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AFK'ers in the Celestial Challenge


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FWIW, @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371", I agree with your stance on the matter. I also can't get behind the logic of "let's let it slide because it's already rampant." Unless of course everyone's saying that we're _already_ in a state of total anarchy, then, well...I can't say I disagree.

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> @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> > > > > > > Tired of it myself... reporting them makes it even more of a drag when they show up the next day and leech even more.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I've forgotten how many people I've reported, but it's more than two dozen. The vast majority of which were at 303 mastery points and just there to claim an 'easy' 60AP.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ridiculous. Both the design of the minigame AND the 'players' (leeches) exploiting it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No action will be done though as they’re not violating any rules.

> > > > >

> > > > > Actually they're exploiting the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anet rushed the content and this is the price that legitimate players are paying for the creator's oversight.

> > > >

> > > > It’s not exploiting. They participate in an event, get the minimum number of stacks needed to open the chest, and then stop participating until the loot phase. It’s no different than the examples given in this thread that exist elsewhere in the game.

> > >

> > > So are you saying the exploiters/leechers are blameless for this? You really think this is ok?

> > >

> > > Imagine if everyone in the instance did this... nothing would be achieved.

> >

> > That’s not what I’m saying. I just said that what they’re doing is in no way against the rules.


> So you also believe that those 60AP's they're so desperate for that they have to leech, are 'earned' as well?


> I really wish I could AFK for 60AP's... to anyone that's had to work for achievements, those AP's are gimme's.


Then you should. The event was designed to be afked or they wouldnt grant achievemnets with minimal participation. Sounds like you're unhappy with other peoples play styles because they're contrary to your own. At least I'm up front about contributing the bare minimum. For every one of me, there are 20 more players that pretend they're contributing to a meta because they're face rolling on the keyboard for the full duration. Reality check for you, those players contribute less in 10 minutes than I do in 1. Why arent you mad at those players? Just because the numbers arent in front of you and it looks like they're waving their hands in the air the whole time?


If everyone afks and no events complete, guess what? No rewards are given out as to be expected. That's fine with me.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> FWIW, @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371", I agree with your stance on the matter. I also can't get behind the logic of "let's let it slide because it's already rampant." Unless of course everyone's saying that we're _already_ in a state of total anarchy, then, well...I can't say I disagree.


I think what most of them are getting at, is the event needs to be designed better and be more fun, also maybe have the event work 100% would be good too.

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> Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer.

From [https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay)


Additionally this article leads me to believe that "Botting" is the best option for reporting idle players in events.

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Which just says you can go 'AFK' in the event for almost all the time, participate in one event or part thereof, and open the chest.

If you think it means you can't be idle for most of the event, and then collect the rewards, it doesn't mean that. It means you can't use some kind of automation to play while you are actually away from the computer.

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> @"Arlies.7456" said:

> > Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer.

> From [https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay)


> Additionally this article leads me to believe that "Botting" is the best option for reporting idle players in events.


So to be clear you just posted a direct quote from official anet policy expressly allowing the behavior being complained of in this thread, then told ppl to report it anyway? You may want to continue to read a bit more extensively about the consequences making false reports :/

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Getting mad at players who are idle seems pointless. This issues has a single solution that I see. Make the rewards for actually participating better than it is. Make it good enough that people WANT to do the challenge for the rewards not the AP and give the AP still. That way people who want the AP will still want to do the event for the loot. the AP is capped so its balanced already. The problem is the rewards are so bad that its irritating as you jump through the repetitive tasks so people dont care about the "reward" and just end up doing it to get the 60 AP. If the rewards didn't suck so bad people would do the tasks to get some rewards while they also get AP and everyone would actually be stoked. However, as we have it nobody is happy with the Challenge. Its really very simple and no point in players getting mad at each other over this. Its Anets failure not the players. The game shouldn't motivate people to go idle like this which is what this does.


Its much easier to fix the game than change human nature.

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Personally, I've been doing the Celestial Challenge daily because I like it. The rewards are so trivial that I barely notice them. Yeah, I've seen people standing around doing nothing but that has no effect on my enjoyment of running around doing the goofy challenges for a few minutes a day. So far I haven't seen any of the passive players mocking the folks actually playing the game. That might be minorly irritating to me but I'd just block that person and keep on playing. This is just me though. I generally don't pay much attention to how other people play the game.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> Personally, I've been doing the Celestial Challenge daily because I like it. The rewards are so trivial that I barely notice them. Yeah, I've seen people standing around doing nothing but that has no effect on my enjoyment of running around doing the goofy challenges for a few minutes a day. So far I haven't seen any of the passive players mocking the folks actually playing the game. That might be minorly irritating to me but I'd just block that person and keep on playing. This is just me though. I generally don't pay much attention to how other people play the game.


