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Balance Patch Preview - PvP

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

> I have one sincere question, why are stats deemed ok to go into the game, eventually changed? It reminds me of a mechanics joke. "Don't look up a torque setting, just strip the bolt and back it off half a turn". Humor aside, I can't help but feel like those making these decisions are unsure how to balance the game so they keep changing the stats hoping for the best? Players in game speculated it is to drive us to play other classes, and not dwell on one. Others said it's forced socialization (pushing us to group more). Seriously, why do we see what was deemed ok at some point changed, and changed, and changed?? Before some one flames me, I am dead serious. Please explain.


Because the playerbase, the expacs, the prevalence of classes in the meta, the understanding players have of previously thought-to-be-useless traits and skills keep changing and changing and changing.


Balance is a moving target. Stat changes are just a tool to get to that target that happens to be (relatively) easy to do without speaking to multiple teams (like the art and animation teams) about having to recraft how skills behave because a small group of players that like hitting each other for fun are whining 200% loud.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> >

> > > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> > > we’re expecting to make further adjustments based on player feedback as well as our own internal review.

> >

> > I think it would be beneficial to examine how the mirage playstyle works and balance based on that first. Right now the bulk of the damage delivered through the only variant they have that causes major issues is condi damage through clones, as Bravan states. The dodge shave doesn't get to the core of the issue. Can you for this iteration at least have all clones for mirage that do condition ticks on auto do no damage or have a tiny chance to do a single condi stack on auto instead of the dodge nerf?

> >

> > That way fixing mirage doesnt break power variants.

> >


> :+1:


I edited this post, but I meant it. Just neglected to mention that damage shave should also include to some degree staff and scepter ambushes and the conditions they put out, while we are waiting for a condition change that puts condition damage on the mirage or its shatters/a rework to ambushes for the above that is not as passive as the current variant.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> >

> > > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> > > we’re expecting to make further adjustments based on player feedback as well as our own internal review.

> >

> > I think it would be beneficial to examine how the mirage playstyle works and balance based on that first. Right now the bulk of the damage delivered through the only variant they have that causes major issues is condi damage through clones, as Bravan states. The dodge shave doesn't get to the core of the issue. Can you for this iteration at least have all clones for mirage that do condition ticks on auto do no damage or have a tiny chance to do a single condi stack on auto instead of the dodge nerf?

> >

> > That way fixing mirage doesnt break power variants.

> >


> :+1:


> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> > Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.


> Hard to say anything to that idea, you would need to get way more detailed about how you imagine that spec to work. If you want clones to be main (and if i understand right, the ONLY) sourge of dmg and effects (like daze) you would need to add more command skill buttons, so everything the clones do becomes player controlled and for that active. You could use shatters for that, so instead of clone destoying for effects they become clone command buttons and Mirgae doesn't use the dodge button anymore for that. But that is a very big and time consuming rework i doubt will ever happen. Keep that idea for the next elite spec (if we ever will get other elite spec). I don't think it is necessary to rework Mirage that heavily. The "command clones via dodge button"-idea and IH/ambush mechanic is per se active and an interesting and skillful way of playing. All that is needed is that ambushes (from Mesmer itself and from clones) are well designed (preferable about applying effects you need to time well and different from pure defensive dodges over simple pure dmg application) and not op in dmg. You can fine adjust Mirage in so many ways to only nerf roots of balance problems (you just need to have some class knowledge to see that) but Anet decided to use the hammer for a big killing move and that in a very unlogical elite mechanic contradicting way, will not even make Condimirage less passive and less noobcarry.


I dont play mirage enough to do it justice in a redesign but I think dazes etc would still have to be applied thru the player model as multiple mirages along hard cc etc out side of the player might be a bit much but if mirages provided some utility or boons to the mirage while acting as distractions by moving around like the player would fit well. Like I said though mirage weapon skills would all need adjustments due to the mirage being the source of damage. Anything g past that would be out of my reach as mirage players would have to design it properly lol

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> > > > we’re expecting to make further adjustments based on player feedback as well as our own internal review.

> > >

> > > I think it would be beneficial to examine how the mirage playstyle works and balance based on that first. Right now the bulk of the damage delivered through the only variant they have that causes major issues is condi damage through clones, as Bravan states. The dodge shave doesn't get to the core of the issue. Can you for this iteration at least have all clones for mirage that do condition ticks on auto do no damage or have a tiny chance to do a single condi stack on auto instead of the dodge nerf?

