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"Obsidian Flesh: This skill now locks the player's skill bar while invulnerable."


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> a channel? what the actual kitten.


I think the goal was that using Obsidian Flesh will no longer take away your utility skills, which had some unwelcomed side effects. Like killing all your minor elementals since Obsidian Flesh "removed" the skill from your skill bar.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> a channel? what the actual kitten.


I think the goal was that using Obsidian Flesh will no longer take away your utility skills, which had some unwelcomed side effects. Like killing all your minor elementals since Obsidian Flesh "removed" the skill from your skill bar.


Also serves as a small improvement, since you will now be able to use skills that are instant.



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Locking skill bar while on obsidian flesh was annoying change BUT it was still usable while reviving other players in peace which was primary usage for me before any changes anyway.

"Obsidian Flesh: This skill is now a channeled skill that makes the elementalist invulnerable while it's channeled."

THIS change makes this skill complete garbage. We can't revive people, can't capture points, it only lasts 3 seconds, cooldown is huge 50 seconds (10 seconds longer than elite skill Glyph of Elementals) Is there any moment in the game where I would need such a skill?

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lol i guess now elementalists are not allowed to rez or stomp unless you take a utility skill solely for that purpose, and one of these skills doesnt even let you perform the rez/stomp unless it's done before the skill is used. Meanwhile everyone else gets to either vomit a bunch of high pressure, pulsing aoe fields on a body before attempting a rez/stomp or have their rez/stomp utility skill already included in their normal builds because these skills give way more useful effects such as stealth and teleport instead of a simple stab/invul. What a sad class

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> @"flarezi.9381" said:

>Is there any moment in the game where I would need such a skill?


For running away? But Focus offers no mobility whatsoever so you're just delaying the inevitable... Only plus side is being able to switch into offensive mode quicker if you see a window of opportunity after whatever big attack you just negated. I'd say the use is more skillful now. I think the whole idea is to remove safe stomps/rez from weapon bars and slot a utility for that purpose.



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At this point, just make the skill similar to shield of wrath (block a certain number of skills)


Either increase the number of blocks to 5 or decrease the Cooldown to 35.


OF is a weapon skill and it's worst than block skills, utility blocks such as Arcane shield, and even mist form. This comparison is based off the added benefits other skills give, it's lower Cooldown, or most times both

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It's actually a genius buff for fresh air. You can use all your instant-cast skills while channeling.


Sadly this means no more invuln stomps... so idk anymore.


Also it's hilariously broken because you can stow weapon and restart the cooldown XD expect a hotfix in 3 weeks.


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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> It's actually a genius buff for fresh air. You can use all your instant-cast skills while channeling.


> Sadly this means no more invuln stomps... so idk anymore.


> Also it's hilariously broken because you can stow weapon and restart the cooldown XD expect a hotfix in 3 weeks.




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> @"flarezi.9381" said:

> Locking skill bar while on obsidian flesh was annoying change BUT it was still usable while reviving other players in peace which was primary usage for me before any changes anyway.

> "Obsidian Flesh: This skill is now a channeled skill that makes the elementalist invulnerable while it's channeled."

> THIS change makes this skill complete garbage. We can't revive people, can't capture points, it only lasts 3 seconds, cooldown is huge 50 seconds (10 seconds longer than elite skill Glyph of Elementals) Is there any moment in the game where I would need such a skill?


u could capture points with it? broken stuff man

its like herald shield 5 ,only better cuz u can move

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-> Some peole enyoing the trolling with "Weapon Stow it". But when this shit is fixed it is "useless".


Insta One cast vs. Channeld:

any cc and u can't use it anymore = dead ... no oh shit button anymore. even the lock skillbar was much better

Can't savestomb anybody. Can't rezz anybody.

Can't use any jump mechanics (skyhammer)


i get the feeling that it is now the "same" skill as renewed fokus. Instead of making it like Mistform....

but yes its a weapon skill. should not be as strong as a utility. but there are many out there.


we could get this sick Ranger GS 4 skill? 3s block + 2 times "Evade and 3 target knockback"? would love it (Bug is in game since ranger GS rework...) With 15s cooldwon. lel

Or just the Guard fokus 5. Without damage but more blocks (I know someone made this suggestion already)

Or Ingi shield 5? Shockaura + block is sick.



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Maybe dropping its cd will fit but keep in mind ele has a number of effects it can use now during obsidian flesh that if you drop it too low some builds will simply be unkillable.


I think this is a good update as ele already has a mist form that filled the roll OF was also filling after the update. There no reason to simply have 2 version of a skill for a class.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Also it's hilariously broken because you can stow weapon and restart the cooldown XD expect a hotfix in 3 weeks.



Looks like you're too optimistic about expecting Anet to keep bugs that gives eles advantages for long xD. Disadvantages on the other hand, 3 months timeline no problem

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> @"Malcastus.6240" said:

> If someone uses chill on you while channeling, is the invulnerability effect prolonged?

> I haven't tested it enough yet, but looks fine, except cd. Will only work with instant skills it seems.


Chill affects only cd, not cast time, maybe you meant slow? Unfortunately, invulnerability ignores conditions, so my guess is it wouldn't affect it the slightest.

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