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Memory of Battle.


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I have nearly 7k WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets yet I have almost no memories of battle because you get so few compared to tickets.


**Memories of Battle.**

**From reward tracks:**

WvW Reward Track (usually the 2nd reward (5) and the 22nd reward (10) for a total of 15 per track)


**Skirmish reward track.**

The grand total is 104 Memories of Battle for finishing the Diamond tier the first time each week.


Now let's say you finish Diamond chest every week and you're platinum rank it will take about 13.5 hours to get 104 as calculated: https://www.vabbi.eu/calculator

During this time if you have an enrichment, experience booster and guild buff it will take just over 5 hours to get 15 from Reward tracks so we can add at least 35 onto that total.


This means that by completing the Diamond chest every week we get:

365 Skirmish Tickets.

139 Memory of Battle.


Yet almost everything you can spend your time gated tickets on requires as many memory of battle and that's without mentioning the vast amount of things you can spend just memories of battle on.


TLDR: Please can you add more memories of battle to WvW.






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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Better this way then less of what you can't buy more of. They already pretty cheap so no ty on making them even more available and then worth 3s


Yeah pretty much,

Wvwers complain about no gold and then turn around and complain that they arnt getting flooded by a sellable item that ultimately would tank their market value.

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Well, this is just par for the course when it comes to Anet's treatment of WvW.

* Gathering marks for armor takes 36 weeks just to get the ascended stuff

* You can get legendary in sPvP or PvE in the same amount of time without necessarily playing at a higher-order level

* This funnels WvW players into sPvP or PvE to gear up their characters and sPvP doesn't even use the gear for its gameplay

* Likewise, unlike sPvP, it suggests that you go craft marks in PvE while making the worst gold-income out of all the modes

* That is overlooking the 200g quite alot of active players now farm bi-monthly to deal with relinks instead of improving their accounts

* So for some reason WvW is also treated as a gold/gem sink while it is nowhere near comparable as a faucet to reset the economy

* This is also why Battle is so much more expensive than Glory because obtaining Glory stuff is more easily completed and less needed


Furthermore, despite actively driving their playerbase out of WvW far more than any other mode this treatment also makes the mode suffer from recruitment and content issues (guilds being unable to recruit cross-server or sometimes players not being able to recruit outside players to the game, which is highly detrimental to both game and mode) and they seem to look upon that with a very low priority and no sense of urgency as the mode slowly strangled to death. Granted, WvW is likely a smaller subset of the population but the potential is there, unlike the other modes.


* WvW is essentially the only mode at this point that GW2 does better than any other game and could take market shares from other games

* Open world PvE? Another of the initial sales points has largely been squandered in favour of single-player perspectives seeping through everything

* At this point, arguably, GW2 no longer does open world cooperative gameplay better than WoW (or ESO, BDO, AA or FF14)

* Single players stories? They certainly don't do them better than WoW

* Raids and dungeons? They certainly don't do them better than WoW

* Arenas and sPvP? They certainly don't do them better than WoW


At the end of the day GW2 is ramping up to just be a bad WoW copy and while they strangle this mode to death they also strangle themselves to death as a company along with it. Hopefully they have wisened up about their PvE map design now at least and gone back to their roots there. Let's hope the S5 stuff is successful and that the maps are actually good and conducive to MMO gameplay.


Look, I understand that this sounds hellishly negative and sky-is-falling-ish but the way to go forward is not to put your head in the sand and pretend like nothing is wrong. This comes from a place of honesty and if GW2 is to have any future they need to drag their heads out of any would-be hole and realize that GW2 was designed for open world cooperative PvE content and somewhat open and cooperative PvP content. That is what the game was designed for, that is where their systems shine, that is the slice of the market that they can own (and which gave them early success). Anything but that is quite frankly delusional. It's not like they can turn things around by just shipping another PoF-like expansion. PoF did not turn things around, it was very much an aim-small / miss-small type of approach. That can only stem the tide. PoF did mounts better than anyone else but barring some racing, mounts is not a game mode. That does not provide a stable future for your employees. It simply means that you lose slower. In the time it will take to make an expansion it isn't unlikely that EU WvW will end up just like NA and while some people still play on NA the region is effectively dead at least as far as the game mode and its content was intended. Again, WvW is undoubtedly not the largest game mode but the playerbase has proven to be very resilient, and that is money over time, in comparison to the more whimsical the company is placating themselves to death with. Cantha could be a needed cash injection but lets not forget that the half-slice layoffs came a mere 18 months after PoF released. That's not even half the time that WvW has been in relink hell.

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They aren't overly expensive even after inflation this past week nearly double.


If they were accountbound then you'd have a larger concern.


I think what's more annoying is grandmaster mark shards as they are accountbound, don't get stored as a material or in the wallet, not craftable, and take about a month to even finish one grandmaster mark.

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Sorry but I don't play GW2 and WvW for 30 hours a week like some of you must seem to, I play maybe 10 hours a week now. I get tons of skirmish tickets but due to the amount of memories of battle and their distribution I get almost no memories of battle, takes nearly a month to save up enough for an ascended mistforged armour piece, meanwhile I'm drowning in skirmish tickets.