> > >

> > > That way fixing mirage doesnt break power variants.

> > >

> >

> > :+1:


> I edited this post, but I meant it. Just neglected to mention that damage shave should also include to some degree staff and scepter ambushes and the conditions they put out, while we are waiting for a condition change that puts condition damage on the mirage or its shatters.


Yes i wasn't even going deep into details. I was more reacting to your point to ask for nerfs to specific Mirage skills which actually cause the issue instead to tar all different Mirage builds with the same brush and shaving everything with deleting one dodge bar. Mirage has the advantage of being able to be fine adjusted in many different places. If one of the Mesmers own ambush is too strong or too weak nerf of buff its dmg/ or effect. If one of the clones ambushes are too strong or too weak nerf of buff their dmg or effects.


Even more funny: They want to delete dodges from all specs (even the squishy ones not having anything else), while the only op spec still gets 8 insane seconds of vigor on f2 use (no nerf to it in the upcoming patch) in Chaostraitline what allows passive and nonreactive facetank gameplay per basic traitline design in addition to the endurance reggen, and not to mention that even in its current state the passive spammable Condimirage build would not even be on par with other metabuilds from other classes anymore without Chaosline used xD

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.


im not sure if its sarcasm or not and that scares me

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> > Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.


> im not sure if its sarcasm or not and that scares me


Not sarcasm at all. I saw mentioned somewhere in a post the damage being moved to the mirage and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool. Wasnt implying that I'd be a nerf in anyway so not sure why ur scared, if u don't like the idea than that's fine was just a idea. I also admitted I don't kno enough about the class to do a proper rework that would do mirage justice.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> > > Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.

> >

> > im not sure if its sarcasm or not and that scares me


> Not sarcasm at all. I saw mentioned somewhere in a post the damage being moved to the mirage and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool. Wasnt implying that I'd be a nerf in anyway so not sure why ur scared, if u don't like the idea than that's fine was just a idea. I also admitted I don't kno enough about the class to do a proper rework that would do mirage justice.


what people hate in the cmirage is the passive gamplay, at least its what they say.

if you took damage away from mirage and put it into clones..... it would be THE end xd

and it would be miserable to play against -> mesmer runs away and hides and clones do their thingy.

and it would be miserable to play -> random aoe guess I lose ALL my damage.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> > > > Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.

> > >

> > > im not sure if its sarcasm or not and that scares me

> >

> > Not sarcasm at all. I saw mentioned somewhere in a post the damage being moved to the mirage and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool. Wasnt implying that I'd be a nerf in anyway so not sure why ur scared, if u don't like the idea than that's fine was just a idea. I also admitted I don't kno enough about the class to do a proper rework that would do mirage justice.


> what people hate in the cmirage is the passive gamplay, at least its what they say.

> if you took damage away from mirage and put it into clones..... it would be THE end xd

> and it would be miserable to play against -> mesmer runs away and hides and clones do their thingy.

> and it would be miserable to play -> random aoe guess I lose ALL my damage.


“ damage being moved *to the mirage* and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool.” (emphasis added).


He liked the opposite, not moving damage to clones but from clones to the Mesmer.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Would clones doing dps along side mesmer make sense cuz their clones. Mirages can't damage cuz their mirages.

> > > > > Would it not make sense if mirages trade off was the damage being applied by the mirage player itself and the mirages move and attack randomly to confuse the player but do no damage, maybe provide some utility as well. This way if done right it's not a nerf or trade up but a trade off. Clones damage but mirages don't. Obviously some skill would have to be altered as well as damage increased on the mirage skills but it would be a trade off that makes sense and could still be made very viable if done right. I dont play a lot of mesmer so the idea may be very flawed. Losing a dodge is to much a trade off for any class, their evasiveness could have been slightly shaved in way less detrimental ways.

> > > >

> > > > im not sure if its sarcasm or not and that scares me

> > >

> > > Not sarcasm at all. I saw mentioned somewhere in a post the damage being moved to the mirage and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool. Wasnt implying that I'd be a nerf in anyway so not sure why ur scared, if u don't like the idea than that's fine was just a idea. I also admitted I don't kno enough about the class to do a proper rework that would do mirage justice.

> >

> > what people hate in the cmirage is the passive gamplay, at least its what they say.

