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Poll: Is WvW More Enjoyable After The Patch?


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How people can decide in 24h is beyond me. It will take weeks to truly see the outcome.


Right now there seems to be many that doesnt have the slightest idea of how general WvW combat works, presumably because many are PvErs coming in for the bonus week. Not a good indicator of how the balance really is.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> How people can decide in 24h is beyond me. It will take weeks to truly see the outcome.


> Right now there seems to be many that doesnt have the slightest idea of how general WvW combat works, presumably because many are PvErs coming in for the bonus week. Not a good indicator of how the balance really is.


yup.. 1st impressions are, a few more condi ppl to kill (or newer players) and that everyone is now talking bout this patch like wvw doesn't need some major overhaul, players are easily brainwashed for a new mount skin or an ever so slight change to the norm... and i guess when everyone remembers about alliances again, anet will just release another mount skin reward track to delay the disappointment. bravo.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> How people can decide in 24h is beyond me. It will take weeks to truly see the outcome.


> Right now there seems to be many that doesnt have the slightest idea of how general WvW combat works, presumably because many are PvErs coming in for the bonus week. Not a good indicator of how the balance really is.


This exactly. I have had a chance for maybe 2 hours, and 1.5 of that was checking changes to the builds and what I needed to swap.

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Specifically for Zerg fights, it’s much less enjoyable.


Build diversity took a big hit, and almost nothing is viable at doing anything anymore...it’s kinda just like picking up crumbs of bread, that we hope will turn into an actual piece of bread so we can eat it...but it’s just not enough and it’s dirty, full of lint and dusty crap.


The biggest hit imo was to resurrection skills...completely gutted and it was a big part in surviving and winning outnumbered fights... but now if pugs or even teammates go downstate, there is 0 hope for them and you just have to leave them dead and bare witness to the rallybot wars.


If you are a healer you know how it feels to have teammates dying on your watch is a huge feelsbadman.

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I have never posted and never felt I needed to and have been playing since GW1. I enjoyed playing before this patch there were some things that got me like the stealth one shots. But even then I could react and turn the tables as long as I paid attention I could punish them for it and could also put enough pressure fighting two people to make it a difficult fight. Now? I feel like I am a paper bag fighting people. I chased a FB for two minutes dealing “damage” and they just kept running and finally I decided it was not even worth it. I fought two people and only dropped one down to 75% and the other to about 80% and decided the fight was just too long so I disengaged by just walking away fairly effortlessly. I was thoroughly sad when this actually came out and gave it a shot anyway as I have so much invested in this game. I wish there could be a choice to join servers with the old build. As much as the meme one shot builds upset me I would rather that than the current build.

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I gotta say blobing is more fun now.

No more getting instantly run over no matter how tanky yu are.


The unfun part is roaming, where all those Condi Guardians and CC spam Reapers are running around.

Also Thief stealth not nerfed, so they basically doing the same stuff as they did before, just slower.

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1. Less build diversity

2. Less skill needed.

3. More unbalance between classes (for example: less breakstun and weaver still have tons of stuns/dazes; less damage, but some builds still hit 13-15k single skill while other builds have too much sustain).

4. 1vs3 now are really hard also against poor noob players if you are not using a condi spam build (I have spent 30 minutes yesterday trying to capture a camp: there was 2 staff core elementalist and a scrapper defending. I managed to downed 1 ele 3-4 times and then finally stomp him, using all my utilities, then I was forced to run, in the same time the ele that I had killed got back. At the end I decided to run away cause they weren't able to kill me and I was unable to kill all of them). This is the new version of solo roaming after patch? No thanks. Where is the fun in an endless fight?

5. Less fun.

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Although I voted No, it is a snapshot reflection of last night running with my guild on my Spellbreaker.


