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Will new legendary ring...


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...give damage back to cc skills? Would be cool if legendary gear gave better stats than ascended gear. Takes more time to acquire. Thinking a special buff for every legendary piece of gear equipped increases your cc damage by ~1k damage on crits. Perhaps also each wvw specific legendary like backpack and ring could improve warclaw run speed?

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > No the legendary ring will simply kill all your opponents in 1 hit when you punch someone with it.

> >

> > Its perfectly reasonable, just like this thread.


> perhaps instead it will increase the number of targets your aoe can hit?


No. It’s gonna remove the AOE cap.


And increase the damage to players from siege.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Lol, i wonder what thinking process leads ppl to making threads like this. What next, each 1000ranks gives +10% dmg?


actually that was similar to my idea to introduce legendary infusions. It would take current wvw ones that are vs npcs and upgrade them to vs all foes.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> ...give damage back to cc skills? Would be cool if legendary gear gave better stats than ascended gear. Takes more time to acquire. Thinking a special buff for every legendary piece of gear equipped increases your cc damage by ~1k damage on crits. Perhaps also each wvw specific legendary like backpack and ring could improve warclaw run speed?


I have legendary armor and weapons along with 90% crit chance, so your suggestion would add 8k damage to pistol whip, and let's not mention how obnoxious headshot would be with the new piercing trait. I don't think anyone wants that xD

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