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Balance Patch Preview - Global

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"

> >

> > **Inspiring Virtue (NEW): This trait grants you increased damage after activating a virtue.**

> > Can someone please tell us the damage increase?


> Sure. On patch day.


I'm not sure why they would wait to shed light on the full details. The purpose is to receive feedback. Imagine if the damage increase is 30%. People would go wild

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In next patch we will loose 15% single target damage with pistols because of Ankle shot trait changes. What if pistol/pistol weapon set will have a bullets types switch on F3? Like enginers switch their weapons.

* Standart bullets for single target which is the current implemantation of p/p.

* Armor piercing bullets for aoe. They will pierce 5 targets and do 15% less damage

* Expansive bullets. Half power, half bleed damage. This will let us use p/p for hybrid or condi builds.

Bullets switching can be on cd like weapons swap.

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Id really like to see a small power reaper buff, 1,5 or 2k more dps to bring it in line with dragonhunters dps.


Even then, dh will be used more often.

It brings more support to the group (blocks from f3, group heal f2 (and Condi cleanse on self), and you can even play without a quickness support in your group, if you stack enough guardians without loosing much dps.


While necro is only tanky in itself and doesn't offer any group support and is very reliant on shroud to do dps. So taking damage while in shroud isn't really what you want.


I'd also like to see engi back, and there are changes for engi but I can't tell, if they'll help as I don't play engi much.



Nerf guards.

Stacking guards to get perma quickness is a big issue in my opinion.

It's basically the same as epi bounce. The only difference is that epi dealt damage and the elite shout does basically the same by removing the need of one support to free a spot for another strong dps player.

Also keep in mind that there's still firebrand that also offers permanent quickness support without sacrificing lots of damage


Also nerf warriors:

How can it be, that warriors, that bring 2 support skills and buff the damage of 10 people, are allowed to do the same amount of damage than other classes, that don't bring such insane support?

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"

> > >

> > > **Inspiring Virtue (NEW): This trait grants you increased damage after activating a virtue.**

> > > Can someone please tell us the damage increase?

> >

> > Sure. On patch day.


> I'm not sure why they would wait to shed light on the full details. The purpose is to receive feedback. Imagine if the damage increase is 30%. People would go wild


Its been this case every time, so patch day is the soonest I'd expect to see numbers beyond what they posted.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Id really like to see a small power reaper buff, 1,5 or 2k more dps to bring it in line with dragonhunters dps.


> Even then, dh will be used more often.

> It brings more support to the group (blocks from f3, group heal f2 (and Condi cleanse on self), and you can even play without a quickness support in your group, if you stack enough guardians without loosing much dps.


> While necro is only tanky in itself and doesn't offer any group support and is very reliant on shroud to do dps. So taking damage while in shroud isn't really what you want.


> I'd also like to see engi back, and there are changes for engi but I can't tell, if they'll help as I don't play engi much.


> Or:

> Nerf guards.

> Stacking guards to get perma quickness is a big issue in my opinion.

> It's basically the same as epi bounce. The only difference is that epi dealt damage and the elite shout does basically the same by removing the need of one support to free a spot for another strong dps player.

> Also keep in mind that there's still firebrand that also offers permanent quickness support without sacrificing lots of damage


**> Also nerf warriors:

> How can it be, that warriors, that bring 2 support skills and buff the damage of 10 people, are allowed to do the same amount of damage than other classes, that don't bring such insane support?**


More like nerf Banners, which they already did. Anet really does not seem to want Warrior to have an active support roll. FWIW I hate running banners in FotM and I honestly don't feel much of a difference without them in a good group. Banners just helps bad players do a little better, or get speed clear numbers down.


A necro can still do Wells support and provide perma protection, stack vulnerability, help cap might, and heal the party. The problem with Necro is that is does several jobs fairly well (no pun intended) yet someone else just does it better. Kind of the same with Warrior DPS, whether condi or power there is someone else higher on the DPS meter.


I certainly wouldn't kick a Necro out of a FotM party, but then I know their worth because I also play one. Reapers are famous for carrying bad PUGs composed of noob players using Meta builds that they can't play right.



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ABOUT Thief (PVE):

I use a build that has 99% crit, so replace ankle shot with deadly aim is

not only 15% less dmg but also make mobs reach you twice as fast!


Piercing bullets? they will hit and aggro the ones not ment to be hit.

Aoe 130 bullets instead ?