> > if you took damage away from mirage and put it into clones..... it would be THE end xd

> > and it would be miserable to play against -> mesmer runs away and hides and clones do their thingy.

> > and it would be miserable to play -> random aoe guess I lose ALL my damage.


> “ damage being moved *to the mirage* and away from the mirage clones and thought it sounded cool.” (emphasis added).


> He liked the opposite, not moving damage to clones but from clones to the Mesmer.


Yeah this^

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Things to nerf: Lightining Rod : reduce the dmg.

Things not to nerf:

Deflecting Shot : it's ok if you decrease the power coefficient to 0.01 but don't slow down the projectile. It's already hard to hit moving targets without you making it slower

Mirage Cloak: I would have reworked IH and vigor uptime instead of destroying the spec

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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> Yeah it sounds disgusting to be honest, these patch looks really fail. Nerfing big casting time CCs that you won't land in the first place anyways due to the amount of evade spam, and defensive blocks.


> Nerf damage, but don't touch evade skills like sigh. Bad logic is bad. Nerfing damage when they NEVER considered block spam and made it unrewarding to land high casting time skills like Guardian Hammer 4 or Warrior Hammer 3-4-5. What kind of people does ANET hire, like what is this logic?


Yet hammer on Warrior will be in a far better spot post-nerf.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"ruwani.8624" said:

> > If you make those changes to druids after having continuously nerfed us, I will simply delete my account. :)

> Send me your gold and stuff before that plox


> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"ruwani.8624" said:

> > If you make those changes to druids after having continuously nerfed us, I will simply delete my account. :)

> Send me your gold and stuff before that plox

ok king


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> @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > @"tunococman.7324" said:

> > Yeah it sounds disgusting to be honest, these patch looks really fail. Nerfing big casting time CCs that you won't land in the first place anyways due to the amount of evade spam, and defensive blocks.

> >

> > Nerf damage, but don't touch evade skills like sigh. Bad logic is bad. Nerfing damage when they NEVER considered block spam and made it unrewarding to land high casting time skills like Guardian Hammer 4 or Warrior Hammer 3-4-5. What kind of people does ANET hire, like what is this logic?


> Yet hammer on Warrior will be in a far better spot post-nerf.


Fail evidence based on feelings.


If you don't know how to deal with Warrior hammer skills, you are simply not a good player. There will be NO REASON to avoid or waste endurance on hammer skills because they do no damage, therefore vs. good players you get evade spammed harder because why dodge a 0.01 coefficient when I can save it for your other skills? You are also not baiting stun breaks with a 0.01 coefficient. Sorry, but your evidence is FAIL. You clearly don't fight good players and your evidence is not good enough.


If you're talking about WvW, anything works in WvW. We are talking about sPvP where people actually are more tryhard mechanics wise.

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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > > @"tunococman.7324" said:

> > > Yeah it sounds disgusting to be honest, these patch looks really fail. Nerfing big casting time CCs that you won't land in the first place anyways due to the amount of evade spam, and defensive blocks.

> > >

> > > Nerf damage, but don't touch evade skills like sigh. Bad logic is bad. Nerfing damage when they NEVER considered block spam and made it unrewarding to land high casting time skills like Guardian Hammer 4 or Warrior Hammer 3-4-5. What kind of people does ANET hire, like what is this logic?

> >

> > Yet hammer on Warrior will be in a far better spot post-nerf.


> Fail evidence based on feelings.


> If you don't know how to deal with Warrior hammer skills, you are simply not a good player. There will be NO REASON to avoid or waste endurance on hammer skills because they do no damage, therefore vs. good players you get evade spammed harder because why dodge a 0.01 coefficient when I can save it for your other skills? You are also not baiting stun breaks with a 0.01 coefficient. Sorry, but your evidence is FAIL. You clearly don't fight good players and your evidence is not good enough.


> If you're talking about WvW, anything works in WvW. We are talking about sPvP where people actually are more tryhard mechanics wise.


No, I'm talking about sPvP. Why do you mention "evidence"? There won't be evidence before we've played with the changes for a fair bit and the meta begins to settle.


While all damage is gone from hard CC skills, the CC aspect itself will be much more valuable. Stun breaks are generally on long cooldowns and most classes lose the majority of their stability access. Passive stunbreaks are completely gone.


