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Core Necro Post Patch Will Have Broken Sustain - Told You

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHq1o6i36_s


Can I fight it in game? I need to see what its damage output is like when stacked like that.

1v1 me and I'll have a better opinion on it because I'm definitely seeing tanky necros, just not ones that _never die_. Especially because them having no stability or stunbreaks in shroud means you can hammer their lf for free.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > >

> > > > **Let me just say one thing: you posted a oneshot video of soulbeast a few months ago. I suggest you do a core necro farming video with a similar build (maul and worldy impact and all that stuff are still crazy esp against a target that has to facetank all that kitten).**

> > > >

> > >

> > > I took you up on that challenge after reading this.

> > >

> > > Can't wait to see what everyone has to say about it after this is posted, especially the Necro Mains.

> > >

> > > This is that build that I had noticed pre-patch btw, and boy did it turn out to be really strong post-patch.

> > >

> > > I wouldn't normally go out of my way like this for a class I do not main, but this is crazy. I do not take damage for 10 minutes in the video. It needs to be discussed & reviewed boys. When people start honing in more on builds like this, we're gonna have a problem with game functionality.

> > >

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" @"Sigmoid.7082" @"Happy Yes.1453" @"apharma.3741" @"Multicolorhipster.9751" @"Tayga.3192" @"Dantheman.3589" @"Azure The Heartless.3261" @"Levijeh.9643" @"Spellhunter.9675" @"EremiteAngel.9765" @"Axl.8924" @"ZDragon.3046" @"reikken.4961" @"lighter.2708" @"Dadnir.5038" @"Burnfall.9573" @"Crab Fear.1624" @"James.1065" @"Bossun.2046" @"ZeftheWicked.3076" @"Infect.2738" @"Stand The Wall.6987" @"SPESHAL.9106" @"zoopop.5630" @"witcher.3197" @"Dahkeus.8243" @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" @"OddFinrir.6801"

> > >

> > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHq1o6i36_s

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Now my only question is for you to go out and do a bunker build on every other profession and see how it holds up over the past few days ive seen several bunker builds on several professions and many of them seem prettty strong trevor.

> >


> Already went there. Everything else has to actually kite and disengage, and heal cycle. The Core Necro literally does not need to exit combat. It actually thrives the more targets there are to hit, due to the massive overly large amount of life steal. Also, due to it NOT being a self might propagating machine, it seriously benefits from being in team fights when others are granting it might, and fury for that matter. This build is over powered man.


Necro cant exit combat??? With What mobility? With What defenses tools other than shroud soaking?

Even if you tried to exit combat in 90% of cases your aggressors will just follow you so why would you bother trying to disengage. Rarely can you make a play to actually disengage combat with necro. Had some one come up on you with the build you used on your ranger you would not have survived like that. FFA arena is a very wide range of skill so you cant deem something op based on how it playes there.

Look at how slow and sluggish your mobility is in this video now think about that trying to disengage and heal.

You will not disengage unless your foe lets you disengage thats how stuck necro is. So before trying to force it into the stanard that is every other profession consider what it actually does and does not have and what it can and cannot do.


Aslo dont talk about the might. ITs the main boon necro has and even that got nerfed reasonably hard along with everyone else.



> > As some one else also pointed out any death in the anrea also provides life force which will not happen in spvp matches as common as they do in your video. So your sustain will actually see a massive drop in matches where a study rate of LF is not incoming from deaths you had no part in.

> >


> Nah, this build actually doesn't need life force it's so tanky. I'll make a 2v2/conquest video on it by the end of the day here.


No you need to make a 5v5 conquest video trevor. The game is not balanced for 2v2 there are several builds over-performing in 2v2 right now so that would not be accurate. The game was never balanced for 2v2 and we all know that if it was 5v5 would be an even bigger hot mess than it was before. If anet starts nerfing things based on 2v2 conquest its going to trip up 5v5 and 15v15 they have coming in the future. 2v2 should literally be just a fun thing to do on the side kind of deal. IF they want to help 2v2 a bit then add ban-able mach up options to pevent the over use of 1 profession or elite as some people always have one elite or another they dont want to fight. Thats how you balance 2v2 without doing another skill split for it.


