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Your opinion of Whisper of Jormag strike mission?

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I haven't tried it with an organized group with 10 competent players yet (since most of those I know have quit playing due to lack of content and the template fiasco, incl. me for the most part) so it's a bit hard to judge with PuG's, but it has actual mechanics you have to keep track of, so that is a huge improvement.


I can see it becoming very easy with everybody doing 20-30k DPS depending on how much mechanic skipping you can do with that, but with low DPS it actually feels pretty comparable in difficulty to easy W4 bosses like Cairn.

So I would say just right for a semi-raid boss intending to prepare people for Raids by requiring the forming a decent composition, learning and keeping track of mechanics, communicating and having decent builds/DPS.

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This one feels way more like what the missions need to be. Failed the first two public joins i did but that was just learning the mechanics anyway. Learned the strats by the 3rd group, Squad join through LFG and we downed it in a few pulls. Since that I've lead about 3 groups through squad join and we down it after about 2 or 3 pulls when they get the mechanics. A few tips. The main mechanic that will wipe players is the chains. At 75% 3 random players will get a chain tether from the boss to them that will kill any player that touches it. These players need to move to range so the chain is visible and then don't move while it's active so people can avoid it. Special action button for the CC votex attack, just watch for that and use it as soon as it pops. Green circle is a shared dmg hit so you need a few to stack in it or the person who has it downs. The ice spike mechanic is easy enough, just spread out and don't overlap, dodge the ice right as the circle fills up. The spike falls after it fills so dodge at the point it finishes filling. At 25% stay ranged, the middle has a lot of high dmg going on. Honestly just play ranged dps characters like condition soulbeast, pistol/pistol daredevil, dragonhunter and the like and you'll do fine. The reason ranged is so strong is you can still have optimal dps while out with chains and during that last 25% phase.

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Public group, had a joke tag up (something like 600 LI, 400 fractal KP, title, Infinite Omnipotion, etc). Didn't know it was for funnsies but joined since I met all the criteria. I'm putting this here because this "joke" might actually have affected what players join since some after me where pinging things too.


First try, wipe at around 30%, it was clear many people were in here for the first time (myself included). I was on condi Firebrand, switched to heal Firebrand for second try since we obviously had a solo druid as healer. Second try we lost 1 person pre 20%, lost 5 more from 20% to 5%, finished the last 5% with 4 people (myself as heal Firebrand heal, not sure if the druid survived, didn't have time to check).


Resume from this 1 experience:

- The strike seems a tad easier until you hit the enrage at 20%, which you basically need to outlast until the boss goes back into a more relaxed mode.

- It is VERY beneficial that many of the attacks are mirrored from the story and normal open world boss fight. A lot of players who were in here for the first time automatically knew what to do based on similar attacks

- I feel as though this is the first strike which actually mirrors some raid mechanics and setup with having different interweaving attacks. Most are not instant death here though, which is at it should be. I feel as though this could be a very interesting CM fight for raiders with some difficulty alterations

- players dodging/avoiding damage is actually of consequence here and helps relieve stress on healers


Going hand in hand with this is the fact that open world events have mechanics and tells now which teach players things. For example(care minor spoiler):

>! the Ox event has big green circles encouraging players to step inside, this is mirrored in the open world boss and Strike Missions.


I like the strike. We are moving in the correct direction here and overall I feel as though the design of events is slowly getting basic visual mechanics across.

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Yeah, my main thing is this fight is live or die by the mechanics, which makes it much more in the vain of raid like mechanics. Chains is brutal until people learn it and can wipe the group if the person chained doesn't know he's suppose to stand still with it. We need more content like this where you can't just heal spam through it if it's going to feel even close to a raid difficulty or "easier" but raid like difficulty.

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Managed to beat him with my guild after several tries. We usually do raid together and just wanted to try it.

Went alacrigade(me)+hfb+tempest+qfb and rest dps+bs. I found out that using Jalis was really nice for this boss, his elite skill is really useful to survive easily the red aoe with the spikes.

It felt like a raid boss (harder than MO for sure), the mechanics were fun and coudn't be ignored like the other strike missions. We are really hoping for more missions like this in the future.


The only complain we have is the chains: the players with the chains have trouble seeing when they get that mechanic, it would be nice to have a visual cue (for example the border of the screen becoming yellow like VG or Dhuum)

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With pugs, 2 qb (1 heal, 1 condi), 1 alacrigade (diviner), 1 bs (condi), 1 druid and rest whatever dps... took us a couple of tries, but dead is dead.

I like that it incorporates several raid mechanics:

- matthias bombs

- sabir up-in-air

- stacking

- chains are a bit like cairn agony circles


What I dont like is the missing extra indicators for the chain - since its a rather big mechanic.

And again the inconsistencies with the telegraphed aoes. Some are telegraphed huge (tornadoes) and do basically no dmg, others like the spikes dont have a telegraph.

Also, this isnt a strikemission I will ever do with unorganized pug grps. It needs organization and people that at least listen. The mechanics are easy enough explained, but if you get that pug that just insists on always standing off to the side and range autoattack, in this strikemission that will kill you.


Id rate it on par with boneskinner, medium difficulty.


Still really wish we could get easymode-buff that pulses boons every x seconds, and hardmode-debuff thats a no-downstate debuff which then triggers on completion an achievement that gives extra loot. Especially on this strikemission, no-downstate debuff would be spicy.

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> @"trexx.3240" said:

> Managed to beat him with my guild after several tries. We usually do raid together and just wanted to try it.

> Went alacrigade(me)+hfb+tempest+qfb and rest dps+bs. I found out that using Jalis was really nice for this boss, his elite skill is really useful to survive easily the red aoe with the spikes.

