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Balance Patch Preview - WvW

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"Turkish Special Forces.7193" said:

> GJ ARENA NET ! you literally ruin the game no more fun in wvw servers are laggy everyone playing condi no talent begging for some1 to die their condi the game is just over for me I just bought pof 1 month ago if I knew what was gonna happen I would never buy the game...



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Change from CC, power damage and healing is nice.


But remain issues that need to be fixed:

- Condi become too powerful (literally everyone is playing it)

- Healing still a little too strong.


If condi would be nerfed (it should) also healing need to be nerf however meta would go to monoball without interest.


As an ex-raid leader and regular player, all i want is to bring back teamplay through combo field and fight without only one pushing and making circles.

Combo field has a great potential to make teamplay and counterplay.





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Didn't fix shit. Still have to hard counter deadeye with half your build or you're burst in 3 seconds. The blob heals are still too strong by far. The only thing that has shifted is power to condi and I fail to see how that's an improvement at all. Took maybe 2 days for people to figure out how broken shit was and now it's probably worse than ever with the extra impact given to aoe condi damage. Can't stress this enough the ONLY thing done was to trash power damaged and they're gonna call that an increase TTK?!

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> Portal, Permastealth and Reveal-cleanse.


> All of that together shouldnt be existing in wvw


Well at least they need reworkish cause client server relation isn’t that smooth wich is the real culprit why stealth borks...


Portals... should be a only mechanics for Mesmer, but thief could port other thief’s only.


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> @"Photonman.6241" said:

> Didn't fix kitten. Still have to hard counter deadeye with half your build or you're burst in 3 seconds. The blob heals are still too strong by far. The only thing that has shifted is power to condi and I fail to see how that's an improvement at all. Took maybe 2 days for people to figure out how broken kitten was and now it's probably worse than ever with the extra impact given to aoe condi damage. Can't stress this enough the ONLY thing done was to trash power damaged and they're gonna call that an increase TTK?!


I suffered 11k phase smash :) on bunkers stats with prot, and 5k burn ticks for burnguard.


Some classes are still hiting hard wich is somewhat fine since CD are heavier as well, condi m8 happen cause a lot of players are still waiting for fb and scrappers do all the defensive work for them while fb are used to bad gameplay mostly by just open books to counter scourge and stacks boons.


Gameplay is way more than now more builds and skills are more effective due power creep got reduced, people need to get more organized and learn to play better with each other and start testing more counters to condi.


Wonder wich class you feel that is making blob heals also that strong??

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > Portal, Permastealth and Reveal-cleanse.

> >

> > All of that together shouldnt be existing in wvw


> Well at least they need reworkish cause client server relation isn’t that smooth wich is the real culprit why stealth borks...


> Portals... should be a only mechanics for Mesmer, but thief could port other thief’s only.



ye maybe like A portal can take 1thief with it ,then disappears


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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > Portal, Permastealth and Reveal-cleanse.

> > >

> > > All of that together shouldnt be existing in wvw

> >

> > Well at least they need reworkish cause client server relation isn’t that smooth wich is the real culprit why stealth borks...

> >

> > Portals... should be a only mechanics for Mesmer, but thief could port other thief’s only.

> >


> ye maybe like A portal can take 1thief with it ,then disappears



2 thief’s would be fun for the gank surprise.



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I dunno, i'm having quite a bit of fun. Most of the ranger skills and metabuild nerfs didn't really effect me to badly. In fact, i'm lasting a lot longer against some classes that usually spin circles around me. I'M HAVING A BLAST, knocking those old metabuild players all over the place. Seems their permaboon builds got shoved out the window, which i'm quite happy with. I'm little bit angsty on the pet swap, because we did have some boons for pet swap, and now that's complete trash and gone with, since we can no longer swap pets while in combat. Overall, i'm enjoying the nerfs. I never seen so many people cry to such a degree as this. My experience has been mostly POSITIVE. Mostly because i'm ranger, i'm used to any and all nerfs to my class, and...the nerfs didn't really effect me that badly because I never ran a Ranger meta-build. :p

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I would love to have a meta which is more rewardful for people looking at team play and synchronization. (like before)


Less spamming aoe and condi.