If you barely complete diamond chest a week you get twice as many skirmish tickets as memories of battle but there's nothing you can spend the time gated part on because of the scarcity of the other currency.


Did not one of you look at the math to realise how out of kilter the system is when everything costs memories of battle?


This means that by completing the Diamond chest every week we get:

365 Skirmish Tickets.

139 Memory of Battle.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Sorry but I don't play GW2 and WvW for 30 hours a week like some of you must seem to, I play maybe 10 hours a week now. I get tons of skirmish tickets but due to the amount of memories of battle and their distribution I get almost no memories of battle, takes nearly a month to save up enough for an ascended mistforged armour piece, meanwhile I'm drowning in skirmish tickets.


> If you barely complete diamond chest a week you get twice as many skirmish tickets as memories of battle but there's nothing you can spend the time gated part on because of the scarcity of the other currency.


> Did not one of you look at the math to realise how out of kilter the system is when everything costs memories of battle?


> This means that by completing the Diamond chest every week we get:

> 365 Skirmish Tickets.

> 139 Memory of Battle.


Do you undersatand that you can buy them? And that's why nobody cares -it doesn't lock anyone from buying anything, it's not an actual timegating component, it's not really an issue.

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> Full set of armour:

1,310 Skirmish Tickets (x2 for Mistforged)

1,500 Memories of Battle (x2 for Mistforged)


Well, the regular mistforged is garbage due to the scarce shards and overpriced marks. But 3000 Memories of Battle adds up to like 270-300g, which really isn't that bad for a set of ascended armor that is stat selectable. I guess if you're just crafting core stats it wouldn't be that great.



350 Skirmish Tickets

250 Memories of Battle


25g for an ascended weapon isn't unreasonable.


> Full set of accesories:

1,310 Skirmish Tickets

1,250 Memories of Battle

Reset cost: 250 Memories of Battle Kappa


You can reset with the pvp curency. Outside of doing Ls3 or its reward tracks, this isn't really that bad either.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The memories spiked from 5 silver to 14 silver thanks to the one ring to rule them all.

> I made about 400 gold selling the Memories that I hoarded.


Unidentified Dyes are in the same boat. Had 3 stacks of Skirmish Chests I unloaded last night - avg dye selling for about 12s.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > The memories spiked from 5 silver to 14 silver thanks to the one ring to rule them all.

> > I made about 400 gold selling the Memories that I hoarded.


> Unidentified Dyes are in the same boat. Had 3 stacks of Skirmish Chests I unloaded last night - avg dye selling for about 12s.


I sold some of those too and used the gold to fund my Conflux ?

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If you're getting half as many memories of battle as you do skirmish tickets then there will always be a supply issue with memories of battle when spending skirmish tickets. This means for anyone that isn't putting in an obscene amount of time completing a lot of reward tracks (or spending tons on boosters) they will never have enough memories of battle to actually spend the time gated currency of Skirmish Tickets.


Full set of armour:

1,310 Skirmish Tickets (x2 for Mistforged)

1,500 Memories of Battle (x2 for Mistforged)



350 Skirmish Tickets

250 Memories of Battle


Full set of accesories:

1,310 Skirmish Tickets

1,250 Memories of Battle

Reset cost: 250 Memories of Battle Kappa


The point is there's a massive supply issue of Memories of Battle into the system, this is reflected in the 9s price tag memories of battle cost making it ~22g for a stack. I know just buy it with all the gold you get in WvW selling memories of battle right?


They don't need to go nuts and make everything poop out Memories of battle but I would say from wood to diamond the numbers should be increased by about 3 times for the single track. That would even it out at a 1:1 ratio of tickets to battle with extra around for all the extra uses like resetting accessories and crafting without tanking the economy too hard.


Now with the ring that price has gone up a lot, this certainly indicates there's a supply issue if people are having to buy them over actually earning.

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Nobody ever said you're supposed to be getting them in 1:1 ratio, so your initial point in this thread is just wrong. Subsequently any argument building up on that idea is baseless and no matter how many times you copy-paste the same wall of text saying that 1000 isn't equal to 800 won't change anything about it. If you need more memories of battle than you can farm -buy them.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> Nobody ever said you're supposed to be getting them in 1:1 ratio, so your initial point in this thread is just wrong. Subsequently any argument building up on that idea is baseless and no matter how many times you copy-paste the same wall of text saying that 1000 isn't equal to 800 won't change anything about it. If you need more memories of battle than you can farm -buy them.


You're once again missing the point, it's a major supply issue across the game where tickets can and will go unspent and unused not because of player choice but because supply is too low.


Considering shards of glory are the equivocal currency for PvP and you get over 7 times (30 vs 4) more in the repeatable chest and the numbers of shards on the way up in PvP i much better than in WvW I would say the ratio is 100% off.


