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We already have a hub location

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Anet is touting the Eye of The North as a new hub location for activity. Many of us already have that - our guild halls.


Instead of pulling people away from guild halls, they could/should have given us the ability to build the scrying pool in the area that is designed specifically for bringing groups together (guild halls).


Im not saying dont have the EOTN there for guildless players and those that want a new place to hang out (and it could even have the pool), but we really need new content like this to take guilds and guildhalls into account.


I dont like the direction this decision portends. If anyone from Anet sees this, please think about adding things like this to guild halls.

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We also put a lot of work into the egg chamber and Sun's Refuge...but I suspect few of us go those places anymore.


If I have to go out and collect new knickknacks for Aurene for a third time, that girl and I are going to have words--elder dragon or not. ;)

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I can see your thinking, but what if I'm not in a guild? Or in a guild without a hall? Am I then locked out of this content? Should I join a guild I otherwise have absolutely no intention of every playing with just so I can use their hall to access the missions? How would the guild feel about that?


Personally I'd prefer to keep guild hall for guild activities and put the hubs for other types of content elsewhere, even if it's something many people may usually choose to do with their guild (like strike missions).

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I am excited about this. In GW1 Eye of the North it was a very popular hangout and people would go into each others Hall of Monuments from the EoTN hub to see others accomplishments. I remember there was a lot of role playing there as well.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> I appreciate your opinion, but I've wanted the ability to use the HoM for more things since the game launched. I'm pretty happy about it.


Same here ^^ HoM is a great location that has been heavily underused so far, I just hope it will be a significantly better hub than Suns Refuge and remain so for a long period of time.

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I agree with the OP, but it's a pattern they've been following for years. At this rate, it's unlikely to change, and [this is a thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99336/why-does-anet-keep-abandoning-systems-and-mechanics#latest) where people are discussing the issue in a broader sense.


Basically they make a system for doing things or getting things and for better or worse they make another slightly different system for achieving the same thing or a new currency for the same purpose, ignoring/discarding what came before. You end up with a bunch of similar things spread across 30 different formats and systems, and it becomes tedious to work your way through them, turning parts of the game into a chore.


Hubs aren't a new feature, and they tend to burn through people's interest rather quickly, so I don't know if this latest one is going to have the staying power the company is hoping for. Guess we'll see.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Thank god its in Eye Of the North and not put away in halls where almost nobody goes.


> Out of the five guilds im in the only one who even uses theirs is the RP guild im a part of. Thats not a problem or a bad thing imo.


I agree the Eye is a better location, but I don't think it makes any sense to say 'no one goes to guild halls, therefore Anet shouldn't give us a reason to go to guild halls'. Refusing to solve the problem because it doesn't already have a solution is absurd.


Also I currently visit my guild halls far more than the Eye. Because my GW1 account is linked to my GW2 account I get the teleport stone in every new character's inventory and most of them keep it, but I only ever go there if I make a new ranger and then only once to get the pets. I used to go occasionally to get the skins but that's been unnecessary since the Wardrobe was introduced and there's no reason for any character except a ranger to go. Whereas I go to one guild hall once per day for the resource nodes, and my guilds use them to gather for guild missions (and use the portal to get to individual mission locations) and to gather for other purposes.


I admit I don't spend much time there, but the same has been true of guild halls in every MMO I've played. I never saw the appeal in GW1 for guilds who didn't do PvP, it was basically a town with fewer people visiting, so I only ever went there if I needed a specific merchant I knew was in the guild hall and couldn't remember where else I could find them. Again it was a few minutes in and out and it was extremely rare to see other people there, so it was a bit of a surprise to see people hyping them up as this great social space.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > Guilds are abandoned content.

> >

> > Sorry to be blunt, but we're all thinking it.


> I am painfully aware. The entire point is that they shouldn't be.


I fully agree. I'd like to see guild content added, my own guild is pretty much dead and I can't even be bothered finding a new one because there's been no new content aimed at them for years.


I do not think that this particular content is a good fit for the guild halls though. I like the idea of a Saga hub, hopefully one built up over the course of the saga and not just abandoned as soon as the next episode releases.

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