My current build is fun to play and needs a lot of real fighting and gives you

the feeling if ya fast you can handle a lot, is that not exactly the feeling ya need from a game?


Remove of ankle shot has way bigger impact then it looks on paper.


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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" - I think you guys are fundamentally missing the mark on soulbeast.


While technically correct that soulbeasts lacked a formal tradeoff, soulbeast was already starting from behind. As anyone who's played ranger (or just played gw2 long enough) should know, rangers get a portion of their personal stats taken away, and that is supposedly made up for by having a pet. The catch is that pet AI is ridiculously unreliable. There are sad videos of pets uselessly chasing even slow moving enemies without being able to land a single hit. The few partially reliable pets are the ones that have attacks with fast enough projectile/melee charge speed, or the smokescale with its ability to actually stick to a target. Even then, the numbers are quite piddling. The situation will get even worse with the nerf to cc damage.


The soulbeast merge function simply allows the ranger to give up the pet and reclaim those lost stats. In my view, that simply brings ranger back to parity with everyone else who didn't have to give up stats to a famously unreliable pet system in the first place.


Versatility is supposed to be central to being a ranger. Even on guildwars2.com, the description of ranger ends with "rangers can adapt to any situation." Yet the explicit purpose of removing petswap from soulbeast is to limit in-combat versatility.


I'd prefer that soulbeasts be able to maintain this versatility, perhaps at the cost of reduced stats from the pet merge. After all, reduced stats is something rangers have learned to live with over the entire lifespan of the game.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" - I think you guys are fundamentally missing the mark on soulbeast.


> While technically correct that soulbeasts lacked a formal tradeoff, soulbeast was already starting from behind. As anyone who's played ranger (or just played gw2 long enough) should know, rangers get a portion of their personal stats taken away, and that is supposedly made up for by having a pet. The catch is that pet AI is ridiculously unreliable. There are sad videos of pets uselessly chasing even slow moving enemies without being able to land a single hit. The few partially reliable pets are the ones that have attacks with fast enough projectile/melee charge speed, or the smokescale with its ability to actually stick to a target. Even then, the numbers are quite piddling. The situation will get even worse with the nerf to cc damage.


> The soulbeast merge function simply allows the ranger to give up the pet and reclaim those lost stats. In my view, that simply brings ranger back to parity with everyone else who didn't have to give up stats to a famously unreliable pet system in the first place.


> Versatility is supposed to be central to being a ranger. Even on guildwars2.com, the description of ranger ends with "rangers can adapt to any situation." Yet the explicit purpose of removing petswap from soulbeast is to limit in-combat versatility.


> I'd prefer that soulbeasts be able to maintain this versatility, perhaps at the cost of reduced stats from the pet merge. After all, reduced stats is something rangers have learned to live with over the entire lifespan of the game.




Ummm due to traits merging does more than just return some stats to put the ranger in line with other classes base values,it brings it above and also u gain 3 pet skills that are in some cases very powerfull ie smokescale and gazelle, tho gazelle may lose favor after patch. Pet swap being lost seems like a decent trade off at least until somthing better is thought up.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> Ummm due to traits merging does more than just return some stats to put the ranger in line with other classes base values,it brings it above and also u gain 3 pet skills that are in some cases very powerfull ie smokescale and gazelle, tho gazelle may lose favor after patch. Pet swap being lost seems like a decent trade off at least until somthing better is thought up.


Read until the end of my comment, I addressed the stat bloating already: I'd be okay with reducing the stat gain from merging.


As for the most powerful merge skills, those could see a nerf too. As it is, the cc's (which seem to be a big complaint from most non-rangers) associated with pets and merging are getting nerfed quite hard in competitive modes, and I'm fine with that. A weaker worldly impact would make it harder to reach competitive levels of pve dps in a lot of circumstances, but I'd take significant nerfs to overall merged stats and merged skills if that's what it takes to keep 2 pets on soulbeast.


Because open world content is so easy, I'm already using only one pet most of the time already - so I most likely won't miss the second pet there. What I'll miss is having a supportive type pet for emergencies while I'm soloing dungeons or fractals, or when whatever group I'm in doesn't have support up to par.



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> @"Tulki.1458" said:

> - There is a lack of attention given to engineer support capabilities. Every single profession has some sort of valuable support build(s) available, even thief with venomous aura. Engineer has two support lines (alchemy and inventions) and neither gives options for group boon support. At a maximum, engineers can spec for healing but this requires using the healing kit, which replaces all of your weapon skills and gives very few boons or ways to deal damage because you lose your weapons and also cannot equip other kits.


