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Balance Patch Preview - WvW

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > This is a joke right? These patch notes cannot be serious...

> > Everyone will run full trailblazer/dire now because power wont do any dmg whatsoever.

> >

> > If this patch goes live its actually be the final blow that will kill the game mode...

> The opposite will happen. You underestimate the hybrid damage your so called condi builds are doing.


> Cleanses were not touched. Heals are nerfed. Some condi skills and traits are nerfed (e.g. dhuumfire burn duration lowered from 3 to 1 second).


> Did you see the mirage cloak nerf in the notes?

> When was the last time a trailblazer scourge was a threat to you? This build is a joke right now!



Read the patch notes again. Condi cleanse is also planned on being nerfed.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> hammer rev, thief, and scourge are done.

> reaper is heavily nerfed.

> ranger and mes nothing important changed.

> tempest loses 10 targets, otherwise just number adjustments for ele.

> warrior is now split: berserker for damage, spb for CC/boonrip/support.

> both dps and heal scrapper stay the same.

> support fb gutted, dps fb and dh are... buffed?

Thief will be too strong (unkillable) until they nerf shadow arts. The reason is that all the nerfs to the heals and initiative costs are irrelevant when you can hide in stealth forever.


Reaper will slightly benefit from the patch because corruptions won't be as critical in your build as they are now. Decent builds will work more like a warrior without regeneration but shroud.


Mirage will lose 50% of its endurance and soulbeast will lose petswap ("nothing important changed" =) ).


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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > This is a joke right? These patch notes cannot be serious...

> > > Everyone will run full trailblazer/dire now because power wont do any dmg whatsoever.

> > >

> > > If this patch goes live its actually be the final blow that will kill the game mode...

> > The opposite will happen. You underestimate the hybrid damage your so called condi builds are doing.

> >

> > Cleanses were not touched. Heals are nerfed. Some condi skills and traits are nerfed (e.g. dhuumfire burn duration lowered from 3 to 1 second).

> >

> > Did you see the mirage cloak nerf in the notes?

> > When was the last time a trailblazer scourge was a threat to you? This build is a joke right now!

> >


> Read the patch notes again. Condi cleanse is also planned on being nerfed.

You should read them again. Not the important cleanses are changed. Just pick sigil of cleansing in wvw and don't care about conditions.


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What about all the stat bloat from keep buffs and such in wvw? Those things need to be removed too if you want to tonne down the game. while i'm happy with all the passive defensive becoming useless now, i think becoming useless make them quite pointless for 300 sec cooldown, they might as well do something else, not like they are used in PvE anyway. Something like 25% less damage for endure pain, and so on

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Different damage potential between game modes is fine and actually makes sense. Im sure it will require a ton of tweaking, but I can clearly see the need.


Significantly different cooldowns, however, is a very bad idea. It makes it harder and more awkward for those players that like to play the same builds between modes to condition muscle memory. The builds should feel basically the same - even if they do drastically different amounts of damage.

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Condi wins again. Those of us who enjoyed playing bursty builds can kiss goodbye I guess.


Seriously. NO ONE likes these changes. Why would you start from a clean slate when only very few changes are needed? You think that starting anew will land you closer to the utopia that is perfect balance and class representation?


You are deluded, and you are killing your game. DO NOT GO THROUGH with these changes.

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> Anyway, when thinking about reducing the impact of damage in this game, increasing base HP and toughness across all 9 classes seems way simpler than changing hundreds of skills...just my 2 cents.


> Basically, these intended changes are throwing away more than 7 years of constant balancing by changing almost everything at the same time...


> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> Here is my proposal:

> 1. Forget all these proposed changes;

> 2. Increase base HP and Toughness of all 9 classes, by a % adjusted to the class characteristics;

> 3. Work from there and tweak base HP and Toughness of each class as necessary.


> P.S. - Do not throw away more than 7 years of classes balancing.



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If you modify healing/damage slightly to fix balance issues, or you change the number of allies/enemies affected by AOE, that is OK. If it's too extreme, you will make balance issues worse, but the players will figure it out. If I suddenly find a skill useless, I'll stop using it, and switch to something else, or switch classes until everyone is playing the same thing.


My problem with this split is skill timing. I am a good player who learns the timing of my skills. I don't have to look to know when a skill is ready, or when I can click the next button for the next skill. Whenever there is a patch that changes timing on skills, I find myself horribly messed up for awhile. I also play several character classes, and find it frustrating to have to re-learn all of them, whenever there are major timing changes for multiple class skills that I normally use. It is what it is, and eventually I get back to my old self.


So now let's throw a wrench in to things and split timing on game modes! Holy...xxxx...Batman!


I prefer WvW, but historically I have enjoyed playing through the stories as new content comes out, participate in holiday events, sometimes help kill a big boss, and maybe on rare occassion do some dungeon with someone who begs. With timing splits, don't expect me to do anything outside of WvW, anymore. As it is, I was so bored with the recent holiday and the current new content, that I've been playing another game.