> > Can you also really make claims based only on FFA where not only your tiny bits of damage are hitting your target but anyone else hitting you is also hitting your target which results in your target taking more damage than you would actually normally do since there is no easy way for people to not hit each other even if both might be trying to hit you.

> >


> Yes because in actual team fights, my team mates actually focus a target. In 1v1s so far, nothing, even top players can't get this off a node 1v1. And you can 1v2 for like 5 minutes before even 2x heavy DPS players can realistically kill you or even make you retreat off the node for a decap.


I doubt that if anyone has as much dps as you silly 1 shot attempting ranger build it certainly wont take 5 mins to put necro off a node.



> > Also where is the vide of your ranger doing insane amounts of dps after the patch dont think i didnt see you doing that the other night ;)

> > If we are going to cherry pick i want to cherry pick about why your dps is still so high and near insta melts anything it looks at especially if they dont see you coming.


> Oh I'll get to it. I figured out how to still kill a top 100 FB in about 2 seconds. Also noticed that Druid worked to viability again, so I'll get around to that as well. Just right now Core Necro is blowing my mind because you actually don't take damage on this build. I keep hearing people post-patch say: "Bunker Druid is back" No it's not. Druid is a 1v1 Duelist at best still, and you can kite 1v2 with it if you're good, but you can't hold a node with it. Druid has long since lost its Bunker status. This Core Necro however, is a true Bunker spec.


So druid cant bunker but necro can so it should be nerfed i mean i guess...

But no seriously ima need people to accept that so long as anet balances properly necro wont go back to being as free as it was

Core is doomed to always be tanky no matter what cause its damage is so low compared to other professions. Core still lacks evades, blocks, mobility, and a wide boon table and its not acceptable to nerf it so that it dies in the same number of hits as any other profession with those tools running similar stats. That would be extremely unjustified for what should be obvious reasons.

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It's my opinion that, if future balance patches for cc that have large windup times get damage returned, or hard to hit skills get damage returned, doing anything to shroud's LF before that would leave the class in a worse state than it needs to be competitively.


Fight me in game Trevor. I want to see what that feels like to MU. beyond that in particular, I think we should prioritize dps output that is difficult or situational before adjusting necro, especially because they remain susceptible to lockdown.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> >

> > **Let me just say one thing: you posted a oneshot video of soulbeast a few months ago. I suggest you do a core necro farming video with a similar build (maul and worldy impact and all that stuff are still crazy esp against a target that has to facetank all that kitten).**

> >


> I took you up on that challenge after reading this.


> Can't wait to see what everyone has to say about it after this is posted, especially the Necro Mains.


> This is that build that I had noticed pre-patch btw, and boy did it turn out to be really strong post-patch.


> I wouldn't normally go out of my way like this for a class I do not main, but this is crazy. I do not take damage for 10 minutes in the video. It needs to be discussed & reviewed boys. When people start honing in more on builds like this, we're gonna have a problem with game functionality.


> @"Leonidrex.5649" @"Sigmoid.7082" @"Happy Yes.1453" @"apharma.3741" @"Multicolorhipster.9751" @"Tayga.3192" @"Dantheman.3589" @"Azure The Heartless.3261" @"Levijeh.9643" @"Spellhunter.9675" @"EremiteAngel.9765" @"Axl.8924" @"ZDragon.3046" @"reikken.4961" @"lighter.2708" @"Dadnir.5038" @"Burnfall.9573" @"Crab Fear.1624" @"James.1065" @"Bossun.2046" @"ZeftheWicked.3076" @"Infect.2738" @"Stand The Wall.6987" @"SPESHAL.9106" @"zoopop.5630" @"witcher.3197" @"Dahkeus.8243" @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" @"OddFinrir.6801"


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHq1o6i36_s


This is the arena where it's everyone vs everyone and it's generally a mexican standoff (everyone is your enemy and waiting for you to drop attention off'em).

Take that build into spvp ranked (5v5, especially gold+) where there are actual teams and enemy team will focus the necro first given opportunity. Not to mention the issue of staying on point and holding it (kinda hard when being cc'able ragdoll), or assisting with side nodes (less hard, but again - necro mobility).