What are you talking about? A Harrier Support Scrapper can maintain perma 25 stacks of might, fury, regen, and high uptime on protection. All while providing great condi cleanse and healing.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"Tulki.1458" said:

> > - There is a lack of attention given to engineer support capabilities. Every single profession has some sort of valuable support build(s) available, even thief with venomous aura. Engineer has two support lines (alchemy and inventions) and neither gives options for group boon support. At a maximum, engineers can spec for healing but this requires using the healing kit, which replaces all of your weapon skills and gives very few boons or ways to deal damage because you lose your weapons and also cannot equip other kits.


> What are you talking about? A Harrier Support Scrapper can maintain perma 25 stacks of might, fury, regen, and high uptime on protection. All while providing great condi cleanse and healing.


I think he meant Core Engi.

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After looking over all the changes carefully, after the balance, I would like to see some of the cast times of skills that combo together with crowd-control skills looked at and the type of weapons being used be changed to fit the new use. Such as making warriors backbreaker a lower cool down with less knockdown time so that it hits, say, 3 targets with a larger range to hit easier to make the cool-down " skill 2" function work more fluently in the absence of the damage being lost to the weapon.


Another topic is the gear; currently in WvW has not really changed since the release of HoT. It's time for some PvP stats that help balance out WvW such as Minstrel gear without healing power and replaced with power. Gear stats for WvW and less focused on PVE raids. Trailblazer gear and Dire gear need some counters because of the combination of traits and toughness that they can still be able to do burst corruptions/condition bombs with no need to put stats into modifiers like expertise/ or precision because of the pulsing of the skills, and or spam from so many players.

Also one skill I think that was overlooked was Ghastly Breach, the amount of corruption it does is a bit much for one skill, I'd say reduce its time on the ground and pulses. Yes, I know it's an elite skill, but the soft CC, plus damage 3.0 modifier, plus torment, plus corruptions, plus corruptions to boons make it a bit more powerful than many of the other elites that hard CC and do no damage now or give out boons and then go on huge cooldowns. just pull it back to everything else.


**On Scourge**... please make it the support, barrier, condition clear, heal class that it should be. even with all the nerfs in the past, if played right, can still support with barrier and do massive DPS (not good to me). should have the trade-off of no DPS to support by giving barrier.


**On Revenant** make the Ventari table be like gyros on scrapper when you active the "6" Skill, it would stay above you where ever you go, using the 6 skill again moves the tablet with the use of energy to a location for a short duration then resets. utility and elite skills can be used when the tablet is above you or at a location.


**On Soulbeast**... give it a place in WvW zergs with Stance share... make the radius much larger of stances and let allies receive the full buffed trait to the duration of stances. I wanted this to be a thing when PoF dropped but never happened.


**On Chronomancer** give it a role with boon ripping and buffing allies in WvW with wells that rip boons and give a short duration of a boon at the location of the Chrono like 600 radius to 5 players. Make each well do different boon groups to match the skills flavor.


**On Firebrand** make the pages less with shorter cooldowns into the tomes, or initiative where you have to build something up before going into the tomes then have a short-timer while in the tomes then thief initiative while in the tome; making some skills use more initiative or "pages" while in the tome with no cooldowns but stronger skills remove you from the tome quicker by using more pages. You would have to build stacks to re-enter the tome. F1 could have something to do with burning an enemy, F2 could be healing and or cleansing, F3 could be blocking. It could show on buff bar stacking to say 25 and then each tome could open separately depending on your actions out of the tomes.


**Yes, I know scrapper is still a thing**, but it is unhealthy that it will be holding back the ranged condition meta alone because of the reduced cleanses on every other class. Yes, I know light fields are a thing but are unreliable to most groups because of random people not following or coordinating. How many times do I get might stacks when trying to blast stealth? Yes, I know resistance is still a thing but reduced boons in the patch and could be buffs to condition builds with corrupts or boon rips such as condition revenant may or may not change the tide. We will have to wait and see and I'm open to that.


Overall, I am happy with the direction and initiative that the competitive team is making and hope they fundamentally overhaul the meta of WvW.

