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Nerfing damage but not touching evades? This is going to be catastrophic.


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Ok you touched damage and sustain, but it doesn't seem like you're nerfing evade frames to make up for it? So basically if this change goes on evade spam/block spam classes are just gonna live forever? Huh? Also nerfing damage on high casting time CC seriously?


Want to tell me how you account for uncountable evades then ANET? Why don't you nerf down evades too so the game becomes "Easier to follow" as well? It's disgusting how inconsistent ANET is with their balancing, because if it is what I think it is, where damage is nerfed but evades aren't touched then it's going to be disgusting.


This patch is just going to repeat HoT 2015

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Staggering Blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

Backbreaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 0.01

Earthshaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01


Like SERIOUSLY? Warrior Hammer skills are already hard to land and they won't do damage after the patch, HUH???? You're nerfing damage on high casting time skills, and not touching evades? SERIOUSLY?


What is common sense.

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Slow down there buddy.


Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.


Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.


Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).


As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.


So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "oMfG AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?





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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Slow down there buddy.


> Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.


> Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.


> Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).


> As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.


> So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?






Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.


Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.

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> @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Slow down there buddy.

> >

> > Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.

> >

> > Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.

> >

> > Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).

> >

> > As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.

> >

> > So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.


> Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.


Ye, I agree actually.

Just pointing out, that the notion that "evades didnt get touched" is completely wrong :)

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> @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Slow down there buddy.

> >

> > Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.

> >

> > Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.

> >

> > Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).

> >

> > As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.

> >

> > So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.


> Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.


Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief *gutted* and shot in the *gutter* , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias.

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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> Ok you touched damage and sustain, but it doesn't seem like you're nerfing evade frames to make up for it? So basically if this change goes on evade spam/block spam classes are just gonna live forever? Huh?


Yeah, people who don't know how to time their attacks are going to have a hard time. Rather than complain about it why don't you just get better?

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > Slow down there buddy.

> > >

> > > Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.

> > >

> > > Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.

> > >

> > > Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).

> > >

> > > As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.

> > >

> > > So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.

> >

> > Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.


> Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief *gutted* and shot in the *gutter* , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias.


Imagine thinking everything revolves around your class.


Vigor has needed a nerf for years now and it is something which is necessary for the good of the game. Its endurance regen should be halved in pvp.

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> @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > Slow down there buddy.

> > > >

> > > > Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.

> > > >

> > > > Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.

> > > >

> > > > Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).

> > > >

> > > > As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.

> > > >

> > > > So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.

> > >

> > > Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.

> >

> > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief *gutted* and shot in the *gutter* , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias.


> Imagine thinking everything revolves around your class.


> Vigor has needed a nerf for years now and it is something which is necessary for the good of the game. Its endurance regen should be halved in pvp.


1) "My class" - I've been playing more ranger than thief recently, and overall I mainly play four classes. Pointless assumption based on profile picture.


2) This is exactly why devs shouldn't always listen to the 'all-knowing' forum-goers. Slowing the game down *even more* will do nothing more than create another bunker bunker meta, which pretty much exhausted the PvP-scene in the later days of HoT. Or, in layman's words,- be careful what you wish for.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging.

> >

> > Don´t forget about blind

> >

> >


> And ports and stealth



Blink upped CD. ( teleport )

All stealths upped CD. ( stealth )

mirage loses dodge ( evade )

scepter upped CD ( evade )

axe upped CD ( evade )

staff 2 upped CD ( teleport )


Smoke screen -> upped cd ( blind and stealth )

Less vigor ( evade )

Shadowstep CD ( teleport )

Roll for ini ( evade + potentially more evades/teleports due to ini )

Withdraw ( evade )

PW ( evade )


GS 4 ( block + evade )

1 less poet ( loss of skills depending on pet )

list goes on and ooon and onnn and ooooon

alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > > @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > > Slow down there buddy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Weaver evades got bopped hard. 50% CD increase on Sword evades. ~90% CD increase to Twist of Fate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thief acro traitline lost more than half its vigor uptime (Feline grace and Endless Stamina nerf). On top of that Most of their auto-proc insta "get out of jail free card"-passives became essentially deleted. Pistol whip also got an initiative cost increase.

> > > > >

> > > > > Revenants Shiro survivability took quite the hit as well. Riposting Shadows saw quite a substential Energy cost increase (from 30 to 40) and refunds less endurance (from 25 to 15). Their staff 3 also saw a 33% Cd increase and they lost stunbreak on legendswap (not necessarily about evades, but still a hard hit to their survivability).

> > > > >

> > > > > As for mirage....well they lost an entire dodge-bar just for picking up the traitline.

