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new story chapter meta achievement only for raiders?

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?

> >

> > I have a very fine tuned Effort/ Reward judgement system and PUGging for an emote fails to make it past the suggestion stage.

> >

> > I think the main problem people are having is the feeling of being forced to do content. My personal view to having story/ achievements/ gear behind a dungeon, raid, or the like has been, "I don't care enough to bother." But a lot of folks can't shake that completionist drive so this sort of situation always gets their fur up.


> Im a completionist as you call it. I do all the achievements. Many I really dont like at all - like those forcing me to play the story instances (often even repeatedly) or running around the world pressing 'interact' every few minutes. Do you see me complaining about being "forced" to do those?

> Why is it us raiders are being called toxic elitists, when its actually the other way around. Everytime theres even a slight - and let me be absolutely clear here, the new strikemission isnt even ENTRYLEVEL difficulty of instanced content in other mmorpgs - increase in difficulty theres people running to the forums and reddit complaining incessantly about it. Instead of just accepting it and doing it once for the achievement, or even going with it and giving that something new a try, those people create topic after topic demanding nerfs so they can afk their way to their achievement.

> Do you see us raiders creating topics bemoaning the fact that all that devtime is put into animated cutscenes or designing a crystal dragon I still have no clue what even the importance is off, except well... its gw2, so it has to have dragons.


> Before I go even more on a rant... in short... just because you dont like parts of an mmorpg is absolutely no reason to go around badmouthing it. If you cant handle doing things you dont like in a game to achieve a goal, then really... mmorpg is the absolutely wrong game genre for you.


You're being dishonest here. There have been countless reddit and forum posts complaining about Living World and open world content, about it being boring, too easy and other stuff.

You don't want the community to be split, yet say things like "us raiders", effectively creating your own special subgroup.

You yourself type things like:


> Sarcastic, right? Not quite clear. Because some people really think running semi-afk in a circle for hours, pressing interact every few meters is "gud content".




> Lets just remove GW2 entirely and let Anet send us daily loot quota per email. No "dumb" or "annoying" mechanics anymore to bother anyone. Agreed?

(Topic was: Please, remove Social awkwardness from Siren's)


Badmouthing parts of an mmorpg you don't like and being disrespectful to players that have suggestions.

You don't want to accept others, tell them MMORPGs are the wrong genre for them, because they don't want to achieve "your" arbitrary goals.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Do you see me complaining about being "forced" to do those?


You specifically?


> If you cant handle doing things you dont like in a game...


It's a game. Not a job or an obligation. If it doesn't bring you pleasure, don't do it.


To address your side complaint: I *do* think there needs to be more dev manpower put into the raids and competitive modes, and not just in the vain hope it'll get you guys to shut up about the game being dead. Each update should have something for everyone, even the side content like raiding.


That having been said, achievements are 100% opt-in content and if the desire to complete them drives a player to do something they don't like, that's on them.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?

> Sure, people can just decide to not do the metaachieve. Which will probably result in them not caring about many other achieves that are part of the meta either. And once they have that one meta uncompleted, they will probably care less about all the future ones as well (because once you gave up on something once, it becomes easier and easier to do that again).


> I'm sure that people playing the game less is _exactly_ what should happen.[/sarcasm]


What makes you think that ppl who are not after APs dont play the game as much or even more than you?

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?


> You have to do some. And 7 you can't access right now. 3 Boneskinner the 3 duo because rotation and the kill 20 bosses so I bet players upset they can't get it done now cause I did the 3 Freanir but I did not enjoy new stike even tho I won getting those achieve seem hard. So some are stuck but anyone should be able to eventually not get downed in all of them for enough


Nope.. you still dont have to do them. In fact you dont have to get any APs from content that you dont like.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Benethan.3657" said:

> > The thing is the difficulty of the strikes is clearly increasing and although I'm not sure if it's comparable to the easiest raids it's 10ppl group content and don't think 10 ppl group content achievements belong in the saga story meta achievement, specially when it's not a bonus but imperative to get to the needed number.