This all above is just somethings I would like to see. I play all classes and builds and I hope we can have a role for every class and play style of that class in WvW zerging or as a havoc group. Good luck out there and remember to protect middle fort.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> > Ummm due to traits merging does more than just return some stats to put the ranger in line with other classes base values,it brings it above and also u gain 3 pet skills that are in some cases very powerfull ie smokescale and gazelle, tho gazelle may lose favor after patch. Pet swap being lost seems like a decent trade off at least until somthing better is thought up.


> Read until the end of my comment, I addressed the stat bloating already: I'd be okay with reducing the stat gain from merging.


> As for the most powerful merge skills, those could see a nerf too. As it is, the cc's (which seem to be a big complaint from most non-rangers) associated with pets and merging are getting nerfed quite hard in competitive modes, and I'm fine with that. A weaker worldly impact would make it harder to reach competitive levels of pve dps in a lot of circumstances, but I'd take significant nerfs to overall merged stats and merged skills if that's what it takes to keep 2 pets on soulbeast.


> Because open world content is so easy, I'm already using only one pet most of the time already - so I most likely won't miss the second pet there. What I'll miss is having a supportive type pet for emergencies while I'm soloing dungeons or fractals, or when whatever group I'm in doesn't have support up to par.




I do understand this. I think, that the petswap denial should only be in pvp modes tbh.

And I'm not saying this because I'm a ranger main. (I'm not)

But I think it's good for endgame pve content to still be able to have both pets.


But I guess that would be a mechanic split, which isn't wanted

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Not being able to swap my pets in combat as a soulbeast will severly effect my gameplay in a way I cannot completely foresee at the moment. And not in a good way.

I rarely merge with my pet as a soulbeast, first because my pet tanks for me and second because I like to see my pet. The animal companion is one of the reasons I choose to play rangers in games. I want to see it. So I only merge when the fighting situation requires it.


When I fight I often swap pets for several reasons

1) to prevent them from dying. A dead pet is useless to me. And it cannot tank for me. Also because when I get down I rely on my pet to be able to revive me.

2) When CC is needed I keep one pet with CC damage at hand and swap to it when the skill is not at cooldown.


With this change when my pet is defeated I cannot swap it to the other pet. I loose the attacks and my little tank. And it will not be able to revive me.


My ranger is my main. I am a bit frightened at the moment how this change will affect my gameplay in GW2 as a whole. Also swapping pets is a ranger's core mechanic. To remove that ability from one specialisation is simply ... weird. Especially considered that effectively my ranger has only one specialisation available, the soulbeast, since the druid is apparently a healing only spec and that's not my thing in open world PVE.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > @"Tulki.1458" said:

> > > - There is a lack of attention given to engineer support capabilities. Every single profession has some sort of valuable support build(s) available, even thief with venomous aura. Engineer has two support lines (alchemy and inventions) and neither gives options for group boon support. At a maximum, engineers can spec for healing but this requires using the healing kit, which replaces all of your weapon skills and gives very few boons or ways to deal damage because you lose your weapons and also cannot equip other kits.

> >

> > What are you talking about? A Harrier Support Scrapper can maintain perma 25 stacks of might, fury, regen, and high uptime on protection. All while providing great condi cleanse and healing.


> I think he meant Core Engi.


But Core Engi can do the exact same thing. The traits that allow this come from Inventions and Alchemy, the very trait lines that he claims do nothing for boon support. The only reason to take Scrapper is if you plan on using the bulwark gyro, stealth gyro, function gyro, or need a lot of AoE super speed.

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> @"aikatara.3462" said:

> When I fight I often swap pets for several reasons

> 1) to prevent them from dying. A dead pet is useless to me. And it cannot tank for me. Also because when I get down I rely on my pet to be able to revive me.

> 2) When CC is needed I keep one pet with CC damage at hand and swap to it when the skill is not at cooldown.


> With this change when my pet is defeated I cannot swap it to the other pet. I loose the attacks and my little tank. And it will not be able to revive me.

Hello, as Ranger being my most played proffesion I had the same sentiment, but: When you are downed with your pet out of combat, you can still summon it with Lick the wounds(though pet can be easily blocked by CC). Also, you get your pet back after merging.

True that it wont make up for a second pet, but I believe what would help at this point would be a feedback to really help balance that loss. My hope is there will be more updates to PVE after these so we get that chance.



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I'm a bit concerned about


> # Revenant:


> * Empty Vessel: This trait has been retired and been replaced by Contained Temper.


