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BEST Cantha E-spec Ideas!!!


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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> A shameless self bump if I do say so.


> But 'best' elite specs acording to who?

> I'd like to correct the Guardian one, this class is lacking a physical damage offhand weapon, so it has a high chance of getting a offhand sword.


> Warrior.. well im sure everyone knows my stance on that one.


> I'll list a few of the most likely weapons each class might get:


> Guardian - Offhand sword

> Necro - Shield

> Engineer - Mace

> Warrior - Pistol

> Elementalist - Pistol (could function for ele to provide it with a range option in both offhand and mainhand)

> Ranger - Focus (I want to say rifle or pistol, but the class already has 2 ranged options (3 with the staff))

> Revenant - GS

> Thief - GS or Axe

> Mesmer - Unsure (hammer could be interesting, however I do not play this class enough to know what it truely lacks)


> Think about what the classes can do and what they cant do, that will be your hint to the weapons they will be getting.

> Necro doesnt have access to a defensive weapon, Engineer does not have a 1 handed weapon for CC in melee, warrior does not have a 1h range weapon, revenant also does not have a 1h range weapon so it could also be pistol or scepter for them.



These are the best e-specs according to a study done by the Worldwide Alliance On Elite Specialization Equality, or WAOESE for short!


All professions are lacking a lot of weapons and roles. And we totally did think about what classes can and can’t do, because that’s what our organization has been studying for years now!


Just so you know, these are the missing weapons per profession. Enjoy!


“Elementalist 14

• Axe (main and off)

• Mace (main and off)

• Pistol (main and off)

• Sword (off)

• Shield (off)

• Torch (off)

• Greatsword

• Hammer

• Longbow

• Rifle

• Shortbow


Engineer 15

• Axe (main and off)

• Dagger (main and off)

• Mace- (main and off)

• Sword (off)

• Scepter (main)

• Focus (off)

• Torch (off)

• Warhorn (off)

• Greatsword

• Longbow

• Shortbow

• Staff


Guardian 10

• Axe (off)

• Dagger (main and off)

• Mace (off)

• Pistol (main and off)

• Sword (off)

• Warhorn (off)

• Rifle

• Shortbow


Mesmer 11

• Axe (off)

• Dagger (main and off)

• Mace (main and off)

• Pistol (main)

• Warhorn (off)

• Hammer

• Longbow

• Rifle

• Shortbow


Necro 12

• Axe (off)

• Mace (main and off)

• Pistol (main and off)

• Sword (main and off)

• Shield (off)

• Hammer

• Longbow

• Rifle

• Shortbow


Ranger 10

• Mace (main and off)

• Pistol (main and off)

• Sword (off)

• Scepter (main)

• Focus (off)

• Shield (off)

• Hammer

• Rifle


Revenant 13

• Axe (main)

• Dagger (main and off)

• Mace (off)

• Pistol (main and off)

• Scepter (main)

• Focus (off)

• Torch (off)

• Warhorn (off)

• Greatsword

• Longbow

• Rifle


Thief 13

• Axe (main and off)

• Mace (main and off)

• Sword (off)

• Scepter (main)

• Focus (off)

• Shield (off)

• Torch (off)

• Warhorn (off)

• Greatsword

• Hammer

• Longbow


Warrior 6

• Pistol (main and off)

• Scepter (main)

• Focus (off)

• Shortbow

• Staff”

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The point i was making with my remark about what a class can and cant do is regarding what weapon can do condition or physical damage 1h range / melee mainhand or offhand, what weapon can do the same 2h for this class. Does this class have access to blocks (necro sure does not) or melee CC? (Engi stands out for the melee CC here (1h that is, so as logic states, mace could very well be their next weapon, hopefully both main and offhand this time mind you). It is not about what weapons are left to give to them... it is about what those weapons can give the class that it can not already do.



> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> These are the best e-specs according to a study done by the Worldwide Alliance On Elite Specialization Equality, or WAOESE for short!


So a made up study, made by you promoting specs made by you, with great feedback to the likes of:


> i'm gonna go with no.


> I think this is a really bad idea.


> Truthfully, the idea don't really excite me.




I see no further need to comment on this topic.