I nominate this for the most healthy, stable, mentally balanced post on the forum. Gratz :)

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > Personally, I've been doing the Celestial Challenge daily because I like it. The rewards are so trivial that I barely notice them. Yeah, I've seen people standing around doing nothing but that has no effect on my enjoyment of running around doing the goofy challenges for a few minutes a day. So far I haven't seen any of the passive players mocking the folks actually playing the game. That might be minorly irritating to me but I'd just block that person and keep on playing. This is just me though. I generally don't pay much attention to how other people play the game.


> I nominate this for the most healthy, stable, mentally balanced post on the forum. Gratz :)


rofl - Thank you. I've been called a lot of things in my day but "mentally balanced" is a new one. I like it! B)

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This kinda blew up without me! Bored at work so I read most of what has been said and the take home seems to be a minority agreeing with me and others trying to justify their actions with either "Its my playstyle to make others do more work" or "I'm not breaking the ToS so it's fine".


This is an MMO and you play with real people. What you do in any game mode, in any challenge, directly affects other real life people. Saying you don't care about others in game is just an extension of who you must be outside of the game and that behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in the real world so why should it be in here? Whether it be CC, Dragon Ball, world events etc...you cannot justify making others do more work so you can sit around 'on your second monitor'. You make the event longer for others, taking others away from either other in-game events or even worse their real lives, just so you can be lazy and barely contribute. And you justify this with "Its not against the rules"?


You just cannot justify these actions when you are causing others to do more work and whether ANET does anything about it or not it doesn't stop this from being a trashy way to treat fellow players.

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5 days left what I can say ? - .. don't be so toxic.

People like drink tea, eat sweets, and do chill run. This is fest, but not CM raid run.

If you realy want hard run - create squad, find people, find mirror map without any chill player, and port on them.

And you will see how less people count interested in hard toxic run.

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I had an argument with a guidie about this. He claimed it is perfectly ok for him to do one event and afk for the rest of the challenge. His main point was that "i do 25k dps in strikes, you do 12k, so you leech as well". An AP Hunter, 36k AP.


The lengths people will go to defend their mentality...

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> This kinda blew up without me! Bored at work so I read most of what has been said and the take home seems to be a minority agreeing with me and others trying to justify their actions with either "Its my playstyle to make others do more work" or "I'm not breaking the ToS so it's fine".


> This is an MMO and you play with real people. What you do in any game mode, in any challenge, directly affects other real life people. Saying you don't care about others in game is just an extension of who you must be outside of the game and that behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in the real world so why should it be in here? Whether it be CC, Dragon Ball, world events etc...you cannot justify making others do more work so you can sit around 'on your second monitor'. You make the event longer for others, taking others away from either other in-game events or even worse their real lives, just so you can be lazy and barely contribute. And you justify this with "Its not against the rules"?


> You just cannot justify these actions when you are causing others to do more work and whether ANET does anything about it or not it doesn't stop this from being a trashy way to treat fellow players.


You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .


Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .


> Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.


Sure . . .


No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .


If everyone was content to allow others to play as they choose, there would be no problem. But unfortunately, some players in the second group -- such as yourself -- feel entitled to force the players in the first group to play their way. If you prefer to interpret that as adversarial, then yes, players like you are behaving selfishly by trying to force your playstyle on the players around you. I prefer to believe that you simply haven't considered these other perspectives and are capable of change . . .


But even if you personally as an individual come around to see that other players have as much right to the content as you do, there will ALWAYS be players who do not or cannot. So the best solution is for the ppl who develop the content to ensure that its design encourages players to work towards the same goals or at least be unaffected by the choices of other players. This event isn't terrible in that regard, but there have been many suggestions as to how it could be improved to that end, I'm certain anet could come up with even better ideas, and I'm equally certain you would also be able to contribute to that discussion if you choose to do so. Or you can keep insisting that everyone else should play in a manner that most benefits you. Your decision . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .


You deny taking advantage and yet in the same breath mention taking advantage, all the while calling it 'a different goal'. If we all had this 'different goal' then the event would not complete therefore it is not a goal. Not playing the game and having others carry you (wasting their time) is not a goal, nor is it a playstyle, nor any way to act in general. In game or outside of it.


I feel like this conversation is going nowhere so this is where I leave you my friend for fear of a locked thread!

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .

> >

> > Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.


> Sure . . .


> No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .


> If everyone was content to allow others to play as they choose, there would be no problem. But unfortunately, some players in the second group -- such as yourself -- feel entitled to force the players in the first group to play their way. If you prefer to interpret that as adversarial, then yes, players like you are behaving selfishly by trying to force your playstyle on the players around you. I prefer to believe that you simply haven't considered these other perspectives and are capable of change . . .