(in combinatin with


> * Riposting Shadows: Increased energy cost from 30 to 40. Reduced endurance gain from 25 to 15


for WvW and PvP )


Revenant already has to manage his energy + his cooldowns (which partly are pretty low, yes).

With the deleting of Empty Vessel (which gave a stunbreak on legendswap(if we used Invocation traitline)) all our stunbreaks cost a not unsubstancial amount of energy.

Not to mention that Ventari has no stunbreak at all now.


We have

Pain Absorption (Mallyx) costs 30 energy

Riposting Shadows (Shiro) costs 30(Pve)/40(PvP/WvW) energy

Rite of the Great Dwarf (Jalis) costs 40 energy

Darkrazor's Daring (Kalla) costs 30 energy

Gaze of Darkness (Glint) costs .... not really any energy, an total outlier here.


+ Versed in Stone trait which casts a stunbreak if we are hit below 50% HP on a 45(PvE)/60(WvW)/90(PvP) second cooldown.


While other classes just can spare they're slotted stunbreak (if they slot one of course) revenant now has to hold back energy which he needs as well for all his other skills, just for the case he might need his stunbreak, (or not hold any energy back, which might lead to the situation that he can't use his stunbreaks because he has no energy left).

In addition all of the stunbreaks cost 30% to 40% of the max energy, and even 60% to 80% of the energy we have at the beginning of a battle or right after a legend swap (40% to 53% if charged mist is traited **and** we swap below 10 energy)


I understand that they have a rather high energy use so we can't spam them due to their non existing to low cooldowns but_ i personally_ would rather like them to have some/longer cooldown and lower energy use so we actually might be able to use them when needed without havin to keep energy in reserve just for the case, now that we can't break stun with legend swapping (which as well could force us into a legend that isn't helpful in that moment just for the sake of using the stunbreak).


Maybe my concern is baseless, but that are just my two cent.

What do the more skilled revenant players think about this?


Edit: and while at it

Could we add an additional effect to alacrity for revenant and thief in form of 25% higher energy/init regeneration while under the effect of the boon, so they can utilize it to the same extend other professions can?

Edit2: and for fairness sake, should the above get implemented, lower the energy/init regeneration while chilled

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I dont like empty vessel removal, rev is a soldier profession. Good survivability is a characteristic that all soldier professions should have the option to have, not saying it should be inherent to every build, but for new players coming in and trying to learn the meta itd be weird looking at rev and finding limited sustain options . Warriors have their endure pain and their signet and their other stances and shouts, guardians have their stability and bulky traits, revs need their stun breaks and mist shenanigans.

I have a good bit of time on revenant on all the game modes. I think It would probably be okay without the higher cd on glint stun break or without the heavy nerf on shiro dodge. It might also be okay if there where more stun breaks on jalis and _a_ stunbreak on ventauri. Theyre also adding a lot of traits that proc on stun break, and those arnt going to be as useful without more frequent stun breaks.


At first glance it may seem like rev has enough stun break access provided that you dont have ventauri equipped, as you can always swap legends and stun break immediately, that is assuming your legend swap is off cooldown, because of course everyone knows exactly when theyll start getting cced. but you have to think about where that puts you in the longterm short term. Yes, if my gaze is on cd and I needed to be on my feet 3 seconds ago I can swap into shiro, jallis, or mallyx and fix the problem, but you have to think about where this leaves your energy. If you are using any weapon but staff, you have no more defensive options except maybe sword 3, and if you are using staff, after a second you can use staff 5. You dont have a shield equipped because that block just lets the enemy setup and you arnt trying to be a bunker because that build isnt valid anymore since you dont have a stun break on ventauri. After you put your legend swap on cd and used your staff 3 or 5, or your sword or hammer 3, you have no more energy. There arnt any other utils you can use except for your heals. With other classes after you use your stun break util you can freely continue to react to whatevers going on but with revs stun breaks being as expensive as its offensive skills it forces you to play defensive from there on.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"Zalani.9827" said:

> > I feel that forcing the Soulbeast to only have 1 pet in combat is unhealthy for the profession. It is going to lead to a constant perma merge playstyle where having that “drawback” won’t even matter since the player has no iniative to unmerge anyways.

> >

> > Not to mention that one of the more drawing features of playing a ranger is being able to plan your two pets and be versatile. I love when I get the reason to unmerge and quickly swap pet to counter an issue or adapt to a situation, being versatile is part of the spec and profession as a whole. Taking that away from Soulbeast is a shame.