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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> The point i was making with my remark about what a class can and cant do is regarding what weapon can do condition or physical damage 1h range / melee mainhand or offhand, what weapon can do the same 2h for this class. Does this class have access to blocks (necro sure does not) or melee CC? (Engi stands out for the melee CC here (1h that is, so as logic states, mace could very well be their next weapon, hopefully both main and offhand this time mind you). It is not about what weapons are left to give to them... it is about what those weapons can give the class that it can not already do.



> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > These are the best e-specs according to a study done by the Worldwide Alliance On Elite Specialization Equality, or WAOESE for short!


> So a made up study, made by you promoting specs made by you, with great feedback to the likes of:


> > i'm gonna go with no.


> > I think this is a really bad idea.


> > Truthfully, the idea don't really excite me.




> I see no further need to comment on this topic.





We took a ton of factors into consideration already.


Thank you for your participation! Have a swell one!

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My ideas for the cantha new expansion:

1. Warrior -> Monk(melee

New weapon: staff

new skills: mantra

new mechanics: adrenaline changes to Combo point




2. Guardian -> cursed guardian (condition, mid-long range)

New weapon: Dual pistol/rifle

new skills:gliphs

new mechanics: can use only one virtues at time (like elementarist and gliph) and he can overload virtue




3.revenant -> ??? ( i don't know)(mid- range power )

new weapon: dual dagger

new skill: corruption

new mechanics new legend



4.Engineer-> golemancer( mid-close range, support/condition)

new weapon:staff

new mechanics:F5 transform into a mech (like shroud)

new skil:corruption/phisical




5.Thief -> Bard(nid support power)

new weapon:longbow(with a skin like a harp)

new skill:kits(musical instrument)

new mechanics: F1 become area boon spread




6. ranger -> Hunter(long range condition)

new weapon:rifle

new skill: cantrip

new mechanics: F5 summon a cannon for a short period




7. elementarist -> arcanist (melee- mid range power/condition)

new weapon. dual pistol/ greatsword

new skill: corruption

new mechanics: 5 element(arcana)




8. mesmer -> priest(healer - condition mid range)

new weapon: shortbow

new skill: mantra

new mechanics: F1-F4 become spirit overload ( mesmer don't create clone but generate honor point ,max.10, and you can use it to summon a spirit for a short time)




9. necromancer -> pirate ( long-mid range power)

new weapon: mace (skin like molotov)

new skill: elixir

new mecanics:F1-F5 you canchose 5 type of bullet


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> @"Blackrystal.3508" said:


> 4.Engineer-> golemancer( mid-close range, support/condition)

> new weapon:staff

> new mechanics:F5 transform into a mech (like shroud)

> new skil:corruption/phisical



I think this might be really redundant....

Transforming (and therefore getting a new set of skills) is already done with holosmith, it would basically be the same mechanic with the exception that the heat system is traded for a second health bar.


Then a golemancer spec would obviously be Asuran flavoured visually. Again, already done with holosmith, Anet themselves stated that all of the visuals of the holosmith are designed around Asuran aesthetics.

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## elementalist

There's something that has been bugging me ever since I started to really get into elementalist and I feel my conflicts with the class could be solved by an elite spec. I've been floating around the idea for a while and I think it's a good idea.


## elemental master as opposed to the Avatar

Something i would like to see is an elite spec that forces the player to choose one of the 4 elements and become dedicated to that one element while limiting or completely removing access to the other elements.

This might sound awful at first if it was just that, but I have a solution for that. The attunments are still there, you just wont swap into those elemental skills. Rather you'll gain the triat buffs of being in that element along with some other related bonus but still be locked into, for example, fire magic.

The added benefits would be you focused attunment would grant you access to a superior skill only a master can control when you're attuned to your primary element. So for example if you're a water mage you gain access to the skill Maelstrom, an aoe that damages and chills foes while granting barrier and regen to allies on a long cooldown. While fire might get Twin dragon flames, a duel cast aoe nuking spell that spits out burning.


The other benefit of this since I don't think this is enough for an elementalist is I'd also like it to gain weapon swap in combat to offset some of the tradeoffs.


