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Would you like to see WvW rolled back to when it first came out?


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I have less of a problem with the current meta and more with how stale it is.


Balance patches dont bring new builds or change the old ones enough.


There is no theory/build crafting.


Every niche and corner has been explored already.


Thats like playing the exact same deck in yugioh for years, fighting mirror match after mirror match.


Its just gets boring.



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The problem isn't how it is now, in fact it is much more interesting than it was in the past. My biggest problem with it now is too many maps, all of which are wonderful (yes, even DBL) but not enough population to fill them, and thus they never get played.


I think this artificially makes the game mode seem more dead than it really is, because these days you're lucky if you have enough players for even one zerg and that zerg's almost always going to be on EBG or an enemy ABL.


I wish they would radically reduce the number of servers and tiers, which would also drastically increase the number of effective players (since alot of people on low tiers just log off most of the time), and to compensate add a third new Borderlands with Jungle climate, and put EoTM in the regular WvW game mode as an alternative to EBG when its full, since it already caps even with very low player numbers.


Kind of like what they originally intended it for, but merged with the current system and slightly updated for the times.


Alliances are never going to happen, so we need to focus on compressing everything down to a sustainable level so that the game mode can last long-term, you can call it life support but there's a way to make it enjoyable indefinitely. Plenty of RvR games get played for 10-15 years past their prime, its just GW2 has alot of scale issues that is preventing this from happening.


When ArenaNet made WvW, it was like shopping while hungry, you just buy a bunch of food you're never going to eat..

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> I have less of a problem with the current meta and more with how stale it is.


> Balance patches dont bring new builds or change the old ones enough.


> There is no theory/build crafting.


> Every niche and corner has been explored already.


> Thats like playing the exact same deck in yugioh for years, fighting mirror match after mirror match.


> Its just gets boring.




This, they need to make bigger changes than those small adjustments everytime, they are too scared to change stuff, because ppl cry from. The tiniest shift in balance.


I dont think every single thing has been explored tho. Especially the elitists are so stuck up with their metabuilds, that they shut down others with new ideas instantly, saying that their builds are trash etc, and others follow them, leaving no chance for new builds to spread.


And arc dps helps them, because they only orientate their builds on their own numbers and dont even think about the bigger picture, for example having a bit less dmg, but using traits that would allow everybody else to do more dmg, resulting in way more dmg than you could do on your own.

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I don't deal in the sweet nectar of rose tinted past (well some times I do, I'm only human after all). Some thing were better then, some are better now. The game is evolving, it has to or else it gets stale. Which is a way bigger factor for displeasure currently versus some few who dream of the good old days, even if they don't know it.

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The wish for a rollback should not be linked to builds & professions from past expansions.

You should wish for a return of certain mind sets, social interaction, in-game choices.


I miss being defeated by a good roaming player and not being stomped for participation and loot. You healed to get back out of down state bowed and turned away. I still the highest respect of those people, who show that behaviour, allies and enemies alike.

I used to know 80% of all "homeland defenders" on my server, before the server linking. I trusted commanders, even after we got wiped. I helped speeding up dolyaks to upgrade keeps & garrisons, because people thanked me for the "lesser work" I did for my server.

I liked discussions with other people on what to upgrade (e.g. rush for a way point) and I felt proud to "finance" an upgrade on a "minor tower" and holding it for hours for my guild.

This is what I would want to be "rolled back".

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I have no questions with builds. i'd like see at least one map go back to the original map with the huge water/quaggans/krait. I'd also like to see ANET do something with EOTM to make it useful again. either make it into a water and tunnel warfare style map (it already has tunnel/teleports for tunnels. make the air into water and you could have a fun WvW map with multiple level fighting. anything to break up the strategies.

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@"Malavian.4695" What would be the reason for doing so? The context is pretty important. Without knowing what you'd be hoping to achieve it's difficult to comment and depending on it there may be more or less valid discussions. For example, if ArenaNet went ahead and said that they would have trouble balancing WvW going forward then there are grounds for discussing base classes only on those merits. If it's just a general reminiscence of how things used to be it's more likely down to social stuff that won't be repaired so easily and could be repaired through other means than rebalancing and limiting classes.

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Vanilla/launch GW2 was even more imbalanced than now. And it lacked a lot of QoL to boot. What made it seem fair was people not knowing how to play, and most people running around in mostly rares and some exotics.


I'd take HoT launch over current, but depends on when, and it's not by much.


Closest thing to balance we had was April 2015 before HoT launched. Unfortunately you forgot to include this possibility.

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