> This i agree with. But anet is gonna force players to do strikes, despite the fact that they suck and arent fun cause its their new content.


> No group instanced content(that takes 10 people, like SMs) should be required for the strikes, not everyone is even capable of doing them. The MAP meta should be doable with stuff on the MAP, not stuff thats off to the side, in a locked off instance.


> Either remove the strike achievements and set them as optional, or add other achievements so we can complete the Meta without it, as it is i have no desire to complete -ANY- achievement since i know i wont be able to do obtain the final reward.


The newest SM and the boneskinner are more difficult, I admit that. And that's the two I saw which had LI and KP requirements sometimes. When I open up a squad for them I never ask for those but rather explain mechanics to people who haven't played it before. But I only joined a LI group once for the new one. One other time we won it with mostly new people and no requirements.

But the other SM are fairly easy. Fraenir for example I did in a random open group a few days ago. Not even joined a squad. And we won with everyone alive. There I got one achievement for not getting downed and it's really easy.


So instead of just saying "I won't get it so I just don't try", try to do it please :) Maybe you will see that it's fun and you want to try the new one as well. Maybe you realise you don't like it. That would be okay, too. You don't have to play it then. But you will have the meta achievement done :)

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?

> > Sure, people can just decide to not do the metaachieve. Which will probably result in them not caring about many other achieves that are part of the meta either. And once they have that one meta uncompleted, they will probably care less about all the future ones as well (because once you gave up on something once, it becomes easier and easier to do that again).

> >

> > I'm sure that people playing the game less is _exactly_ what should happen.[/sarcasm]


> What makes you think that ppl who are not after APs dont play the game as much or even more than you?

Considering that these achievements being part of the meta are a concern only to those that concern themselves with APs, i don't see your point.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?

> > > Sure, people can just decide to not do the metaachieve. Which will probably result in them not caring about many other achieves that are part of the meta either. And once they have that one meta uncompleted, they will probably care less about all the future ones as well (because once you gave up on something once, it becomes easier and easier to do that again).

> > >

> > > I'm sure that people playing the game less is _exactly_ what should happen.[/sarcasm]

> >

> > What makes you think that ppl who are not after APs dont play the game as much or even more than you?

> Considering that these achievements being part of the meta are a concern only to those that concern themselves with APs, i don't see your point.



My point is that if you have an obsession to complete content that is not used to gate you away from any other content, then you should not be complaining about said achievments.


There is no need to complete them if player doesn't like them.

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Even people who don't hunt AP might want to complete meta achievements for the rewards or out of a sense of completion. It is the case that the story journal achievement category has been, up to this point, a solo or open-world-oriented experience, with the notable exception of the Migraine achievement. The introduction of strike mission achievements into this category already goes against this previously established standard that will no doubt irk some people, but the requirement of those achievements for the completion of the meta achievement goes a step further.


Explorer type players prefer solo-oriented or open world group content over organized group content, and Anet adding organized group content into "their" achievement categories may make those players feel like they're being coerced into playing content they don't like, or that said content is encroaching on their preferred game types. This is especially true in GW2 where something like 80% or more of the active playtime associated with explorer content consists of achievement hunting.


It is technically true that you don't _have_ to do these achievements in the sense that you don't _have_ to do anything in a game—playing any of it is entirely up to you. However, that is not a useful way of looking at game design. The purpose of the game is the entertain, and if certain design decisions unnecessarily hinder players' entertainment, they're bad design decisions. The better design direction for GW2 is to keep instanced group content achievements separate from solo and open world achievements, which is the tried and true standard that has always worked out fine without any issues until this recent change of trends.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> My point is that if you have an obsession to complete content that is not used to gate you away from any other content, then you should not be complaining about said achievments.


> There is no need to complete them if player doesn't like them.

Then your point is that you have completely missed _my_ point.