> But even if you personally as an individual come around to see that other players have as much right to the content as you do, there will ALWAYS be players who do not or cannot. So the best solution is for the ppl who develop the content to ensure that its design encourages players to work towards the same goals or at least be unaffected by the choices of other players. This event isn't terrible in that regard, but there have been many suggestions as to how it could be improved to that end, I'm certain anet could come up with even better ideas, and I'm equally certain you would also be able to contribute to that discussion if you choose to do so. Or you can keep insisting that everyone else should play in a manner that most benefits you. Your decision . . .


You use an awful lot of words to twist the meaning of leeching.

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> @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .


> You deny taking advantage and yet in the same breath mention taking advantage, all the while calling it 'a different goal'. If we all had this 'different goal' then the event would not complete therefore it is not a goal. Not playing the game and having others carry you (wasting their time) is not a goal, nor is it a playstyle, nor any way to act in general. In game or outside of it.


> I feel like this conversation is going nowhere so this is where I leave you my friend for fear of a locked thread!


Again, the reason you feel this way is bc you are not considering the perspective of the other players. You argue that players who choose to tag the event for a single stack of the buff which, by event design, allows them to open the chest are 'wasting your time', yet you remain oblivious to the fact that forcing them to aid you in your efforts to finish faster would waste their time . . .


> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .

> > >

> > > Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.

> >

> > Sure . . .

> >

> > No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .

> >

> > If everyone was content to allow others to play as they choose, there would be no problem. But unfortunately, some players in the second group -- such as yourself -- feel entitled to force the players in the first group to play their way. If you prefer to interpret that as adversarial, then yes, players like you are behaving selfishly by trying to force your playstyle on the players around you. I prefer to believe that you simply haven't considered these other perspectives and are capable of change . . .

> >

> > But even if you personally as an individual come around to see that other players have as much right to the content as you do, there will ALWAYS be players who do not or cannot. So the best solution is for the ppl who develop the content to ensure that its design encourages players to work towards the same goals or at least be unaffected by the choices of other players. This event isn't terrible in that regard, but there have been many suggestions as to how it could be improved to that end, I'm certain anet could come up with even better ideas, and I'm equally certain you would also be able to contribute to that discussion if you choose to do so. Or you can keep insisting that everyone else should play in a manner that most benefits you. Your decision . . .


> You use an awful lot of words to twist the meaning of leeching.


I'm sorry if it was too much for you. Simply pointing out that the other players in the game are not obliged to play in a manner contrary to their interests for your benefit did not appear to be clear enough so I offered further explanation, bc I think you're worth it. Note that this is also not something that you are owed or entitled to . . .


Perhaps it might help me to understand your perspective better if you used more words to explain why you feel I should be entitled to force my play preferences onto you . . .


> @"Venom.4057" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Thereon.3495" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > You are mistaken. I believe your error follows from a failure to consider the perspectives of other players. I'm sorry for you that the game doesn't work the way you want it to, but it doesn't . . .

> > >

> > > Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.

> >

> > Sure . . .

> >

> > No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .

> >

> > If everyone was content to allow others to play as they choose, there would be no problem. But unfortunately, some players in the second group -- such as yourself -- feel entitled to force the players in the first group to play their way. If you prefer to interpret that as adversarial, then yes, players like you are behaving selfishly by trying to force your playstyle on the players around you. I prefer to believe that you simply haven't considered these other perspectives and are capable of change . . .

> >

> > But even if you personally as an individual come around to see that other players have as much right to the content as you do, there will ALWAYS be players who do not or cannot. So the best solution is for the ppl who develop the content to ensure that its design encourages players to work towards the same goals or at least be unaffected by the choices of other players. This event isn't terrible in that regard, but there have been many suggestions as to how it could be improved to that end, I'm certain anet could come up with even better ideas, and I'm equally certain you would also be able to contribute to that discussion if you choose to do so. Or you can keep insisting that everyone else should play in a manner that most benefits you. Your decision . . .


> Are you just trolling or simply stupid?


I would like to believe that I simply have a broader perspective, but I am beginning to think it may be that I'm just not as selfish as a lot of players . . .

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I agree it sucks, but the way the game is set up, if you join a game already in progress, you were not able to complete all the tasks. If they require people to have participated from the beginning, it means that people who the game added in late get nothing, and have no reason to stay, making it even harder on the ones actually participating.


Or should everyone have to try to replay and quit over and over again until they are added to a game with enough time left that they will actually get credit, just so you don't have to see a few lazy leechers?


I totally agree with the problem, but this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

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