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Balance Patch Preview - PvP

Cal Cohen.2358

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Absolutely love it. Can't wait to see the tears and cries of frustration when patch hits :) Still a little concerned about some stuffs that may have been overlooked, but there will be further adjustments so i don't really worry. Ele staff a bit overnerfed imo, but it's not like aa were hitting anyone but downed bodies anyway, and it goes along the new philosophy along with other professions so it's ok.

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To add to the previous comment of mine:


1. I guess it applies to all traits like Dread - situational damage increases that don't last very long shouldn't get the nerf bat. You are double nerfing it, first with coefficients and then the trait itself.

2. I'd prefer for Executioner's Scythe to lose the CC and keep the damage. Keep chill and make the Execute damage part more situational. I think it just feels better as big hitter.

3. With the good Doom change, could the balance team just retire the concept of Scourge in PvP and give us Terrormancer meta back? Thank you. I miss my OG necro. Perhaps change Terror so it dramatically increases the damage of caster's other conditions on the target rather than doing the damage itself (similar to Dread). And it could temporarily prevent/punish cleanses.

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I think it'd be better if they prioritized damage over CC on weapon skills.

Remove the CC on weapon skills **across the board** and give back the damage.

The CC from traits and utilities already is significantly higher than what is healthy for a game mode that is based on players interacting with each other.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> I think it'd be better if they prioritized damage over CC on weapon skills.

> Remove the CC on weapon skills **across the board** and give back the damage.

> The CC from traits and utilities already is significantly higher than what is healthy for a game mode that is based on players interacting with each other.


this really depends on the class, if you lower ammout of CC how in the fuck nugget do you stun thief?

he can remove stuns 3 times.

How do you stun fb with mantra? he just removes it 3 times while getting stab.

People have ALOT of stun removing tools, and that doesnt even count in the fact that you can dodge CC.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Xar.6279" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > I think this is the end of sPvP for me. I am for curbing power creep a bit, but reducing CD on everything, lowering the damage on everything, seems like random number generator. Some skills has the CDs they had and deal the damage/heal they do for a reason. Not to mention, there is no way in hell to know what skill does how much damage/heal and how much CD on my main class **WHEN EVERY SINGLE SKILL IS DIFFERENT**. Forget the other 8 classes.

> > >

> > > This is a different game. One that seems a derivative of the existing one, confusing and far less interesting. I am already on the fence on GW2 as a whole, sPvP was one of the few remaining anchors that keeps me attached to the game. I think this it for this. And with PvE changes boarding on pathetic, I think this is it for the game.

> >

> > git gud


> What does this mean?! You think this is hello kitty I am playing sPvP for the first time?! I am arguing that splitting every skill and trait damage is dumb. If you do not have anything to add to the conversation then s*************.


"Git Gud." "Just Dodge." "Play a different class." Part of the reason PvP queue times are so long - cause no one wants to play with that trashy attitude.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Yet Another Imda Smurf xD.8236" said:

> > increase the initiative cost of Shortbow 5.


> no. you can have nerfs to shadow arts siphoning.


Hmm I might try to make a pacifist thief after the patch, and just run between nodes. I wonder how far I can go in ranking that way xd

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > * Nothing seemed too outstanding to comment on, until I got to this: **Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes** = Woah woah! Is that... necessary? I mean a lot of people with long time aggression vs. Mirage are probably thinking "YEAH IT DESERVES IT. SCREW MIRAGE" but really guys, without the ability to double dodge roll when needed, the Mirage is going to frequently be caught in the kinds of bursting that it cannot avoid. I think Arenanet needs to seriously reconsider this very heavy handed nerf.


> I think that is the trade off, they can dodge while CCed but they only have one dodge bar. It sounds a lot like something that would be in Guild Wars 1. This patch is awesome.




> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Jazz.4639" said:

> > > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> > > # Mesmer

> > > * Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes

> >

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Jazz.4639"

> > > >**im not sure i understand what you want to do to mirage cloak (now reduce endurance by 50??), does that mean as daredevil has 3 dodges mirages now only have one???**oO also why you want to reduce evade uptime on a spec that is build around doing things with his dodges and has already less dodges than most other classes in current state? doesnt rly make sense to me. the times mirage (not using chaosline) can dodge too often are already over. better reduce vigor duration given by chaosline.

