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It’s time to roll out! “Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire” is now live.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike _required_ to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

> >

> > I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

> >

> > Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.


> Disagree, the other players make this fun. The music, the other players and the npcs make me feel as a part of the warband. Its chaotic, its fast and that adds to the atmosphere. Doing this solo would be a big bore and make the instance longer than it already is. You can still do the content and not have anyone distract you. I am not sure how randoms would distract you and take away from your enjoyment of the lore. If lore is what you are really after, I would think you would appreciate the lore of having other players in your warband. The instance is long enough to allow you to go through the achievements. This is honestly the best story mission I have experienced in the entire game and I wish Anet releases more content this way. It was ridiculous that we were able to take down the elder dragons and even a god solo.


The instance is quite easy when played with others that are not exploring or AFK, but I do not like in this instance, that other players can steal the collection items (flowers, snow etc.) during events and that the last fight takes way too long because other players do not help breaking the breakbar of the boss (spamming tank skill 3 - harpoon) and do not read chat about this. Nothing fun about the above.


EDIT: I have started the strike-mission with the squad-option as a solo player until the fight against the Acient Forgeman. Now I do see all the pre-events and events and now they make sense for the first time. Because when I entered the public-strike mission twice before, other players did already some events. Playing this strike-mission and it's events solo is much more fun and helps more understanding it.


In the public strike I could not understand the mechanic how the gate should be ripped open and how you use the different tank skills for this (because other players did this already before I could do it) but in the solo-instance it takes longer but is more fun and I now understood the mechanics. Also I now have my own time to do the little jumping puzzles to the snipers above.


And it's easiers for some achievements (like collection scrap metal to repair the tank) because other players can not steal the scrap metal and other collection items.


Until the last boss fight it was fun doing it solo. But I did not finish the last boss fight, because I was never able to break the break bar completely with tank-skill-3, so it would take way too long for my taste and I left the instance.


So, after playing a part of this strike-mission solo: The solo experience until the last boss fight is much, much better than the public strike experience.


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I just wanted to say, I'm really disappointed at the fact I cannot play and try out season one, I was hoping that this would be the fix but unfortunately not, I love the story, I had to watch a 3 hour video to even understand who the NPCS were when I was introduced to them and what I missed, I thought season one was awesome and I never got to play it, Please put it in.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Loved soloing the first mission. Will have to take a look at the rest later. Entering a public mission just to spawn in the camp with 0 events, no timers, no way to do anything was awkward though. Must have been bugged?


Will, it seems the public misson waits for other players. I entered a sqaud-mission solo and the timer started and I could do all pre-events etc.


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Firstly, huge thanks to the team who designed the content, the steel warband and the darkrime visions are just stunning and well designed, rendered. Eye of the north base is a nice additon, but it still feels a little empty so hope it will not be forgotten after one episode. With more possible upgrades. I am very thankful for the ls1 visions of the past. But definitely would have been better put as ls1 and not requiring icebrood saga. I enjoyed a lot playing as a sniper and I still enjoy it. The tank is fun to control. But I saw ton of players just lost, not knowing what to do: Each time forgeman require harpoon, nobody harpoon, the runes appear for shields, nobody do them. I know that with strikes you have shown you can add indicators in fight, may be usefull to add splash texts like "Go in the tank, use harpoon!!!!!!" Or "Run for runes"!! Even at the start, nobody knew how to break the weak points and harpooning the gate..... Not hard for gate, you can substitute and do it yourself, but forgeman is another story....

Still have no ideas who is that "famous character" we know....




EDIT DISCLAIMER: I explained the issue better below, you can check it. I know this is a kind of draft.




BUT; now the bad points.