Why do you care? Well, it's the PvE mode of the game that encouraged me to get out my cr card and buy skins, all these years. I don't buy skins to look pretty when I fight, I buy skins to look pretty when I hang out with my guildies in PvE. If I don't do PvE (and I won't if I have to relearn 18 different ways to play all of my characters every time you do a balance patch), then I'll save my cr card for elsewhere.

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> @"Ranissa.7380" said:

> All these months I had stuck it out. Waiting and hoping things would get better, or at least not worse. I stuck with it because I really enjoy raiding. But now you have maid raids just about impossible for any class I enjoy. Yep - done with this game. As a point of interest, my whole raid group has been drifting away and basically plans to quit now. You just LOVE making the PvE content impossible.


Read the title... these changes are for PvP/WvW only.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> **To all of you just looking at your one class:**


> They are treating most of the existing balance roughly the same over all classes. Going forward that is obviously not the way to balance out classes but like CMC is stating in the announcement - this is not a balance pass it is to set a new base point - balance passes will come later. Almost every single one of these changes slashes things down towards 0.5 of previous values. The healing stuff seems to gravitate closer to 0.5 slashes with more diversity among the damage stuff. Assuming the healing-damage balance values were scuffed and only obscured by the damage-tank values: that doesn't have to be a bad thing.


> Obviously they will need to iterate on the changes and look for class balances going forward while keeping somewhat of an urgency of that considering for how short of a time we have been in the recent better balance. However, nothing in this thread stands out from what has been communicated: This is a broad sweeping slash. Balance is for later and balance issues will appear. Hopefully the sweep is broad enough to at least let the imbalances that appear feel like "fresh" problems for a while. When this patch drops however, do not expect the typical class-class (or my class!) balance that people tend to stare themselves blind on to be better than it is now. Expect it to be worse for a while. Expect broader systemic things to work better.


> Most of this stuff is as expected and will bring about a much needed return to base tank values again. If there is any disappointment with the information at this point in time, it would be the kind of stuff that Lhiash brings up above. I really thought they would be looking into some of the more glaring design (as opposed to balance) problems with a select few specialisations. Some of them have issues with whatever role they are designed for and now would have been a good time to adress that before making balance passes. The Deadeye is a poor design. The Druid has design issues with its role etc. Those are not balance issues or base figure issues. They are design issues and would be good to get out of the way quickly.


I agree: this is basically aNet pressing down a big reset button and whatever result we'll get, it'll be following by a serie of adjustment patches.

I don't have any issues with that at all, provided of course that the adjustement pashe will be done with delicacy than the usual hammer swing that we got many times.


However, this reset only impact damage, healing and durations/CDs and does not adress some of the fondamental flaws of the design of some of the game mechanics or some of the classes/elites.:You mentionned Deadeye... This is obviously one the best example of a broken class that has access to a broken mechanic (stealth).

I don't mind that a glass cannon class is able to kill you fast by a combination of stunlocks and burst skills. What I object to is that he should not be able to (near) perma stealth at will and have high mobility all at the same time (all that while being able to burst you from 1500 range). Same goes for classes that are able to dish out massive damage while (near) perma evading all attacks on him.


This patch addresses the issue with the current Power Creep meta. Good!

But if aNet's goal is really to bring balance, then these broken mechanics needs to be reworked in great depth.

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Overall the power adjustment looks great, and I'm very excited to see this in action. I do have one concern, and that is with cleanses. While I think it's fantastic that you're looking to reduce the burst potential of conditions and extend their durations instead, I strongly suggest toning down cleanse abilities such as Manta of Lore and Fumigate, which are not listed on these notes. Having the right balance of conditions/cleanses makes for some interesting gameplay decisions, for example:


I have confusion stacks on me, and my opponent has all of their defenses on cooldown. They also have another strong condition they can hit me with such as chill or slow. I have a few options. I can choose to cleanse the confusion and attack them while their defenses are down, and hope to evade the chill/slow when they inevitably use it on me. Or I can attack through the confusion, sacrificing a chunk of my health but keeping my cleanse for when they apply their other condi(s), so I can cleanse them all at once.


Being able to constantly cleanse everything makes for easy-mode, uninteresting gameplay. Take my example and play it through now. Oh, I have confusion on me? I'll just cleanse that real quick. Enemy applies slow/chill? I'll go ahead and cleanse that too!


I do understand the fear of conditions becoming out of control again, so I understand why you would be cautious with the nerfs to cleanses. I had just hoped to at least see these skills on the list.

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Worst patch notes I saw in a long long time. Sack this balance team. I thought the old one was bad but yea, they look like gods now after reading this. You will loose the majority of the few players left in wvw and pvp.


If your goal is to delete guild wars you deserve a gold star.

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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > **To all of you just looking at your one class:**


> Getting nerfed to the ground for a game mode most don't play? I think some salt is understandable.


> But yeah, things will re-balance quickly and in a few months a new profession will be the subject of a dozen "Too OP. Plz nerf" posts a day.



You do realize this is for WvW and PvP?



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