> > > > >

> > > > > So before throwing a tantrum and screaming "kitten AnEt sO stUpiD lUL!", how about you actually read the patchnotes first next time?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor.

> > > >

> > > > Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient.

> > >

> > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief *gutted* and shot in the *gutter* , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias.

> >

> > Imagine thinking everything revolves around your class.

> >

> > Vigor has needed a nerf for years now and it is something which is necessary for the good of the game. Its endurance regen should be halved in pvp.


> 1) "My class" - I've been playing more ranger than thief recently, and overall I mainly play four classes. Pointless assumption based on profile picture.


> 2) This is exactly why devs shouldn't always listen to the 'all-knowing' forum-goers. Slowing the game down *even more* will do nothing more than create another bunker bunker meta, which pretty much exhausted the PvP-scene in the later days of HoT. Or, in layman's words,- be careful what you wish for.


How would nerfing vigor cause a bunker meta? You might wanna rethink that.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?

I didn´t say that blind skills on thief are not getting nerfed, I said that blind is another tool of thief to avoid damage (as the quoted comment was about evade being the only thing)



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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging.

> > >

> > > Don´t forget about blind

> > >

> > >

> >

> > And ports and stealth

> >

> Mesmer

> Blink upped CD. ( teleport )

> All stealths upped CD. ( stealth )

> mirage loses dodge ( evade )

> scepter upped CD ( evade )

> axe upped CD ( evade )

> staff 2 upped CD ( teleport )

> Thief

> Smoke screen -> upped cd ( blind and stealth )

> Less vigor ( evade )

> Shadowstep CD ( teleport )

> Roll for ini ( evade + potentially more evades/teleports due to ini )

> Withdraw ( evade )

> PW ( evade )

> Ranger

> GS 4 ( block + evade )

> 1 less poet ( loss of skills depending on pet )

> list goes on and ooon and onnn and ooooon

> alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?


You are so triggered about your classes nerfs, that you didnt even read the context of which he was posting.


He was just adding to a list of defensive mechanics that thief uses. Because someone claimed that dodge was thiefs only defensive tool.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging.

> > > >

> > > > Don´t forget about blind

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > And ports and stealth

> > >

> > Mesmer

> > Blink upped CD. ( teleport )

> > All stealths upped CD. ( stealth )

> > mirage loses dodge ( evade )

> > scepter upped CD ( evade )

> > axe upped CD ( evade )

> > staff 2 upped CD ( teleport )

> > Thief

> > Smoke screen -> upped cd ( blind and stealth )

> > Less vigor ( evade )

> > Shadowstep CD ( teleport )

> > Roll for ini ( evade + potentially more evades/teleports due to ini )

> > Withdraw ( evade )

> > PW ( evade )

> > Ranger

> > GS 4 ( block + evade )

> > 1 less poet ( loss of skills depending on pet )

> > list goes on and ooon and onnn and ooooon

> > alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?


> You are so triggered about your classes nerfs, that you didnt even read the context of which he was posting.


> He was just adding to a list of defensive mechanics that thief uses. Because someone claimed that dodge was thiefs only defensive tool.


I did follow.

bla bla powercreep

bla bla back in 2015

bla bla too many evades

bla bla evades not nerfed.

he clearly didnt read patch notes, some things ofc didnt get nerfed. some evades ofc didnt get nerfed. instead of making general whine post he could be productive and list what HE thinks should be nerfed

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > > > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > > > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging.

> > > > >

> > > > > Don´t forget about blind

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > And ports and stealth

> > > >

> > > Mesmer

> > > Blink upped CD. ( teleport )

> > > All stealths upped CD. ( stealth )

> > > mirage loses dodge ( evade )

> > > scepter upped CD ( evade )

> > > axe upped CD ( evade )

> > > staff 2 upped CD ( teleport )

> > > Thief

> > > Smoke screen -> upped cd ( blind and stealth )

> > > Less vigor ( evade )

> > > Shadowstep CD ( teleport )

> > > Roll for ini ( evade + potentially more evades/teleports due to ini )

> > > Withdraw ( evade )

> > > PW ( evade )

> > > Ranger

> > > GS 4 ( block + evade )

> > > 1 less poet ( loss of skills depending on pet )

> > > list goes on and ooon and onnn and ooooon

> > > alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?

> >

> > You are so triggered about your classes nerfs, that you didnt even read the context of which he was posting.

> >

> > He was just adding to a list of defensive mechanics that thief uses. Because someone claimed that dodge was thiefs only defensive tool.


> I did follow.

