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Condi rev is insanely broken, when will Anet fix it?


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> @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > > > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > > > Can be kited. Move along.

> > > > >

> > > > > Most builds cant, also imagine kiting while u have perma 10 torment stacks, good luck running away.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anyway the problem is mostly when fights are 3v3 or 5v5, that kind of small scale roaming. And of course if you have pugs around they will just melt and rally bot, because they will keep moving.

> > > > >

> > > > > If people cant realize how broken is, and instead complain about thief, then im done no reason to keep reading forums.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > it is broken and an insult to Necromancer Profession.

> > > > side note: Superior Rune/Sigil of Tormenting is designed to be mastered with only two Professions- Necromancer and Mesmer. How does Revenant Profession using Torment triumphed over others at ease?

> > >

> > > Soulbeast in 1st fight wasn't that great tbh. Aside from that, kills are too slow for it to be considered 'broken". Core ear near end wasn't running a lot of clears you normally see.

> > >

> > > Side note, if you are gonna make a vid with talking, reduce the volume of the game so you can actually be heard lol.

> > What does the video show?

> >

> > - The rev was basicly 1 stun from death in the first fight.

> > - The rev lost 80% hp to an ele maintaining 10% hp.

> > - The rev won the last fight because of sheer luck of the warrior making an *incredibly* poor entrance.

> >

> > Whats the video **supposed** to show?

> >

> > Sidenote: the talking is youtube clip in the background I guess, the hardware reviewer with the headbanger hair. I forget the channel name.


> I think the video is supposed to show that even a skill clicker can win outnumbered fights on condi rev, though I could be wrong.

And I killed a condi rev the other day on a shitty rifle shout healer hybrid core warrior I barely play while loosing near 0 hp. It doesnt mean anything.


The skill floor and ceiling differ for all classes. Is the condi rev an "easy" type of build that heavily punishes careless players with poor cleanse that's trying to stack on him? For sure. It could use some adjustment - the rune is probably 90% at fault. But any skilled player will still kill them.


And outnumbered... if people cant take 50% of someones hp, well they're just getting outplayed. 2v1 *should* always be a victory. Anything else is a failure and I've seen it happen happen against **every** class. Because contrary to popular belief, skill actually has a major impact on combat.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:


> And outnumbered... if people cant take 50% of someones hp, well they're just getting outplayed. 2v1 *should* always be a victory. Anything else is a failure and I've seen it happen happen against **every** class. Because contrary to popular belief, skill actually has a major impact on combat.


Except vs a Weaver though, because they cheat and have like 50 abilities while the rest of us only have like 20 =P




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Complaining about Condi revenant, specifically condi herald? For what? Yes they are tanky, obviously in the right hands. Trust me I've came across VERY BAD players who played condi rev. You act like they are unkillable. Do you realize how EASY it is to cc a condi rev? Maybe you should learn how to kill them instead of complaining just because you lack skill. That is what pisses me off so much is the people who aren't even that great at fighting, complains about classes because they cannot kill them. Maybe you should learn how to play better. I do play Condi Herald, even before the patch and I can say it was BETTER before the patch because you had an extra stun break by legend swapping which you don't have now and that's the main reason why condi revs in general can be killed is by high cc players. It's like taking a class that has hardly any condi clears or pure glass, they die, then complain.. that's not condi revs fault that YOU as an individual arent that good. You need to realize that allot of times, its not a classes build, it's the individual's skill level. There is a difference between good and bad players. I've won 1v4's before, but I've also lost in a 1v2 or 1v1, because some people can fight and others are very mediocre.

There are builds that counter others, there are classes that do well against others, just because you individually lose, does not mean something is broken and needs nerfed. The game cannot revolve around YOU. If I sit here and complain about deadeyes perma stealthing, if I complain about certain classes having too much condi clears or whatever else, that's me being biased and thinking the game needs to revolve around my opinions that suit MY gameplay that will make ME win... that's not how the game works sweetie. If others can kill condi revs, then stop complaining and start getting better so you can do the same.

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I almost killed one with cleric herald.... neither of use actually died until i had another players on my side and he melted to a thief...

i could let my health get close to 15sh% and then heal it back


BEfore the updates i could won with my condi malyx 1 vs X it was far far stronger....now i cant, its strong but not that super mega strong :\ like it was before.

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> >

> > And outnumbered... if people cant take 50% of someones hp, well they're just getting outplayed. 2v1 *should* always be a victory. Anything else is a failure and I've seen it happen happen against **every** class. Because contrary to popular belief, skill actually has a major impact on combat.


> Except vs a Weaver though, because they cheat and have like 50 abilities while the rest of us only have like 20 =P


I could take quite some **before patch** they were never a problem to me :\ 2 somehat at will, 3 would put me in trouble.

Now one can actually put me at check thats the diferent from condi rev before and after patch.


Yeah condi renegade its strong... buts that....


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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > I am reading all the comments and here i am watching a specific necro roflstomping condirevs in competitive modes, one might almost say it is a l2p issue. The more you know

> >

> > EDIT: if a class gives you trouble, play it yourself. Will work WONDERS


> As in PvP?


PvP too, yes.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> They can nerf Condi Rev after they nerf Stealth.


> But in all seriousness : Condi Rev isn't the issue, Rune of Tormenting is.

> They should nerf Rune of Tormenting instead of seriously hamstringing Mallyx (again) to "tone it down"


> WvW and PvP are two very different ball-games and should be balanced differently.




I think they are too stupid, to nerve the thief, perma teleport, perma stealth, perma dodge, I think on the contrary that he should, allow him to fight while remaining stealthy, it seems that there is no problem with the thief, the class that we play with a finger ... anet

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> Condi rev is not in even in the list of problematic builds. There are far worse builds that one can find in wvw, most of them being condition based.

Someone who knows what he is taking about!


Even condi (or hybrid) dragonhunter is more problematic (I am not saying it is overpowered, it is just pretty strong) than condi rev. Take the rev condi burst potential (just burn instead of torment) and add some decent mobility and blocks to it. Then you have condi dragonhunter. That's just one example...


Condi rev is just a bandwagon build that is far from being the worst. It has actually some well defined counters.

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