> >


> Soulbeast is all about merging with the pet, i dont see any issue here.

> Want to have to pets that assist you? Play druid


I think you mean pets that die instantly to AoE

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > Please increase the speed of Guardian hammer so it matches Warrior's. It's been slow for too long


> plz also increase speed ov rev hammer so it matches Warriors and Guardians. its been slow for too long.


Nothing need to be done on both of them.

1- Speed up guardian hammer would means reduce his damage or mess up his symbol, if they do it nearly all players will whine (remember never fix something that is not broken), if you want to have a faster hammer just build up a quickness firebrand.

2- Compared to many others ranged weapons Revenant hammer damage/speed is high, also you cannot compare melee weapons with ranged ones (by the way, guardian hammer AA is very slow).

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> @"JETWING.2759" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > # Engineer:

> > * Overheat: Instead of disabling all toolbelt skills until all heat is lost, this skill now adds 15 seconds to the recharge of toolbelt skills other than Photon Forge. Photon Forge remains disabled until all heat is lost.

> A 3rd penality... It's already loses half of HP (1st penality) and become unable to reenter on Photon Forge until the cooling time finishes (2nd penality). Holosmith stills overpenalized.

> What happens if the player on purpose overheats to get access to 6 extra stacks of Solar Focusing Lens?

> Serious that the player will still unable to Drop Elixir S (for stealth) nor Drop Elxir B (for Stability) nor use Rumble (for Stability, break stun) nor Bandage Self (Medic Kit Heal) nor any other sustain skill?

> Some skills and traits stills uncompatible. This near breaks the Holosmith Elite.

> > * Photonic Blasting Module: When this trait is equipped, the additional recharge penalty from Overheat is reduced from 15 seconds to 5 seconds.

> What the point of equip a trait that forces the player to have his profession mechanics locked and loss access to damage and self sustain?

> Stills uncompatible! Conflicting! Nigh broken!

> > * Crystal Configuration: Eclipse: This trait no longer causes Corona Burst to grant stability. Increased base barrier granted from 374 to 991 in PvE and 748 in competitive modes.

> This closes the coffin door and buries the Holosmith!

> What the point of play a melee type that can't face CC?

> What the point of Crystal Configuration: Zephyr or Crystal Configuration: Storm?

> What the point of Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit?

> Still without tier 3 (100+ heat) exceed skills.

> Sword still not fine (or worse with nerf).

> Self burn on f1...


> But the 450 distance requeriment make it unusable with Bomb Kit, Flamethrower, Tool Kit, Photon Forge and Scrapper... May be healthy remove this distance requeriment.


> Please, look the Engineer sub forum. There are severals suggestions to make Engineer Profession fun to play and capable of bring more players.

> Do not abandon the Engineer!


You're right, I can't understand why Anet stills making engineer useless in all game modes, but classes like guardian are meta(or almost meta) since HoT release.

It's so stupid, this game literally makes you always play guardian if you wanna be in a serious PvE group. I really wanna play engineer again.


Range requeriment is really a senseless buff, the damn class is a melee class; and what's the point in having an overheat trait if it stills blocking you 5 secs? so, for cc phases, u have to save heat making a big dps loss; classes like DH only has to save elite trap, and the dps loss stills a joke... and they have signets & greatsword 5 for emergencies (they also have mobility with greatsword and F2, they have strong blocks pressing f3, condicleanse, the healing skill is broken too, they have range with scepter, autobuff, aoe, a stupid high burst) It is so hard to remove the damn cooldown? "We want high risk with high rewards for holo" Oh, seriously?, 'cause your class doesn't have high reward, and why people should want to play with high risks if they can play guardian, No risk, extreme rewards.


Now, Condition engineer... another dead class that doesn't have attention... and it's the same story, why people would want to play a class with a piano rotation? without big burst, without autobuff, sustain, mobility, utilities if you can play firebrand? FB's rotation is a joke, he also has high burst, big sustain, big autobuff, useful utilites... swap runes, "feel my wrath" and some rings and now he is a dps-support with almost the same dps and a even more easier rotation.


Support Scrapper... It goes without saying why it is useless, and why it is a joke if you compare it with a firebrand or a druid. "In WvW is meta", yeah, I enjoy the 1-1-1-1-1 medit kit spam, great gameplay.


I repeat it again, GW2 = Guardian Wars 2.




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