The viability of hammer will largely depend on its ability to stunlock opponents for extended durations - which will likely be possible with most professions after the nerfs! (Likely exception: Firebrand) Of course you'll need to initiate your combo with one of your faster stuns and proper timing, as you do now. If you get a good CC combo off on an opponent that has previously blown all stunbreaks, you're still likely to get the kill. Fierce blow does excellent damage on stunned (full adrenaline eviscerate level!) and in a proper chain you'll be able to recharge it through backbreaker. Swap weapons and follow up with burst. Once you've wasted your enemies stunbreaks, damage is not the issue.


**Tldr**: With BIG nerfs to the frequency of stunbreak and stability access across all classes hammer will serve a purpose: CC lockdown.

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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> If you don't know how to deal with Warrior hammer skills, you are simply not a good player. There will be NO REASON to avoid or waste endurance on hammer skills because they do no damage, therefore vs. good players you get evade spammed harder because why dodge a 0.01 coefficient when I can save it for your other skills? You are also not baiting stun breaks with a 0.01 coefficient. Sorry, but your evidence is FAIL. You clearly don't fight good players and your evidence is not good enough.


ITT someone who thinks I wont swap to Axe/Shield to evisc you / GS for Arcing or Divider if I hit you with Hammer cc in a heartbeat, because lockdown chain basically guarantees I have enough time to swap if I dont maul you with hammer 2


Eat this L3 for not burning your stunbreak



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I'll start with the following words: ArenaNet are VILE POTBOILERS who do their work so clumsy that I have no words. They do the worst in every game mode. I haven’t seen adequate patches since 2018. Mesmers nerf hard every patch, the other classes do not receive any balance.

This patch is the worst patch of all time of the game. Instead of balancing broken powercreep Anet nerf everything indiscriminately.


Mesmer is the most sensitive part of the game. It has been nerfed hard since 2018. First you made chronomancer piece of ****, now you reached to mirages. You reduce endurance of mirage by 50 for PvP and WvW. Did you test it? What is the reason for this ********? Daredevil has 150 endurance, the other classes have 100 and mirage has 50. Are you kidding? Mesmer is no better than training golem dummy. Then you will make it impossible to play for core mesmer. Then what? Delete it?


You reduce the number of converted boons for axe, scepter, dagger and Boon corruption. Why? Why do you detract necromancer’s essence? Kinda for balance? You don’t make any trade off, don’t add additional effects, just cut it blankly. You don’t reduce amount of buffs for other classes but just reduce their duration. What is the point? Even changes for scourge do not make anything new. You just giving back the old version of F2 for scourge shroud. It will not work.


Now condisword weaver is one of the strongest metabuilds because of broken healing, evades, damage and stances. Condi weaver is a unkillable dodgebot with endless evades and healing who can stack about 20 stacks of burning on you. Do you thinks this is normal? Lightning rod trait can crit and applies a lot of weakness. You don’t care. The main problem for you is Mesmer.


The most broken class in the game. Especially spellbreaker that is a unkillable killmachine. Permanent cc + dmg 20-50% of hp suggests the need to nerf it first. Don’t forget about permanent 25 stacks of might. WARRIOR MUST BE NERFED.


Power Gerald constantly spams buffs and deals more dmg than you can heal or negate. Buffing the demon traitline, you open the way for new condi spammers, rom which everyone will cry. Renegade traitline didn’t receive any development. Renegade could be the one of the strongest supports. But why? Let’s just nerf one of a unpopular line LOL.


And nothing again. Dumb cutting of damage and healing is unlikely changes anything. Rangers still will play with longbow and greatsword. What about pets: you do nothing. The only viable pets for pvp is a smolescale, gazelle, siamoth and snow owl. You even don’t try do make the other pets more useful.


You reduce amount of converted boons for necro, increase cd for mesmer’s mantras, but ignore completely symbolbrand. Guardians mantras an axe is too op and need serious balance.


Thieves need the reduce of stealth duration provided by Shadow arts traitline, nerf of deadeye and d/p core.



On top of that regular client crashes doesn’t add any fun and pleasure.

To summarize I can say that An# et only exacerbated the disbalance in the pvp.


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> @"ASV.7819" said:

> I'll start with the following words: ArenaNet are VILE POTBOILERS who do their work so clumsy that I have no words. They do the worst in every game mode. I haven’t seen adequate patches since 2018. Mesmers nerf hard every patch, the other classes do not receive any balance.

> This patch is the worst patch of all time of the game. Instead of balancing broken powercreep Anet nerf everything indiscriminately.