>! -The runic cape is awesome, but it's totally stupid, unjust and nonsense to lock the required collections (footsteps ones) behind many strikes missions and a skin that is now more and more expensive on the trading post, as example chainsaw is around 50g currently. This is a collection in P V E! Whereas some players may play raid/fractals build some other are playing the build they like and have fun with it (but can be a low dps or not optimized build): You can't lock a collection behind that aberration of strikes that are now full of raid elitists asking for kill proof or specific roles!!!! Should have an alternative path like collecting items within the steel warband mission would make way far more sense than doing a strike that you are sure you will fail 9 times out of 10 because well it's pve, and many players have fun playing their build and don't care about your "raid likes" bosses. (my case btw and some of my friends or guildies too and some peoples around)!


>! ---


>! -I just want to finish those kitten strike missions achievs in footstep or within bjora achievements! PUT THE CURRENT VERSION AS RAID ONE GIVING MORE REWARD TO RAIDERS AND ADD AN EASY VERSION LIKE SHIVERPASS STRIKE FOR PLAYERS LIKE ME THAT JUST WANT TO HAVE THE ACHIEVEMENTS!!! doable with 5 players!!!!! doable with 10 players!!!! WITH ANY BUILD!!!


>! ---


>! -I will definitely not return to strikes having bad times to unlock that awesome cape. Think more about your playerbase and make it available to everyone! Unlock availability to buy the Prototype harmonizing mist loom after completing the story instead of one of those badly-thought footstep achiev! A first good step, would be to make the weapon required in collection lootable instead of being forced to buy it on tp (I speak about iron legion flamesaw as example)



>! I will not speak about the awful cost you put to buy that "Prototype Harmonizing Mist Loom" to get cape shards. What you are doing here is just disgusting.


>! -It's ALSO STUPID TO LOCK AN ITEM BEHIND A CHEST THAT CAN BE ONLY OPENED ONCE A WEEK! opened it before doing story and now I'm doomed having to wait 1 week!!! Put that item at the end chest of steel warband vision!! (Yes i speak about items like "A touch of aurene's magic")


>! -As I said before, EOTN, well it's still empty even after adding everything, we should be able to recruit npcs to bring them here, decorations... dunno but I'm afraid it will be forgotten in 2 weeks.




TLDR: As usual, the map, the execution and mechanics are priceless and awesome, the story bit here is too, but again WITH EXPENSIVE CRAFTING ITEMS AND REQUIRING STRIKES COMPLETION....


EDIT 2: It may seems like an useless rant, but in order to open the emissary chest to complete any footstep achiev you need prophet crystal, requiring prophet shards ONLY LOOTABLE IN STRIKE MISSIONS. And you need ton of them in order to have the crystal to unlock the chest to unlock item for collection.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:


> BUT; now the bad points.

> -The runic cape is awesome, but it's totally stupid, unjust and nonsense to lock the required collections (footsteps ones) behind many strikes missions and a skin that is now more and more expensive on the trading post, as example chainsaw is around 50g currently. This is a collection in P V E! Whereas some players may play raid/fractals build some other are playing the build they like and have fun with it (but can be a low dps or not optimized build): You can't lock a collection behind that aberration of strikes that are now full of raid elitists asking for kill proof or specific roles!!!! Replace it asap with collecting items within the steel warband mission would make way far more sense than doing a strike that you are sure you will fail 9 times out of 10 because well it's pve, and many players have fun playing their build and don't care about your "raid likes" bosses. (my case btw and some of my friends or guildies too and some peoples around)!


Why? What exactly makes you think this is NOT okay? Why is a PvE collection (most of them are btw, no idea why you had to put emphasis on this) not fine to require to you play this type of content? This reads like textbook entitlement to me and I'll need to you to explain this one to me because I can't figure anything else out from this.





Which achievements are there in particular that you struggle with? From a cursory glance I've not seen any that seemed too difficult? Just a lot of grinding maybe.



