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Why the demand for *more* e-specs?

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:


> > And that's okay if you don't like it. It wasn't made for you.


> I hope you see the irony of telling people scourge wasn't made for them if they don't like it, while complaining about shroud mechanic.



Well. Shroud was made for me. Since us GW1 players would be coming over to GW2. Also, I'm not saying to remove shroud.

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It really comes down to being the ONLY thing new we get that is fundamentally in some way actual gameplay. Maps, events and all that are fluff with some story and this is the real meat of the matter. They came out and said they will NEVER make any new classes so this is as close as it gets, if they brought out new classes or per-say races tied to classes or anything related to legitament gameplay that can be used anywhere and not just in the PvE side of the game then you'd have a point.


almost all the other aspects are region locked, mode locked or even just locked to an instance. There is no content that overlaps acrossed the whole game outside of the class you choose, and the E-specs they decide to give you. Frankly Id only be satisfied with not getting E-specs if of course they decided to give us new classes from here on out with Two E-specs each~

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I know what you're saying: Keep each profession distinguishable from all the others.


It's natural for people to want the next new shiny thing once they've been exposed to an original. Look at the modes of travel, people were questioning Mounts prior to their roll-out, but now hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't ask for another Mount with additional abilities.


I would like the next expansion to **not** have an elite specialization, but rather bring out another line of specializations for each of the core professions (not to be confused with increasing the specialization lines to four).

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I know what you're saying: Keep each profession distinguishable from all the others.


> It's natural for people to want the next new shiny thing once they've been exposed to an original. Look at the modes of travel, people were questioning Mounts prior to their roll-out, but now hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't ask for another Mount with additional abilities.


> I would like the next expansion to **not** have an elite specialization, but rather bring out another line of specializations for each of the core professions (not to be confused with increasing the specialization lines to four).


I don't care about names. Lore and identity are meaningless for me, although I realize that many do not share that opinion. I would like to see an elite spec (and not just specialization) for the new weapons, the new skills in addition to the new specialization line. But for me the value to a new elite spec is the greater diversity it allows for gameplay on a given class. For example, with the most recent nerfs the current state of ranger in WvW is back to abysmal, although in some ways it never changed. They are frequently kicked from squads because generally they do not bring much in the way of boon support or bonuses to squad play and ranged mitigation can do bad things to a squad. So the value to an elite spec in this scenario rather than just a specialization would be to bring a combination of skills, traits and weapons that would expand the ranger's role within squad play, thus opening a whole new role or set of roles to players long intentionally rejected on the basis of their class choice mixed with game design.


That is why an elite specialization is a superior idea than simply another core specialization.

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Personally I want more elite specs mostly just because over time fighting gets stale and boring, and new elite specs are perfect for spicing it up.

It gives a new goal to work towards, it gives more ways to play professions, it sometimes makes professions I previously disliked actually fun to play for me, and it simply freshens the battle and makes fighting fun and exciting again. Plus cool new Aesthetics™!

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Aside from balancing issues, it just seems like everyone wants to be able to play with every weapon without playing with *every* weapon. This just leads to homogenization of classes, and you just have to look at WoW to see why you wouldn’t want that. Pretty much everyone will be able to do everything, and that kills class identity. Oh, but you want “just one more”? Sure, I believe you.



I dislike both of my current elite specs and want one I actually like.

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