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Please remove the stomp from the mount....


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with the recent pretty good balance patch (well except cc abilities doing 3 dmg for some reason) Im hoping this will get considered as well.

Remove the stomp from the 1 skill on the mount. Its ridiculously brainless and broken. Ppl literally camp on mounts instead of fighting.


It leaves smaller groups with no chance of fighting cause 1 mistake and u get insta stomped cause there is always ppl camping on their mounts.

Just replace that with +200% dmg to downstate players or something but not instant stomp....

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > Nah, just remove downstate instead.


> I get that at this point this is a meme but removing downsate would actually kill the game mode.

> No downstate week was the worst event so far even with how buggy other events were....


Not a meme, wouldn't kill the game, it would remove the safety net for outnumbering side.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > Nah, just remove downstate instead.

> >

> > No, learn to deal with downstate.


> ?


> Never said I can't deal with the downstate, but I guess you still need your safety net.


Not my safety net, I have plenty of vids of stomping and dealing with multiple people in a fight. Stomp with stability, stealth, mount stomps, use poisons, use cc. You guys come in here looking for the easy kills cause you take more than you can chew and then complain when you can't finish. Downstate is part of the game, learn to deal with it.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> with the recent pretty good balance patch (well except cc abilities doing 3 dmg for some reason) Im hoping this will get considered as well.

> Remove the stomp from the 1 skill on the mount. Its ridiculously brainless and broken. Ppl literally camp on mounts instead of fighting.


> It leaves smaller groups with no chance of fighting cause 1 mistake and u get insta stomped cause there is always ppl camping on their mounts.

> Just replace that with +200% dmg to downstate players or something but not instant stomp....


I also speak for my guild when I say this and I say this with the utmost respect...


Enough with QQing about Warclaw. It received a major nerf as it is. Anything more then it moves to a good ol "git gud". If you want the stomp removed, then have the speed and 3 dodges returned, otherwise just remove warclaw all together as people obv needs their hands held despite the nerf hammer to it.

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Fair imo.


Most classes to my knowledge don't get access to skill insta finishers so seems only fair they do with the warclaw.

I've killed and been killed by it numerous times, doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Then again Warclaws don't bother me in general since i've never had any issues dismounting players.

Occasionally it Pays to not follow meta's, when most people have the same or similar strengths and weaknesses it's far too easy for something like a mount to come along and screw it all up for them.


Another prime example of that was HoT launch when the difficult content everyone wanted was exceptionally effective and slaughtering your typical melee zerker glass canon meta builds.

Personally I found all those complaints very amusing as I found HoT even at launch easy.. because I always run my own builds and playstyles over meta ones and in HoT's case it payed off in my favour pretty well.

WvW is a different beast but I run my own build, do my own thing and dismounting players off their warclaws just happens to be something i'm well equipped to do where as many others are not.

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I just don’t get the notion of smaller groups having no chance with mount stomps. If anything, at least based on my experience, the mount stomp gives smaller groups a much better chance as you can finish the downs immediately and turn the fight around. It really can go both ways as a mechanic that is available to everyone equally. A better group with better execution wins the fight with or without the mount stomp, imho.


Oh and please do not remove mount stomp unless you first address the op downstate/rez mechanics. Nothing more frustrating than generating the downs against the comped/larger group and unable to do anything with insta rezzes with bunch of minstrel supports.  The mount stomp at least offers a direct counter to this. Pls don’t tell me to cleave, especially now that it takes 5 mins to cleave things down after the patch.


For me, if you went down there is a good reason for it, like your positioning was god-awful or you engaged in a fight you shouldn’t have. You probably deserved to die anyway - as many supporters of no-down state would suggest. The mount stomp just accelerates your death while you still have a good chance of being rezzed. Just my 2 cents.

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> @"Katrina.8702" said:

> I just don’t get the notion of smaller groups having no chance with mount stomps. If anything, at least based on my experience, the mount stomp gives smaller groups a much better chance as you can finish the downs immediately and turn the fight around. It really can go both ways as a mechanic that is available to everyone equally. A better group with better execution wins the fight with or without the mount stomp, imho.


Which group can afford to have people standing off to the side not participating in the fight while still being able to generate downed states? I can tell you most of the time it's not the smaller group.


> Oh and please do not remove mount stomp unless you first address the op downstate/rez mechanics.


They did address res mechanics. In fact they were nerfed very heavily including the most used one, Merciful Intervention.

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> Remember that players get triple their base HP when in downstate. So the mount stomp effectively does tens of thousands worth of HP damage if you hit multiple targets. Yet this is apparently okay according to a lot of people.


Wouldn't mind a test week of the triple health pool being removed.

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Personally I have no problem with stomping ability of the mount, because rez gameplay and Downstate is absolutely no fun, especially **in WvW.**

Since the 1 stomp of the mount has arrived there is a less rallybot and for that I find it good.



**But removing the damage on skill 1 of the mount, I'm all for it.

Then to compensate can be increased the rez speed of dead people (dead not down), and reduce the maximum number people for rez in WvW.**


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