> I will definitely not return to strikes having bad times to unlock that awesome cape. Think more about your playerbase and make it available to everyone! Unlock availability to buy the Prototype harmonizing mist loom after completing the story instead of one of those badly-thought footstep achiev! A first good step, would be to make the weapon required in collection lootable instead of being forced to buy it on tp (I speak about iron legion flamesaw as example)


I think they thought a lot about their playerbase when they figured it would be nice to give us another cape to earn. Keyword: Earn. This is a game. It shouldn't be "available to everyone", in a sense it already is. Nobody has a guy standing in front of them saying "No, you cannot do that" when they try to load into the map or look up a guide. Price will surely drop as more weapons are available. Are they really at fault for wanting people to play what they create? Play it more than once? I dare say no, not at all.




> I will not speak about the awful cost you put to buy that "Prototype Harmonizing Mist Loom" to get cape shards. What you are doing here is just disgusting.


This is the first time after... Cooking 500? Skyscale? Was introduced that something required a bit of your gold and again it is too much, unfair etc. Looking at that, the gemstones are the only thing with a real price attached to them and they've been available to us to farm every day for how many years now? It's about time they got another sink that wasn't legendary weapons.


> It's ALSO STUPID TO LOCK AN ITEM BEHIND A CHEST THAT CAN BE ONLY OPENED ONCE A WEEK! OPENED IT BEFORE DOING STORY AND I'M DOOMED AND HAVEN'T RECEIVED THE ITEM HAVE TO WAIT 1 WEEK!!! Put that item at the end chest of steel warband vision!! (Yes i speak about items like "A touch of aurene's magic")


> -As I said before, EOTN, well it's still empty even after adding everything, we should be able to recruit npcs to bring them here, decorations... dunno but I'm afraid it will be forgotten in 2 weeks.



Granted, these are fair points. Especially the chest one is stupid.


Disclaimer: I don't doubt some of these WILL be made easier, because Anet is known for doing this. Maybe the particular dev(s) behind some steps thought it was fine, similar to the Skyscale timegate. I don't want to silence you in any way, it's great that you're making yourself heard so that they can adjust things are necessary. I just don't agree with what was said, so don't view this as an attack. Ty.

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I played through the two new episodes last night and I loved them, well done! I'm even more raring to get to grips with Bangar now. I'm hoping that when the end comes you "finish" him, PvP/WvW style.


I haven't played the season one stuff yet but I'm looking forward to it and for the first time in... maybe forever, I love all three weights of the armour sets you added, Runic armour looks great!

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Well was expecting a reply by someone. I get your point, and frankly I don't like shouting to be heard, It's just that when I written my answers, I was angered by seeing that strikes missions are used in collections or achievement. I also put too much caps-lock will surely edit that. So I edited the original post, but I kept it very similar.

> @"Blocki.4931" said:

>Why? What exactly makes you think this is NOT okay? Why is a PvE collection (most of them are btw, no idea why you had to put emphasis on this) not fine to >require to you play this type of content? This reads like textbook entitlement to me and I'll need to you to explain this one to me because I can't figure anything else >out from this.


->So for the first point, Strike missions isn't PVE, it's forcing players to do raid content, raid isn't equal to pve, like fractal isn't equal to pve, it's sub-categories of that content, as I said, you can't force players that used to play for a certain way for long time (even if it's non meta build) to simply go on snowcrow or metabattle to change their dps in order to complete a strike boss. Many will prefer to simply keep their low dps build, if it's the build where they have the more fun with. A PVE collection, it requires thing PRESENT in the maps and collectable/ doable within them, not instanced content present in those maps; PVE is equal to world bosses, finding an item around in a map, killing an enemy in the map, using vista, doing jumping puzzle, NOT AN INSTANCED CONTENT. (at least this is how I see and some other see it, but I respect your opinion on that)




>Which achievements are there in particular that you struggle with? From a cursory glance I've not seen any that seemed too difficult? Just a lot of grinding maybe.


->I should have explained: I speak about the ryland steelcatcher footstep, it literally require you to do several strike missions. Someone can confirm me if other footsteps also require strikes or not, but as example, I just discovered that the vishen one, involve 0 strikes mission, so I can give them that good point. But the point here is that you are basically condemning some achiev because players can't do part of them. Here in vishen you have to complete khan ur jp, and you know there is some peoples that hate jumping puzzles. There is always exception or peoples not liking a type of content, and those footsteps achiev are "forcing them".