I moved around a few traits to try and compensate for the 300s cooldown on older choices (pls just remove these and put in something vaguely useful) but was finding that:


1. I was being cc'd and generally smacked around like a a ragdoll more than normal.

2. My healing was having a lot of difficulty keeping up with the constant hits and condi.


This is all subjective ofc and could just be a case of making greater changes to update my build(s). However, I'm loath to invest gold in making sweeping changes until they've had a chance to prove that they will address balance on a faster cadence.

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I am going to say less enjoyable there to many out dated systems that are tied to old balancing of gw2 to ever let mass dmg reduction be a thing. This is an active combat game not a stander mmorpg game if every one dose low dmg even the glass builds are doing some what low dmg why would you even need dodge roll. Your better off taking the hit and hitting some one back.

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Too soon,for me.

Im still seeing thieves invisibles 24/7 and yet doing crazy dmg: i mean im used to it so fuck it?!

Im still getting hit by 5k dmg out of nowhere even in full trailblazer's,maybe its a build problem


I dunno,i mean... very few mirage out there:and soul beast feels like "normal"?!

More berzerkers than warriors?!

Alot of DH and alot of core engi


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I see a few people mentioning there are more CC and stuns etc. the reason for that is reduced stability up time. Probably the same amount just hitting you more often in blob fights which are fairly unsatisfying to play a part of I can hardly punish the ones that think they can stray from the group and get away with it like I used to. Instead they just safely walk back to their respective blob and we continue the pew pew fights against each other.

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Not to sure really.


Positive - Less one shot power builds. Mounts slower/same speed. Easier to get away if out of lance range/longer for enemy to arrive. Mountless players can keep up now.


Negative - Condi bunkers with less power fights are longer. Seems to of caused an Thief explosion. They are everywhere at present and of every build imaginable! Can get some, others just perma evade or stealth. Mount nerfed one less dodge = lanced easier and set upon by the many thieves prowling about. Caused formations of great Blobs that are unstoppable with out equal numbers to face them. Lag still a major issue.


Maybe wait a week or so for the novelty to wear off and see how it goes. It's better for sure, but still things need to be looked at. Thieves and stealth are one thing that are really making the game unenjoyable for me. Stealth and mobility (in stealth) needs to be looked at especially.

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> @"Ben.2160" said:

> Not to sure really.


> Positive - Less one shot power builds. Mounts slower/same speed. Easier to get away if out of lance range/longer for enemy to arrive. Mountless players can keep up now.


> Negative - Condi bunkers with less power fights are longer. Seems to of caused an Thief explosion. They are everywhere at present and of every build imaginable! Can get some, others just perma evade or stealth. Mount nerfed one less dodge = lanced easier and set upon by the many thieves prowling about. Caused formations of great Blobs that are unstoppable with out equal numbers to face them. Lag still a major issue.


> Maybe wait a week or so for the novelty to wear off and see how it goes. It's better for sure, but still things need to be looked at. Thieves and stealth are one thing that are really making the game unenjoyable for me. Stealth and mobility (in stealth) needs to be looked at especially.


More so the players complaining about stealth need to be looked at. Are they learning how to reveal thieves and mesmers? From time to time I even test myself on various classes to see how hard it is on them and for the most part thief is at the serious disadvantage. So many reveals and passives ones in fact that you don't even have to do anything to reveal them. Then if you are fighting a really good thief even then you have so many many many options to do this. Most of the time I run into people who will hug sentries or hide themselves inside a npc which both tactics a thief from killing you with stealth. I just recommend people learning how to play a class before demanding nerfs just because they have trouble with said class. Also think about players in your guild or server that use those classes too demanding nerfs also means your demanding that your servers strength be handicapped which is a large result of this latest nerf oblivion.

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> @"Babytater.6803" said:

> I've been having so much fun theory crafting and trying new builds out. It's really a ton of fun to run with the guildies on a new comp. The reduced power spike damage is graciously welcomed by everyone in my guild and allows for more coordinated and skilled play. Overall, great patch.


Yes it's fun run with guild when you don't even need to dodge anymore. B)

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