Yes, there are people that do not care about AP. Their engagement in the game would remain unchanged regardless of those achievements being in the meta, being outside of meta, or not existing at all.

There are also people for whom doing metaachievements for expacs and LS chapters is one of the things that keep them playing. In fact, it's one of the major motivations among players - and Anet is aware of that, which is why those achievements even exist. If you make the metas too annoying/difficult to get, some of those people will unavoidably decide to skip on those - and once they do that _even once_, one of the reasons keeping them in game will be gone.

I have personally seen that happen to a _lot_ of people. Incidentally, for most of them the first such case was the same - Migraine achievement. Once they decided that they'll "do it later", they started to make the same decision more and more often for other, later achievements, until that "later" applied to pretty much anything.


Notice also, that i am not talking about the hardcore AP hunters - those that try to do any and every achievement giving AP they can. Those players are a very small group. The group i am talking about is much bigger.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Everyone is capable of doing strikes; they just choose not to do them. Strikes are part of the episode so it’s fitting that a number of achievements tied to them are needed for the episodes mastery achievement.

> >

> > It's only like three achievements that you'd need to complete from strikes which isn't all that much of an ask. Especially when some of them can be done without even completing the strike mission.


> I strongly disagree with this. Strike missions are so far out of people's comfort zones and no other meta has asked us to group with 9 other people to finish it. If that's your choice of playstyle that's fine, but open world content can encourage people to try out stuff they normally wouldn't play but it shouldn't penalize them for not wanting to. Let the 10 man instanced content have it's own rewards. Don't change the game at this point to require us to do ten man content and yes, I have some of those achievements from the strike. This isn't about my personal preferences. This is about fundamentally changing the game on people who liked it the way it was. There's exactly zero reason for it. Or maybe Anet didn't learn the lessons HoT was supposed to have taught them.

Thank you so much for this! As a very casual player, to me this is something that the Devs need to hear and understand.


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Don't worry. The most hardcore achievement will be selled for 10-20 mystic coin(mc), like in raids, and will be acceptable by everyone.

That mystic coin you get for free from dayli login rewards ..

Also you can do each day grot strike, and get % of valuable shoulders, sell it, and get more mc.


So everyone who want close that will do it.


But yes, it was more better if strike achievement exist inside raid subpage, but not inside LS.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:


> I dont like story content. Its boring. Characters have no depth. There is no mystery, no intrinsic detail. Theres no action. Story is NOT for me.


> Let me put it as friendly as I can:

> GW2 is an MMORPG. If you play this genre you accept:

> a) interaction with other players - a lot - via chat at least.

> b) that the game doesnt cater solely to your likes due to the vastness of the genre.


> You are being incredibly disrespectful with your bashing of raids and strikemissions, just because its content YOU dont like. Many other DO like the strikemissions. Theres also quite a few that like the raidencounters. Just as there are players that like the story.

> Me? I accept that. I dont begrudge people liking the story those living world episodes. I just want the same respect.


Indeed, GW2 is an MMORPG. But you know what? It is important how a MMORPG started and what kind of playerbase it has. I see here a switch in the devs vision, turning from a casual friendly game to a more and more difficult one. And moreover, forcing the players to this harder content.


I remember the story of Everquest - at one moment one of the (if not THE most) successful MMO on the market. Directed from the very beginning to the hardcore players. Designed to be difficult. In every aspect. Then, the devs switched to another approach - the Everquest 2 was a simplified game, an easier one, directed to the more casual players. Guess what? This approach has been not successful in bringing casuals in the game, but as a side effect it disappointed the hardcore base. The morale? If you made a game for a certain audience, don't change it.


The same I see here - I wonder if the devs played games online. By making this game less casual friendly you will not bring too many hardcore players. But for sure you will create a great disappointment for the original audience - the casuals.


I think that on the high schools where a person study to reach the level of software developer, a lesson of History of Games should be mandatory. With study of cases and so on.