Do a vid of ownage there (once again - in ranked, 5v5, gold+, plat preffered) and i'll forfeit my doubts about current core necro being viable in spvp.

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dude be like "look i got 1/99 of my pre patch easy prediction semi right , but gotta make a post about it"

not only necro being more tanky is easily predicted by almost everybody, the buff was also justified, over buffing or not, also 2v2 meta does not translate well to 5v5. don't really get the point of the post.

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> @"lighter.2708" said:

> dude be like "look i got 1/99 of my pre patch easy prediction semi right , but gotta make a post about it"

> not only necro being more tanky is easily predicted by almost everybody, the buff was also justified, over buffing or not, also 2v2 meta does not translate well to 5v5. don't really get the point of the post.


In no way is this level of sustain justified. It's so strong that every single 2v2 game you're in, it's a Necro teamed with something. I think out of about 30 games I've played, 3 of them did not have a Necromancer. Even I am playing Necromancer because it's so grossly overpowered right now in both 2v2 and Conquest, that nothing even begins to compare to the side node holding power of Core Necromancer. Furthermore, that particular build I am running can kill everything and I do mean kill everything in 1v1, not just stall. It is also an excellent team fighter because the 3 wells provide constant protection buff alongside of other effects, and that build is strong with no fury and no might. When team mates are throwing it fury & might, it becomes monstrously dangerous.


This build can face tank while it chases DEs & Rangers around. Like face tank, as if you were walking around Queensdale, getting hit by low level centaur archers, knowing that there is no way they will kill you, unless you get very sloppy.


But sure, I appreciate the thread responses. Hilarious though. Seriously about 60% or greater of the community right now is running Core Necromancer, but I've got guys in here defending Core Necromancer.


What this is all boiling down to for me though, is that FB/Core Necro is really killing the heat of the 2v2 release. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun, but it would be A LOT MORE FUN, if every match wasn't a FB/Necro stalemate that went to the end of the timer. It's getting redundant and you really can't break the comp in many situations because these two classes are ridiculously stronger than everything else right now.


FB and Necromancer deserve a proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good. We do not need 4+ weeks of testing on this.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"lighter.2708" said:

> > dude be like "look i got 1/99 of my pre patch easy prediction semi right , but gotta make a post about it"

> > not only necro being more tanky is easily predicted by almost everybody, the buff was also justified, over buffing or not, also 2v2 meta does not translate well to 5v5. don't really get the point of the post.


> In no way is this level of sustain justified. It's so strong that every single 2v2 game you're in, it's a Necro teamed with something. I think out of about 30 games I've played, 3 of them did not have a Necromancer. Even I am playing Necromancer because it's so grossly overpowered right now in both 2v2 and Conquest, that nothing even begins to compare to the side node holding power of Core Necromancer. Furthermore, that particular build I am running can kill everything and I do mean kill everything in 1v1, not just stall. It is also an excellent team fighter because the 3 wells provide constant protection buff alongside of other effects, and that build is strong with no fury and no might. When team mates are throwing it fury & might, it becomes monstrously dangerous.


> This build can face tank while it chases DEs & Rangers around. Like face tank, as if you were walking around Queensdale, getting hit by low level centaur archers, knowing that there is no way they will kill you, unless you get very sloppy.


> But sure, I appreciate the thread responses. Hilarious though. Seriously about 60% or greater of the community right now is running Core Necromancer, but I've got guys in here defending Core Necromancer.


> What this is all boiling down to for me though, is that FB/Core Necro is really killing the heat of the 2v2 release. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun, but it would be A LOT MORE FUN, if every match wasn't a FB/Necro stalemate that went to the end of the timer. It's getting redundant and you really can't break the comp in many situations because these two classes are ridiculously stronger than everything else right now.


> FB and Necromancer deserve a proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good. We do not need 4+ weeks of testing on this.


++ 1

necro and FB need proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> In no way is this level of sustain justified. It's so strong that every single 2v2 game you're in, it's a Necro teamed with something. I think out of about 30 games I've played, 3

> FB and Necromancer deserve a proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good. We do not need 4+ weeks of testing on this.