> bla bla powercreep

> bla bla back in 2015

> bla bla too many evades

> bla bla evades not nerfed.

> he clearly didnt read patch notes, some things ofc didnt get nerfed. some evades ofc didnt get nerfed. instead of making general whine post he could be productive and list what HE thinks should be nerfed


You didnt even read my reply fully.

You might want to check what the person wrote that you were replying to.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > > > > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > > > > > Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Don´t forget about blind

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > And ports and stealth

> > > > >

> > > > Mesmer

> > > > Blink upped CD. ( teleport )

> > > > All stealths upped CD. ( stealth )

> > > > mirage loses dodge ( evade )

> > > > scepter upped CD ( evade )

> > > > axe upped CD ( evade )

> > > > staff 2 upped CD ( teleport )

> > > > Thief

> > > > Smoke screen -> upped cd ( blind and stealth )

> > > > Less vigor ( evade )

> > > > Shadowstep CD ( teleport )

> > > > Roll for ini ( evade + potentially more evades/teleports due to ini )

> > > > Withdraw ( evade )

> > > > PW ( evade )

> > > > Ranger

> > > > GS 4 ( block + evade )

> > > > 1 less poet ( loss of skills depending on pet )

> > > > list goes on and ooon and onnn and ooooon

> > > > alot of the stuff got touched, if you think something should be touched but didnt, mention it. instead of pretending that nothing got touched ye ?

> > >

> > > You are so triggered about your classes nerfs, that you didnt even read the context of which he was posting.

> > >

> > > He was just adding to a list of defensive mechanics that thief uses. Because someone claimed that dodge was thiefs only defensive tool.

> >

> > I did follow.

> > bla bla powercreep

> > bla bla back in 2015

> > bla bla too many evades

> > bla bla evades not nerfed.

> > he clearly didnt read patch notes, some things ofc didnt get nerfed. some evades ofc didnt get nerfed. instead of making general whine post he could be productive and list what HE thinks should be nerfed


> You didnt even read my reply fully.

> You might want to check what the person wrote that you were replying to.


I agree, you were so tilted by your classes nerfs you completely ignored the context of what I said. And as this guy already told you, I was simply adding to a list of defensive mechanics that thief uses. It's insane I need to reiterate but there it is.

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The CD nerf on some evade skills isn't even enough to whoever said evades did get touched. Blurred Frenzy not having cd increase, Guardian + it's elite specs such as Firebrand still probably able to block spam without any burst to stop block spam, Shiro Revenant can still dodge spam probably, on top of high casting time CCs getting it's damage nerfed? SERIOUSLY? So what if Mirage got nerfed, there will simply be another evade spam build taking it's place.


Watch chrono bunker or something similar to it come back (Evade thief, Shouts Warrior, Some stupid AI build, I don't know what it is but it's going to be just as bad if not worse), even with nerfed sustain. With less damage but not enough touching on evades, we could go back to 30 minute pvp where whoever falls asleep first dies.


It's great to try and make the game like the launch again, but it would be better if they touched evade spam/blind spam/block spam further and make it less obnoxious and spammy.


Patch is going to be garbage, legit with the way they are doing it. Refusing to consider multiple other factors (such as burst avoidance) while toning down damage is just going to make the game unfun. The game NEEDED high damage because there were too many stupid teleports to ledges and evade/blind/block spam, taking it away without considering this isn't balance, it's just shifting into something just as (possible more) evil.

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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> The CD nerf on some evade skills isn't even enough to whoever said evades did get touched. Blurred Frenzy not having cd increase, Guardian + it's elite specs such as Firebrand still probably able to block spam without any burst to stop block spam, Shiro Revenant can still dodge spam probably, on top of high casting time CCs getting it's damage nerfed? SERIOUSLY? So what if Mirage got nerfed, there will simply be another evade spam build taking it's place.


> Watch chrono bunker or something similar to it come back (Evade thief, Shouts Warrior, Some stupid AI build, I don't know what it is but it's going to be just as bad if not worse), even with nerfed sustain. With less damage but not enough touching on evades, we could go back to 30 minute pvp where whoever falls asleep first dies.


> It's great to try and make the game like the launch again, but it would be better if they touched evade spam/blind spam/block spam further and make it less obnoxious and spammy.


> Patch is going to be garbage, legit with the way they are doing it. **Refusing to consider multiple other factors** (such as burst avoidance) while toning down damage is just going to make the game unfun. The game NEEDED high damage because there were too many stupid teleports to ledges and evade/blind/block spam, taking it away without considering this isn't balance, it's just shifting into something just as (possible more) evil.


in other words, **making exceptions** by not dealing with the whole problem?



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