> I think they thought a lot about their playerbase when they figured it would be nice to give us another cape to earn. Keyword: Earn. This is a game. It shouldn't be >"available to everyone", in a sense it already is. Nobody has a guy standing in front of them saying "No, you cannot do that" when they try to load into the map or >look up a guide. Price will surely drop as more weapons are available. Are they really at fault for wanting people to play what they create? Play it more than once? I >dare say no, not at all.


->Here I was speaking about some of the weapon item costing a lot due to requiring stabilizing prophet crystal, but I agree the cost will go down with time.

I'm also for them pushing players to play a content, or orienting them to a specific content they created, but the achiev is basically asking you to complete the strike, not trying to. The whole group will have someone if front on them saying "Nope you can't have that" if they aren't pro of their specialization role.

What bother me is that they keep insisting on the fact that their strikes will magically convert pve players to raiders. It's impossible, and they simply should stop adding them as part of main collections. Having achievs for them sure, rewards for intensive players killing them efficiently sure, but in another story. I'm not the first one saying that, remember the thread about bjora marches meta achievement requiring strikes?




>This is the first time after... Cooking 500? Skyscale? Was introduced that something required a bit of your gold and again it is too much, unfair etc. Looking at that, the >gemstones are the only thing with a real price attached to them and they've been available to us to farm every day for how many years now? It's about time they got >another sink that wasn't legendary weapons.


Well, the cost is 250 quartz, 50 amalgamated gemstones, 1 charged quartz, 99995 karmas. It's okay frankly, But would have preferred to be able to use POF substitutes like elegy mosaics. Also one for karma like gold coins. Or LWS5 (icebrood saga) currencies.




Well no worries, I can agree with disagreeing and I'm sure peoples see the weekly timegate of the chest, the cost required or the execution as normal. Currently I can't unlock the prototype thingy to gather cape shards because the steel warband is completely bugged, doesn't start, can't have the item related to speaking with vishen at the end.

I can't also have the aurene item of the emissary chest, because I opened it and it doesn't give it to me because it was before the related footstep achievement considered that I was doing it. /facepalm


I definitely think that something has to be done with strikes. I mean, just do the shiverpass one, see how easy it is as 5 men or 10 men, just see the big difficulty difference between that and the others. They should consider adding an hard version to shiverpass, and an easy version to Fraenir/claw/boneskinner/whisper.

I completed shiverpass rapidly, with a group that would be qualified as "Unoptimized" by dps meter runners, I got 75 silvers + several stuff and ice shards. Why can't I do the others the same way? I let you think what you want, but that content will not last long if it shatter the community even more between raiders / non raiders or should I say "I care about dps and efficiency" and "I just want to have fun".


Is there is one big change I want to happens, it's to transfer collection items contained in emissary chest to be transferred into the chest at the end of the steel warband vision.




>I don't want to silence you in any way, it's great that you're making yourself heard so that they can adjust things are necessary. I just don't agree with what was said, so >don't view this as an attack. Ty.


Maybe I have such bad reputation, but I'm not for silencing or reporting posters disagreeing with me. (Can see it in my signature links). You exposed your opinions on the different points and it's a good thing so Ty to you to. I'm all for discussion if it's in a constructive and respectful manner. Dunno what you think I will see that as an attack but it seems like another proof that mankind only remember bad sides of persons and not the good sides.



My post isn't just to be harsh and rude toward devs, the steel warband visions is really awesome, and my opinion is wanting to see more visions than more strikes. Because I can complete visions, not the case with strike, and I feel like I have a STOP sign in front of me. And I'm required to do a lot of them to have prophet crystal shards to unlock the chest and anything it may contains, including items tied to a collection.