See, while I don't agree that it's godmode sustain, I __do agree__ that it can heavily impact and -is- heavily impacting the 2v2 miniseason in particular.

I overlooked that, big dumb on my part. I was so focused on thinking about how it performs in group settings that I forgot the miniseason right now is 2v2 pairings for __deathmatch__. The FB/Necro pairing was pretty busted before the new patch to begin with.

@"ZDragon.3046" Keep the above in mind. We have a season right now that is specifically what most of us want, groupwise. We have to do something about it if the name of the game is 2v2 deathmatch in particular.


That being said, It needs to remain viable once the season is over. There were some opinions in another thread about keeping LF gen and degen rates the same, but reducing the maximum capacity of LF to make it easier to burst down. If we can run with that, fine.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > In no way is this level of sustain justified. It's so strong that every single 2v2 game you're in, it's a Necro teamed with something. I think out of about 30 games I've played, 3

> > FB and Necromancer deserve a proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good. We do not need 4+ weeks of testing on this.


> See, while I don't agree that it's godmode sustain, I __do agree__ that it can heavily impact and -is- heavily impacting the 2v2 miniseason.

> I overlooked that, big dumb on my part. I was so focused on thinking about how it performs in group settings that I forgot the miniseason right now is 2v2 pairings for __deathmatch__ .

> @"ZDragon.3046" Keep the above in mind. We have a season right now that is specifically what most of us want, groupwise. We have to do something about it if the name of the game is 2v2 deathmatch.



Yeah it's awful right now man. The only 2v2 map that offers any room for mobility at all, is the Asura Arena. The other 2 are super enclosed close quarters, where you CANNOT get away from Symbol/Sagebrands and Necromancers. So things that require room to move around, are unable to do what they need to do, to deal with two things that are widely considered right now as "Super Bruisers".


The terrain plays a big role though, don't get me wrong. For example, if I was a Power LB Ranger or Power Mes in WvW and could see a FB/Necro duo roaming to supply camps, I would eventually be able to kill those guys through wise kiting & repositioning. But when you're trapped in closed quarters in the Auric 2v2 map let's say, there is no where to go to "reposition" that is further out than about 600 range of the steam roll FB/Necro duo, who has to pinned into tiny hallways that are not wide, that aren't even very long. Futhermore, all of those big AoE cleave skills off of FBs & Necros will hit up & down vertical axis really easily while people try jump kite up and around the steps, but other classes can't do that, the classes who have to kite. And they just get killed no matter what they do. Even the 2v2 Asura map doesn't actually provide a whole lot of room to kite & disengage at all. The thing that makes it the best kite map, is the platforms that create a dome to keep running up and down and around, but even with that, Necros and FB AoEs HIT YOU through those platforms and they can stand under it and HIT YOU through the floor, whereas the classes who have to kite can't do that. It's like these new maps were designed for FB/Necromancers of all types, which these two classes have tons of attacks that abuse such mechanics.


**And about "2v2 balance is different from Conquest balance" as a defense for this stuff, that's bologna. The scaled strength of FB/Necro is just as strong or even stronger in Conquest because in Conquest you don't need to actually kill anything to take & hold a node and win. We've know this for years. So when you get a FB/Necro on a mid node their color, they don't need to deal damage output to the 2 or 3 guys trying to kill them. They just need to survive. And because they can do this while standing directly in the fray of combat, they never have to leave that node exposing it for brief decap. Meanwhile, all of the other classes in the game, have to dodge roll off and disengage for brief moments to heal cycle and come back, never being able to stand in the fray of combat for to long. It's turn into a situation where "is it even worth it to 2v2 or even advantage 3v2 the FB/Necro on their node in Conquest?" If they are competent players, no it usually isn't. The time spent monkeying around to get those guys off the node will not be worth it. It is usually better to leave them and go to the other 2 nodes, in hopes that they will follow and leave their node, so someone can decap it. But it all results in the situation where the FB/Necro go to a node, and it is unlikely that you anyone will be able to get them off of it in a reasonable amount of time for it to be worth the time invested, so they just get to "Win the node they go to" by default of sheer statistical face tanking attributes. That's not balanced.**