You can say "Ah but WvW is less effort and you can get more pips" depends heavily on how you play, unless you have the outnumbered buff you're getting 8-10 pips every 5 minutes and it takes 55 pips to finish diamond chest on repeat, this means it takes anywhere from 30 mins to 35 mins for a platinum player to earn 4 memories of battle from the diamond chest. This is assuming the best outcome because the amount on the way up is pitiful in comparison.


For PvP you gain 3-10 every 8-15 minutes, with the matchmaker ending up putting you at close to a 50% win ratio (it's actually about 60% to keep rating) so we can average it out to 7 per game (you get extra pips for top stats), even if every game runs to timer it only takes 5 games, 1hr 15mins to complete a tier (30 pips). Hmmm, that's a little over double the time to get 7 times the rewards.


As I said, they don't need to go crazy but increasing the rewards in the skirmish chests, especially wood to diamond and not the repeatable is a sensible idea otherwise the larger economy will run out of memories of battle or be sitting on vast quantities of skirmish tickets that never get used. Neither is a good outcome for the game mode.






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Didn't seem to run out of MoB for the past 7 years, pretty doubtful we will suddenly run out of it now, so it seems to me like your claim is still pretty empty, but w/e, we can repeat the same thing for the next 5 pages of this thread for all I care. :D

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Memories of Battle are up to 14 silver a piece now.


Decided to make a WvW sword today.

5g in buy cost

15g in Memories

[35g in marks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Grandmaster%20Weaponsmith%27s%20Mark&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=12022&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true)

so **a total of 55g** and then of course the week-long grind of **350 tickets**


Or I could just have [crafted it in PvE for 45g](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Zojja%27s%20Blade&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=7665&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true), lol.


What's my point? I've advocated for a vast increase in marks from chests in the past. At this point though, they may as well outright remove them if they intend for WvW to be a viable way to gear your characters for WvW. Marks serve no other purpose than inequality, unfairness and driving players out of the mode at this point. Even if the memories were to come down substantially in price in the economy, with a major influx of players into WvW who are not interested in getting WvW-gear, 350 tickets is still a week-capped- and for many players week-long farm. It is perfectly reasonable for that alone or that plus 5g and whatever memories end up at to be the cost of an item. It's not like it will make PvE players flock to WvW to gear their characters up respectively and even if it did turn some people the other way for gearing opportunities, it's not like that should be an issue after all these years of the current garbage.


I'm just so sick and tired of this that has become institutional issues without even a single whoops or aknowledgement from the people who develop the game. How can they expect a game mode to thrive when the developer itself does the best it can to drive players away from their own game mode and by extension their game? It boggles the mind, it is that stupid.



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Also, to make things perfectly clear. This isn't about me, I've played the game since it launched so I have everything I could possibly want. I have the luxury to throw away 30 marks, 10 gold and 350 tickets for no reason what so ever (other than being too lazy to hit the TP and the crafting station). I probably have 20 swords like the one I just plucked out of the WvW vendor.


No, what tickles my ire is this: Imagine that I was a player in WoW, EVE, FFXIV, ESO, AA, BDO, NCsoft's own other titles (or if I was an old DaoC player or even an old GW2 player dawdling around waiting for WvW-like titles like New World, Crowfall, Camelot Unchained, Ashes of Creation or whatever else).


As a player I was interested in large scale PvP, I am that demography and customer base (same as everyone here), and looked at GW2 going "hmm... GW2 WvW looks pretty cool, the gameplay may be the best on the market, maybe I should try that out" and I saw ArenaNet's treatment of WvW with how most systems in the game would set up barriers or steer me away from my preference, then I wouldn't touch GW2 with a ten-foot pole. I would be discouraged to buy the game. It sends a very concering outgoing signal, one that suggests that they don't care about their game (mode) or their players, or even dislike them by treating them worse compared to other modes over multiple points of reference. Would you come play that game? People notice and talk about it.


It affects how we talk about it amongst ourselves, it affects how we talk about it on streams and casts and it affects the impression people get of GW2 in general. It affects how the game is perceived by people playing other games, the perception on the market. That image likely costs more than their PR bring.


That's the problem here. They are keeping new players from entering the mode, they are driving newer players from the mode and they are driving potential players away from the game. It doesn't matter if it is memories of battle and gearing or if it is servers, relinks and transfers. It follows the same pattern. That is pretty kitten fundamental right there and something I would alarmingly and urgently address if I was a developer.


Something like the TP prices for memories may seem trivial at first glance but this is a pattern of behaviour and results. It is part of a larger discussion of gearing, progression and motives that ties into an even larger discussion of encouraging people to play and making your game appealing. How hard would it be for a game designer to look at the DB and slash the required memories and/or marks by a tenfold? It's a few-minute job. Even for memories it could be easily motived by how a shard of glory is 59c and a memory of battle is 14s. It is glaringly obvious, it is easily done, it's their job to iterate on these things.


That's what MMO-players pay for whether that comes in subscription, dlc/expansion or mtx. We invest in continued development, we invest in accounts. They could choose not to prioritize a diminished playerbase and how that drives prices up but that is just further incentive for the prices to keep spiraling and players to diminish. Doing the few-minute job might make a player want to progress their character and keep playing as a result.


What's the hurdle?

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