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Smokescreen might be the single most broken ability in the game


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Its actually insane how much value this skill has.

It's pretty close to a 7 second invuln on a 25s CD.


If you fight a thief and they drop this, you can literally do nothing.

Fight inside? Literally every one of you skills miss cause of UNBLOCKABLE blind pulses on a 1s interval.

Pressure from the outside? JK destroys projectiles.

Potentially even for your entire team, for those res and cleave situations ....cause a 480 diameter seems reasonable.


A CD increase won't cut it for this skill. Not even to 45s as the latest update suggested (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97627/balance-update-update-pvp)

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It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs


Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

Other than "just leave lul"?

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs


> Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> Other than "just leave lul"?


Resistance Kappa

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs


> Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> Other than "just leave lul"?


Well let’s see. If I’m running a normal DrD build and he puts this on node for defense(I already mentioned if he’s off node stealthing your fine, just kite or leave and come back) I can just stand inside and dodge. If he tries to attack me, guess what? I dodged it and I get condition clear and my attack hits btw for more damage than he did since either he missed bs or is autoing for poor damage. Other than that I can use channeled attacks like Mesmer gs that isn’t destroyed by the field or u just do aoe attacks outside the field on any class or just drop Shortbow 4 on thief as it’s unblockable. This skill isn’t an invul, it is slightly over tuned since the rework but cannot do everything for u like pistol whip can hence why it’s not the strongest skill in game. I agree plz nerf but do it poorly for wrong reasons and no one benefits

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> >

> > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > Other than "just leave lul"?


> Well let’s see. If I’m running a normal DrD build and he puts this on node for defense(I already mentioned if he’s off node stealthing your fine, just kite or leave and come back) I can just stand inside and dodge. If he tries to attack me, guess what? I dodged it and I get condition clear and my attack hits btw for more damage than he did since either he missed bs or is autoing for poor damage. Other than that I can use channeled attacks like Mesmer gs that isn’t destroyed by the field or u just do aoe attacks outside the field on any class or just drop Shortbow 4 on thief as it’s unblockable. This skill isn’t an invul, it is slightly over tuned since the rework but cannot do everything for u like pistol whip can hence why it’s not the strongest skill in game. I agree plz nerf but do it poorly for wrong reasons and no one benefits


Fair enough; ground target AOEs that are either unblockable or non-projectiles do work.

But those are pretty damn rare these days, and certain classes would have to hard gimp their build to "check" (not even soft-counter, cause ground target aoes have lots of counterplay themselves; hence why you barely see them in pvp).


Some specs simply get hard screwed over by this 25s CD / 7s duration skill. Any Rangers, Any dagger / sword eles, any Warriors to name a few.

And the ones that have some of those options, struggle against thieves on a more general level. Like necros, Revs or Mesmers.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> > >

> > > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > > Other than "just leave lul"?

> >

> > Well let’s see. If I’m running a normal DrD build and he puts this on node for defense(I already mentioned if he’s off node stealthing your fine, just kite or leave and come back) I can just stand inside and dodge. If he tries to attack me, guess what? I dodged it and I get condition clear and my attack hits btw for more damage than he did since either he missed bs or is autoing for poor damage. Other than that I can use channeled attacks like Mesmer gs that isn’t destroyed by the field or u just do aoe attacks outside the field on any class or just drop Shortbow 4 on thief as it’s unblockable. This skill isn’t an invul, it is slightly over tuned since the rework but cannot do everything for u like pistol whip can hence why it’s not the strongest skill in game. I agree plz nerf but do it poorly for wrong reasons and no one benefits


> Fair enough; ground target AOEs that are either unblockable or non-projectiles do work.

> But those are pretty kitten rare these days, and certain classes would have to hard kitten their build to "check" (not even soft-counter, cause ground target aoes have lots of counterplay themselves; hence why you barely see them in pvp).


> Some specs simply get hard screwed over by this 25s CD / 7s CD skills. Any Rangers, Any dagger / sword eles, any Warriors to name a few.

> And the ones that have some of those options, struggle against thieves on a more general level. Like necros, Revs or Mesmers.


I have no trouble on ranger, but that because I almost never play lb in this meta(actually solo qd to plat3 on boonbeast which is top ten NA rn) u have highest boon duration in the game on soulbeast and that includes resistance and even if I’m on axe I can just axe 5 which hits faster than the blind. I thik condition revs do fine into this and necro has lots of aoe but are messed up by this in team fights when that’s usually in down state battles, any good necro will probably just kite out of it in team fights and spam unblockable, aoe and even reveal. Perma stealth dp isn’t even great at 1v1ing anyways, so I still don’t get how it’ll mess up a 1v1er on node as they will tank through it or just kite away if they are plussed, though I’ll admit that’s hard in mats becuz u might have 2 of these constantly plussing side noders.