I've strangely done a lot of ATs in the past 2 days, and this is definitely a thing right now ^

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


> **And about "2v2 balance is different from Conquest balance" as a defense for this stuff, that's bologna. The scaled strength of FB/Necro is just as strong or even stronger in Conquest because in Conquest you don't need to actually kill anything to take & hold a node and win. We've know this for years. So when you get a FB/Necro on a mid node their color, they don't need to deal damage output to the 2 or 3 guys trying to kill them. They just need to survive. And because they can do this while standing directly in the fray of combat, they never have to leave that node exposing it for brief decap. Meanwhile, all of the other classes in the game, have to dodge roll off and disengage for brief moments to heal cycle and come back, never being able to stand in the fray of combat for to long. It's turn into a situation where "is it even worth it to 2v2 or even advantage 3v2 the FB/Necro on their node in Conquest?" If they are competent players, no it usually isn't. The time spent monkeying around to get those guys off the node will not be worth it. It is usually better to leave them and go to the other 2 nodes, in hopes that they will follow and leave their node, so someone can decap it. But it all results in the situation where the FB/Necro go to a node, and it is unlikely that you anyone will be able to get them off of it in a reasonable amount of time for it to be worth the time invested, so they just get to "Win the node they go to" by default of sheer statistical face tanking attributes. That's not balanced.**



We're going to have to agree to disagree on that, because two classes holding a node weakens their team presence in the rest of the map, as long as nobody feeds. You can outrotate these situations.

if they want to commit two of the slowest classes in the game to win whatever node they go to, that's absolutely fine. A thief will undo their handiwork the moment they step off it.


>It's turn into a situation where "is it even worth it to 2v2 or even advantage 3v2 the FB/Necro on their node in Conquest?" If they are competent players, no it usually isn't. The time spent monkeying around to get those guys off the node will not be worth it. It is usually better to leave them and go to the other 2 nodes, in hopes that they will follow and leave their node, so someone can decap it.

>That's not balanced.*


Nah, but it is. 2 players trudging between nodes to autowin it means you can invalidate their work with one person that's faster than both of them.



Having seen what people do to necros in group scenarios, I am quite glad they actually have some staying power now. I am absolutely not against that. I'd be fine with that synergy in conquest, for the most part.

In deathmatch though, nah. It needs to be addressed for that.



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > In no way is this level of sustain justified. It's so strong that every single 2v2 game you're in, it's a Necro teamed with something. I think out of about 30 games I've played, 3

> > > FB and Necromancer deserve a proper hotfix to keep the 2v2 release good. We do not need 4+ weeks of testing on this.

> >

> > See, while I don't agree that it's godmode sustain, I __do agree__ that it can heavily impact and -is- heavily impacting the 2v2 miniseason.

> > I overlooked that, big dumb on my part. I was so focused on thinking about how it performs in group settings that I forgot the miniseason right now is 2v2 pairings for __deathmatch__ .

> > @"ZDragon.3046" Keep the above in mind. We have a season right now that is specifically what most of us want, groupwise. We have to do something about it if the name of the game is 2v2 deathmatch.

> >


> Yeah it's awful right now man. The only 2v2 map that offers any room for mobility at all, is the Asura Arena. The other 2 are super enclosed close quarters, where you CANNOT get away from Symbol/Sagebrands and Necromancers. So things that require room to move around, are unable to do what they need to do, to deal with two things that are widely considered right now as "Super Bruisers".


> The terrain plays a big role though, don't get me wrong. For example, if I was a Power LB Ranger or Power Mes in WvW and could see a FB/Necro duo roaming to supply camps, I would eventually be able to kill those guys through wise kiting & repositioning. But when you're trapped in closed quarters in the Auric 2v2 map let's say, there is no where to go to "reposition" that is further out than about 600 range of the steam roll FB/Necro duo, who has to pinned into tiny hallways that are not wide, that aren't even very long. Futhermore, all of those big AoE cleave skills off of FBs & Necros will hit up & down vertical axis really easily while people try jump kite up and around the steps, but other classes can't do that, the classes who have to kite. And they just get killed no matter what they do. Even the 2v2 Asura map doesn't actually provide a whole lot of room to kite & disengage at all. The thing that makes it the best kite map, is the platforms that create a dome to keep running up and down and around, but even with that, Necros and FB AoEs HIT YOU through those platforms and they can stand under it and HIT YOU through the floor, whereas the classes who have to kite can't do that. It's like these new maps were designed for FB/Necromancers of all types, which these two classes have tons of attacks that abuse such mechanics.