> @"Yasi.9065" said:


> Im a completionist as you call it. I do all the achievements. Many I really dont like at all - like those forcing me to play the story instances (often even repeatedly) or running around the world pressing 'interact' every few minutes. Do you see me complaining about being "forced" to do those?

> Why is it us raiders are being called toxic elitists, when its actually the other way around. Everytime theres even a slight - and let me be absolutely clear here, the new strikemission isnt even ENTRYLEVEL difficulty of instanced content in other mmorpgs - increase in difficulty theres people running to the forums and reddit complaining incessantly about it. Instead of just accepting it and doing it once for the achievement, or even going with it and giving that something new a try, those people create topic after topic demanding nerfs so they can afk their way to their achievement.

> Do you see us raiders creating topics bemoaning the fact that all that devtime is put into animated cutscenes or designing a crystal dragon I still have no clue what even the importance is off, except well... its gw2, so it has to have dragons.


> Before I go even more on a rant... in short... just because you dont like parts of an mmorpg is absolutely no reason to go around badmouthing it. If you cant handle doing things you dont like in a game to achieve a goal, then really... mmorpg is the absolutely wrong game genre for you.


I don't want to be mean, but I think you are not honest here. The complain was about players **unable** now to complete hard content. Until now they were able to complete the story and the achievements of the story. Now they are not.


Why dishonest? Because **you** and not the complaining players can choose to not do a content. You find the story boring/lacking imagination/not worth doing it. Well, you can decide what to do and what to skip. What about a player who finds the story good/challenging/worth his time but not able to complete it? That player has no choice.


Please stop keeping the "you choose to not do this". As I said before you have a choice. Many others, even if you believe or not, don't have this choice. This is the reason of the complains.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > There are players that have a big emotional problem to go in the same instance with strangers. It has to do with feelings of "not good enough", or to be afraid to be rejected or bullied by elitists/try-hards etc. etc. (just to be clear: I experienced that 99% of my fellow raiders are very friendly, nice and helpful).

> >

> > This is not some kind of "comfort zone" they should be forced to leave, but it is some kind of barrier, they can not cross.

> >

> > Those players have (more or less) accepted, that some things in the game are out of their reach without instanced 10-man-content, because they are only "for raiders" (i.e. legandary raid armor). But a story-chapter is intended to be able to do for solo-players and so should the meta-achievement of that map/story-chapter be.

> >

> > Probably that is the reason, why Drakkar is not part of the meta-achievement and has its own achievements.

> >

> > It would be OK if strike missions would be a part of the meta-achievement, if there would also be enough other achievements a player could choose from to complete the meta-achievement without strike-missions. This freedom of choice worked well in the past and was well received (by lots of players).


> For something to be objectively labelled as bad design it would have to:

> 1. Not accomplish its intended goal.

> 2. Create a negative quantifiable side effect.

> (or both)

> In the case of putting Strike Mission achievements in the meta, we can infer the intent: To get people to Participate in the content.

> This would mean that to be "Bad Design" it would have to measurably not increase participation in Strike Missions. The quantifiable side effect would simply be a much lower number of people than expected finishing the meta achievement (though this number could obviously be impacted by any of the other acheivements).


> You don't have these numbers. I don't have these numbers and Astralpouring does not have these numbers. It's doubtful that after less than a week Arenanet even has these numbers.


Yes, I think, we agree, that Anet wants, more players doing strike missions and as a result of that more players doing raids.


And I believe, it could be a good thing, if more players would be doing raids (or at least try them). Because, with the right 9 other people, the right mindset and of course some skills, raiding can be a lot of fun. However, it is not for everyone the right cup of tee and I respect that.


So, I think, you and I only disagree, if putting strike-missions achievements as mandatory for the story-meta-achievement is the right way to achieve that goal.


I believe, it is not the right way. Because it is not a "strike-mission-meta-achievement" but a "story/open-world-meta-achievement" and players could easily feel forced with this into something they do not want - which in the end increases by (some/lots of) players the resistance against the thing that should be promoted in the first place.