> > > That was exactly thoughts but its not likely they understand what they are doing or would change it.

> > > F for fellow mesmer players (if any left) , the first chrono, now mirage (especially for power ones).

> >

> > no they cant be serious with that, some early april fool or something? that cant be real, it makes no sense at all... ahahahaha … just no! esp now im forced to dodge no matter if i need to just to not waste endurance reggen when my one dodge bar is full? how does that add skill need and more active gameplay? it is the absolute opposite… dumbed down we go (nick cave) yeah yeah yeah…

> > NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cant believe….)

> >

> > need to sleep but im actually shocked…. crying and laughing at same time

> I'm sorry to hear this but I absolutely understand you and your reaction. I couldnt believe as well that this some sort of april fools. Many nerfs are nerfs for the sake of nerfing(that didnt deserve to get even touched in the first place), some stuff that must get a nerf got a free pass or almost not nerfed (L.rod, warrior GS F1, probably more becase it was 3 AM for me and I did read only warrior, also FC got a buff...?).

> About mirage evade... 1 dodge when daredevil it at 3... Chrono is still would be frustrating,clunky and unfun to play (they did nothing to improve it at any way). Someone dont want to see any mesmers out there.


this one dodge i s so bad, makes no sense. im still shocked. if you want to nerf dmg mirage can do with ambushes then nerf the dmg from ambushes maybe? why overkilling with a change that totally contradicts the whole nature of the spec? how am i supposed to dodge offensive and tactical for a reactive clone daze interrupt on sword for example with only one dodge? am i supposed to waste a dodge to not waste endurance reggen and vigor when my one dodge bar is full? how am i supposed to survive on a sqishy power shatter build with only one dodge? ppl cry about mirage being able to dodge while stunned and now this change forces me into not dodging cc anymore because then i have no other dodge for the follow up dmg will come after. im lit forced into using low skill ceiling lines like chaos with way more passive sustain to compensate the overkill in active defense now. i dont mind nerfs at all, i rly dont, as long as these nerfs dont kill skillneed from the class. but this one does! gg dumbed down (and unplayable on skillful power builds at least) spec. well at least there is no need to buy any expansion as power mes only player i guess…


i rly dont mind any other changes planned for mesmer, they at least seems into line with the overall nerf goal and with nerfs on other classes, and they do not delete skillceiling or skillfloor. but this one change is just an overkill and contradicts the goal of making mirage more skilled, ist quite the opposite.

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Very interesting changes and very glad to finally see such a shift (after years and years of buffing and fucking everything up just so the casual plebs won't quit because "aww my main class has a 0.1% damage output reduction, it's completely dead now Q_Q").

I just really really hope it's not already way too late and PvP/WvW players will return or new PvP players will come (me included - I don't want to return to a dead game mode)

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Yet Another Imda Smurf xD.8236" said:

> > > increase the initiative cost of Shortbow 5.

> >

> > no. you can have nerfs to shadow arts siphoning.


> Hmm I might try to make a pacifist thief after the patch, and just run between nodes. I wonder how far I can go in ranking that way xd


That's basically how people were insisting we play for the past 4 years so go for it.

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> Test of Faith: Increased power coefficient of passthrough attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1. Reduced protection duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds


You might want to take a look at [Deflecting_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deflecting_Shot). Tooltip is longer than my arm (massive damage, blocks missiles, blinds, finisher, unblockable + CC and stability with trait) with a very low CD (10 s ...) and cast time (1/4s ??).

I can guarantee that, paired with Test of Faith buff and global heal nerfs, this skill will plague PvP.

At least remove unblockable, so there is slight counter to it.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > I think it'd be better if they prioritized damage over CC on weapon skills.

> > Remove the CC on weapon skills **across the board** and give back the damage.

> > The CC from traits and utilities already is significantly higher than what is healthy for a game mode that is based on players interacting with each other.


> this really depends on the class, if you lower ammout of CC how in the kitten nugget do you stun thief?

> he can remove stuns 3 times.

> How do you stun fb with mantra? he just removes it 3 times while getting stab.

> People have ALOT of stun removing tools, and that doesnt even count in the fact that you can dodge CC.


Thief's runaway potential is disgusting and practically without counterplay, it should have been toned down by at least 50%.

That being barely nicked (if at all) by this patch is the only thing bothering me.