> **And about "2v2 balance is different from Conquest balance" as a defense for this stuff, that's bologna. The scaled strength of FB/Necro is just as strong or even stronger in Conquest because in Conquest you don't need to actually kill anything to take & hold a node and win. We've know this for years. So when you get a FB/Necro on a mid node their color, they don't need to deal damage output to the 2 or 3 guys trying to kill them. They just need to survive. And because they can do this while standing directly in the fray of combat, they never have to leave that node exposing it for brief decap. Meanwhile, all of the other classes in the game, have to dodge roll off and disengage for brief moments to heal cycle and come back, never being able to stand in the fray of combat for to long. It's turn into a situation where "is it even worth it to 2v2 or even advantage 3v2 the FB/Necro on their node in Conquest?" If they are competent players, no it usually isn't. The time spent monkeying around to get those guys off the node will not be worth it. It is usually better to leave them and go to the other 2 nodes, in hopes that they will follow and leave their node, so someone can decap it. But it all results in the situation where the FB/Necro go to a node, and it is unlikely that you anyone will be able to get them off of it in a reasonable amount of time for it to be worth the time invested, so they just get to "Win the node they go to" by default of sheer statistical face tanking attributes. That's not balanced.**


> I've strangely done a lot of ATs in the past 2 days, and this is definitely a thing right now ^


I can agree that firebrand boost anything next too it and necro is no exception im not even going to bother denying that in 2v2 its busted thats obvious both


How ever what i dont agree on is that you think 2v2 should be treated like 5v5 and that if you think nerfing something specifically for 2v2 matches wont have an effect in other game modes you are dead wrong. The game was never balanced for 2v2 and thats why its a mini season thing. IF 2v2 to was the standard thing i would agree lets balance permanently for 2v2 but this is not the case.


Firebrand is busted and necro sustain is high

OF cours as a duo its broken and not balanced again no one is going to argue that how ever there has not been enough time to deduce that there could not be any other broken combo in which that would work so long as you stick a busted firebrand next to it. Again Trevor im not against nerfs just not against culling and direct targeting while denying points againt your own main profession of choice. Which is something you do.... a lot. (no offense)


So long as 5v5 is the main standard season anet should balance for 5v5 not 2v2 and people need to understand that. 2v2 will always have busted or super strong combos. If you want to balance a mini season then do skill splits for that mini season or implement a specialization ban system that lets each team vote on what they dont want to face before starting the matchmaker. Other games have these systems and they do work everyone has something they dont like to fight and for a mini season like 2v2 it would work just fine.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> If only there were some kinds and of public test server. Stuff like this always happens and it always 3-6 months for changes to happen. Till then I guess 2v2 is a frustrating bore when u pretty much 2out of 3 games fighting a gaurd and necro.


It _cannot_ take that long this time if devs want proper feedback on 2v2 deathmatch.

A sizable amount of players wanted __specifically__ this. the season only lasts a month. Letting it stay FB/Necro stacked for its entirety would be extremely bad.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > If only there were some kinds and of public test server. Stuff like this always happens and it always 3-6 months for changes to happen. Till then I guess 2v2 is a frustrating bore when u pretty much 2out of 3 games fighting a gaurd and necro.


> It _cannot_ take that long this time if devs want proper feedback on 2v2 deathmatch.

> A sizable amount of players wanted __specifically__ this. the season only lasts a month. Letting it stay FB/Necro stacked for its entirety would be extremely bad.


This is there m-o. They have never done what was needed ever. If there is a minor rework/balance does it always need to be a Tuesday? I dout they'll be a fix in the 1st week. And well a full week and a half of 3 outa 4 games being a gaurd necro combo isn't something I want to do.

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