> **Mesmer**

> Mesmer is the most sensitive part of the game. It has been nerfed hard since 2018. First you made chronomancer piece of ****, now you reached to mirages. You reduce endurance of mirage by 50 for PvP and WvW. Did you test it? What is the reason for this ********? Daredevil has 150 endurance, the other classes have 100 and mirage has 50. Are you kidding? Mesmer is no better than training golem dummy. Then you will make it impossible to play for core mesmer. Then what? Delete it?


My guess would be that the first sentence here is the whole problem with why it been getting nerfed so hard. "Mesmer is the most sensitive part of the game." it probably shouldnt be... but thats just one way to look at it. In realitiy some people tired to tell anet that mirage needed new and unique shatters as a trade off and people constantly continued to deny that and said that the trade off would be "because we dont roll when we dodge" apparently anet things thats not enough so now we are stuck with 1 dodge mirage for a while.... :c


> **Necromancer**

> You reduce the number of converted boons for axe, scepter, dagger and Boon corruption. Why? Why do you detract necromancer’s essence? Kinda for balance? You don’t make any trade off, don’t add additional effects, just cut it blankly. You don’t reduce amount of buffs for other classes but just reduce their duration. What is the point? Even changes for scourge do not make anything new. You just giving back the old version of F2 for scourge shroud. It will not work.


Because the power of boons went down. Lets please not make necromancer a boon balancing tool even as a necro main i support this choice completely so long as they lowered and stopped most of the perma boon in pvp settings. Scourge needs a rework entirely reverting one change wont make it better it will still be frustrating to play solo and frustarting to play against. Till they rework it its a pointless elite in pvp alone just consider it a wvw only elite spec for now.


> **Elementlist**

> Now condisword weaver is one of the strongest metabuilds because of broken healing, evades, damage and stances. Condi weaver is a unkillable dodgebot with endless evades and healing who can stack about 20 stacks of burning on you. Do you thinks this is normal? Lightning rod trait can crit and applies a lot of weakness. You don’t care. The main problem for you is Mesmer.


Again the first sentence "condisword weaver is one of the strongest metabuilds because of broken healing, evades, damage and stances." they actually fixed this if you read the global notes as stances will no longer be covered by stability and the burn on Prim. stance is dropping in duration considerably. Now you are targeting lightning rod when almost no weavers used this build this is just direct "nerf it more" targeting based on how it reads. To be honest not enough people used lightning rod cause air was not something that commonly fit into weaver builds unless you ran d/d and not many people in reality have the skill to play that properly.


> **Warrior**

> The most broken class in the game. Especially spellbreaker that is a unkillable killmachine. Permanent cc + dmg 20-50% of hp suggests the need to nerf it first. Don’t forget about permanent 25 stacks of might. WARRIOR MUST BE NERFED.


This was addressed already with the nerfs to Might gain / duration as well as the trait might makes right. They will stlll have lots of cc but dont espect to see warriors with 20-25 might in high duration anymore thats going to be a thing of the past. Also if warriors want sustain they now need to go back to slotting defenses for adrinal unless they are mad good at dodging everything.


> **Revenant**

> Power Gerald constantly spams buffs and deals more dmg than you can heal or negate. Buffing the demon traitline, you open the way for new condi spammers, rom which everyone will cry. Renegade traitline didn’t receive any development. Renegade could be the one of the strongest supports. But why? Let’s just nerf one of a unpopular line LOL.


Again this is already addressed they removed the free break stun on legend swap meaning revs in generally will be considerably more vulnerable to cc attacks. As of right now you cannot hold them still for any amount of time but this will change after patch dont worry. You will see a lot of revs swapping legends on cc thinking its going to still break their stun cause its hared wired into their muscle memory at this point.


> **Ranger**

> And nothing again. Dumb cutting of damage and healing is unlikely changes anything. Rangers still will play with longbow and greatsword. What about pets: you do nothing. The only viable pets for pvp is a smolescale, gazelle, siamoth and snow owl. You even don’t try do make the other pets more useful.


The block got nerfed considerably and soulbeast now only get 1 pet in combat. Its still going to be strong but not free and busted like before. Also expect to see alot of people go back to core ranger just to keep pet swap in combat. I bet you there will be alot of core rangers now cause its still gonna be stupidly strong.


> Guardian

> You reduce amount of converted boons for necro, increase cd for mesmer’s mantras, but ignore completely symbolbrand. Guardians mantras an axe is too op and need serious balance.