More focus on bombing/impact to down people

Main source of heal => Waterfield blast and repack.


I know it wont before exactly as before because of content added from Hot, Pof and LS but having the same kind of philosophy would be nice


I have many talks with old friend from this game and they would like to have this kind of gameplay to get back in WvW.


More like that.


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Of 20+ necros I fought in spvp yesterday, only 1 used a dodge roll (a single dodge, whoo!), they have 20+k health, and instead of dodging, they afk face tank my burst, then passively go to shroud where they continue face tanking any burst still in the process of casting, because zerk DH doesn't have anywhere near enough dps to touch the 40+k Olympic sized health pool, but then I'm stuck dodging because unlike them I have 11k health, and their condi/lich form shit actually has enough dps to burst me, not to mention zerk guard standing in symbol has less cleave than 1 person rezing an enemy.

Big game hunter has a 5 minute cooldown, regardless that spear of justice fails 8 of 10 times due to block/blind/evade/taunt/invuln/immune/line of sight/teleport/random miss/random obstructed(map bug)/loss of target(player randomly stealth's as you cast), and to use big game hunter you can't use the ability to pull making the only useful offensive trap DH has useless to get +15% damage for 4-5 seconds(maybe you could buff auto attacks 15% while standing in symbol, and cleaving downs, because otherwise Idk wtf damage you'd be buffing).

The numbers from this patch feel very random, most don't seem to have any reason other than just to be random, and the game plays/feels like shit because of it.

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> @"DartsFab.5367" said:

> > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > Want to know how incompetent this company is? They posted patch notes saying Dolyak Stance will be from 40-60 seconds. It's still 30 seconds in WvW.


> They said on stream that forgot to include this changes to the patch notes:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97626/balance-update-update-wvw/p1


oh ok. Yea i missed that.

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Soo.. Condi Burst huh.. I though this patch was about decreasing the burst potentials in the game, unfortunatly after patch it's even more bursty with no way of avoiding it, you can't get toughness to counter condiburst, you can't pop the damage invunrabilities like you can against toughness, you can't block further damage away.


what you can do is condi cleanse, but most condi cleanses still short cast time and while doing it usually doesn't allow you to block further incomming damage.


Condi burst just doesn't make sense, make conditions "CONDITIONS" as in damge over time if ignores, currently it's condition bursts all over.. and there are very little counters to it, there are counters to conditions but not condition bursts.


it was less bursty before the patch then after, and I'm currently running 9 condition removals, each removing 2-4 conditions and I still feel like glass.


also conditon builds serriously need another stat they have to focus on if they wanna do more damage, just like power usually have Power, Ferocity, Precision, to balance with Toughness, Vitality, Healing, too many condition builds can do insane bursts with Condition, Toughn,ess Vitality and healing, perhaps a little bit of expertise.


to do insane damage with conditions you should have to delve into high ammounts of expertise AND some other stat, perhaps a stat to make Conditions tick faster or something, so if you really want to go condition "BURST" you have to have Condition, Expertise, And ???, making you a glass cannon in return.



I'll be taking a break from WvW, maybe gw2 in general untill specially certain if not all conditions builds been touched, not fun at all currently.

Power was pretty burst before and the rebalance was good there, just that it left conditions alone, and they already weren't far behind, (like power was a 10, and conditions a 9, and now power got pushed to a 6-7, while conditons in some builds even got buffed and are now touching 10 or worse)


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Myabe they forgot in WvW we use pve armor and runes not SPVP and it's not a5v5 ring match. I doubt they gave it thought. In the past they made beta test servers and we had a "go with it" for any major wvw changes. I guess those guys who planned that via HOT don't work here anymore. I guess the skill balance team guys were mostly laid off and they are now taking in testers request. So this was done with no research outside of the 5v5 facotr in spvp. Nice gg. There was reason that wvw was split from spvp. And that very small changes were made. tiny percentage changes in skill damages rather than massive coefficient nerfs. If you nerf raw skill damage percentage the community would complain right way, but you guys are sneaky. Also most of the core players quit already and you picking on players that were not here from the start sigh gg.