Pretty much in general from reading this I’m still sensing that the real problem is permanent stealth and great burst as that’s what will cause these problems and 1 shotting will not be great after patch and thief’s are getting decent changes that anet posted recently to help deal with stealth and the shadow arts problems. Also necro, firebrand and possibly condition rev should be good after patch and the trouble they actually have rn from these which is basically damage that they cannot counter cuz of stealth and boon rip will go away, becuz I don’t actually think it’s the blind field that is countering them just the class...

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Compare necro blind well to this monster for balance laughs

Corrosive poison cloud is a more accurate comparison. Blocks projectiles for 8 seconds and perma weakens inside. Still worse than smoke screen because the 6 second self weakness can be a dealbreaker for power builds using it and it does not grant a super OP combo field like smoke screen does.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs


> Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> Other than "just leave lul"?


Smoke Screen


You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit, you can do resistance, you can use the radius of your aoe to hit them within the field. non projectile attacks such as mesmer gs1 will hit them from the outside. Ranger can barrage, any necro mark or focus skill. Any range non projectile attack, and target aoe (chaos storm) can hit them inside this field. Illusionary Wave can push them out of the field. NO damage comes from the field, the cd will be increased.


Also, if the air is pulse damage and not considered projectile, it will not be blocked.


There is more, let me go get my other quote.



evading attacks are not affected by it, mesmer gs attacks, necro axe and focus attacks, staff attacks (Necro, druid lol), bull charge, gs 3 war, sword 3 rev, rev axe 5, reve mace 2,3, all unblockable attacks, and aoe cast from outside, barrage is not affected (ranger skill).



Channeled beams, like scepter air ele for example also hit



Yeah if you stand in the circle and cast without resist....lol



But it seems there are some ways to deal with it.


Also, isn't the cooldown getting even more increased with the update?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> >

> > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > Other than "just leave lul"?


> Smoke Screen


> You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit, you can do resistance, you can use the radius of your aoe to hit them within the field. non projectile attacks such as mesmer gs1 will hit them from the outside. Ranger can barrage, any necro mark or focus skill. Any range non projectile attack, and target aoe (chaos storm) can hit them inside this field. Illusionary Wave can push them out of the field. NO damage comes from the field, the cd will be increased.


> Also, if the air is pulse damage and not considered projectile, it will not be blocked.


> There is more, let me go get my other quote.



> evading attacks are not affected by it, mesmer gs attacks, necro axe and focus attacks, staff attacks (Necro, druid lol), bull charge, gs 3 war, sword 3 rev, rev axe 5, reve mace 2,3, all unblockable attacks, and aoe cast from outside, barrage is not affected (ranger skill).



> Channeled beams, like scepter air ele for example also hit



> Yeah if you stand in the circle and cast without resist....lol



> But it seems there are some ways to deal with it.


> Also, isn't the cooldown getting even more increased with the update?


to add to this, to land mesmer gs hits.

gs 1 have to be out of the filed ( free decap )

gs 2 ( free decap )

gs 3 ( free decap )

gs 4 ( free decap ) + gs gets blocked + some of berserker spin damage gets blinded, combined with him naturarly missing its propably 75% dmg gone.

gs 5 has 450 range, meaning that thief that positions itself at the edge of the smokescreen can not be hit without mesmer entering the field ( then it depends on pulses if it lands or not )

so mesmer wise, if its 1v1 one way or the other its a free decap.

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It's funny because even after the patch, I'll still be throwing myself into the AoE where the obvious Thief rests at, these are the times where you should ask yourself if having an AoE skill is bad because you have one right in front of you that could be spammed for damage.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> It's funny because even after the patch, I'll still be throwing myself into the AoE where the obvious Thief rests at, these are the times where you should ask yourself if having an AoE skill is bad because you have one right in front of you that could be spammed for damage.


and the obv thief might just avoid you with ease, becouse field is huge :D

if you reveal thief like that, its not becouse you did something good, its becouse thief did something really bad.

running ito the field to "reveal" thief could be described to any skill in the game. The skill is fine, if my oponent is bad he will miss it and no problem.

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Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.


There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.


I win, they bad.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"Leonidrex.5649"

> Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.


> There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.


> I win, they bad.