This is negative motivation. A better design would be positive motivation.


You are right, I do not have any internal numbers about strike-missions, etc..


But I did read past statements from Anet (between the lines) and from players back in the time when Anet wanted to promote their sPVP and icreased the difficulty/skill level in maps/story/PvE: In the end it drove a lot of players away from GW2 at that time, so (my assumption is, that) their goal was not really reached with that, but the contrary happened. My bet is, the same will happen again, if Anet makes the same design-choices again.



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To bring this to a rest: List of achievements (45) contributing to meta achievement in the latest story episode ->


# Story Achievements (8):

Chasing Ghosts

Still Waters Speaking

Lost Spirits Found

The Hunt Begins

Voice in the Deep

Fire Dodger


Whisper Boxing


# Openworld Achievements (23):

Bringing Light to the Darkness

A Hunger for Knowledge


Bjora Marches Insight: Drakkar's Lair

Bjora Marches Insight: Frozen Waterfall

Bjora Marches Insight: The Lost Kodan Ship

Shadows Creep


Mystery of the Bjora Marches

Mystery of the Hidden Tower

Mystery of Drakkar's Lair

Mystery of the Labyrinth

Mystery of the Western Marches

Mystery of the Raven Gate Ruins


Koda Be Praised

Reel It In

Unwelcome Whispers

Lumbering Bears

Beckon the Ice

Unwelcome Whispers

A Bountiful Pastime

Acolyte of the Lost Spirits


# Strike Mission Achievements (14):

Sanctifier (20 strike bosses in sanctum arena)


Whisper of Jormag (4):

Legendary Whisper of Jormag


Reflections in the Ice (easy if you do even remotely okay dps)

Vortex, Interrupted (5x cc bar breaking, easy)


Boneskinner (3):

Hold onto the Light (Very difficult atm due to a bug)

Deathless Hunt

Flickering Light (Very easy, soloable)


Kodan (3):

Flawless Fallen

Kodan Dodger

Break It Up (5x cc bar breaking, easy)


Faenir (3):

Fraenir Frolic

High Shaman, High Stakes

Elemental Elegy (Quite easy strikemission, quite easy to do achievement)




Yes, you will have to TOUCH strikemissions for this meta achievement. But is it difficult or even undoable for someone with a disability? Absolutely not. You need 37 achievements, 31 are not related to strikemissions. That leaves 6 related to strikemissions.

There is 5 achievements that are easy to get WITHOUT even succeeding in completing the strikemission.

That leaves you with ONE strikemission achievement you have to put a tiny teensy bit of time and grit into. You can go in as a healer in minstrel gear and do the "no downstate, no defeat" achievements. Or you get lucky and finish one of the other achievements on chance.... or you just farm 20x fraenir/twins , which are both quite easy to finish if you join lfgs.

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> @"Esterie.7409" said:

> I agree with everything others have said about requiring strike missions to be mandatory for the meta achievement, and that an episode meta achievement should be accessible to everyone and include a variety of achievements greater than the required number. I just wanted to add that I find it very odd that not one single achievement involving Drakkar counts toward the meta, yet 13 strike mission achievements do. The disparity is puzzling to me.


Drakkar is a world boss and the associated achievements are 100% consistent with literally every other world boss achievement in the game. (They did seem to misplace the location of the achievements in the panel as it could've made sense to put right next to the others.)


Source: World Bosses tab, Shattered tab, Tequatl tab, Triple Trouble tab

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I think it would make the most sense to completely remove the word 'achievement' in any future releases. Perhaps even the concept altogether. We could just click on a box full of all the typical loot you'd expect received after completing the story and the everyone bent on open world only content, due to w/e social anxieties and pressures, could simple run around and repeat all the events. It seems that is what this thread is advocating for. Maybe a couple more lines of flavor text could be added to the events or a tracker for how many times you've repeated them. They could even add an instanced 'celestial challenge' style event for those that really wanna switch it up. Geez, what's left of these devs can't push their talents, creativity, or boundaries without a player base that will go along with them. Must be super frustrating to want to do epic things and then read threads like this...