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this patch wouldve made sense for the 2v2 arenas but in WvW it does not make sense. Plus they didnt even nerf Necro Lich form. thing still hits for 6-10k per hit. and underwater weapons still hit hard as truck. Underwater i know dont get a lot of play time but if you gonna nerf everything you have to be consistent with the nerfs. just so much inconsistencies , so incompetent.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> this patch wouldve made sense for the 2v2 arenas but in WvW it does not make sense. Plus they didnt even nerf Necro Lich form. thing still hits for 6-10k per hit. and underwater weapons still hit hard as truck. Underwater i know dont get a lot of play time but if you gonna nerf everything you have to be consistent with the nerfs. just so much inconsistencies , so incompetent.


It doesn't seem well thought out for sure, necro is a tank, passively uses shroud for 4x the health some classes have, and goes to lich for a harder burst than most zerks.

Skill for skill DragonHunter and ranger have similar longbows(skill 3 and 4 are reversed), both have movement impairment"CC" on skill 5 but since cripple is technically a condi(soft cc) it's ignored as a CC so ranger kept damage with cripple on every damage tick, but dragon hunter skill 5 requires people to be in the effect for a few seconds+be in the effect when the skill ends to apply the immobilize CC, since it has more typical CC the skill lost it's damage.

I was ranger before PoF, and that drove me to dragon hunter, ranger may've lost a pet this patch, but an elite spec about traps/longbows lost longbow, and all but 1 trap.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > I'm killing off all my toons tonight so I wont be able to come back, because I couldn't afford to get everything back and, I'd have no fun as a level nothing. I don't need this kitten from a game that doesn't give 2 kittens that I have loyally supported it for years.


> I respect your decision. Please send me your stuff before you delete everything. So its not wasted. Thanks.




> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > I'm killing off all my toons tonight so I wont be able to come back, because I couldn't afford to get everything back and, I'd have no fun as a level nothing. I don't need this kitten from a game that doesn't give 2 kittens that I have loyally supported it for years.


> I respect your decision. Please send me your stuff before you delete everything. So its not wasted. Thanks.




No, because GM Sparkle Heart helped me, and I would like to use this post to give a shout-out to them. An unexpected kindness is always the best. Thank you so very much !

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Lags is insanely high. In many years i've never see so much server lag.

Condi need to be nerf, cleanse and healing too.


First because it's completly OP since power has been balanced.

Condi spamming by many people lag and lags dont allow us to counter (cleanses) because of lags.


Condi should be pressure not burst as its played now.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> ### Future Balance Cadence

> This patch is unusual in that it’s more about establishing a new paradigm than it is a regular balance update, and the result is a giant set of changes. Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner.



It's now 7 weeks since the balance patch.

Generally, I think it has brought a better gameplay, but where are the tweaks?

There are clearly some problems to fix... how's that coming along?


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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> > ### Future Balance Cadence

> > This patch is unusual in that it’s more about establishing a new paradigm than it is a regular balance update, and the result is a giant set of changes. Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner.

> >


> It's now 7 weeks since the balance patch.

> Generally, I think it has brought a better gameplay, but where are the tweaks?

> There are clearly some problems to fix... how's that coming along?



We are at that point and ppl did see it coming but due to every thing that is going on is there room for a pass on this update?


I think anet needs to at least come out and talk about condi problems and boon conversion problems that we have in the game now (condis on some classes are very much over-preforming where other classes condis are under-preforming as well as conversion are getting boon effect that are class defining there by destroying the class that can only use a very set type of boons). There also needs to be a talk about support stab being much stronger then self stab due to the nerf that made all self stab 1 min cd and the nerf to support stab never happens. There real problems with the 300 sec cd on all effect of passive triggers with out looking at the effects them self. There is a MASSIVE problem with hard cc skill getting a gen nerf with out looking at the entire kits of the class.


These things do not need to be updated over night but anet needs to at least talk about them in a real way.

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