Because symbols are not the problem. The problem is more so just with the firebrand line but i agree here for once it was not nerfed enough Firebrand brusiers will probably be one of the strongest things after patch and will need some more nerfs maybe...


> **Thief**

> Thieves need the reduce of stealth duration provided by Shadow arts traitline, nerf of deadeye and d/p core.


They kind of already nipped this in the bud in so manyways


> **Engineer**

> Nothing.

Pretty sure instant toolbelt projectile dps with no tell still should be nerfed but thats just me. Scrapper might be strong now though it actually might be able to bunker with the overall lower damage.


chill bro ;) it will work out for the better in the end get ready for that patch!!!!



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> @"ASV.7819" said:

> I'll start with the following words: ArenaNet are VILE POTBOILERS who do their work so clumsy that I have no words. They do the worst in every game mode. I haven’t seen adequate patches since 2018. Mesmers nerf hard every patch, the other classes do not receive any balance.

> This patch is the worst patch of all time of the game. Instead of balancing broken powercreep Anet nerf everything indiscriminately.

> **Mesmer**

> Mesmer is the most sensitive part of the game. It has been nerfed hard since 2018. First you made chronomancer piece of ****, now you reached to mirages. You reduce endurance of mirage by 50 for PvP and WvW. Did you test it? What is the reason for this ********? Daredevil has 150 endurance, the other classes have 100 and mirage has 50. Are you kidding? Mesmer is no better than training golem dummy. Then you will make it impossible to play for core mesmer. Then what? Delete it?

> **Necromancer**

> You reduce the number of converted boons for axe, scepter, dagger and Boon corruption. Why? Why do you detract necromancer’s essence? Kinda for balance? You don’t make any trade off, don’t add additional effects, just cut it blankly. You don’t reduce amount of buffs for other classes but just reduce their duration. What is the point? Even changes for scourge do not make anything new. You just giving back the old version of F2 for scourge shroud. It will not work.

> **Elementlist**

> Now condisword weaver is one of the strongest metabuilds because of broken healing, evades, damage and stances. Condi weaver is a unkillable dodgebot with endless evades and healing who can stack about 20 stacks of burning on you. Do you thinks this is normal? Lightning rod trait can crit and applies a lot of weakness. You don’t care. The main problem for you is Mesmer.

> **Warrior**

> The most broken class in the game. Especially spellbreaker that is a unkillable killmachine. Permanent cc + dmg 20-50% of hp suggests the need to nerf it first. Don’t forget about permanent 25 stacks of might. WARRIOR MUST BE NERFED.

> **Revenant**

> Power Gerald constantly spams buffs and deals more dmg than you can heal or negate. Buffing the demon traitline, you open the way for new condi spammers, rom which everyone will cry. Renegade traitline didn’t receive any development. Renegade could be the one of the strongest supports. But why? Let’s just nerf one of a unpopular line LOL.

> **Ranger**

> And nothing again. Dumb cutting of damage and healing is unlikely changes anything. Rangers still will play with longbow and greatsword. What about pets: you do nothing. The only viable pets for pvp is a smolescale, gazelle, siamoth and snow owl. You even don’t try do make the other pets more useful.

> Guardian

> You reduce amount of converted boons for necro, increase cd for mesmer’s mantras, but ignore completely symbolbrand. Guardians mantras an axe is too op and need serious balance.

> **Thief**

> Thieves need the reduce of stealth duration provided by Shadow arts traitline, nerf of deadeye and d/p core.

> **Engineer**

> Nothing.

> On top of that regular client crashes doesn’t add any fun and pleasure.

> To summarize I can say that An# et only exacerbated the disbalance in the pvp.



I don't agree with the majority of this.

You claim Engineer got no nerfs. I don't consider damage coeff nerfs nothing, they play a big part in why things do so much damage currently.

I also don't consider actually having a cast time on rifle 4 now nothing, as before the cast time was so damn fast it was pretty much instant.

I also don't consider getting stability on corona burst while traited taken away nothing. that was a BIG nerf to holos.

I also don't consider hammer autos being reduced in damage via coeff nerfs nothing. less damage will ultimately equal less sustain, due to how impact savant in the scrapper trait line works. Though they'll still be able to finally do what they were intended to do: tank. it's still far from nothing.

lowering the coeff from prime light beam down to 0.01 is definitely not nothing either.

I think you get the point.

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