## Weapon longbow/greatsword/hammer with mantras as utility

As for a weapon. I can't decide. Hammer, longbow and greatsword all sound great. I think each of them could offer up some unique abilities. But a hammer or greatsword sounds best to me personally since arena net could design them in such a way that 2 of the elements uses that weapon as a ranged weapon and two uses it as melee.

For utility, I like the idea of Mantras with a cast time even after charging but having a much stronger impact on the field. Like a dragon's stomp that cracks the ground and knocks foes down in a fissure that can be used up a second time to deal heavy damage to stunned foes.


But yeah. The ideas I have for it is I really want to run a Pyromancer or Hydromancer. I like the pure aspect I feel elementalist is missing.

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1) Berserker with a Torch, Rage skills and Berserker mode which gives new Berserker Bursts abilities.

2) Spell Breaker with dual Daggers, Meditations, and Full Counters mechanic that absorbs and counter attacks surrounding foes.

*3) Warlord with Melee Staff, hired Recruits, and Marks to aid allies on the battlefield.

*4) Champion with a main hand Shield, Punishment abilities that weakens or leaves foes vulnerable, and Protection mechanic, gives a barrier and tethers to allies, to absorb damage.

*5) Ravager with dual Pistols, Traps, and Ravage Burst mechanic which provides more of an area effect damage.



1) Dragonhunter with Long Bows, Traps, and the ability turn their Virtues into Physical Constructs.

2) Firebrands with a main hand Axe, Mantras, and changes their Virtues in to Tomes of several spells.

*3) Archon with an off hand Sword, glyphs, and the ability to attune to a Virtue at a time.

*4) Summoner with a War Horn, Summon mythical creatures for aid, and convert Virtues into Virtuous Pets

*5) Mystic with main hand Focus, Arcane Spells, and Virtuous Burst abilities.



1) Hearld with a Shield, conjuring Dragon abilities, and able to tap into the Dragon Legend to buff them and their allies.

2) Renegade with Short Bow, able to summon spiritual combatants, and harness a Legendary Warrior's ability to command ancient forces and charging your allies for battle.

*3) Overlord with dual Scepters, able to summon minions from the mist, and Over Charge their connection to their attune legend.

*4) Mist Walker with dual Pistols, the ability to use the mist offensive and defensively, and Merge Legend abilities.

*5) Rift Slayer with a Great Sword, and able to cast dimensional spells, and the timely ability to open or close a dimensional gate which exceeds their abilities.



1) Druid with a Staff, glyphs, and the ability to turn into a Celestial Avatar

2) Soulbeast with a main hand Dagger, combat stances, and the ability to take in the spirit of their pet granting them animalistic abilities.

*3) Shaman with a off hand Focus, summoning Totems that buff them and their allies, and having the ability to transform into their pet, having all of their pets' abilities.

*4) Warden with an off hand Shield, summoning herds and commanding nature to do their bidding, along with controlling 2 pets at the same time.

*5) Wanderer with a Hammer, having shouts to stifle their foes, and can summon random pets for a brief moment of time.



1) Scrapper with a Hammer, having mechanical Gyros that place wells at their destruction, and a personal gyro that revive an ally or finish a foe.

2) Holosmith with a main hand Sword, the ability to conjure hard light, and the ability to Exceed their normal light abilities before they overheat.

*3) Machinist- with a main hand Mace, they can create gear for them and their allies, and their new mechanic allows them to use their gears to assemble into a Battle Mech.

*4) Technomancer with a Great Sword, and Physical Cybrotronics abilities, and Mana that alters their Cybrotronics.

*5) Med Tech with an off hand Focus, Preparation skills, along with Biomatrix mechanic for buffing them and their allies.



1) Daredevil with a Melee Staff, Physical Skills for attacking foes, and offensive and defensive Dodge abilities.

2) Deadeye with a Rifle, cantrips for manipulating foes, and a Deadeye Mark and Malice mechanic to cause extra damage to marked targets.

*3) Inquisitor with a Torch, Survival Skills to allude foes or buff abilities, and an Intuition mechanic that uses the initiative as a bonus to combat.

*4) Reaver with dual Maces, summoning their Thieves Guild to aid in combat, and their Steal abilities a Counter in combat.

*5) Shadow Mage with an off hand Focus, Arcane Shadow spells, and can summon a Shadow Thief to steal from a distance.



