have been redundant considering the polemics were settled and community was no longer screaming on forum regarding this subject.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> 1. They said it would be a beta season. They didn't say this would be permanent. And this poll was presented before ANYONE knew how badly players were going to exploit this system with match manipulation. Back then, I even voted YES for the beta season for this system. On paper, it sounded good.



Can confirm it was also supposed to be a trial. It says so on the link itself. I voted yes in that poll, but I was expecting it to be temporary/for one season. Not.... This.





> @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

> > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > I think bringing 5 man Que back to ranked is a HORRIBLE idea. **I think it would be much better to stop allowing duo que and make everyone solo que in ranked.** that would make it the MOST balanced on average.

> >

> > Or just get rid of the rating system because the idea of the same rating applying to people who 5 man vs solo que makes the entire idea of rating a HUGE JOKE.


> Solo-only queue past a certain rating has been tried before and what it leads into is everyone running tryhard side node builds. People running the most broken "carry" builds to try 3v1ing enemies. This is NOT a fun playstyle.


> The teammates are also at peak fluctuation here. It'll be impossible to climb unless you invest in some cheese bunker build that is very boring and not indicative of how AT's play out.


It also puts every player at the mercy of any player on their team caving to bribery/wintrade propositions, thus not fixing the issue we have with queuing right now.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Alin.2468" said:

> > 5 man teamplay is not allowed, [people voted for SoloQ in huge percentage](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-poll-soloduo-queue/). Vox populi, vox dei!


> ^ That's a deception. God I'm sick of people posting this as a sword.


> 1. They said it would be a beta season. They didn't say this would be permanent. And this poll was presented before ANYONE knew how badly players were going to exploit this system with match manipulation. Back then, I even voted YES for the beta season for this system. On paper, it sounded good.

> 2. They said they'd do a 2nd poll after the beta, to see if people still wanted it.

> 3. They never did the 2nd poll.

> 4. If they did do the 2nd poll, I highly doubt solo/duo would win the election vs. 5 man, after veteran players have seen what it has done to the community and match making over the course of time. The only thing that solo/duo queue did, was **greatly** enable match manipulation and block players from being able to protect themselves against it.


I am pretty firmly of the belief that ESL "Nope'd" out of GW2 **because** of the Solo/Duo Queue only change for Ranked, especially after they saw that it didn't revert back after the "beta" season. I find it hard to believe that its a coincidence that ESL closed down their GW2 section only 4 months after that change.


For a timeline;

Season 5 started with the Solo/Duo Queue only change. December 13, 2016 - February 6, 2017

Season 6 started and the change had not been reverted. March 7, 2017 - May 1, 2017

ESL closed their GW2 section in April. The first half of April, mind you.


"Solo/Duo Queue: Due to the results of a recent community poll, rosters in Season 5 are now limited to a maximum size of 2 in Ranked Arena."







A 5 player Team Queue needs to return, and if people so desire they just have Solo and Duo Queue options as well. Keep them **separate**, like they should have done from the start, and that will likely resolve the concerns based around them. Like with any other competitive game out there they need to split the Queue. They even did similar things in GW1, they had the multiple PvP game modes. I understand ANet is all worried and such about splitting the Queue and it affecting Queue times, but honestly if they take the right step in the right direction that is an issue that will resolve itself in time as just *doing it* will create a better environment for people to play in. I stopped bothering with, or even touching, sPvP once I came to the realization that their matchmaking and queue system were some of the biggest parts of the problem, if not the **main** problems facing sPvP Ranked. They have lead to the issues we see with off hours queuing, the wintrading, the leaderboard literally being **irrelevant**, and sPvP becoming the unfunny joke that it is today.

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