But Stability (sadly) is a common boon, so it can be corrupted or stolen. It has sufficient amount of counterplay.

Just imagine how build variety could improve if people wouldn't be so dependent on Stun breaks anymore.


To me, this patch once again proves, Arenanet doesn't make balance patches, they make patches that merely apply changes for the sake of changes.>


> @"aelska.4609" said:

> > Test of Faith: Increased power coefficient of passthrough attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1. Reduced protection duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds


> You might want to take a look at [Deflecting_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deflecting_Shot). Tooltip is longer than my arm (massive damage, blocks missiles, blinds, finisher, unblockable + CC and stability with trait) with a very low CD (10 s ...) and cast time (1/4s ??).

> I can guarantee that, paired with Test of Faith buff and global heal nerfs, this skill will plague PvP.

> At least remove unblockable, so there is slight counter to it.


I think the cast time is enough counter built into the skill itself.

I already prefer the current version with damage and the CC on trait to the future version of no damage but CC built in.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"aelska.4609" said:

> > > Test of Faith: Increased power coefficient of passthrough attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1. Reduced protection duration from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds

> >

> > You might want to take a look at [Deflecting_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deflecting_Shot). Tooltip is longer than my arm (massive damage, blocks missiles, blinds, finisher, unblockable + CC and stability with trait) with a very low CD (10 s ...) and cast time (1/4s ??).

> > I can guarantee that, paired with Test of Faith buff and global heal nerfs, this skill will plague PvP.

> > At least remove unblockable, so there is slight counter to it.


> I think the cast time is enough counter built into the skill itself.

> I already prefer the current version with damage and the CC on trait to the future version of no damage but CC built in.


True that 1/4s cast time, that can be fired backwards, gives all the time to the opponent to "preventively dodge" the skill, because that's what good opponents do. And it is perfectly balanced (and will even be more balanced after this balance patch) considering how risky it for the DH to use this skill with the low rewards associated to it (we are only speaking about damage, blind, missiles blocks, and CC after all). Imagine if the DH misses to land this skill, he'll have to wait 10s before using it again !!


I don't even know how you can defend this very cheesy skill.

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Been kind of reading through alot of things here this morning

> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> * Executioner's Scythe: Reduced power coefficients from 2.0/2.6/3.2 to 0.01/0.015/0.02 (Above 50%/Below 50%/Below 25%). Increased stun duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds


I have to agree with a few other people here.

Why not just remove the damage mod from this skill entirely and allow it to hit up to 3 people in its aoe? the increase to above and below values are kind of wasted now.


Or making it increase the stun duration with the hp values


Is it because this would require global change or?????

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So many changes at once, I cannot accurately judge how powerlevel of builds relative to each other will change, so I won't comment on that much.

However: removal of so many amulets.... why? We are getting dangerously low on customization options already, I don't like it.

Also, many traits got a 300 second cooldown... just outright delete them and replace them with something else at this point. You still have nearly a month untill the patch hits.

And in general, 1 second might, 1 second torment, 1 second anything thats not self applied stability is utterly pointless. It might aswell not be there at all. Why bloat the skill descriptions with such no-effect stuff?

And mirage with only 1 dodge, that cannot possibly work. I mean I'm glad you're deleting the spec from pvp, but werent you supposed to balance it instead?

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> In this thread: Lots of people who only read the section for "their" class going "kitten this will be unplayable"....... having not read all the nerfs to the other classes.


> Basically everything across the board got nerfed ~30%.


> I like.


Is that something supposedly good? Also, if we nerf everything by 30% across the board, that leaves everything exactly where is, with just slower game play. Is this good? If a skill that no one uses gets 30% nerf, is that good?


The whole fucking point of this "PvP" patch was to take underwhelming skills and builds and make them better, while shaving boon duration and some CC, and lowering the potency of some over performing builds. Instead it turned in another vanity project for Anet that most surely will leave everything a fucking mess, and is not needed to begin with. this is almost a waste of 6 month with very limited class balance changes for this, that will leave will make PvP a mess for another few month. And create massive accessibility wall for anyone whole is not super invested in PvP.


When Ben said 700+ splits, I was like: "wow, some skilled Anet dev(s) is/are going through every skill and trait to figure out ideal tuning for PvP." Instead they gave it to an intern and told them to apply a 0.7 factor.

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