U have to remember though in these players minds if u ever beat a thief in a engagements it means that they screwed up not that u were the better player cuz ultimately in their eyes thief is a god like class and can't be bested unless they make mistakes.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649"

> > Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.

> >

> > There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.

> >

> > I win, they bad.


> U have to remember though in these players minds if u ever beat a thief in a engagements it means that they screwed up not that u were the better player cuz ultimately in their eyes thief is a god like class and can't be bested unless they make mistakes.


Yeah it's a mistake to commit a fight, he should just be disengaging running around the FFA or map until I finally do a mistake myself.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"Leonidrex.5649"

> Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.


> There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.


> I win, they bad.


its funny that you have to pop resistance/ 360 aoe CC to counter 1 utility thats so broken it can be used for 3+ different things.

most of what it does is cherry on a cake.

look at feedback and you will realise how lacking that skill is compared to smoke.

most skills do 1-2 things and thats it, smoke does too many things and increasing cooldown doesnt change the fact that it compleatly shits on projectiles.

while shitting on melee slow hiting classes, while also being super stealth field.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649"

> > Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.

> >

> > There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.

> >

> > I win, they bad.


> its funny that you have to pop resistance/ 360 aoe CC to counter 1 utility thats so broken it can be used for 3+ different things.

> most of what it does is cherry on a cake.

> look at feedback and you will realise how lacking that skill is compared to smoke.

> most skills do 1-2 things and thats it, smoke does too many things and increasing cooldown doesnt change the fact that it compleatly kitten on projectiles.

> while kitten on melee slow hiting classes, while also being super stealth field.


When a thief drops this god like skill it basically screame's cleave in this area as the pulsing blind is not 100% dependable on damage avoidance and as squishy as a thief is can be killed by a few cleaves. I've killed so many thieves gs3 thru their smoke field and have got salty msges via chat after just standing their cleaving thin air within the field only to find the thief downed once their stealth duration ends lol. I'm sry but maybe u should actually try employing counterplay measures instead of running to the forums constantly trying to have ur nemesis class nerfed to the ground. Ud fair off better in the end no?.

Smoke screen cd was to low at 25 and 35 woulda been just fine for what it is. Almost doubling the current cd is to much imo.

Anyway it's been nerfed enough now at 45 sec so move on so u can decide what else about thief u can claim is broken and need nerfs to so u can spam the threads with those :)

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649"

> > > Yeah I guess anytime I win everyone is bad, got it.

> > >

> > > There's absolutely no reason why me with Resistance and an AoE larger than their Smoke Screen should not miss. I mean yes that field is huge at 240 radius, but my CC is 360 radius.

> > >

> > > I win, they bad.

> >

> > its funny that you have to pop resistance/ 360 aoe CC to counter 1 utility thats so broken it can be used for 3+ different things.

> > most of what it does is cherry on a cake.

> > look at feedback and you will realise how lacking that skill is compared to smoke.

> > most skills do 1-2 things and thats it, smoke does too many things and increasing cooldown doesnt change the fact that it compleatly kitten on projectiles.

> > while kitten on melee slow hiting classes, while also being super stealth field.


> When a thief drops this god like skill it basically screame's cleave in this area as the pulsing blind is not 100% dependable on damage avoidance and as squishy as a thief is can be killed by a few cleaves. I've killed so many thieves gs3 thru their smoke field and have got salty msges via chat after just standing their cleaving thin air within the field only to find the thief downed once their stealth duration ends lol. I'm sry but maybe u should actually try employing counterplay measures instead of running to the forums constantly trying to have ur nemesis class nerfed to the ground. Ud fair off better in the end no?.

> Smoke screen cd was to low at 25 and 35 woulda been just fine for what it is. Almost doubling the current cd is to much imo.

> Anyway it's been nerfed enough now at 45 sec so move on so u can decide what else about thief u can claim is broken and need nerfs to so u can spam the threads with those :)


I can say the same thing when I 1shot you from stealth.

just random dodge my combo.

I dont have problem with shitty thiefs that play like bots and die like bots. I have problem with thiefs that use their skills properly, becouse smoke screen used properly has no counters, and those that "semi work" are shit.

Oh GJ you hit gs3 in large pulsing aoe blind field, what stopped the thief from dodging it? and running you down? or mb ignoring you.

SF gives you immunity to propably 70% things in the game, shit thief will get dumped by that 30% and people like you are content with it, meanwhile normal nonretarded thief will just dodge OBV gs3. simple example. Skill is bloated.

its better at proj hate then feedback

its better at stealthing then veil

its better pulsing field then well of darkness

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