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> I think it would make the most sense to completely remove the word 'achievement' in any future releases. Perhaps even the concept altogether. We could just click on a box full of all the typical loot you'd expect received after completing the story and the everyone bent on open world only content, due to w/e social anxieties and pressures, could simple run around and repeat all the events. It seems that is what this thread is advocating for. Maybe a couple more lines of flavor text could be added to the events or a tracker for how many times you've repeated them. They could even add an instanced 'celestial challenge' style event for those that really wanna switch it up. Geez, what's left of these devs can't push their talents, creativity, or boundaries without a player base that will go along with them. Must be super frustrating to want to do epic things and then read threads like this...


Yeah, because the way they arranged the achievement this time is SUPER EPIC.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > I think it would make the most sense to completely remove the word 'achievement' in any future releases. Perhaps even the concept altogether. We could just click on a box full of all the typical loot you'd expect received after completing the story and the everyone bent on open world only content, due to w/e social anxieties and pressures, could simple run around and repeat all the events. It seems that is what this thread is advocating for. Maybe a couple more lines of flavor text could be added to the events or a tracker for how many times you've repeated them. They could even add an instanced 'celestial challenge' style event for those that really wanna switch it up. Geez, what's left of these devs can't push their talents, creativity, or boundaries without a player base that will go along with them. Must be super frustrating to want to do epic things and then read threads like this...


> Yeah, because the way they arranged the achievement this time is SUPER EPIC.


Not epic, per se, but it is actually aranged in such a way to actually be some sort of an ACHIEVEMENT as opposed to the standard checklist of tedium. Imagine that...

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > > I think it would make the most sense to completely remove the word 'achievement' in any future releases. Perhaps even the concept altogether. We could just click on a box full of all the typical loot you'd expect received after completing the story and the everyone bent on open world only content, due to w/e social anxieties and pressures, could simple run around and repeat all the events. It seems that is what this thread is advocating for. Maybe a couple more lines of flavor text could be added to the events or a tracker for how many times you've repeated them. They could even add an instanced 'celestial challenge' style event for those that really wanna switch it up. Geez, what's left of these devs can't push their talents, creativity, or boundaries without a player base that will go along with them. Must be super frustrating to want to do epic things and then read threads like this...

> >

> > Yeah, because the way they arranged the achievement this time is SUPER EPIC.


> Not epic, per se, but it is actually aranged in such a way to actually be some sort of an ACHIEVEMENT as opposed to the standard checklist of tedium. Imagine that...


It's the worst of both worlds, a total and complete failure. It mixes challenging content with boring grind, both of which have large groups of players that don't like them. It seems designed to appeal to as few people as possible.

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People complained that raids are too difficult, so anet took a knee and made easy mode raids called strikes. And still people are complaining about their accessibility. The reason why they require you to do them for the meta is well to funnel people into doing them. Most players have the ability to succeed at the current strike selection, minus the bugged boneskinner.

I feel like there is a horrible bigotry of low expectations that is being thrown left and right on this topic. Just being disabled doesn't mean they can't get proper gear, run proper builds, nor use lfg to find a group. Honestly if anyone did these 3 things they can easily do ice construct, koda twins and ice dude. Now whispers is different, it actually starts getting to raid levels of difficulty.

Now if it is an issue with social anxiety, as someone who has suffered from such problems, removing social interactions only makes the problem far worse. My psychiatrist equated to someone afraid to walk to their mailbox, you dont remove the mailbox, you force your self to walk to it. Even if you only get 50% there and turn around, you are better off than before. And the next day you made it 50% the day before , why not just add another 10 or 25% that day, and so on until you can finally check your mail. This is a mmo, thengame should push people to group up, but grouping up is only 50% of the experience. It can allow people to get use to that, and then they can start typing in group chat, and once they get use to that, get on discord with their mic muted, and then finally start talking and get 100% of the mmo experience.

