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New Aura Effects and effect Icons are not ergonomic

Zhaid Zhem.6508

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To be honest when I heard the Auras were changing I was really hoping they'd bring back the beautiful Frost Aura from before the 'visual noise' nerf. Kinda sad they didn't bring it back lol.


As for the topic, I think the bar icons are fine. Frost Aura and Dark Aura are both pretty easy to identify. However the other auras can be a bit hard to notice in the heat of battle. Fire is alright, the orange stands out a bit. But Light, Magnetic and Shocking Auras all appear at times to use various shades of yellow-ish that could get confusing. Not to mention Arcane Shield is also a yellow color. Seeing them on their own, you can tell the difference, but in the heat of battle, with other particle effects flying about the screen, its pretty easy to confuse them. I've already confused Shocking Aura and Arcane Shield a couple times to my own disappointment.


I think an easy fix would be to leave Magnetic Aura alone, add a bit more noticeable rainbow effects to Light Aura and change the color scheme of Shocking Aura from gold to purple. Arcane Shield could also get change to a pinkish color like the icon if you want.


EDIT: Actually, forgot about Chaos Aura, which is already purple. I guess changing shocking aura to another purple would confuse the two. Maybe they should maybe the lightening effects a bit brighter or something. Ah well, probably no easy way to fix it.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

> add a bit more noticeable rainbow effects to Light Aura


> Hell no. Make it white or light blue, like Guardians magic, but don't add each colour of the spectrum.

> It's ugly enough as it currently is.




That could work too, as long as its a different shade of blue than frost aura. Although I don't particularly think its ugly.

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> @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

> > add a bit more noticeable rainbow effects to Light Aura

> >

> > Hell no. Make it white or light blue, like Guardians magic, but don't add each colour of the spectrum.

> > It's ugly enough as it currently is.

> >

> >


> That could work too, as long as its a different shade of blue than frost aura. Although I don't particularly think its ugly.


Make it shiny white like Pharos then.

And Frost Aura can be blue.

Maybe it's just me because I constantly see it, but the weird needles in Light Aura also seem to stick out like sore thumbs.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> Imo, Light Aura should be white. Shocking aura should be cyan, Fire Aura should use shades of orange and red, Magnetic aura should be a more saturated brown.. Changes like these will make auras more readable.


Should Shocking Aura be purple? It's part of Elementalist Air Magic, after all.

And Magnetic Aura should be green. A deep brown could be too similar to Dark Aura.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > Imo, Light Aura should be white. Shocking aura should be cyan, Fire Aura should use shades of orange and red, Magnetic aura should be a more saturated brown.. Changes like these will make auras more readable.


> Should Shocking Aura be purple?

> It's part of Elementalist Air Magic, after all.


I originally wrote purple, but realized that might look too similar to chaos arua at a distance.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > Imo, Light Aura should be white. Shocking aura should be cyan, Fire Aura should use shades of orange and red, Magnetic aura should be a more saturated brown.. Changes like these will make auras more readable.

> >

> > Should Shocking Aura be purple?

> > It's part of Elementalist Air Magic, after all.


> I originally wrote purple, but realized that might look too similar to chaos arua at a distance.


Then change Chaos Aura to pink, the other Mesmer signature colour.

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The aura effects are much better than before tho they could use some fine tuning, maybe reduce the visual of the "less important" ones like light/fire aura.


Magnetic looks great

Shocking could be a bit "more"

Dark Aura could be a bit "more"

Light Aura is way too big espec as it's a rather irrelevant aura to see


The icons are terrible, bring back colored icons. It's harder to quickly assess the time remaining on various auras now, feels more like you're "playing the ui"

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i don't remember what the original auras looked like just that i loved them, i'm ok with how they look now, maybe some tweaking yeah. they're a bit of an eyesore in WvW when there's dolyaks around getting massive auras, makes it hard to see anything else.


but what i really really don't like is the icon changes. i don't want to have to stare at my bar to see if my auras are running out and which ones. i used to just take a quick glimpse, see the color and know. now you have to try to discern some tiny icon and i've given up on trying to. please change them back!

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