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Cool Yer Jets


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When discussing large balance patches like the one that's coming up, people hyperfixate on their class or classes of choice, and how powerful or weak they will become. The problem is that every class is seeing massive changes, and I'm not sure that any one person can have a complete grasp of every individual change.


Before we start griping about our nerfs, remember that everyone is getting nerfed. We need to play this balance patch and see how it all shakes out before we can start drawing conclusions. I could be wrong on my predictions for engineer. You could be wrong on your predictions for your class. But we need to see the changes first to know.


The hope is that they actually do follow up on their stated intention of balancing on a much faster cadence. Large balance patches like this need to be followed up with several small balance patches, to reduce the wild changes in metas that we've suffered over the last few years. If they can have a faster turnaround for balance, we'll all be better off.

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im fairly sure everyone is cool, new players to pvp dont give crap and will just quit.

good players will switch class and not give a crap

and middle of the barrel cant read and cry wolf like that guy about guard post lol.

and me personally, I think mirage will be garbo, if mesmer is garbo ill play necro, if necro is garbo I will play Rainbow 6 siege.


i have nothing to lose so im not worried. I simply think some changes are crap and comment on them. what devs do is their thing,

they get paid for doing this thing not me, if everyone quits pvp they will look for different job not me lol

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i play zerker, i've always played zerker in every MMO i've played.

so nope i won't "cool my jets" when the MMO that i've played for 7 years

decides to nerf not just my favourite character, not just my second favourite,

but ALL of my characters...


condi bunker meta was the worst period of PVP in GW2,

and THAT is what the devs are pushing us back too.

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> i play zerker, i've always played zerker in every MMO i've played.

> so nope i won't "cool my jets" when the MMO that i've played for 7 years

> decides to nerf not just my favourite character, not just my second favourite,

> but ALL of my characters...


> condi bunker meta was the worst period of PVP in GW2,

> and THAT is what the devs are pushing us back too.




take a look at this



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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> nerf not just my favourite character, not just my second favourite,

> but ALL of my characters...


That's exactly what the OP is saying you don't have the right to be mad about. Not just all of YOUR characters, all characters in PvP.


> condi bunker meta was the worst period of PVP in GW2,

> and THAT is what the devs are pushing us back too.


That's a valid concern that the meta we're entering could not be fun. However my prediction is that it'll be more fun than currently. Sustain is coming down too and I don't expect to see large amounts of bunker builds.



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My jets are uncoolable.


> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> i play zerker, i've always played zerker in every MMO i've played.

> condi bunker meta was the worst period of PVP in GW2,

> and THAT is what the devs are pushing us back too.


You can still play zerker, you just need to lean into it and know what to dodge instead of forcing your damage through by relying on an invuln or evade to cover you while you deliver it.


It likely wont be bunker meta because healing across the board is getting cut too. Not only that, but because they took out the hybrid condi ammies, any classes that saw condi value on crit are getting indirectly nerfed. Now, if you want more condi on crit, you need to slot glass.



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Yeah, we just need to see what it plays like. Anet asked for feedback, and I understand people being passionate about our own favorite classes, but all we can put out there now is our guesses. I'm sure they've played these builds extensively on test, and I'm sure we'll exploit things/break things in ways they didn't think of. Changes will have to be made.

The direction of the changes looks good to me, now remains to be seen how it all works out, and how smooth the transition is. Good luck, Anet.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I guess some peoples faith is more easily restored than others.


> Not a restoration of faith. Rather, suggesting that criticism should be more muted than it is right now, because it's genuinely hard to foresee what the changes will do.


what are the forums for then lol

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > I guess some peoples faith is more easily restored than others.

> >

> > Not a restoration of faith. Rather, suggesting that criticism should be more muted than it is right now, because it's genuinely hard to foresee what the changes will do.


> what are the forums for then lol


Discussion, of course. But the freaking out seems premature.

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