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I have begged for something like Toxic Tower again for years. This is similar, so thank you. But it is not as repeatable. I do like the idea of event stories open to public squad however, would be nice if it were repeatable in map like Toxic Tower again after.

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.

Actually there was communication on raid development as recent as early february of this year in the [message from Andrew Gray](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97028/a-message-from-andrew-gray/p1):

> - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, **the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract**.

To me that translates to _we can't afford to spend resources on raid development until we have more people raiding but hope to find them via strike missions_.

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> I have begged for something like Toxic Tower again for years. This is similar, so thank you. But it is not as repeatable. I do like the idea of event stories open to public squad however, would be nice if it were repeatable in map like Toxic Tower again after.


I mean, if you want a repeatable toxic tower, do the nightmare fractal.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > > Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike _required_ to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

> > > >

> > > > If you mean the Steelwarband stuff it's all just side story. It's similar to a dungeon to be honest just with public access.

> > >

> > > Dungeons were never required to complete the story with the exception of killing Zhaitan and Anet changed that to a soloable instance for the story. This is a step backwards.

> >

> > Yeah they were all side story stuff that tied into the main plot. This is this same. It's not main story like in an episode. Unless I am missing something, you don't need to do this either to progress the main plot which will pick up naturally in episode 3 after SAB. It will just fill in some past details. Like the dungeons did for the DE story arc


> It is different because this is a chapter in the story journal that can't be completed without doing it.


Seems like since we have level cap, every new content has to be even harder than before.

That is most likely why strike missions.


For me, its ok to NOT have even more challenge content, especially if its just story, just because its more challenging doesn't mean its enjoyable.


You can tell this by fractals, as in Swampland use to be straight to boss, but now you gotta fight both bosses. Molten Boss, you gotta clear extra adds before reaching the boss rather than a quick mini boss fight.

You can tell this by amount of things having to pay attention too, in the original story it was pretty much every mechanic from enemies, uses the same mechanics as every profession in the game, so easy to figure out what enemy is going to do. Then comes HoT, it brings breakbar, and enemies now do stuff professions dont do so never know whats going to happen, plus usually its just a giant aoe ring you have to avoid.


Then comes PoF, basically its bosses all they do is teleport all over the place, and drop several multiple aoes, at increasing rate, and of course the breakbar.


Sense lack of things to make stuff harder, they bring strike missions.


Keep in mind, this is just story, which is for casuals.

Casuals usually don't live on guild wars 2 wiki, and they keep making the content where they think people are raiders and constantly on guild wars 2 wiki and other like sources.


Also, its hard to pay attention to story when you have enemy teleporting and dropping several aoes 24/7. Now you have strike missions, people want to rush through it, so again, paying attention to story is gone. And no, people do not like waiting around listening for npc discussions for more than a minute.


If you ask me, the game with living story and story, needs to be toned down. Because in PoF I died 70% chance at every part of the story, meanwhile HoT it was 30% chance, and original storyline it was 5% chance. Its a storyline, I shouldn't be dying really.

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As the second story instance wasn't playable when I made the first post I'd like to add: I absolutely loved the Darkrime Delves mission (except that you can only do it once on one character because doing another run on a different character always disconnects you at the end). I really like the direction the new storywriting is heading. I noticed that overall things began to mature and now writers aren't too shy to even slip in mild profanity into the dialougue.

Also another great thing that I forgot to mention is the music. Oh God, the music! It's great! Especially the tracks where electric guitars were built in. I love how much the story but also the soundtrack has developed throughout the years.

