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Holosmith is nastily OP


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This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time and has an easy one shot kill. It's another example of the failed thought behind ammunition. The ammunition mechanic allegedly limits scourge. In fact, it allows them to spam nukes because the opponent dies before they run out and they have plenty of time to recharge.


Really poorly thought out, ANET. Though, I'm sure it sold copies of PoF.


~edit~ Isn't this the same guy who gave us Scourge?

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Holosmith is totally not OP. Unlike other PoF Elites.

He does high DMG and he receives high DMG as it should be.

Holo definitely doesn't have any "_30 of taking no dmg_", it has only few seconds of Elixir S and he can't do anything during that, not to mention it is a death trap cause I (and everyone else) am just going to insta bomb it once the timer is almost out.

It's skills are mostly telegraphed so avoiding them should not be that much of a problem as well.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time


After reading this, not sure if trolling or what. We all know this is not true. Even if you were over exaggerating on purpose, it's still extremely over exaggerated.


> has an easy one shot kill.


Last time I checked they didn't really have any real bursts (rifle meta)? Isn't that the reason they're mostly using Elixir U for quickness + spam autos?


> In fact, it allows them to spam nukes because the opponent dies before they run out and they have plenty of time to recharge.


What nukes?

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I find it holo's playstyle to be highly infuriating. Literal faceroll while on photon forge mode, rocket boots for an easy disengage and both elixir S activations plus stealth.


Very forgiving and easy to play build. If you are not a sb or scourge you better run if they activate photon.

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Holosmith does god like dmg.....**they receive god like dmg in return for the effort..a works as intended**...high risk and high reward and they only have one trick pony gimmick : stealth opening with rifle to start combo...not that hard to dodge/negate on all classes............they can't cheese stealth/condi spam like chronos/mirage

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> @Lighter.5631 said:

> i find holo's playstyle repetitive, you go forge start with 3 then either 2 or 5 and start smashing 1 then you go out forge and pew pew a few times and forge and 3 and repeat..if you are in danger, rocket boot out after you loose aggro, rocket boot in and do the same thing


True. But a few stealth Holographic Shockwaves and having to predict when the Prime Light Beam is coming to keep it interesting.

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Lighter.5631 said:

> > i find holo's playstyle repetitive, you go forge start with 3 then either 2 or 5 and start smashing 1 then you go out forge and pew pew a few times and forge and 3 and repeat..if you are in danger, rocket boot out after you loose aggro, rocket boot in and do the same thing


> True. But a few stealth Holographic Shockwaves and having to predict when the Prime Light Beam is coming to keep it interesting.


Holosmith is definitely one of the more interesting specs to fight against, and is probably one of the best things that came out of PoF.


My only beef with it is the ridiculous radius of the knockdown on proton forge, and the fact that it's basically a superior version of power reaper.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> The auto attack alone in "forge" mode easily dispatches me in about 2 hits. The holosmith takes no discernable damage from condi. and the rifle elite is an easy one -shot kill. That's not defensible. Particularly not, since they can stay in lightsaber mode for most of the time.


Forge autos do the same as sword 1 autos so maybe you should stop wearing paper armor?

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Dont know how people say that Holosmith is high risk when theres multiples ways to avoid danger...I still say the damage is way to much, it needs to be toned down, forge mode just bring way to much, is brainded easy...engis used to be a hard profession to play, but now it just got his playstile completery dumbed down, but which profession didnt?

In the end, erything in this game is OP, the devs must start nerfing stuff if they want pvp to be taken serius again.

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The only thing that I don't like is their perma stability on forge with Crystal Configuration: Eclipse by spamming skill 3. Why would you eliminate legit counterplay like that? And virtually remove the need to use Elixir B? So you can counter their Photon Forge by CC, only with, AGAIN, Spellbreaker and Scourge (and thieves to a lesser extent). Lel.


It's little things like these that really infuriate me. Like a Mirage breaking stuns with their dodge. This eliminates the need for a mirage to time their dodge when stuned to avoid incoming burst, and it also removes the strat to damage their precious endurance bar with CC and proceed to burst down when the CC ends.


These little things remove counterplay and strategy. They define powercreep extremely well. They design inherent weaknesses and then they remove them with things like this. It's idiotic.

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> @Khenzy.9348 said:

> The only thing that I don't like is their perma stability on forge with Crystal Configuration: Eclipse by spamming skill 3. Why would you eliminate legit counterplay like that? And virtually remove the need to use Elixir B? So you can counter their Photon Forge by CC, only with, AGAIN, Spellbreaker and Scourge (and thieves to a lesser extent). Lel.


It might remove CC counterplay (beyond classes that can boonstrip it first) if it was 5 stacks or something, but it isn't, it is 2 stacks that means it can be removed by CC, especially in anything more than 1v1 (which is most fights in conquest), it also has a cast time unlike a lot of stab skills in this game and whilst it is short (1/2 sec) it does at times get interrupted, then beyond that there is that it is also gated behind photon forge and only has a short base duration of 4 secs.


> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time and has an easy one shot kill. It's another example of the failed thought behind ammunition. The ammunition mechanic allegedly limits scourge. In fact, it allows them to spam nukes because the opponent dies before they run out and they have plenty of time to recharge.


> Really poorly thought out, ANET. Though, I'm sure it sold copies of PoF.


> ~edit~ Isn't this the same guy who gave us Scourge?


Holosmith is how classes should be designed they have nice damage, but are relatively glassy to balance that, to take Zan's build he has no evades, no blocks, no reflects, no big panic button condi clears, no resistance, only a small amount of protection (4 sec on being stunned), etc, so basically the defence relies on vigor, stealth, mobility (and let's put those in perspective they are a long way off from what you can build on say Daredevil), plus elixir S invurn and then using CC and blast/leap finishers well.


I suggest you go look at the thread lower down titled ''Most broken POF elite spec", holosmith has 3 votes... Scourge has 190, Spellbreaker 123, that should be a clue...



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