> It felt like a raid boss (harder than MO for sure), the mechanics were fun and coudn't be ignored like the other strike missions. We are really hoping for more missions like this in the future.


> The only complain we have is the chains: the players with the chains have trouble seeing when they get that mechanic, it would be nice to have a visual cue (for example the border of the screen becoming yellow like VG or Dhuum)


There's a few tells for the chains. A circle with a timer looking thing spawns above their head. That will be the player that has the chain. That is followed by a white tether from the player to the boss then the chains become active the blue chain state. The best way to mitigate this mechanic as i was saying earlier is just to stay ranged and don't move while it's active.

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> @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

> I think Strike Mission needs to be casual friendly, it's not raid.


> This boss pretty much blocked many casual players from doing it.


> I think the biggest nerf it needs is the aoe blizzard, 2 secs is too fast to react when others going on.


You do know that strikes are supposed to prepare people for raids so no they cant be casual friendly they need to slowly keep getting harder as new releases.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> You do know that strikes are supposed to prepare people for raids

Then they will be a failure. They will prepare only people that would be able to prepare for raids without them - and practically noone else. But that also means, that there will be a division - first, easier strikes doable by anyone, but boring to raiders, and later, harder strikes being done only by hardcore crowd, that would probably rather have a new raid wing.


The difference between the two groups they are theoretically aimed at is simply too great for strikes to be good for both of those groups at the same time.


Basically, if they'll be following the abovementioned goal, they'll be pointless.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

> > I think Strike Mission needs to be casual friendly, it's not raid.

> >

> > This boss pretty much blocked many casual players from doing it.

> >

> > I think the biggest nerf it needs is the aoe blizzard, 2 secs is too fast to react when others going on.


> You do know that strikes are supposed to prepare people for raids so no they cant be casual friendly they need to slowly keep getting harder as new releases.


If you want to prepare for raids, go to raid.

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To reply on the previous 2 posts... I think the difficulty on this one is good. I am casual (did 1 raid, escort only). Haven't nailed new boss yet as mentioned earlier tho its mechanics prior to 20% ish boss hp were no issues for me (yes some running with chains hitting me wasnt always fun but I simply have no static groups that I can do this with so I rely on pugs...) and an occasional one shot without seeing any mechanic as well... So casuals who try to learn and at least do tactics can do this. Casuals that don't want to learn and who can't respond on visual tells and cc and dodge etc they will never be able to do it. I don't think they should up the difficulty however as I found the raid bit I did easier than this boss and strikes are still for preparation and not raid replacements.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> To reply on the previous 2 posts... I think the difficulty on this one is good. I am casual (did 1 raid, escort only). Haven't nailed new boss yet as mentioned earlier tho its mechanics prior to 20% ish boss hp were no issues for me (yes some running with chains hitting me wasnt always fun but I simply have no static groups that I can do this with so I rely on pugs...) and an occasional one shot without seeing any mechanic as well... So casuals who try to learn and at least do tactics can do this. Casuals that don't want to learn and who can't respond on visual tells and cc and dodge etc they will never be able to do it. I don't think they should up the difficulty however as I found the raid bit I did easier than this boss and strikes are still for preparation and not raid replacements.


It's not about how visual tells, but when the skills added up all together, it's hard to react. Especially the blizzard thing is overkill when ppl are hanging on rezzing back.

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> @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

> I think Strike Mission needs to be casual friendly, it's not raid.


> This boss pretty much blocked many casual players from doing it.


> I think the biggest nerf it needs is the aoe blizzard, 2 secs is too fast to react when others going on.


There is absolutely no nerf needed. The strikemission has been out for 2 days. Not everything has to be completed in 6 hours after release.


Also, since there's very likely never going to be different difficulty levels to anything in GW2 except fractals, different levels of difficulty per strikemission isnt just "nice to have" but also needed. That way "casuals" - or rather people new to instanced organized content in gw2 - can start with doing the grothmar strike mission, progress to faenir or the twins and then reach boneskinner/whisper level. If you nerf everything to grothmar level, theres no progression and then theres no point in strikemissions.


Now we only need the incentive-trifecta (title, loot, statistics) to keep people trying and everything will work out.

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> @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

> True, there were too many huge damage mechanics going on, without the-you don't stop it you wipe Blizzard it would have been better.


The damage is quite low compared to a normal raidboss. Only threats are chains and the melee death zone in last phase.

It would be totally fine if they just add a yellow border to the chained players. This boss also has a very low health pool and was definetely not balanced for raid comps so it seems fine.

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It looks like this is another good boss after Boneskinner, Arenanet is getting there. Slowly but it's getting there. It's really helpful that the Strike Missions have a rather clear progression, something that was missing from Raids with their mess of fluctuating challenge/difficulty levels (even within the same wing!). It has mechanics this time, which is a plus and from what I understand you can't cheese them like with the Boneskinner, which is another huge plus.


Now the biggest problem with the new strike, which is also a problem with Boneskinner, is that in a fight where a "Healer" is needed (or makes the fight considerably easier) a fast random join mechanic is very limiting. They need to either revamp the way random players are being placed together, like allow players to pick their role when they enter the mission so they are paired with others of different roles, or make two versions of the bosses, one for organized groups (with healer(s)) with lots of group mechanics, and an easier version for randoms that lacks some of the group oriented mechanics. The "roulette" of random groups is really annoying.


> @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

> This boss pretty much blocked many casual players from doing it.


Good. If a boss doesn't block players from finishing it, especially during the first hours after release, then it's not a good boss. Those being blocked by it might need to go to the previous ones to get better at playing the game since there is a very clear progression.

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