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Has anyone noticed the subtle hints to expansion features this time around? :)


- Ride-able Tank by players, but named "[siege Devourer](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Devourer)" from GW1, movement not controllable yet

- Almorra (Guardian) in the 2nd part using a off hand sword, zig zag fire streak combos alongside the current games' [symbol of Blades](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Symbol_of_Blades) + modified version of what looks like [Zealot's defense](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_Defense), her movements are similar to an Assassin

- NPCs near Eye of the North portal named "[Paragon](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Paragon)", who used [spears](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spear) & shield on land in GW1

- Crystal reward mechanics to gain armor, similar to GW1 Factions' Jade and [Amber](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Amber_Mine) from [Competitive missions](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Competitive_Mission)


- Personally, was using a zero damage bunker Guardian healer build (too lazy to switch) during the second part in the ice cavern, suddenly able to use the greatsword as a 3rd weapon that synchronized with Guardian's fire damage, almost like a paladin, or [Warrior/Monk from GW1](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Wammo)

- [bangar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bangar_Ruinbringer) talking about controlling the Dragon's power to reach Cantha (pretty obvious)


Anyone else notice anything peculiar during this release? :)

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike _required_ to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.


> I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.


> Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.


Because gw2 is a MMORPG? Learn to enjoy the game with randoms, make a group and be in charge, if there is an idiot you can kick him, you will see achieving in group is much more rewarding than in solo.


Teamwork feels good.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Bubbuh.1386" said:

> > I just wanted to say, I'm really disappointed at the fact I cannot play and try out season one


> Why not? I'm confused, as we've got four Season 1 missions to play now.


Because the missions itself and that lead up to it spoil the next chapters, they're not actually season one itself, I want to be able to be introduced to everyone without having to spoil what I'm not up to date with?

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Since the public mission somehow didn't start, even with 8 people present, I tried to solo the squad mission. Worked perfectly.

I'm glad it's possible to do this solo. Thanks for that. I think to this day I have only ever seen the dungeon stories in youtube videos, since you just can't let a group stand around waiting while you watch dialogs in game. I was a bit worried it would be the same here, but it's fine.


So many interesting plot lines and setups. But sorry, I still don't care for Ryland. :lol:

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike _required_ to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

> >

> > I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

> >

> > Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.


> Because gw2 is a MMORPG? Learn to enjoy the game with randoms, make a group and be in charge, if there is an idiot you can kick him, you will see achieving in group is much more rewarding than in solo.


> Teamwork feels good.


Me personally, I do not mind having to group with others. But when the content is, not really difficult, but annoying. It's a huge drawback.

By annoying I mean, too many mechanics going on at once. Where its not really a dps check, its a dodge check every 3 seconds. That is super annoying. **Especially in story/living story where I expect to enjoy the story rather than frustration with so many mechanics going on.**

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Someone said it in another thread, but it seems there is ton of players struggling with the forgemen fight. I did easily 13 runs in public (10 persons), and nobody knows what is a CC bar, what the quaggan means CC and don't even understand "go tank, harpoon!". In addition of having not a lot of time left to finish the fight for the achiev quick fight, there is ton of mechanics; not hard sure, but nobody knows what to do: there is two anti-blast wall runes, during my last run players literally gathered around it in circle around them hesitating to press it... in same times, you have several persons in the tank spamming the three skills even if they don't have ammo. (BTW using harpoon, and so can't use it when we need it..) during the run the tank npc yell regularly saying the word harpoon when needed but nobody do it.

The worst case was when we was stuck in front of the giant dwarven door because nobody know we have to fire with the tank on weak points and then harpooning the gate.


For me it seems easy and clear what you have to do, but for 3/4 of the squad it's a total freestyle. Please add indicators like an arrow saying to gather to the tank to harpoon, splash texts to inform it's time for snipper/potion/killing challenge; spawning target on blast runes, and a big one on the whole screen "go in tank and harpoon now and not in 2 mins!".

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I really enjoyed the way that this release recalled the pattern of many original GW missions, especially the mission bonuses. It's enjoyable to pug right up until the Forgeman, at which point it's a coin flip, but when there are at least a few people in the group who understand how to use the tank, I find it a really satisfying fight. There's enough challenge to require a little attention to where I'm standing, so I don't dodge roll off the side, but I appreciate the forgiving waypoint for when that happens.


I do agree with the people surprised that armor repair is not an available upgrade, and I'm still hoping that a portal scroll is forthcoming at some point.

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