1) Tempest with a War Horn and Shouts to command the weather and elements, and the ability to Overcharge their attunements, cause mass devastation in their wake.

2) Weaver with a main hand sword, combat Stances to manipulate the elements, and the ability to control two separate elements at the same time.

*3) Magus with a main hand Focus, able to cast Consecration Spells, and the ability to Sub-attune, granting the benefits of other elements, while no longer able to swap attunements.

*4) Rune Master with a Long Bow, able to cast Elemental Wells, and Mark the ground with elemental symbols when they attune, buffing allies and damaging foes.

*5) Arcanist with an off hand Scepter, the ability use Mantras, and attune to a 5th Element "the Arcane"



1) Chronomancer with a Shield, Wells to control time, and a new mechanic Continuum Split, so they can go back in time.

2) Mirage with a main hand Axe, Deception spells, and a Mirage Cloak that allows them to evade attacks without even moving.

*3) Enchanter with a Short Bow, enchanting Shouts, with their Shatter Skills having new abilities, making their clones Enchantments, buffing the allies close by instead of damaging foes.

*4) Psionic with a main hand Pistol, Sabotage skills work like Cantrips, and they have only have one Clone at a time but can be treated as 3 clones in 1.

*5) Conjurer with dual Daggers, that can Summon illusionary beasts that later turns to clones, and conjure 5 clones instead of 3, but the shatter ability only effects foes around the caster.



1) Reaper with Great Sword, Shouts that frighten their opponents, and a Reaper Shroud for close combat.

2) Scourge with a Torch, Punishment abilities that torment and corrupt, and summons Shades to damaging foes close by.

*3) Diabolist with a Hammer, able to cast Tricks that damage foes, and can transform into a Demon Shroud.

*4) Death Stalker with a Rifle, Traps, and Stalking Spirits mechanics that can revive an ally or finish a foe.

*5) Warlock with a off hand Shield, Glyphs, and a new mechanic that turns their life force into a Burst depending on their main hand weapon.

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**Elemenalist Elite Spec:** Stormrager

**Weapon:** Hammer (focused on power damage with a couple of leaps and some hard CC)

**New Mechanic:** Elemental Fury. You have the ability to empower the element you're currently attune to (increased damage and decreased cooldowns, maybe some boons or other things) but all other attunments go on an X second Cooldown. These effects persist for the duration only Rage skills gain bonus effects (don't know what yet).

**Skill type gained:** Rage

**Heal Skill:**

Instant cast low cooldown heal , but healing to match cooldown. When gains different AOE effects dependant on attunement.

- Fire: Burst of damage that is a blast finisher. maybe applies burning?

- Water: Does extra healing in an area (small amount) and chills nearby foes

- Air: Knocks back nearby foes

- Earth: grants 1 stack of stability to nearby allies




1. Unrestrained Element: Low CD, extends the duration of Elemental Fury by X seconds for each foe in the radius.

2. Unrelenting: Stunbreak, gain fury, quickness and stability. Gain immunity to mov ement impaiting conditions for X seconds

3. Unyielding: Incoming damage is reduced by 20% for X seconds. Incoming hits reduce attuement cooldown by 1 second for the duration of this skill.

4. Unburdened: Charge skill. Remove X conditions from nearby allies.

**Elite skill:**

Unleash: Double the benefits of Elemental fury for X seconds and add X seconds to attunment cooldown. For X seconds, gain pulsing protection, might, fury, regeneration and stability. (cooldown will be proportional to duraiton.

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Mesmers should receive a Fortune Teller spec with warhorn acting as a hookah type weapon, that produces obscuring purple and pink hazes to blanket areas, poison and confuse, obscure vision, and protect allies.


As a Fortune Teller, it has direct lore ties with Cantha at least (giving Shiro the nudge he needed to do what he did) And the aesthetic of smoke filled dens in Kaineng City make for a great aesthetic tie-in.


Shatters replaced by phantasms (referencing Conjure Phantasm) that act like a hex and "haunt" an enemy and affect the enemy and allies around it with pulsing power damage, or conditions. It'd be interesting in PvP to force players to stand a distance sway from a hexed team mate to avoid the effects, making isolating specific targets a key role. It'd shake up the meta in a good way and work really well in PvE.