An game should try to make people better, otherwise what is the point.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> People complained that raids are too difficult, so anet took a knee and made easy mode raids called strikes. And still people are complaining about their accessibility. The reason why they require you to do them for the meta is well to funnel people into doing them. Most players have the ability to succeed at the current strike selection, minus the bugged boneskinner.

> I feel like there is a horrible bigotry of low expectations that is being thrown left and right on this topic. Just being disabled doesn't mean they can't get proper gear, run proper builds, nor use lfg to find a group. Honestly if anyone did these 3 things they can easily do ice construct, koda twins and ice dude. Now whispers is different, it actually starts getting to raid levels of difficulty.

> Now if it is an issue with social anxiety, as someone who has suffered from such problems, removing social interactions only makes the problem far worse. My psychiatrist equated to someone afraid to walk to their mailbox, you dont remove the mailbox, you force your self to walk to it. Even if you only get 50% there and turn around, you are better off than before. And the next day you made it 50% the day before , why not just add another 10 or 25% that day, and so on until you can finally check your mail. This is a mmo, thengame should push people to group up, but grouping up is only 50% of the experience. It can allow people to get use to that, and then they can start typing in group chat, and once they get use to that, get on discord with their mic muted, and then finally start talking and get 100% of the mmo experience.

> An game should try to make people better, otherwise what is the point.


Some people just don't like lobby-based instanced content. I find it lacks the "massively" part of an MMORPG.

I'm sceptical Anet's plan of trying to funnel people that favour the open world into small 10man lobbies will work.


Massivelyop even did a opinion-piece on it, based on Andrew Gray's future plans on GW2:



The point of a game, at least to me, is to have fun. I have fun with difficult content, and some people don't, not that hard to understand.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > > > I think it would make the most sense to completely remove the word 'achievement' in any future releases. Perhaps even the concept altogether. We could just click on a box full of all the typical loot you'd expect received after completing the story and the everyone bent on open world only content, due to w/e social anxieties and pressures, could simple run around and repeat all the events. It seems that is what this thread is advocating for. Maybe a couple more lines of flavor text could be added to the events or a tracker for how many times you've repeated them. They could even add an instanced 'celestial challenge' style event for those that really wanna switch it up. Geez, what's left of these devs can't push their talents, creativity, or boundaries without a player base that will go along with them. Must be super frustrating to want to do epic things and then read threads like this...

> > >

> > > Yeah, because the way they arranged the achievement this time is SUPER EPIC.

> >

> > Not epic, per se, but it is actually aranged in such a way to actually be some sort of an ACHIEVEMENT as opposed to the standard checklist of tedium. Imagine that...


> It's the worst of both worlds, a total and complete failure. It mixes challenging content with boring grind, both of which have large groups of players that don't like them. It seems designed to appeal to as few people as possible.


Well, at least on the bright side (for you), it's still 95%+ mindless grind so the vast majority is still catered to you. :) This is to the dissatisfaction of those that you admit don't care for such things, obviously. We can all have the same fair complaint, even if you do still get the lion's share of the enjoyment out of it.


Maybe in the future, they can implement, two versions of the meta achievements. One that is 15-20 hours of boring grind and then another that is just 2-3 simple strike mission achievements. Then we could all be happy.?

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> @"Benethan.3657" said:

> I just realized strike missions are needed to get enough achievements towards the Shadow in the Ice meta achievement, and specially since the last 2 missions have scaled in difficulty, I see very difficult to get them without being a raider due to the raid proofs expected to join a successful group, I'd just like to know if this is a trend to keep in future chapters, thank you.


Um, so the fact that I only did last strike mission once with a group of pugs from LFG and actually killed Jormag makes me lucky or a hardcore raider? I can tell you I'm not a hardcore raider (I just started raiding almost 2 months ago) and I refuse to think this has anything to do with luck. Oh, sorry, you expected to auto attack for the next 5 minutes and get him killed.

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