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Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

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I guess it won't happen before 2021 since they were talking about "distant future" and the currently running Icebrood Saga might take still a while to finish. Enough time to catch up for me - I guess. Looking forward to that one since I'm at the moment also busy playing GW1 and doing Factions (Cantha) there. Maybe we'll get a totally new profession instead of only elite specs. (Though Cantha had the Ritualist and Assassin and I think with Thief and spirits used a bit by Ranger that stuff is already covered.)

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3rd expansion reveal right outta nowhere!! XD


And Cantha.. seriously CANTHA!! after all these long years of waiting and wanting..


I could fly over to America right now and hug you all ^^


I don't know if you guys are going to continue the trend of Ultimate editions or if Cantha will get a Collectors edition but I am buying that version either way XD

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> They tried to bring us down, told us to stop asking for it, that it's never going to happen. Finally I'm excited about the future of Guild Wars 2 again. Cantha!


Eight years of advocating for cantha finally did it B) I am motivated to even start a new gw 1 cantha char to refresh my cantha lore knowledge. Its been so many years. Luckily i still have my 14/15 year old gw 1 account.

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They seriously shouldve had this in the last live event that ended having far too many expectations with how little that actually was shown. Leading people to think that GW2 was going into maintenance mode.


Pretty much a similar mistake to that Blizzcon where the only totally new thing was Diablo for mobile, when everyone was clamoring for a Diablo 4 reveal. Which we only got a year later.

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> @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> Even if we didn't get any details I am still very glad we got this announcement.

> Just knowing that something big is on the horizon does wonders for my interest in the game.


> This is honestly what I expected in the last live event, just a simple: "it's being worked on", but nothing more.



Yup, this all we needed for now versus it might on the table one day.

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Did somebody said expansion é_é I start liking a lot their new communication, I'm happy they are telling us all those stuffs now. If the expansion is tied to that artwork which looks kind of chinese, it's maybe cantha, peeps asking for cantha should be happy.


I have a big hopes to see SAB w3 and w4 coming finally.

Got a big laugh seeing we have the word expansion in a blog post whereas in a theater event, not even the word.

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Just to temper expectations: While the archway and building designs are clearly Canthanese, they aren't necessarily *in* Cantha. Deciduous trees over a shallow-looking river isn't exactly a strong geographic marker, especially considering most of the Charr homelands look like that.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Just to temper expectations: While the archway and building designs are clearly Canthanese, they aren't necessarily *in* Cantha. Deciduous trees over a shallow-looking river isn't exactly a strong geographic marker, especially considering most of the Charr homelands look like that.


It could also be the Dominion of Winds (also with the "Feel the winds of change." line in there).

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Just to temper expectations: While the archway and building designs are clearly Canthanese, they aren't necessarily *in* Cantha. Deciduous trees over a shallow-looking river isn't exactly a strong geographic marker, especially considering most of the Charr homelands look like that.


**"We’d like to leave you with a piece of early concept art so you can dream along with us about where we’re headed…"**

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Also: Festivals

"Our next release following “Steel and Fire” is Super Adventure Festival, when Moto will open up the Super Adventure Box in Rata Sum again to welcome all jumping, bauble-collecting heroic types.

As summer heats up, we’ll bring back Dragon Bash to celebrate your victories against the Elder Dragons with hologram battle challenges, fireworks, racing, and treats.

Both festivals will feature traditional activities, annual achievements, and new rewards."


So dragon bash, and SAB back with new rewards that's cool. Seeing the ton of new content since the start of year, I have faith SAB can finally be finished. I guess it's a new colored weapon set or new item upgrades. About dragon bash, have 0 ideas what rewards to expect. Maybe new gh decos? Who knows.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Just to temper expectations: While the archway and building designs are clearly Canthanese, they aren't necessarily *in* Cantha. Deciduous trees over a shallow-looking river isn't exactly a strong geographic marker, especially considering most of the Charr homelands look like that.


> It could also be the Dominion of Winds (also with the "Feel the winds of change." line in there).

Dominion of winds (and Tengu) architecture draw more upon Mayan visual style, not the Canthan-type eastern mix one.


Besides, Anet has to be perfectly aware, that people, after looking at that art will immediately think "Cantha". Going anywhere else after this would end up with a lot of people being heavily disappointed in an expansion direction that might have been perfectly fine to them otherwise. There's simply no point in Anet going for such a misdirection - it would only hurt them in the long run.

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With all the bad news that's been happening lately in other parts of my life I'm hyped to see an Expansion. But as always I'm going to air on the side of Cautiously optimistic.


Here are my Hopes:

* New Elite specializations

* New Weapon types

* New Core skills

* New Profession Ritualist

* Massive Landmass surpassing the original Factions campaign.

* New Races, Largos and Tengu

* New Dungeons

* New Raids

* More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

* Lots of new weapon's and armor skins

* Elite specialization questing. (side story where you need to earn your right to advance the spec)

* Quality story


Here's what I expect:

* New Elite Specializations

* Moderately sized Landmass

* New Raids

* New Fractals

* More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

* Moderate amount of new weapon and armor skins.

* New mount

* New masteries

* Extra Character slot for premium buyers

* New Load screen

* Quality story



Now I honestly don't have high expectations for this expansion. I hate to be a Debby downer on it. I suspect it'll be a solid expansion. I don't expect it to be as engaging as HoT was for its open world but I do expect it to be better for open world than PoF. I also suspect the story will be top notch. I honestly can't see the story quality going down at all The new elite specs will be a lot of fun for sure. I suspect a few things to show up. Like the Assassin but probably not ritualist. How the ritualist will show up, I suspect it'll be a type of NPC and not playable. The divide in the player base is a bit too strong for it to be given to either Revenant or Necromancer, too much controversy, best to be avoided. I still look forward to the expansion for sure. it'll be fun. I don't expect it to blow me out of the water.


Now my main hope is that this has been in development for a while now. And we're seeing this closer to completion as opposed to announcing it like they did with HoT.

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