Not sure about utilities though but something based around a Canthan tarot kind of deal would be rad. Would love to bake this idea!



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I think you should stop this idea of ​​an off hand being placed as a main hand. Anet never said anything about it, not even a clue. In addition to not having to do this, the weapons are very well constructed. There is no need to change the originality of the weapons.


Main shield, main torch, main focus, scepter off hand. Whatever it is, it is very amateurish to think that after 8 years of the game they would change something unnecessary.


Since there are many other old things, the base of the game that never changed was a bad thing for the game, instead they created new tools to hide the defects.

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> @"JohnWater.5760" said:

> I think you should stop this idea of ​​an off hand being placed as a main hand. Anet never said anything about it, not even a clue. In addition to not having to do this, the weapons are very well constructed. There is no need to change the originality of the weapons.


> Main shield, main torch, main focus, scepter off hand. Whatever it is, it is very amateurish to think that after 8 years of the game they would change something unnecessary.


> Since there are many other old things, the base of the game that never changed was a bad thing for the game, instead they created new tools to hide the defects.


That's funny you say this, cause ANet never said they weren't making offhand weapons able to be dual weld. You should be more upset at people predicting underwater weapons used above land.


Plus, you don't think it's weird that we have only one main hand weapon. I think there's something fishy going on and no one's talking about it, but we should be...

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> @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> > @"JohnWater.5760" said:

> > I think you should stop this idea of ​​an off hand being placed as a main hand. Anet never said anything about it, not even a clue. In addition to not having to do this, the weapons are very well constructed. There is no need to change the originality of the weapons.

> >

> > Main shield, main torch, main focus, scepter off hand. Whatever it is, it is very amateurish to think that after 8 years of the game they would change something unnecessary.

> >

> > Since there are many other old things, the base of the game that never changed was a bad thing for the game, instead they created new tools to hide the defects.


> That's funny you say this, cause ANet never said they weren't making offhand weapons able to be dual weld. You should be more upset at people predicting underwater weapons used above land.


> Plus, you don't think it's weird that we have only one main hand weapon. I think there's something fishy going on and no one's talking about it, but we should be...


Nothing really fishy about it in my opinion.

Can't talk for everyone, but at least for me, it would be awkward to see an offhand scepter. I can't describe it, but that weapon just looks _wrong_ in the offhand.


And Anet maybe never stated that offhand weapons won't come to the mainhand and vice versa, but there is also no reason to assume they would do his if we already had 2 expansions and it didn't happen for any of the 18 elite specs we have so far. There is simply no reason to do this change, there are enough weapons open for a new elite spec still, even for the class which has the most weapons available (warrior still can get scepter, staff, focus, shortbow, pistol).

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> > > @"JohnWater.5760" said:

> > > I think you should stop this idea of ​​an off hand being placed as a main hand. Anet never said anything about it, not even a clue. In addition to not having to do this, the weapons are very well constructed. There is no need to change the originality of the weapons.

> > >

> > > Main shield, main torch, main focus, scepter off hand. Whatever it is, it is very amateurish to think that after 8 years of the game they would change something unnecessary.

> > >

> > > Since there are many other old things, the base of the game that never changed was a bad thing for the game, instead they created new tools to hide the defects.

> >

> > That's funny you say this, cause ANet never said they weren't making offhand weapons able to be dual weld. You should be more upset at people predicting underwater weapons used above land.

> >

> > Plus, you don't think it's weird that we have only one main hand weapon. I think there's something fishy going on and no one's talking about it, but we should be...


> Nothing really fishy about it in my opinion.

> Can't talk for everyone, but at least for me, it would be awkward to see an offhand scepter. I can't describe it, but that weapon just looks _wrong_ in the offhand.


> And Anet maybe never stated that offhand weapons won't come to the mainhand and vice versa, but there is also no reason to assume they would do his if we already had 2 expansions and it didn't happen for any of the 18 elite specs we have so far. There is simply no reason to do this change, there are enough weapons open for a new elite spec still, even for the class which has the most weapons available (warrior still can get scepter, staff, focus, shortbow, pistol).


You totally right. There is no reason to do this change, weapons were very well created.

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